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When the Levee Breaks - Page 3 Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks

Sun Sep 08, 2019 2:33 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Time was the essence here as he didn't know the layout yet. But he had a plan in mind for those coming in. Takehiko jumped through quickly weaving his hands creating a kido net. Hiding it beneath the layer of Kyokko another spell. Making it look like he was merely flailing his arms around. In truth, a web had been made by him. This would stick to those who ran into it and it blocked the way in. Takehiko knew the next part of his plan would tire him a considerable amount. But he intended to weave together two spells and burn these people. He couldn't be kind at this moment in time. With the web in place, he prepared himself for combat now. Entrusting Abi to handle his back now as he attempted to fight the front battle. Next came waiting for a moment for them to rush forward. The web could hold a good thirty or so men. But next came the conclusion of his spell weaving. On his hand was a line connecting him to the net. Fushibi was the name given to the spell, but it combined a higher tier spell.

One he knew but his energy supply would suffer using this and it would create a backlash. Bringing his hand towards the connection he released a crimson glow that shot towards the net and those entangled. It would blast backward hitting any in that direction. He would need to not use anything that strong again, draining his energy supply was unwise. Drawing his zanpakuto he breathed softly and prepared himself for combat. Takehiko had gotten one good move off, but it didn't mean he was home free. Gently he brought his other hand out ready to cast spells and fight like a spell blade. Not having yet dawned his mask since he didn't think about it... It was certainly something he hides rather well. Takehiko inhaled a breath trying to find a sense of focus with his breathing. He didn't know how many of them he caught in his initial attack. They were very dangerous of course and not to be taken lightly. So best to be ready with his arrey of kido.


No time to react was given as the two people burst into his headquarters. One of them had distracted him long enough for the other to handle him. She came at him with a leap and bound moving quickly. She was far faster than your average person. Did he have enough time to activate his zanpakuto was the question? Kitakaze only required a moment but he guessed it wouldn't be easy. She'd emerged after the young man who flailed in the room. It was a problem at the speed she came in. Through a tear of all things within his office space. His hand went down to his zanpakuto to react to it. But he wouldn't get away without scratches on this retreat. She'd come in with such skill and stealth that none outside saw her. Where were his men at this moment in time, what had happened to the people he paid? Pain shot through his right arm having pivoted with his left foot. He'd not been able to jump out of the way of her hands. Leading to a hand landing on his right appendage. No time to speak as he only had moments to do something. "Blow Kitakaze" He said the words quickly through gritted teeth.

Her attack had been successful as the north wind blew around him. Steadily freezing the ground around him. Creating a wind like barrier of artic wind around his body. Panting a bit he took stock of his injuries trying to figure out if he still had a right arm. Blinding pain was all he felt from that region but the freezing wind of his zanpakuto had come to his aid. So hopefully he could push her back quickly. This wasn't going to be an easy time for him he guessed these two were part of a cell of some sort. She was far too good to be just a random intruder, that much was sure.
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When the Levee Breaks - Page 3 Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks

Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:21 pm

When the Levee Breaks - Page 3 7L69wmz

In the blink of an eye, the room had descended into chaos much the same as what was currently happening outside. Magic filled the air as one individual shaped reality to his whim, and the lone swordsman at the center of it all clashed violently with the monster that had leapt out of the tear in space. Walls and guards? These meant nothing to the dead, and his reliance on them would be his downfall.

The five men reacted only as quickly as they could to the sudden intrusion, each armed with a Thompson submachine gun loaded with rounds capable of harming spirits as well as the living. However, trained wizards were far outside their pay grade, as a net of invisible energy plastered them to the walls, then exploded. One or two had managed to squeeze off several rounds into the room, but there'd been no chance to aim.

Like the Kuchiki, Abigaíl had been successful in her own ambush. Moving more quickly than the untrained eye could see, she landed heavily upon her target and relished in the feel of tissue breaking down underneath her grip. She'd only managed to catch his right wrist, however, and the brunt of his shikai's power hit her in the coming moments.

It was cold. It stung like hell. She gritted her teeth behind her mask, and through her other half's powers of regeneration, pushed through the chill that reached down to her bones. Her feet landed upon unseen platforms untouched by the ice below, and her one free hand shot again for the man's left hand. Her touch was debilitating enough without considering the inherent fragility of the hand, and if she'd managed to catch his fingers, there would be no more fighting back.

A stray bullet grazed her shoulder, and Abigaíl hissed in pain with her monstrous voice. As the tissue merely knitted itself back together however, the chelicerae of her mask parted and flexed, revealing rows of sharp teeth that certainly would never belong to a human underneath. Her whole body lurched forward with her right hand, seeking to sink her teeth into the man's flesh to end this quickly. Throat, shoulder, arm or chest; it didn't matter where she drew blood...

... Only that she did, for her venom would replace whatever was lost, and break down the man's body from the inside.

