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Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:01 pm

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 926

He had already been in the meeting room of his new squad for over an hour, the members weren't late, it's just how he was as a person. Carter sat facing the chamber doors from behind a large circular desk that all the members would sit at upon entering. His head was bowed with his nose pressed deep into his paper work, the young boy had been going over the massive mound of reports that were overdue or never filed since the day he took his position, having been in the role now for about a week he decided to handle the ungodly amount of forms and memos left to collect dust in the absence of a captain.

The young boy let out a sigh as he went over the names of each member in his head, having read their files to get a picture of what he was walking into. First there was Steven Nuer, perhaps the oldest of the gathering shinigamis and also one of the weakest in power, but what he didn't have in high spiritual power it was noted the man was a rapid thinker, being rather book smart and a puzzle solver. His stats were high in weapon skill and Zanjustu which made sense to Carter considering the details about his Shikai and it's varying forms. This boy was centered around adapting to a challenge. His sharp wit and his potential made Carter consider him a good asset to his fledgling squad, he would come in handy in verbal debates and court arguments keeping oaths, he made his own mental note of that before setting his file down and moving to the next.

Tessa Morrowend, the girl who by all rights should have been promoted to the rank of captain but some how had been over looked. Out of the three members in his squad she was the most powerful that had been there before he had arrived with his second in command in tow. In her file in would make it clear that she excelled almost all areas, holding a higher understanding and mastery of kido than himself, she had a Shikai that only progressed her kido abilities further. She could cast kido without speaking, that not being entirely too uncommon but the kicker being that it didn't lose power like others would. In her personality report it was noted she was extremely loyal as well, in battle she was a fire not easily put out, outside of battle she was a rather quiet girl who would sometimes suffer from paranoid attacks. She was his wild card, nodding to himself he thought of how he could best utilize her abilities before setting her file down and moving onto the final one.

Yoma Yazaki, a rather young shinigami like himself. The boy looking to be his elder but Carter being a few years older in reality while looking younger, his eyes scanned his report showing his Zanpakutō was centered around the element of fire and had good indicators of being a high powered fire Zanpakutō when it progressed, given that it's sealed state had almost if not more abilities than mosts Shikai. His abilities were all on the level of a recent Academy graduate and he had high potential that Carter would try to pull out. His personality report was a little concerning in the fact he suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder, meaning he had a second personality that could pop up at any time that was quite the opposite of the young energetic boy. His loyalty ad his sense of honor were high just like the rest of the group but the DID was concerning. Though Carter couldn't find this as a reason to dismiss him from duty because the young spirit was incredibly smart and had a strong will power, it was also noted that in his pain tolerance was incredibly high as well considering how when he was wounded in battle the man kept fighting through the pain on multiple occasions.

With that done he sat the files down and ran his right hand through his snow white hair, letting out a pent up breath he would look at the clock again and realize they would be here any time now. Though he had just seen his second in command Animum about two hours ago he was finding himself already excited to see the vizard again. She was a good friend of his that he personally recruited, making her one of the first few vizards in the Gotei and as far as he could think the first to hold a vice captain seat in all of history. In his mind she was good company and a great asset in the terms of power. If she ever got pissed this whole sqaud and himself included would be leveled with the blink of an eye but she was a happy girl, not one to easily anger, at least when it came to Carter.

Clearing his mind he yawned and listened to the tick tick tick of the clock as the seconds arm slowly made another countless trip around the face of the circular device. He found himself slightly tired which was odd for him but he had been up all night, nervous to meet his crew of misfits, he wanted to leave a good impression but had an uncanny ability to make a goof of himself on first impression. despite being tired his nerves and excitement were enough to energize the young captain.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] ZfrGue8

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Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:45 pm
She fell from the sky, her aura churning around her. Like a pillar of flame she descended towards the ground, her mind a whirlwind of emotions and instincts. Someone had taken over captaincy of squad seven, bringing a new vice captain with them. She had only heard about the appointment earlier in the day when this... this man had dared to announce a meeting of 'his' squad. Slamming in to the cobblestone pathway to her destination, a grin formed on her face at the thought of the discomfort those inside would be feeling from her flame like aura. Such was the strength of her energy and her emotions that her aura was quickly heating up the nearby area to the heat one would see from an oven. Sighing, the red haired woman walked up to the door of the meeting house, throwing them wide open.

