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Good↓Greed   Empty Good↓Greed

Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:39 am



Good↓Greed   6EdIfMt

Song: Snakeing - Artist: Plaid - Words: N/A

Las Vegas.

This is a place that inspires gambling, depravity, lust, murder, greed and desire to find good fortune, happiness, warmth and the love of another's touch against one's body. While there are many things which can be considered "sin," they are all nothing but honest emotions that come from a desire, a need and a primal urge which exist within humans to find what they require from life to be content. Therefore, it's all fair play in the eyes of one who can see beyond morality, laws, ethics and other similar notions.

At least, that's the point of view our lovely Adam Eve took when it came to such matters.

As he ventured through the neon-lit glow of this city of utter degradation, there was which stuck out to him in this sea of darkness in regards to finding something to further his ambitions. With a gaze towards the bright moon in the heavens from his blood eyes, Adam figured today would be a bust as he couldn't find any prospects to assist him with gathering intel, acquiring resources or finding recruits for the Monsuta. Therefore, he'd take the loss, enjoy the sights and forgive himself by finding a beautiful rooftop to sit upon. It appeared that the spot he decided to lounge on was a part of some casino. Which, to him, wasn't out of place for Las Vegas. If nothing else, he could find some amusement out of seeing some of the characters which entered and exit out of the place.

So, After taking out a piece of chocolate to relax with, the warm glow of surgery delight hit his body. When that happened, he found himself being able to unwind as he let the warm air hit his milky smooth skin.

"Bah. It seems like today is nothing but a bust."

With a content sigh leaving his lips, the wandering eye of Adam noticed some deadbeat getting kicked out of the casino. While he wasn't too keen to listen in intently on all of the details, the screaming and fuss seemed to be about the man sobbing about losing his life savings or some non-sense. Apparently, he needed the money for an operation to help save his kid and he was accusing the casino of cheating and stealing his money. Not having any of it, some of the security here kicked his teeth in and left the moon in a pool of blood for being a known con-artist as he sobbed on the road.

"Poor bastard."

Reaching into his cargo shorts, Adam pulled out a can of water enriched with his sweet chi energy and drank pure sugar water to continue to let the good vibes ooze down his spine.

"You know we should help him. The Monsuta has been getting a good amount of money from our efforts. Maybe he could use it?"
[Only Adam hears this]

A feminine voice crept into the mind of Adam; further increasing the waves of warmth pouring within his essence.

"Eh, maybe your right, Eve. It's not like I care about a pittance like this. So let's spite God and turn his fate around."

And with that nonchalant mental babbler uttered out, Adam wasted no time in reaching into his left pocket, grabbing a wad of yen (1,000,000) and throwing it to the human as he snickered and watched as the man was utterly and totally shocked. Thanking the heavens above and sobbing as he ran into the shadows.

"Well, that's my good deed for the day. Now we can sleep at night."

Taking a soft sigh, Adam plopped back down, laid back on the rooftop ceiling and stared at the moon.

"Now give us another sign, mother karma~"

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Good↓Greed   WVMWLOu
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Good↓Greed   Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:58 pm
"Please you don't understand I swear I'll make it all back I swear I'll repay you! A short term loan, you can have one of my kidneys, I just-"

The mantra of despair was interrupted almost immediately as the evicted gentleman could hear the rustling of paper, raising his head to see several bills fluttering down from above. He was nearly ecstatic at this point, gibbering and reaching up to snatch them from the air. He turned right around, beginning to walk away...only for a figure to extract itself from the shadows just underneath the nearby balcony. It was a tall man, perhaps seven feet tall, wearing a three-piece suit, with skin and hair as white as snow. His long, lithe legs moved with precise purpose, catching up to the esctatic man within moments.

Yaksha Dokuja reached over from behind, snatching one of the bills from his hand, and allowing the indulgent, insouciant smirk to settle onto his features once more. He could already taste it on his pallet, watching as the man turned, fist bunched, prepared to swing out at someone...until he noticed a hip, and looked up, into that knowing, calm, crisp expression. He quivered a bit beneath Yaksha's gaze, looking more bewildered than anything. It was already off to a beautiful start. Anger, confusion, fear, hatred. He could see the man's eyes already darting about, trying to find the nearest police officer.