Outside the room, footsteps echoed as a crowd raced towards the pair of intruders. Whether to protect their leader or to seek his help with the woman outside was up for debate, but each was armed well enough to bring down an ordinary soldier.


When the Levee Breaks - Page 3 Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks

Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:58 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

He didn't know what to do the amount coming in called for something. Something larger as he felt a shiver along his spine. Sokatsui was the answer to this question. Hadō 33, a favorite of the Kuchiki Clan. His uncle was said to be capable of unleashing one capable of damaging bankais. How much power did he need to execute this technique? He didn't know the answer to that as he extended his right hand outwards. Speaking now he began an incantation having to prepare himself for pain. " Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams, unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws, Hadō 33 Sokatsui!" Takehiko had taken the risk and gamble now. Generating on his palm was a torrent of blue energy. That quickly discharged a massive blast of blue flames towards them. It was huge and even burned the Kuchiki boy's palm. He'd not been ready to release two such kido in short time. Wincing in pain after he released the Sokatsui as his uncle and aunt had.

His hand trembled as he fought back tears from the pain. The skin had been seared with burns from his using the spell. Breathing heavily as he taxed himself greatly moving his eyes towards the man. She needed help and he couldn't do much with his right hand damaged. Bringing his hand upwards he winced as he looked. He could use one or two more kido at most at the moment. Takehiko's hand hurt badly and exhaustion was setting in. Firing those kido spells had passed past the youngster's energy level a while ago. Heaving breathes left him as he brought his sword up now. Preparing to fight in a melee since he couldn't just fire another spell off yet. Taking stock of his injury came first and foremost here. He'd not been struck by any bullets. By luck or perhaps poor aim but it was the best he could do.

Leader: The kid had used a spell that was explosive taking out some of his guys. But his arm's damage was bad from that acidic touch of hers. He needed distance and now. His right arm was beyond damaged and useless at the moment. His left hand gripped his zanpakuto before one technique. Negative Zero was the name of the technique that came from him now. The closer one was the faster the bodies would freeze. As a layer of energy went outwards slowly freezing things close to him. With a major blast of air, hurricane-strength winds with enough power to throw around beings spiritual or otherwise. Part of the room had been ripped up and blown backward. The icy hung from the ceiling as the man winced his right arm barely usable. Tendons had been burned to make this arm a hunk of meat now. Thankfully his zanpakuto didn't require him to swing it at anyone. Having stepped back to stop her attempted lurch at him. Keeping his left arm safe and letting the technique slam into her. Her body would have to fight against over one hundred miles an hour winds. He couldn't go down too easily before his men. Not with this girl and runt in here, not with what loomed overhead.
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When the Levee Breaks - Page 3 Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks

Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:25 pm

When the Levee Breaks - Page 3 7L69wmz

Just as the reinforcements had reached the room where their leader was doing battle with two intruders, the doorway belched a great gout of blue flame that claimed the lives of several of the braver, and stupider men. Those who had been spared by the presence of the wall passed for just long enough that their leader began to wield his power in earnest.

None dared to approach the room again while fire and ice both raged inside.

Meanwhile, Abigaíl found herself thrown about the room like a rag doll by the impossibly strong winds. Lubricated by the goo that had once been the man's skin, he slipped out of her grasp as she was flung backwards. Several pieces of furniture, and one body that had become untangled from the Kuchiki's net had the misfortune of breaking against her, though the latter did succeed in knocking the wind out of the flying brunette.

For several seconds, it was all she could do to bear the abuse she was subjected to, until the grace of her own luck managed to squeeze her into a corner at the top of the room. Aided by her corrosive energies, her fingers sank deep into the walls and anchored her into place. Her black and golden eyes settled furiously on the man wielding his shikai at the center of the storm.

"War, get down!" They had neglected to discuss code names, but in the midst of the situation, it was all she could think of to do not to call him by his actual name. That was, if her voice could even be heard over the howling winds. Even if it couldn't, however, the tell-tale red glow exuding from the ball of pure death that was being constructed by her chelicerae just in front of her mouth would be warning enough for anyone.

Just as much as her corrosive touch, hers and her other half's prowess with Cero were catastrophic when they wished. In such an enclosed space, the blast would be extremely difficult to avoid, and if she was lucky, she might stop the winds altogether.

The howling of the raging winds and the voices from outside the room were immediately drowned out by the massive torrent of energy she unleashed, with the sole purpose for its existence standing in the very center of its reach. Of course, she couldn't promise Takehiko his safety in all of this, but he'd known the risks before coming.


