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Morph OTY
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"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Left_bar_bleue174500/99999"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty "You may be done with war, but it's not done with you."

Sat Feb 23, 2019 9:22 pm



"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." 6EdIfMt

This was not a conversation Hayden wanted, nor was it one he could avoid any longer.

To say that Hayden was particularly joy'd to meet with Hakai again under these circumstances was only partially wrong. He truly did enjoy his previous talk with the man but there was always a looming notion over the two, words said that would prove true. He did not wish to bring this burden to Hakai but the simple fact was it would come, and it would either be Hayden delivering or the thundering sound of war drums. Thus, it stood to reason the king would find himself out the temporary motel of Hakai. It was not hard to find him.

His attire was business casual, a slightly wrinkled suit that had throughout the days activites became less pristine. His zanpakatou hung loosely to his waist kept on by a tied red sash, contrasting against his black and white attire. A shallow breath was taken as he knocked on it, expecting a response. The sun was setting against his backdrop, with it a cold african night on it's tail. It seemed fitting to come and talk with Hakai at this dusk hour, for tonight Hayden was effectively bringing a close to one age of both of their lives.

So with a bitter-sweet thought upon his mind, he could only wait with baited breaths. The vibrant emerald eyes of his waiting to meet with a man who he understood all to well, and all too little. To perhaps, deliver some of the worst news he could ever wish to hear.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." JfH75kA
"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." H8Tyk70
Joined : 2011-02-25
Posts : 2112
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"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Left_bar_bleue0/0"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty Re: "You may be done with war, but it's not done with you."

Sat Feb 23, 2019 10:14 pm



"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." JCRrxmK

There was a chill in the air as of late. It wasn't from the wind, nor the cool weather than began to overtake the continent of Africa, no. It was like a feeling. And that feeling ran down Hakai's spine and shook him to his core. The Vizard King couldn't place his finger on it exactly, and every moment he spent in Vastime up until this point had been amazing. Hospitable, beautiful. Everything he had wanted for his daughter. Yet... he couldn't shake that feeling. It sat in the back of his mind, and he lived on constant alert.

The day was coming to an end, and the dusk horizon of Vastime splintered rays of light across his body as he made his way back to the hotel he and Hana were staying at. In his arm was a plastic bag filled to the brim with crabs, lobsters and all sorts of market goods. Strung over his shoulder was a fishing rod, and hugging his body tightly wasn't his normal red overcoat, but instead a black outergarmet that acted as a poncho. Forever on his hand, the golden tinted Zanpakuto rested between the fabrics. Without so much as a nod of acknowledgement, Hakai walked straight past the king of Vastime whom had knocked on the door to his room.

"I'd ask how you found me, but I'd imagine the king of Vastime has his ways."

His voice was deep as always, and for a moment peered over the back of his shoulder to give a sly smile to Hayden. He truly enjoyed this man's company, and while their last visit had been cut short, he no longer had his daughter by his side - and the two of them could speak freely as men.

His arm reached forward and pushed the door open softly, and both the men were immediately hit with a beautiful orange skyline from the open window. The room itself was about five stories high, but overlooked the seafront market in which Hakai had spent the day both fishing and buying goods. With a single hand motion, he gestured Hayden to step inside.

"So what did I do to earn your presence this time? Hana isn't here if you're looking for her."

Immieditedly unpacking his goods onto the counter before him, Hakai kept his gaze down onto his food as he said these words. He had a feeling. A truly horrible gut feeling that from the attire, the general presence he radiated, this was not a visit of choice, but necessity. Yet he hoped. He hoped with all his heart.

"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Ap8OoJO

Seasoned Member
Morph OTY
Joined : 2015-06-08
Posts : 1802

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"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Left_bar_bleue174500/99999"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty Re: "You may be done with war, but it's not done with you."

Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:58 pm



"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." 6EdIfMt

A thin lipped smile seemed to come over his face as he heard Hakai, as if flooded with previous emotions. Perhaps the presence of the battle-worn soul of who he shared a commonality with eased his troubles, enough to offer a smile. There was a serene beauty about Hakai, that he wasn't a man consumed by war anymore but one who managed to claw out a small home in Vastime. That in some strange way the nomadic Hakai might've found a little piece of peace within the lands Hayden helped grow. In doing this, a kinship had formed which required no words of affirmation only the most subtle of expressions.