"You, my friend, are luck."

"I...what? You mean like a lucky charm?"

At this point, Yaksha chuckled, ever so slightly; as he did, he allowed the smallest flash of teeth to show, his eyes widening, and his hand clapping on the man's neck. The neck was such an intimate spot, an inherent spot of dominance. The man squirmed and writhed, trying to get away from those hands, eyes bulging. More fear, and now pain. Tinging almost to terror. The confusion was starting to go, to be replaced with wary canniness. The man thought he knew what was going on here, and wanted no part of it.

"Who, in Las Vegas, is going to have yen in their pocket, man? This isn't some random passing gift, this is a sign from god. You're luck itself, friend. You're what people pray to when they roll those dice. Wherever it came from, it was such an...unfathomable sequence of events, that I can scarcely believe it was anything but fate."

Now the man's wariness and fear dropped, to be replaced with fatigue, and a deep, heavy-looking depression. Clearly he'd wanted to be suckered in on some level, and now he was just dealing with...a crazy. The man tiredly waved towards his nostrils, and the caked blood there, then the money.

"Luck doesn't get kicked out of a casino and get his nose broken by thugs."

"Luck is never lucky for himself man! What world would we live in if Luck was lucky enough to go unnoticed his entire life long? No, I believe in fate. How much did they steal from you, my man?"

"...30 thousand..."

"And you got a third of it back in a split second! Is that not luck? I'm telling you, I'm demanding you go back in there, and prove to the world that your luck is turning back around! The house can't win forever."

"You fucking insane? I'm going home! Before I lose the clothes off my back, too!"

More fear, more of that canny delight; he was the voice of reason here, the one speaking sense to a wide-eyed idealist, someone who was proving himself smarter than one of the sheep. Yaksha could appreciate this, and so much more, the same way one could appreciate the things they saw on television. He could see every emotion warring just beneath the surface, every single little response warring for attention on his face.

"I'll reimburse you. You're luck, and I' Whatever you lose, from this moment forward. Comes out of my pocket, not yours. I won't even take a penny of the profits. I just want you to see that I'm right. You're luck, friend. And this is the town where luck turns to prosperity. So let's go make you rich, my man."

"Wh...why would you do this?"

Yaksha paused for a second, touching a hand to his head. This expression he was seeing now hard to pin down. Fear? Hope? Anger? Sadness? Anxiety? There were so many dozens of emotions, all conflicting with each other, was like he was trying to describe a color his eyes simply lacked the ability to perceive. It was like he was trying to look at something not meant for his eyes. He contented himself with laughing. A deep, rich laugh, the sort of thing that almost always invited the other party to join in. But the man just looked at him, creeping away, slowly.

Finally, in a flash, it came to Yaksha. This wasn't an emotion...not as such. This was something else. This was a madness. A consumption. An obsession. And of madness, he knew a lot. He reached a hand down, speaking the words that had popped into his head, as he touched the man's shoulder.

"This is Las Vegas."
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Good↓Greed   Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Tue May 09, 2017 9:24 am



Good↓Greed   6EdIfMt

Song: Snakeing - Artist: Plaid - Words: N/A

"Nope. It's chance."

Adam wasn't a person that was deaf and unhearing to the world around him. There was a ton of commotion beneath his feet and he figured that it was only a matter of time before the poor son of a bastard had something encounter his path. He just didn't think it would be this quick and fast. At any rate, the boy would leap down from the rooftop and take a look for himself on what was occurring.

"At the risk of sounding pretentious, everything is down to chance. From this meeting, to the powers we have and to this world we were born into; all actions have some influence of chance and probability in them that helps to connect us all together."