In the doorway she stood, a tall female just under six feet in height. Her blood red hair was tied back in to a short ponytail, her brownish horns clearly visible atop her head. Wings flared behind her as one lithe hand went to the handle of the zanpakto strapped at her waist, the touch soothing her emotions ever so slightly. The thick, red scaled tail that potruded from her body shifted and wiggled behind her, betraying her emotional state as deep red eyes roamed the room, looking for any she had not seen before. Finding one, her eyes zeroed in on the male. Was this supposed to be their new captain? Surely not! He did not appear to be one who could take such a title, he must be the new vice captain, that's it! Snorting, she let her aura fade as she moved to the corner. Leaning against the wall, she looked upon the wall, smirking slightly as she realized it wasn't long before the meeting was supposed to start. Was this captain going to be late to his own meeting? She would not have that!

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The Game
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Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:10 pm

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:
When the woman stormed in Carter smiled up at her before she dismissed his presence, the boy could feel a tide of anger rolling off of her and he understood it. She should have been promoted to the Captain given none had come for the position for many months and now here he had shown up to take her rightful spot and on top of that she had the inner fire of a dragon, making her easily anger and when angered a person one would need to avoid. His right eye brow arched upward when the girl walked away from him and elected to stand against the wall without even introducing herself.

He figured this would be how it started and it was okay to him to clearing his throat he would speak, " Ms. Morrowend, It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Carter, you're new captain." his face would be lit up with a wide smile, hinting at no sarcasm because the boy actually meant well. He had been so excited to meet her given rather amazing skills. She was going to be a handful to say the least but it was alright. In the brief second of her introduction he was reminded of his best friend, The Dark Forest Vizard. She had the same More Duck as Landen and it made him think of the first time he had met that arrogant son of a bitch, they had both been in Malaysia fighting against the demonic invasion and Carter was getting his ass smacked left and right by a demon that would have killed him if the man hadn't intervened. The jack ass stepped into the fight and lifted Carter up by the back of his robes and tossed him aside saying that he was better fit to soak up sweat than fight this demon.

Needless to say Carter found offense to it and with that found his feet back under him and delved into battle alongside the cocky vizard until they both came out beaten and bruised but other wise intact. That was a few years ago and never before had he met someone with so much pride and More Duck until just now when he caught a glimpse of her attitude. With a stifled chuckle he would point to one of the open chairs at the table he was sitting at, "Will you please come sit with me so we may get to know one another better?" He asked, the boy looking at her with his golden eyes, having to push a lock of white hair away from his face.

Right now he would play peaceful with her but he was worried that to win her over he would have to act crude and tough like on his nights out drinking with Landen and he wasn't ready to do that just yet before meeting everyone else. It did give him an idea though, "Play nice with me and hear what I have to say and the first round of drinks are on me tonight. Deal?" he'd ask, hoping to sweeten the pot for her. He had planned to stay in all night and finish the remainder of his paper work with Animum but he could blow it off for another night if he didn't just set it all on fire first like she had originally suggested.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] ZfrGue8

New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] EUuCTxy
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Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:39 pm
This... this was the captain? No, it could not be! But Tessa could see that he was not joking, he truly believed himself to be the captain. No... this would not stand! Immediately her aura flared back up, raging around her like a bonfire as she gripped her blade tightly. He wished to get to know her... well, he would soon enough. With a quick flash step she was in front of him, crouched upon the table as her sword was drawn from its sheath and slicing towards his chest. Grinning widely as her blade moved in, once her strike finished her mouth would open wide. From the depths of her maw spewed brilliant flames, their destructive might rushing towards the man as her form began to change. Scales grew upon her entire body as her horns lengthened, fingernails lengthening in to lethal claws. Growling in agitation, her eyed bore down upon the man who dare to call himself captain.

"You... captain... foolishness. I will show you... Speak the truth, Gladius Scientia!"

Her sword began morphing, becoming an eastern broadsword with a bright red gem set in to the center of the guard, seven runes etched upon the blade.

"Bakudo 61, Rikujōkōrō."

