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The Naysayers Empty The Naysayers

Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:51 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

Solhammond’s eyes ignited into crimson, widening as he felt energy begin to gather on energy towards them. The world seemed to slow down as he took a breath adopting his fighting stance, feet widening. His hands closed tightly into fists, before he pictured an enemy before him. A leading jab, stepping toward he’d seek to punch this invisible target before using the same hand to grab their fist jerking down. This would open the invisible enemy guard open, before he stepped outward sending a high kick towards the side of their head. It was picture perfect, and if it was a normal person would clean their bell.

But for Sol he saw the mistakes, the ever so much lost balance, the slowness, power lost from lack of rotation, etc. His eyes opened as he relaxed a bit, jumping up and down to ease his muscles. He was training alone, trying to prepare for his heroes license. Chidori, should be coming to find him some time soon.


The Naysayers JfH75kA
The Naysayers H8Tyk70
Thicc Boi
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The Naysayers Empty Re: The Naysayers

Sat Jan 18, 2020 9:48 pm
And find him she did.

Prior to her arrival, Chidori was making some food for them to eat, packing as if it were a picnic or something because they did plan to be out for most of the day. During that process, she realized that she was an inexperienced cook but somehow what she made came out alright. This explained why she walked up to him with a bag in hand.

"Hey babe, what's up? You look like you've been busy. Not working too hard I hope."

The Naysayers Sumera-character-list
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The Naysayers Empty Re: The Naysayers

Sat Jan 18, 2020 10:23 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Working as hard as ever."

The man replied with some gruffness, not towards her but from the general strain he felt. As he took a single step throwing another high kick in the air, holding it, before pulling his knee back to throw another one. He was sweating a bit, shirt off of course, as he lowered his leg down. His hair was in a bun, too. He'd finally look towards her, offering a thankfuly smile as he walked towards, placing callous hands on her own as he sought to take the bag. He appreciated the thought.

"Still got some training to do, but glad to see you."


The Naysayers JfH75kA
The Naysayers H8Tyk70
Thicc Boi
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The Naysayers Empty Re: The Naysayers

Sat Jan 18, 2020 10:58 pm
"You better be. I wouldn't have it any other way." She said this in response to him being glad to see her, Chidori would have a few words for him if he started to be annoyed by her, mainly because she enjoyed being around him so much. It would be the equivalent of him breaking up with her, basically. Anyways, he never told her why they were going to meet up here or what he was doing. The response of "training" was as informative as one imagined it to be, and she was going to chew him out over text but instead decided to show up in person.

"You making any progress you happy with or you gonna need me to whip you into shape?" She jokingly punched his arm while handing him the bag. "Uh, be careful with that. In there is some lasagna, a shitty excuse for lava cake, and potato salad. Don't go throwing that around or else some of those words are going to change pace, and I don't know about you, but I'm not personally a fan of lava salad and potato cake."

The Naysayers Sumera-character-list
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The Naysayers Empty Re: The Naysayers

Sat Jan 18, 2020 11:27 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"I full on need you to give me the training montage ass kicking, Chidori."

He'd reply full stop before slowly placing the food down in a safe place, under a tree more likely, before walking towards her. The man seemed to genuinely be asking for her help with a fire in his eyes, something she rarely saw. With the arrival of the child months away he wanted nothing more than to once again prove himself to her, and this time the world. So with his power having become stagnant, he was going to do everything in his power to increase past his limits.

So with that he'd step back waiting, crossing his arms. "I need the good shit." He'd offer a cheeky grin to his beautiful lover.


The Naysayers JfH75kA
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The Naysayers Empty Re: The Naysayers

Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:06 am
It was odd that he seemed so riled up about this, but she was glad he was this way. Seemed like he was actually enjoying what he was doing, and if he was happy then she was happy too.

"Oh my Sol. Here? In public?" She was joking around with him, she couldn't help herself. It was fun teasing him and he was always a good sport about it, so she's never really had a reason to stop. She did pause for a moment, considering whether or not she was going to train with him. Chidori could use a little training with her Hakuda and up her general speed as well, and he seemed close enough to her level of strength that it wouldn't be that crazy of a difference.

"Fine alright. Though I hope you'll feel good about either beating up your pregnant girlfriend or losing a fight to your pregnant girlfriend." A grin was plastered on his face. "C'mon, hands up big shot. Show me what you got."

The Naysayers Sumera-character-list
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The Naysayers Empty Re: The Naysayers

Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:18 am

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

"Uhhh is the safe? For the kid?"

The man would question putting up his hands slowly, if only to guard himself if she decided to fuck him up. But the smile never left his face, backing up slightly. It was nice having her here, training with him like this. Even though they where living pretty crazy lives he felt good to be living it with her. With that being said, he'd speak once more.

"You sure you don't want to just direct me?" He'd laugh.


The Naysayers JfH75kA
The Naysayers H8Tyk70
Thicc Boi
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The Naysayers Empty Re: The Naysayers

Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:28 am
"It's safe for the kid as long as you don't punch me in the stomach, dick head. I'm only in my first trimester, I still got some bite left in me." Speaking of which, there's a noticeable bump forming around her stomach area. She hates bringing it up and hates when people bring it up (besides Sol), mainly because she doesn't want to feel like she's getting old. Normally people don't have kids until later down the line in life yet here she was, with her boyfriend of two months with a baby inside of her.

Anyways, she threw out a punch as fast as she could towards him but purposely grazed his elbow. He'd probably notice how bad her form was as well; punching wasn't really her strong suit. She was much more of a kicking person because that's was what she was trained with, but because of the baby it was going to be kind of hard moving how she used to.

"What, you want me to direct you into an ass whoopin'?"

The Naysayers Sumera-character-list
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Morph OTY
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The Naysayers Empty Re: The Naysayers

Sun Jan 19, 2020 7:11 pm

Solhammond Palliser | THE MOON CUTTER

Well she seemed to make a good point and that was enough for him.

As she came towards him the man would respond in kind, a quick jab being thrown out with an open palm. Seeing as she grazed his elbow this would make it far too easier for his hand to be pressed into her collarbone, gripping it tightly. Tightening his arm he'd hold her back firmly, before giving a shove which would ideally make her stumble for a second. His left foot would turn outwards as he'd begin to raise his right knee towards her midsection before it would snap upwards toward's her head.

Provided the kick landed, it was almost deceiving in it's power. At first it made you think he was aiming for her thigh, but the sudden sharp turn would smack them in the forehead. With his power activated, the kick wouldn't actually hurt that much instead setting up for something else.



The Naysayers JfH75kA
The Naysayers H8Tyk70
Thicc Boi
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The Naysayers Empty Re: The Naysayers

Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:44 am
Chidori has seen enough of Sol's matches to know what this move was, meaning she was prepared for it. What she wasn't prepared for was the grabbing of her should, something she let completely slip through her defenses because it caught her off guard. When the kick came around, she brought her hand up to the top of her head and her other hand to her elbow, meaning that his leg would connect with her forearm, lessening the blow.

Chidori would try to set up for her next attack by dodging to the side opposite of his kick, moving away from his extended leg and towards his open side. She focused on her guard more, waiting to see what he was going to do next and attack at the first opening.

The Naysayers Sumera-character-list
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