After watching the other guy scramble off into the darkness of the night, Adam took this time to watch his frantic escape while enjoying his perfectly tender chocolate bar. Making sure to savor every little crunch, the male started pondering if he'd even make it out of this city alive and if he won't end up as chocolate to some goblin looking demon whom he owed debt to. As, much like his precious little chocolate, life had a funny way of consuming and devouring those who fuck up royal within it's jaws.

"And it's safe to say, that even with this chance outcome happening for the guy, I'm sure patterns and behaviors won't change. When you observe someone for long enough, you can begin to see the type of person they are, the pitfalls they'll run into and the predictable behavior they'll enact. As we are creatures of habit and his habits, from a chance, tell me he'll end up right back in this spot within a few hours, days or weeks time."

Then, with a careless shrug, Adam would throw the wrapping of his candy bar in the air and watch it slither away into the horizon.

"There are very few that, even with the right resources, can turn things around. It's why our actions were just like pissing away money in the wind."

With a point in the air, Adam motioned his right index finger to show that their acts of generosity were as fleeting as that yummy candy trash floating in the wind.

"Anyway, what brings a freak like you out here? There must be some kind of story, enlighten me."

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Good↓Greed   WVMWLOu
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Good↓Greed   Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Thu May 11, 2017 10:58 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

And there it was! The delightful moment he got when Yaksha realized he wasn't just fucking around, wasting his time. Now, the main character had made his appearance. It wasn't often he felt it, but this time it was undeniable. Whoever was speaking to him right now had undeniably done this. And that meant this was opportunity knocking at his door, all over again. He twirled on the heel of one foot, in a smoothly negligent gesture, something that looked rehearsed and was; Yaksha had spent a few good months getting it down just right.

"Chance is king in Vegas, don't you think? Everyone comes here to pay homage to chance. To leave their burnt offerings at the altar of chance. A million million voices raised in prayer to chance. It's hardly pretentious to say that life is down to chance. Here, if nowhere else, everyone realizes the power that chance has."

The smell hit Yaksha, something delightfully rich and decadent, a treat he hadn't indulged in for some time; chocolate. Not to say that he hadn't had it, obviously. Cocoa powder was a recipe in some of his favorite recipes, and cocoa beans were a delightful commodity. And chocolate-covered coffee beans had been something he'd partaken of so much he had gotten the jitters, a few months back. But to simply take a chocolate bar, a piece of solid untainted chocolate, and let that silken smoothness coat his mouth? For a moment, he felt a flash of absolute, unfettered jealousy for this child in front of him. That he should just eat that delicate treat in front of someone he was speaking to, without offering? That he would go so far to taunt his budding tastebuds?

The unfettered, venomous hatred could be seen in his gaze for a few moments, as he watched the boy crunching and chewing at his chocolate bar. His breathing changed, his eyes began to dilate, his hands tightened and loosened several times in quick succession, and there was a tense, absolutely silent moment as he simply watched. How could he not know? Was he really going to make Yaksha open his mouth and ask? Like some common beggar? Like he was some little pissant? This was cruelty, and nothing more. There was no way the boy could possibly think he could get away with taunting a man of appetite like this unless-


One of Yaksha's fingers twisted and bent backwards, far enough to snap each joint, twisting forcefully, hard enough for his eyes to water. His hand had managed to move without any conscious input from his mind, tightening around his middle finger and ripping at it with enough force to tear muscle and splinter bone, leaving him at a loss for words for a few moments. But the hideous, ballooning sense of hatred had passed, as quickly as it had come. Yaksha realized dimly, in some faraway sense, that in those few seconds he had truly wished to kill this child. For a sin no greater than eating chocolate in his presence. He inhaled once, twice, each time his chest expanding a bit more, before he finally let the air out in an explosive burst, and allowed the rakish, insouciant smirk settle onto his face once more.

"A freak like me? I'm sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else. I'm not freakish at all. I've got ten fingers, don't I? ...Nine fingers, don't I? Ten toes? Two eyes? A perfectly serviceable nose? What makes you think I'm some kind of freak?"