Flexing her index finger in the direction of the man, she watched as the six beams of light made to slam in to him, her aura now less wild and raging as she stared at him, analyzing his reaction, taking in what she could. She could not let someone like him take over... no, she would not have a weakling for a captain! If he wanted that spot... well, he'd have to earn it the hard way.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:55 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

nvm i was skipped apparently

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Shizuo on Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:36 pm; edited 2 times in total

New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] LzZCuy7
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Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:56 pm

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:
Her Zanpakutō cleaved through a now empty chair before setting it on fire. Carter having used his Lux Gradus ability, the ability to move almost at the speed of light appearing to teleport due to the well lit room. The fifteen year old looking boy would laugh from behind her with his hands on his hips as they both stood on the table, she took on dragon like aspects and it was interesting.

"Remind me to update your file, you're not timid at all like it says." He jested, she would unless her Shikai in the next moment before turning and pointing at him with her free hand, speaking an incantation and sending a powerful kido at him. The only problem was that she used light to do so and the boy was well in tune with the element of light. In the brief second to follow the boy would appear to move like he was dancing, spinning through the six beams of light, he cleared them in the beginning but kept weaving in and out of them just out of fun because he was enjoying the moment so much. His speed being to high that he left after images of himself in the places he had just been when he moved.

Once he finally cleared the attack he would be seen sitting in the chair two down from the splintered burning mess of the one he had been in, "Before you attack again I want it to be clear all damages will come out of your pay check, now if you want to keep showing you rage be my guest but I can dodge this all day long. You've already activated your Shikai and my..." he would say, patting at his sheath, "My Zanpakutō is still slumbering. So let's just cut this out for now and hear me out when the rest show up. If you still have a problem we can hash it all out later."

His golden eyes would fixated on her while she stood on the table, almost awkwardly. The boy would smile again at her, he had figured it would degrade to this but often with those that have a soul of fire they need to be shown their leaders aren't weak. "Looks can be deceiving." He said, leaning forward and putting his hands on the table before he pushed his files away from the burning mess that was his first seat.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] ZfrGue8

New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] EUuCTxy
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Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:32 pm

She spoke the word with hesitation as she stared in to his eyes. Though she didn't want to reveal this capability at the moment and her instincts were pushing less at her, she still needed it, she needed to test him at her best. Watching as her blade shrunk, becoming nothing more than a short dagger, spectral strands running off of it and to the corners of the giant book floating behind her. The room they had been standing in, utterly destroyed by the summoning of her bankai, and now they stood below the clear sky. Six tomes floated around her as she watched the man for a second before her wings burst to life. Rushing upwards in to the air, she left the five tomes to surround the man, closed and waiting for a command.

Far above in the air Tessa took a breath and as one all the tomes left behind opened, and from each fired a massive wave of yellow energy, the five Raikōhō blasts converging upon the captain with no word of warning as to their presence. Immediately following the release of the kido the tomes moved away, and a wave of rolling fire poured down from Tessa, having released her dragon fire again. Aimed at the whole of the meeting hall, if Carter simply let it be there would be nothing but ashes left of the building.

"Coward. Can you do nothing but run? If that is all you are capable of you will not gain control of this division!"

Letting her wings fold behind her, she let gravity take it's hold upon her, dropping out of the sky towards the ground below. Her tomes shot upwards, forming a circle around her before she finally crashed to the ground, looking uninjured from her fall. Flash stepping right in front of the man, her clawed hand raked downward, attempting to claw through the left side of his face and injure his vision. If he managed to dodge the assault her tail would lash out, attempting to wrap around his leg tightly. Should this succeed she would roughly raise his body in to the air before slamming it downward in to the ground in front of her. Growling in frustration, she spoke once more to the man.

"Do not think I care about money... you weakling."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:11 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

”..... “

Animum had been coming in to see what her captain carter was doing. . . And instead she had seen a full out battle occuring, and as she watched for a moment, the papers in her hands slowly falling from her hands, fluttering in the wind as someone inside her, something seemed.. to begin to rip itself apart, it was a slow burning sensation one that ate her up, devouring everything within her until this sense of deadened calm began to enter her system. It was an unnatural sensation, one that made her heart ache .. and that ache?.. As she continued to watch this girl flaunt her power, would just continue to grow. and she would slowly think as she stood there paralysed.. ”..what.. is going on… “ Those where the words that kept going through her mind, over and over and over again, pounding against the wall of her sane mind and ripping it apart because carter.. was being attacked. The person who had given her hope was being attacked at this very moment.

