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Fri Sep 24, 2021 3:12 am

Keep Pushing! (Shunsui, Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 304

Hono was training almost none stop as of recent, but truth be told she was quite discouraged, she wasn't sure if she was getting anywhere... She left as if she wasn't getting any stronger, but nonetheless, she had to keep it up! Grabbing her Zanpakuto she left her room, heading towards her usually training spot. she had to turn her frustration into motivation! She walked quickly, ignoring any distractions that might have come along the way.

Here she stood, looking at the training dummy in front of her, gripping her Zanpakuto tightly for just a moment, her fingers would loosen getting a comfortable grip on the purple hilt. With one deep breath, she began, slashing at the dummy with her blade. Striking it from the left, and right, up and down. Her slashes lacked a lot of power, however, she was quick, able to land many slashes. After about 10 minutes of sword practice, she would move on to physical exercise. Resting her Zanpakuto against the base of the dummy, before getting down in a pushup position.

With that, it was onto the second part of her workout/training. She pushed herself up and down with her arms. Knowing that her attacks lacked that oomph, it was time to train her strength! Whilst pushing up and down, she would speak to her Zanpakuto often, nothing noteworthy, just a casual comment every so often. Maybe that would get the spirit to start talking to Hono. So far she has had no luck! If she gave up though she would be letting her family and Abalia down. So it was just time to push harder!

Hono couldn't stop pondering just what kind of powers her Zapakuto held inside. Hopefully something impressive! She wanted to be useful so a powerful Zanpakuto would no doubt help the Gotei!

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Keep Pushing! (Shunsui, Hono) Empty Re: Keep Pushing! (Shunsui, Hono)

Sun Sep 26, 2021 4:15 pm


Kyoraku Shunsui

Keep Pushing! (Shunsui, Hono) 6EdIfMt

Song: Mysterious [Bleach OST] - Artist: Shiro Sagisu

Shunsui stood watching the seemingly new Shinigami for quite some time before he decided to make any movements. He noticed that her form was, while not entirely inept, quite juvenile in nature. She had quite a way to go before her swordsmanship would be anything other than ordinary. She also appeared to be doing some strength training, and although he didn't imagine that it would be very beneficial, he couldn't help but commend the effort. It seemed there were too many Shinigami these days who were content with where they were, and had no desire to improve themselves further. Obviously he wasn't a fan of this mindset, and so to see a new young Shinigami push themselves to improve was a nice change.

After a moment he decided he would see if she wanted to take her training to another level. It wasn't like he had much to do today anyway. With that in mind, he walked over the the young Shinigami and began to speak in the playful tone that was so ever common with him.

"You're trying to get stronger, young lady? I'm not sure if you'll see much of a result that way, but I must say that I respect the effort. Perhaps I can help you, if you really want to progress?"

Shunsui waited patiently for her response, realizing that he hadn't actually come up with any specific training program. Oh well, the usual would probably be good enough. After all, how many Shinigami had be been in charge of over the years? Specifics could always be altered when the need arose. Things could be made easier or more difficult along the way, depending on the subject. For some reason, however, Shunsui felt that this young woman could prove to have more potential than average. Or perhaps not. It was hard to tell.

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Keep Pushing! (Shunsui, Hono) Empty Re: Keep Pushing! (Shunsui, Hono)

Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:06 am

Keep Pushing! (Shunsui, Hono) 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 169

Quickly surprised, Hono shot up from the ground, turning to see the tall Shinigami suddenly talking with her. His way of dressing was... unique? The pink-haired girl would soon eye him up and down, studying his appearance. Who even was he? She shrugged and soon open her mouth. "Yeah..." She kept her answer brief, bending over and grabbing her Zanpakuto. Placing it back on her hip.

"Tryin' to make my Captain proud." Placing a head on her forehead she sighed. "Feel like I've hit a brick wall. All the others are light years ahead of me. I try and train every day but I... just can't get stronger..." She was clearly frustrated. "Oh, Um... Names Hono, First Divison!" She briefly introduced herself to the man in front of her.

Getting advice couldn't hurt. "You got any tips? You seem pretty old, so I'm sure you got to experience" Quite the passive-aggressive comment. "I'm not looking for some, get strong quick scheme, I know it'll take a while, but anything helps..."

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