He had tried for a casually dismissive, negligent, almost lazy reaction...but perhaps it was the pain, or perhaps it was the chocolate, or perhaps it was just his own diseased head not letting these slights go. His voice broke and wavered as he spoke, his lips twitching just a bit, veins pulsating in his forehead. There was an obvious nerve hit, and he looked like he was on the verge of a real meltdown this time, if nothing was done.

"I'm here to people watch. Is that too freakish, do you think? Taking an interest in my fellow man?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Good↓Greed   Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Thu May 18, 2017 3:29 am



Good↓Greed   6EdIfMt

Song: Megalo Strike Back - Artist: Hyuman - Words: N/A

"Calculated chance is better than aimless, reckless chance without a hope in this hell of succeeding."

Quick and swift, Adam didn't mince his words when he spoke. While chance was rooted in the desire to gain something greater and the hope to further one's life, there was nothing more foolish in his mind than searching for a miracle without any planned method to achieve what ones want. As when a person begins to harness the power of their mind, piece together the factors of probability and places themselves within the environment for grand acts of generosity, improvement and a dash of luck to occur; then they have a reason to search this place out and many other like it.

"Hey, you are ruining my snack here. I can taste that bitter tasting rot going on in your soul from over here."

It was quite the awful flavor to ingest as well for poor old Adam. The aroma which embraced his mouth gave off a taste similar to spoiled broccoli, salad and day old grass which had been left out to spoil. Now while our tender bundle of flesh over here considered himself to be a master of minds in his own sense of grandiose awareness, there wasn't much to go on as to why this character had started to become unhinged.

But then again -- what was ever right with these errors? Hollows were nothing more than the embodiment of the foulest aspects of humanity. So it makes sense that they'd taste like rancid shit in his mind. There was no getting around that for these unfortunate creatures.

"Am I gonna have to call you a doctor? You seem under a lot of distress."

Always the creeps, huh? Well, it wasn't like Adam himself wasn't one. He just had more tact than this fellow to overtly to vomit it in the world and taint it with such the disgusting aroma that this corrupted essence did.

"Also, for starters: you are self-abusing yourself like some deranged drug addict gone made, your spiritual nature is spewing off something rotten, and you are a cluster of errors thanks to being a hollow. I'd say three strikes, and you are out."

Then, to get this nasty taste out of his mouth, Adam pulled out a chocolate mint and started crunching on it as he fixed his crimson gaze straight on the male.

"And you sound like you are about cry for bonus points."

Mmmmmm. That chocolate sure felt nice. It took the bitterness out of life and allowed for Adam to get back as to why he was here as well.

"You could also say I'm here to people watch as well. I'm in the service of organized strength, resources, and wit. So I'm scouting out potential workers to hire for a little extra muscle~"

There was more than a bit of emphasis placed on the word "muscle", as the male's eyes seemed to light up with joy at the hint of it. Although, it may not be for the reasons one may assume in this circumstance. For some reason or another, the passing thought of a pair of strong arms embracing him fell through his mind and that tender thought seemed to excite him in more ways than one. Fortunately, unlike our bundle of errors over there, Adam knew how to contain himself and kept his mind focused on the objective hand: recruiting.

"You wouldn't happen to know where I could find some in this lovely little city, would you, Mr.SKull and Bones?"

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Good↓Greed   WVMWLOu
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Good↓Greed   Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Thu May 18, 2017 12:44 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

The moment seemed to have passed, as quickly as it came, and Yaksha's smile was now completely triumphant, the same sort of smirk one would've expected from the Cheshire Cat in Wonderland, or some predatory creature listening to its prey beg for its life. Adam's words hit him, and seemed to slide off like water off a duck, never once finding purchase. Rotten? Cluster of errors? Oh, how the words never ceased to delight and amuse him. An exchange of wits, that was what he'd been seeking so long. Now it was all in the open, and there was just no way to pretend the words had never been said. That was good. That made this a game he was far more used to.

