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Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] Empty Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo]

Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:21 pm
Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] HEADER

Getting seen was about as much of a struggle as he figured it would be. what with the city abuzz and more than busy with rebuilding and relief efforts, frankly Edelo was surprised they were able to see him as soon as they had. Making his way into the office, he took a moment to lightly run his hand through his hair, a soft sigh escaping him as he felt a slight tremor of nerves. He stood at the door and closed his eyes. One slow, steady breath as he settled, before putting on that calm smile and stepping through the door he'd been told to go through.

"Edelo Nakir." He introduced himself, promptly holding his hand out to shake as he took a moment to .... get a sense of the office he was in, and the red-haired man standing before him.
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Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] Empty Re: Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo]

Mon Nov 14, 2022 1:44 pm
Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] VaT3EEw

ALASTAIR EISFLUCH | Sternritter Administrator

Actual administration work was, quite humorously, something that Alastair found him doing less of now that he was an Administrator. Still, some duties could not escape him. Today was one such day, working through various different tasks in his office and trying to take his mind off matters outside of work. His room was tidy, as organised and compartmentalized as he was, and left little to glean for any wandering eyes. What few personal items he had were either mounted on the wall, where a few decorations awarded during the World War hung in a case, or on his desk, where a picture frame sat by his computer and faced away from any who entered.

Next on the docket was a recruitment meeting. He pulled up the file, glancing at a picture of Edelo before skimming through the details with a passing interest. Everything seemed to be in order, at least there were no glaring red flags. So, when the door opened and a man that looked every bit the spit of his profile image entered, Alastair stood and met the offered hand with a firm but brief shake.

"Mr Nakir, I presume? A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Administrator Eisfluch. Please, make yourself comfortable." His hand fell, motioning in the direction of a pair of chairs opposite him at the desk, "So, you have come to enlist in the Vandenreich?"

The Fire | END POST
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Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] Empty Re: Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo]

Mon Nov 14, 2022 1:56 pm
Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] HEADER

Edelo nodded softly, brows raising for just a moment when that voice sounded.... a lot more male than the first cursory glance would have told him. But thankfully he wasn't so nervous as to accidentally go checking. His powers and his focus were all in check. thank goodness. "A pleasure to meet you Sir." He noted before promptly taking the seat opposite of the man, taking a brief glance around the room to take things in before his attention shifted back to Alastair.

"Yes. I haven't been in the city for very long, admittedly, Something you've no doubt noted in my file. But what time I HAVE spent here has been volunteering to help after the Arrancar Attack. I think you'll find my supervisors can more than vouch for my work ethic." He noted calmly. A little anxious of course. He was, after all, a fullbringer Which was noted on his file. And though the Vandenreich had a reputation of inclusivity....well... you never really knew till you tried to get in.
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Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] Empty Re: Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo]

Mon Nov 14, 2022 9:56 pm
Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] VaT3EEw

ALASTAIR EISFLUCH | Sternritter Administrator

"Is that your reason for enlisting? The Arrancar Attack? You have come a long way from the foothills of the Fatherland."

The faintest vestiges of a smile danced across Alastair's lips as he too took his seat, settling down as he glanced at the screen for a half second before focusing in on Edelo. He reminded him of home, strangely enough, and that was something he had not seriously thought about in a little while. Not since he had finally begun to settle in this city.

"Volunteering to help in the relief efforts was an admirable gesture. Is that what you wish to do for the Vandenreich? There are several units within the Albedochiffren that would make use of an extra pair of hands, if that is all you wish to offer."

The Fire | END POST
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Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] Empty Re: Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo]

Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:30 pm
Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] HEADER

Edelo blinked for a moment at that and actually chuckled sheepishly. "Ah...ahah...well I wouldn't quite put it like that. " He admitted, rubbing the back of his head as he did. Notably quite a bit more...relaxed. The more he listened to Alastair talk, and the more he looked at him. It did remind him a lot of the folk back home, and it didn't take him long to realize that they probably shared a similar region. If not German, probably a neighboring country? All the same, he itched the back of his head. "Truth be told. Me and my Family came here to escape. Our village was beset by hollows. We didn't really live near any big cities with solid protections. This place is known as a safe place that welcomes all kinds of people. And well. When the arrancar attack happened. I kinda felt how safe it was." He admitted, closing his eyes for just a moment. Thinking back to that powerful twisted energy he'd felt.