When the Levee Breaks - Page 3 Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks

Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:03 pm

The Silent Kuchiki

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko's body felt pain as he drew upon what well of energy he had left. His frame wavered for a moment almost collapsing. Takehiko's vision was blurry from the exhaustion of using two techniques well passed his limitations. The crimson blast of Shakkaho was potent but so too was that blue flame of the Kuchiki Clan. Takehiko's eyes caught a glimpse of the man blasted away. Sent flying out of the building as rubble began to fall around him. Takehiko had realized something important now as his vision waned. Reaching out his hand towards Abi he wanted to stop her. But she wouldn't be here as long as butterflies wrapped around his body. Covering him from head to two in fluttering he fell into a deep sleep. "...Famine." He'd said it to Abi once or twice before falling over. Trying to see her location and blocking that blast. Only one location remained unscorched from the blast. Where he'd been located at. As those butterflies flew him off returning him to Jezebel. Others came scanning for Abi who'd departed to locations unknown. Jezebel could only smirk outside of the place.

But a revelation had been made when one ventured outside. The men she'd hit with her Shikai were in a deep sleep. She'd not killed anyone in the group. Leaving all of them alive. Jezebel had sworn off killing long ago and would only do it if Pestilence told her. No such orders were present on this day. So these men and women sho stole children would sleep. She also took care to gather information on the children for her task. Another day they would go return these children to their home. Or perhaps a place existed within the Unabara for them as well.

Leader: He'd had little time to react before she'd thrown that cero out at him. Creating an updraft with his wind he blew himself outside of the building. Losing his right arm along the way as he sat up. The boss wasn't going to like their operation being hit like this. Wincing he laid on the ground coughing softly. That woman had caught him off guard and his people were dead. This was annihilation by someone. This operation was in danger and so was he now. He'd failed as he sat gripping his sword with his left hand. Having only one arm left and a multitude of injuries. He was a dead man that was the one thing for sure. Stabbing his zanpakuto into the ground he reached into his pocket. Pulling a small capsule out and putting it into his mouth. Sitting he waited now by his sword deciding to break it or not. This was special poison cyanide that could kill even shinigami. Had he ever failed he was to ingest this or suffer consequences. Well, his arm was missing some crazy hollow chick came in. The entire thing felt like a bad movie. Next came the part where someone came to lecture him. To scare him into submission, a thing of it was. He was a two-bit player in a much bigger game. He was gonna die regardless of what happened here. The ones above him didn't tolerate failure or connections to him.

Hiding the pill in his mouth though still able to break it if such a thing came to pass. He'd lost a lot of things during today and least of all was the merchandise if they found those kids. He would be better off dead in that situation.
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When the Levee Breaks - Page 3 Empty Re: When the Levee Breaks

Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:43 pm

When the Levee Breaks - Page 3 7L69wmz

When the dust had settled and the rubble no longer fell, hardly anything of the room was left. Much of the improvised complex, as well, had been decimated by the blast of red death. The orchestrator, or so she'd been lead to believe, lay on the ground, bleeding out from the missing arm she was quite proud to have inflicted.

Abigaíl stood before the man and his sword, and tossed her own aside. Her shoulders heaved with her heavy breathing, each echoing and hissing with the power she had and still wielded. Though physical strength held her up, she was exhausted. She had spent a lot of energy to produce that Cero, and now, the hunger she had never seemed able to satisfy was like her other half had once been, clawing at her mind from all sides.

Behind her cracked and weakening mask, she licked her lips. Reason had all but left her. Her promise to Ulv was forgotten. Looking down on the man with his wide, fearful eyes, she quite enjoyed this. She lurched forward with her enhanced speed, and before his jaw could break the little pill he had hidden in his mouth, her fingers broke his front teeth and held his mouth open just enough to keep him alive.

In the time spent living blissfully in Minatumi, she'd forgotten how sweet screams of fear and pain could be. This was nothing new for her, of course. It was merely a side of her she had never let others see, not when they could get away, at least. The chelicerae of her mask parted to reveal her tired grin, and her free hand held painfully to the bleeding stump where his arm used to be.

"Not yet. Not until I'm satisfied." She chuckled as the corrosive nature of her touch burned him and stopped the bleeding. She could even feel his tongue wither until the barest graze from her fingers. "I've been trying to be good, for her. I really have. I wanted to, even. It's been hell at times, but I... I tried to change."

She pulled her hand away from the burnt stump, and dragged a finger across his chest, tearing and burning away his clothes to expose the flesh underneath. "But...

"People like us don't change, do we?" He shook his head furiously, too scared to worry about being burned more and unable to call out and beg for help. It was disappointing how easily he had been beaten, and rendered nothing more than a slab of meat under her hand. Takehiko had said he was at a Vice-Captain's level of strength, but clearly, he had been wrong.

"Thank you for keeping this between us." Her grin widened genuinely, then turned malicious as her chelicerae flexed themselves. He shook and cried as her teeth sank deeply into his body, then fell silent as her venom did its work. The body broke, utterly and completely, and for just a few moments as she drank what was left, she was... happy.

Truly and joyously happy, and so very relieved.

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