"Yes, I'm about as erroneous as they come. I hurt myself on a near daily basis, when I'm dealing with people I've never met before. I can normally keep my reaitsu well-leashed, but...well, we all have our triggers, don't we? Throw whatever accusations you like, it won't change anything. I may be a tightly bundled cluster of humanity's unspeakable desires, but I am still of man. There isn't a single thing I can do that could trump the depths of depravity that the human mind could fathom. And it's borderline, if you really must know. My...moods are a little too unsteady. Pain helps me to keep my mind anchored in the here and now. I'm old, and I'm prone to rambling and flights of fancy if not stopped."

He tilted his own head to the side, inhaling once, twice. There was that same faint sense of bitterness and rot to him, that flavor of broccoli or grass that had withered in the sun. But now it was interwoven into a medley of scents so exotic and strange that it was hard to pin down any single one. It was the same man, to be sure...but it was like a different face entirely. Like the moment he had realized what was happening, he'd started to drape a cloak around himself, to dilute the toxicity and wash away the bitterness with a flavor too complex to be defined.

"If you want kneecaps broken or skulls cracked, I know where to look. If you need a man found, or not found, then you don't even need to look any further. You are right, of course; any risk worth taking is a risk that has been turned over and over in a man's head like a Rubix cube, examined from every angle. It's why I've managed to get this far as a...cluster of errors. I've learned to use my weakness as a strength."

He leaned forward, movements slow and precise, having a sense almost of ritual to them. It was the same voice, the same slow and languid tone, but the change was so pronounced, so incredible, that one could almost believe that everything of the past ten or fifteen seconds had been a finely crafted lie, or a deliberate tell. He was plowing forward as if nothing had happened, and ye gods he loved what he was doing so much.

"Organized. I know you may find it hard to believe, but I am actually quite organized. I've a mind like a clock. Precise, meticulous, patient, and very hard to set off course. And, naturally, I go cuckoo every hour, on the hour."

The sound that escaped his throat could've been a polite little cough, or a slight nervous tic, or even an exhalation of gas; it was there and then gone, something that lasted less than a second, and never quite changed his expression, save for a tiny, ever so tiny raising of his brows that made it hard to mistake for anything else. Yaksha was laughing; a polite, calm, and cultured little laugh. Something he had spent years managing to make second nature.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Good↓Greed   Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Fri May 19, 2017 5:17 pm



Good↓Greed   6EdIfMt

Song: lostwoods - Artist: ozonesounds - Words: N/A

To a degree, it would prove rather easy to let the male spill out all the beans about himself, this area and potential acquisition targets for his ambitions. As Adam did not feel he was speaking nearly as much as this creature of abnormalities was, but it proved to work in his favor as the male understood what he was dealing with quite well. So, he'd just nod his head and play along with it for now since the other individual seemed to enjoy going on long tangents.

"You are in pain because you are a walking, talking vessel of the worst negativism which humanity has to offer. That is what the real form of a hollow is and why I pity you."

Adam seemed to be focused on being precise and cutting out excess information to get straight to the point in this circumstance. And, from the information he acquired, that is where the root of this individual's heartache came from. With hollows taking the worst aspects of humankind within their soul when they pass and become converted to that toxic existence, it's no wonder that Yaksha wants to harm himself, ramble on and try to latch on to anything that would put him out of his misery.

Which is why, from out of thin air, a metallic looking knife emerged within the male's right hand from his cluster of chi energy that surrounded his body like a gold mist. Within this weapon reflected the strong circulation of love, happiness and embrace filling it's every being; while the surging pressure of progression, desire, and hunger for more burned with the pulsation of a burning heat of yearning will inside this object. After pointing the tip of the blade towards Yaksha's direction, Adam leaned his head forward and gave a warm smile as he felt a powerful surge of affection fill his every waking body.

"And while you may try to change your face and aura, you should know that if you ever wish to take a chance and revert to your human origins, I can grant you that. It's quite the tragedy that so many spirits have become nothing but errors and allow themselves to decay to madness. It breaks my heart to see that."