"I could feel how strong it was when it attacked. I thought half the city would be gone. But when I went out to help. The damage was just confined to such a small area.... it was amazing." He murmured softly, before he looked back up to meet Alastair's gaze. "Even despite the attack. I could see just how safe this place really is. And I decided I wanted to help maintain that safety." He pointed out, straightening himself just a little. And ...pausing.

"I don't mind volunteering. I've done manual labor all my life, but I also understand that it's not just about what you CAN do. It's about what you do best..." He noted quietly. Taking ... a deep breath. "I don't mind focusing on relief efforts if that's where I'm needed. But my talents are... a bit tangent to that line of work. I'm a fighter. But I'm also a scout. My eyes are special. I can see through materials. Layer by layer. I can tell you what's on the other side of a tank, as well as what's inside the tank, or if there's a fuel line busted in a particular section of it. I used to just use it to check myself for injuries. But well. I understand that an ability like mine is far too useful not to use. I uh.... admit I don't know a lot about the structure of the Vandenreich. The pamphlets are ... a little vague. But..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple pamphlets... rifling through them before his face lit up in a smile, and he set one down on the desk. One featuring the Todgedstalten.

"This, I think, is where I was thinking I'd fit best." He admitted.
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Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] Empty Re: Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo]

Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:33 am
Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] VaT3EEw

ALASTAIR EISFLUCH | Sternritter Administrator

There was a genuine earnestness to Edelo that Alastair found refreshing, though he could hardly relate to it. He was a man who liked to use few words unless they truly needed to be spoken, where details were shared only when they held value, but he could tell that Edelo simply wanted to give him as much information as possible. It wasn't that he was simply talking for the sake of talking, and that was a skill that many of his coworkers could learn from.

"It is a long way to travel, with all your family too, but the City of Lights will always welcome refugees from all across the world. There is safety and strength in this community, even when some might wish to try to tear us down."

His recruitment spiel had been improving over the years, not that he had spoken anything that he did not believe to be an absolute fact. As Edelo described his powers, though, Alastair simply sat there and offered the occasional nod of affirmation. It was good to have more fighters, truthfully they could use all the help they could get.

"Those are skills that the Todgestalten could definitely put to use, as they often handle covert reconnaissance operations. Though do not discount the other divisions on a few pamphlets. During training, all recruits are educated on the three wings of the Vandenreich and the many different roles that one can serve therein. A gifted Fullbringer like yourself should have no trouble with any of these lines of work."

Embers And Ashes | END POST
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Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] Empty Re: Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo]

Wed Nov 16, 2022 1:45 am
Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] HEADER

Edelo blinked, staring for a moment before suddenly smiling nervously. "OH! I uh... I admit, I'm still not familiar with the process. I thought that we had to have an idea of where we wanted to go before joining. But you're right. Certainly, if I can join and then be placed after basic training, that'd certainly be a much better position to make an educated position, I guess." He conceded sheepishly, feeling..... almost immediately a bit silly that he had .... uh..... perhaps gotten a bit ahead of himself. Still, Alastair didn't seem to be coming off as if Edelo had made a mistake or anything, and so he didn't worry too much.

"If noting else, I'd like a chance to give it a try. Uhm..... is there....anything else I need to do? Some sort of ....entrance....test... or ...something?" He ventured. This was indeed a far cry from work at the village, where one would simply just up and grab a shovel, so to speak.
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Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] Empty Re: Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 7:02 am
Building Back Up [Alastair, Edelo] VaT3EEw

ALASTAIR EISFLUCH | Sternritter Administrator

"You can have an idea, certainly. Many think they already know when they arrive, but the training period will see them on the right path."

A hand swept locks of red hair from his face as Alastair gazed across at the man. Bemused by his interest in the Todgestalten, he typed out a few particular notes before continuing with his explanation.

"Basic training is mandatory for all prospective members of the Vandenreich, of course, and will be your first assignment. But if you have combat experience then you will advance quickly, if you believe you have such talent then it will not be long before you are moving on."

He thought back to his own days as a recruit before the war had forced them to adopt a much more aggressive strategy, now they had returned to those more stable practices. Still, he could recall those clandestine moments on the front lines too, teaching inexperienced Quincy how to best use their spirit weapons because the boot camp had put them into the field long before they were ready.

"Now, there's plenty of paperwork for you to go through. Take your time to read it all, then sign and return it."

Embers And Ashes | END POST
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