But he wasted no time to step inside allowing Hakai to get comfortable, his gaze drifting to the wonderful orange haze outside. "I hope she's doing ok, beautiful woman that she is. Letting her fly the coup to learn a bit about the world?" He'd question as if to ease the tension, knowing for a fact that someone like her would need to go into the world. In order to prepare for both the long life ahead of her, and so that Hakai could see her grow. For as much as he wished to protect her, they both knew what the world was actually like. But in this dark and cold world, there was much good to experience and she would never experience it in totality with the looming presence of Hakai.

Yet, for a moment Hayden eyes seemed to focus outside. He could not meet Hakai's gaze yet, for if he did it would give away his intentions. There where few times in Hayden's life where he could not conceal that raw pool of emotion he felt and this happened to be one. Perhaps it was because he knew he was about to ask the impossible of a man. So he settled on the hazy appearance of outside, jaw tight as emerald eyes closed. A hard breath was taken resolving himself, before turning to look at Hakai.

The vibrant emerald eyes of Hayden seemed to meet with the stoney maroon eyes of Hakai. In that moment, he would know. He would know this visit was not one Hayden wanted, nor was it something he wanted to say. In this talk between men who had seen so much, they neither where ready for the next exchange they would have. But it was needed, and like the men of war they where, they would perform their duties.

"I must admit, Hakai, I am not here because I want to be. I am here because I have to, because I made a promise to you many days ago." His own baritone voice seemed soft, a tiredness to it. There was no vigor or excitement. The simple fact remained that the very conversation they where about to have violated so many principles, that to perhaps drag this man back into a war he had earned the right to forget. It was fucking absurd. Yet. Here he was.

"In three days, the world will change forever. In three days, a war will happen which shall shake everything we have fought for and it will either make or break the future of Vastime." Despite the tiredness of his voice, there was a steel to it. This was not arbitrary, this was not a war because of pettiness. This was a war for the very survival of everything they had come to hold dear. "And as I told you many days ago, there will come a point where neutrality simply isn't a choice. Where war will come to these shores, where death will extend his hand. And I would think myself a lesser man if I did not warn you, if I did not.. if I did not ask you to reconsider your neutrality."

Thus, he spoke the impossible. Thus he asked the impossible.

"You have seen the future I've worked towards. Now I come to ask the impossible. Because, I have no choice in the matter."

His voice seemed a whisper, but it was spoke loudly. It was spoken with the utmost conviction of a man torn between his friend, and his principles.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." JfH75kA
"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." H8Tyk70
Joined : 2011-02-25
Posts : 2112
Age : 28
Location : Nowhere

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"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Left_bar_bleue0/0"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty Re: "You may be done with war, but it's not done with you."

Sun Feb 24, 2019 6:07 am



"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." JCRrxmK

There was a timid nature to Hayden's presence here. He was strong, and presented himself as a king should, but Hakai could feel the nervous and somber mood that radiated off him. From wearing such attire to a simple visit, all the way down to how his eyes connected to his own dark red iris. Yet, despite his nervous feelings, all in all Hakai was excited to see Hayden once again. They were two men who were very similar in a way, but on two opposite ends of the spectrum for most of their lives. Hakai represented chaos in his former life, and Hayden always upheld a level of hope, but in the end they both had that passion, that drive, to continue on and change the world. But the nomad's fire had been extinguished for far too long.

"She cannot learn and see the world with me always watching over her shoulder. She's strong enough to handle herself."

Though he spoke of confidence about Hana, there was clearly a part of his tone that was deeply worried. Still unpacking, Hakai had eventually grabbed the entirety of a lobster from his bag and slammed it upon the counter before him.

Perhaps if he was a different man he would be excited about this. Maybe if he was still young, with the fiery will to destroy his enemies, he would join Hayden in an instant. But he wasn't that man anymore. He felt it in his gut that the next few words would tear him apart, and the moment he admitted he wasn't here for a casual visit, his stomach began to sink. He had stopped moving, and his gaze shifted even further down. He couldn't feel the emotional strength in his body to look Hayden in the eyes right now.