And, despite his overly giddy appearance, that wasn't exactly a lie. The love within Eve wanted to see all those who found themselves contorted into hideous creatures such as hollows find their way back to their original forms so that they could find peace. So with the blade in his hand, Adam fed off that sense of fulfillment that was burning within himself from Eve. As he envisioned her love thumping within his essence; guiding him towards the kill to release another miserable spirit back to where they belong: a human with a free will, an uncorrupted mind and the ability to evolve into something so grand with their unhinged mind.

Then, with a simple exhaling of breath, Adam let his lovely knife ease to his side and let the male speak further. If nothing else, he could prove to provide an excellent source of information to extract, a medium to find people to supply the right tools to arm themselves with and align some new workers for his grand ambitions for the world and the people who live within it. Thus, Adam was quite pleased with the hollow's response and rewarded him with the creation of a chocolate bar. Now, bare in mind, Adam had no idea of what this male's OCD obsession with the substance, but he figured good behavior should be indulged in the form of sweets.

"Consider it a gift. That's useful information. I'll need both people who can crack skulls, people who need kneecaps lost and individuals who don't need to be found or those who do need to be found."

After he had been finished speaking, there was a lone index finger that rose up on his left finger as Adam's eyes lit with a sense of grand contentment.

"I have money, resources, and swaying power at my disposal and I'm always looking for contractors, soldiers or anyone who has a morbid curiosity in turning this planet into something more...interesting."

Then, without much of a care in the world, Adam pressed a red holographic button that appeared above his left index finger. With that single tap came the release of a wormhole that dumped one million USD on the male. People, land, resources; they were all just objects to be utilized, directed and made to make a whole machine operate and function in the hands of those aware enough to manage such affairs. Adam saw himself as such a being and wanted the male before him to be a part of that vision and play his part as he so rightfully should. After all, the mark of this universe scarred his spirit into the sorry mess it was now and that was utterly tragic.

"If you wish to be one of my workers, then just accept."

That's all there was to it. All he needed to do from here was refuse or accept the offer given to him. Of course, Adam would clear things up if there was any confusion on his part. As, to him, that would only be fair and wise to do.

"And I could care less about how you seem. All I care for is if you can produce results or not. Being conventional will not take you far when working for me."

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Good↓Greed   WVMWLOu
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Good↓Greed   Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Fri May 19, 2017 6:47 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

"You know, I loathe those who generalize."

The hollow said nothing else, simply watched the child in front of him with that same negligent, faintly predatory smirk. He stood there, hands folded across his chest, as the boy spawned a knife, and then a chocolate bar, and then money. All of it tooled towards the goal of getting in his head; of trying to provoke him, or make a fool of him again. Anything in the world to make others fit their concepts of themselves, and the world around them.

"I have no need for your money. I have my own. I thank you for the opportunity. But I am no one's...worker. I am not a piece of wheat, to be reaped and sifted through. I understand that you have no reason to believe me, or to care, but none of what you're saying changes the matter at hand."

He stared at the small child, gaze piercing through him, trying to unfurl him layer by layer, to find the underlying truth of the matter. He had grown remarkably quiet, intensely so, as he watched for every little motion, every single tell. It was something he'd done a few times in the past, but never before had it been quite so difficult. This child was toying with him, pushing right back, offering resistance in all the right ways. And strangely enough, Yaksha felt excited by it. This child was, after all, trying to tap into something he considered a commodity. Why not start tapping him right back?

"Are you familiar with the cold read? It's a beautiful little trick. I've seen it performed a few hundred times, and I've spent a long time trying to perfect the craft. It helps when you have a lot of sleepless nights, and have a great deal of unsavory appetites in need of sublimation. I think, if I'm going to acknowledge you, it's only fair that we have a real heart-to-heart. We'll continue this topic over dinner. I'm in the mood for risotto."

He turned around, walking away with a steady, precise walk, his face wearing that same careless, automatic smile. It would've been nearly impossible to notice the pauses that came, perhaps one every ten or twenty steps, as he blinked for just a second too long, probing outwards in an attempt to read the aura of the boy behind him. To ensure that, even now, he still had an audience.