"So it's finally coming, huh...?"

Anxiety was clearly overtaking his body, and the thought of war entered his mind again. War. War war war. It's all he ever heard about. It latched to him like a plague, and no matter where he went, it would haunt him around every corner. Hayden's voice was without a doubt sad. He didn't wish to bring this news, and even though he admitted to the impossible task of asking an old veteran to rejoin the fight, just on a different side. His fist clenched for a moment, and though he wasn't purposefully exuding it, a small wave of reiatsu could be felt wash across the old man. His anger had begun to seep through a bit, but not at Hayden, at the very situation that required this in the first place.

"Do you know how old I am, Hayden?"

He turned his entire body around now, and those clenched fists began to dig nails into his palm to the point of blood piercing his skin.

"975. Do you know how many wars I've seen? Hell, do you know how many wars I've started?."

He began to walk forward towards Hayden, and standing at his overwhelming 6'10, had his red eyes gaze down upon the leader of Vastime as his voice became more and more intense.

"I've killed, I've pillaged, I've razed. There's no aspect of war that eludes me anymore, and it will stick with me forever. Every night I hear voices in my head, and every time I wake up screaming and shaking, it's not the regret that overcomes me. It's the fear. Fear that I might return back to that version of me, that I won't be anything more than a destroyer, and become something that proves the only thing I'm good for is destruction."

He now stood right up against Hayden, and from his very being radiated an intimidating aura that would crush weaker men. But Hayden was not a weaker man, and perhaps this was all for show, but in the end it showcased the raw emotion Hakai felt. The emotion that came with asking a retired, traumatized man to return to war one last time.

"Aye, I won't be neutral in this war. But I won't fight for you. And I won't fight for Shadow Fall or Kokuryuteshi."

Raising a fist to his chest, he pounded it a single time and then pointed the right thumb towards himself.

"I'll fight for every single innocent who needs it."

"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Ap8OoJO

Seasoned Member
Morph OTY
Joined : 2015-06-08
Posts : 1802

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"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Left_bar_bleue174500/99999"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty Re: "You may be done with war, but it's not done with you."

Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:14 am



"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." 6EdIfMt

"And there. It. Is."

To say that Hayden was excited about the prospect of Hakai going to war was false, but what did excite him was those words. To feel the embers of a fire long thought forgotten reignited for a far worthier cause. That even as he, as he felt the building rhythm of Hakai words upon his ears was something few men experienced. It was truly something else, something that demanded his attention, like a young pup trying to soak in the knowledge of an older wiser wolf. Hakai had invoked something in the young king, something that no longer made him feel shame for asking this.

No. How could he feel shame for sparking this within the man, for even as they both bore their own sins- this would be their chance as redemption. Hakai, the beast of war, was not longer just a mere tool of destruction. He now carried with him the hopes of all those who wished to live their lives in peace, and there was no more noble a prospect than that in the kings head. Thus, as he craned his neck to stare at the goliath, a smile seemed to curl onto his lips.

A shine to his emerald eyes, an appreciation which needed no words. Perhaps, he was sending Hakai to his death but in this moment that alluded his mind. "Here you stand, the man with more sins on his hands than we can count. He who pillaged and murdered, he who some would say deserve no peace- once more picking up the torch of war. Yet, here he stands picking up that torch for all those who cannot. He who stands as a testament to the future, to hope." The baritone voice of Hayden seemed to build, that to a degree held a tone of admiration. Hakai may not fight for Hayden, but he fought for Vastime. Even if he denied it, even if he did not see it the same way. Because with those final words, he had brought to fruition Hayden's dreams:

A land where the broken, desolute, and forgotten could once again find purpose.

But with that being said he'd take a step back, his emerald eyes looking away from Hakai now. Allowing a moment of silence between the two, before casting his glance at the groceries.

"I feel nothing more needs to be said on the subject. But, with the eve of war approaching perhaps two kindred souls should share a moment of peace? I'm famished."

The barest hints of a smile graced his lips.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." JfH75kA
"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." H8Tyk70
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"You may be done with war, but it's not done with you." Empty Re: "You may be done with war, but it's not done with you."

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