"Grisly, grisly talk. From one so young. Insinuating that killing one's self is the only way to be happy. You're giving me goosebumps."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Good↓Greed   Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Fri May 19, 2017 8:16 pm



Good↓Greed   6EdIfMt

Song: lostwoods - Artist: ozonesounds - Words: N/A

"Then you aren't a slave to material things~"

There was a clap of the hands as the knife disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. Most of the weak and terrified of the world were in debt to comfort. It did not matter if it was to subject themselves to the protection, finding comfort from stress from overeating or becoming total brainwashed slaves in pursuit of nothing more than another dollar earned. These objects and so much more were nothing more than bargaining chips used to produce favors in reality.

"Although the offer is still on the table to slay that awful assortment of errors within yourself. It really is a spiritual disease that can be cured."

There was then a disappointed sigh heard exhaling from the male as he did genuinely want to use his little knife to unhinge the bastard from his venomous condition. What good would it do to be a hollow so consumed with negativism that they lose the core essence of their humanity and mind? It was no good to Adam. So, unless this creature proved aggressive, he'd ease up the pedal on the culling of this virus until he was ready to throw himself back on death's door.

"Anyway, cold read is just a fancy word for acting. I'm familiar with that, but I prefer pretending until you become what you pretend. Take what you like from the world, bring it into yourself and make it your own and you won't have a need for acting."

And was he wrong? In his mind, everyone learned from observation. When a student watches a teacher perform an action, they are paying attention to what they do, documenting it and trying to replicate the processes it took for that result to occur. Who is to say that the same cannot be done with most other things in the world? If you see a person who owns all the riches in the world, why not analyze what made them great and take their habits for your own? Perhaps one might not become as a wealthy as that being, but it would be better to pursue a circumstance better than whatever depressing reality they may find themselves. Such is the same case with Adam and the traits he yearns for.

"It's why human beings have the greatest capacity to learn out of all other creatures in the universe. Our minds are always wired, looking to expand and change to new circumstances that come our way."

Oh, right. The guy was walking away. With a shrug of his shoulders, Adam really didn't care where they were being and followed since he wasn't done talking.

"And if we are having dinner, you are treating me. I'm not a cheap date. And I want Peanut Butter Stuffed Brownies. I have a sweet tooth that needs filling."


Oh yeah. There was one more thing that needed addressing. To Adam, it was something that was VERY wrong.

" are already dead. What I intended to do would revive you and give you life again."

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Good↓Greed   WVMWLOu
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Fri May 19, 2017 9:10 pm
Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

"Name an objective criterion for being called alive and I have it.  Social security number.  Taxes.  Steady job.  Social contacts.  Appetites.  Dreams.  Aspirations.  Feelings.  Please stop talking about me as if you know what's going on in my head."

Yaksha's voice this time had turned gently chiding, almost like a man trying to explain to a friend something they knew wasn't going to be taken to heart, a topic they had informed them on several dozen times, and were prepared to inform them on several dozen more, before it finally sank in.  He didn't break his stride, didn't make any sign that he had even heard the child's other commentary, simply walking along with an unhurried, languorous pace that made it seem like he was walking a street he had walked so many times that it was a matter of instinct.

This wasn't exactly an alien topic, to him; he'd had plenty of people make the same basic argument, over and over.  He'd heard every repetition of the same topic.  'Pitiful', 'Disgusting', 'Unnatural'...the accusations were never-ending.  It still cut deep, but it was an old, familiar throbbing, one he'd grown used to long ago, and had learned to come to terms with.  It never stopped hurting to discuss but...perhaps, just a little bit, the hurt became a familiar pattern.  Something he could factor in to everything else.

"I never exactly qualified for human status when I was alive.  I don't see why I should go back into the rat race, when I'm doing perfectly fine as is.  Metacognition is a talent I worked hard enough to get back, and I don't much feel like a few years shitting my pants and a few decades learning to walk to make you feel a little better about yourself."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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