However not only was he being attacked, he was being attacked by probably someone from the same squad. That.. just was wrong, people on the same squad had to respect their captain, not challenge them. When people betrayed eachother, that betrayal would lead to the weakening of the squad in general. This.. as she stared wouldn’t fly.. not with her, not after all the betrayal she had herself endured, not after knowing the despair of those left behind because of moronic bullshit like this. It. Would. Not. Fly. Not with her at least, and yet as her hands twitched she couldn’t shout at them, no she felt.. dead, it was a peculiar thing really, as her heart couldn’t seem to cope with the thought that she had someone in her squad that would stoop to this level, and because of this? She wasn’t normal, no piece by piece the careful hopes she had constructed that this squad would be a better place than where she had originally been had shattered. So instead? As she watched she felt it the warmth was fading away

Her hand itched to drag across her face, to release the caged monster within and let it flourish. Because of this? As many emotions filtered out of her mind, gone was the hope that she wouldn’t have any problems with these squad members. Gone was the joy to see her squad members if all of them were like this. Gone was the warmth she had managed to harbor amongst the sea of despair and anguish, sucked up in an instant as she was watching, her smile slowly sliding from her lips turning from a smile to a blank glassy expression that didn’t hint at emotions because there was a new emotion that simmered in her bosom, one that was an endless inferno that raged and demanded to be free. It was hard.. she had been born to know only despair so she hadn’t really understood her emotions well , nor felt a wide range of them.

Yet The Vice-Captain thanks to her Captain had begun to feel emotions again, longing.. a shyness and completeness that she had never dared feel before, the Captain may not be strong, but he was exactly how a Captain of the gotei should be, strong and caring, with a goal that he would never stop trying to achieve. Yet.. YET this girl was trying to harm him, trying to do something to him to kill him or take his place?.. She couldn’t understand the feeling in her chest and yet.. it began as she stood there an ominous grouping of thunderclouds would have been pulled around them, and the very air would begin to be saturated with spiritual pressure, not because she was making any big attack, but because this feeling she had begun to understand what it was. In her completeness she didn’t only gain the emotions that had been associated with joy, there was also the darkened emotions, rage.. jealousy, hatred and self loathing.

This emotion she felt.. she knew now from the bottom of her bones, it was rage, undeniable rage that wouldn’t be quenched and with the rage came loathing at herself that she couldn’t just let the captain deal with this, because all she could see had been the ramblings of a child, who had tried to fit shoes which had been way to big for them. A child throwing a tantrum because they hadn’t gotten what they wanted, and that would end, right this instant. There wasn’t any debate because as the girl released her bankai, that paltry power would be swept up, tucked away and utterly engulfed by something bigger, a hellish roar of spiritual energy so large that it would blast up in a solid pillar in the sky, the impending shock wave blasting in every direction causing the stormclouds to be replaced with a solid bolt of lightning, as animum’s hair would raise upwards from pure static.

Her halo would glow like a minature sun, her wings spreading out on either side as she looked up, her eyes blank now as the rage was so complete, her hatred was so enormous for this tessa, that she would hardly feel anything else before she slowly said in a voice that was completely monotonous, without care, without sympathy. A voice that would echo in time with her own hand beginning to drag across her face, the brilliance of her pitch black reishi exploding into the night with enough force to drive tessa directly to her knees. this energy wouldn’t just be vast, it would be dense and heavy , it would be beyond the vastness of a ocean even with it’s impending depth, instead tessa would probably feel like she was being drug slowly into the horizon of a black hole, as slowly the pure white bone of a mask formed.

”..Little girl, Let me Show you a true release of energy.”

The Vice Captains energy would continue to rise to the point that the entire division would be under an immense weight, cracking windows, breaking chairs and causing any other squad members in the vicinity to duck and cover. This spiritual pressure wouldn’t affect them however, it would merely affect tessa as the bone mask was over halfway done. Her blackened gaze lingering on the girl as finally her mask would have become completely formed, the energy expanding exponentially before she had moved, but not with flashstep, no instead she moved with sonido appearing directly infront of tess as her eyes looked up into her own.

”..You girl..”

Her words would be punctuated by her fist jerking up into tessa’s gut, the force being enough to level the entire division, seeing as she used a massive amount of energy to augment the punch, a punch which would break the hypersonic barrier and vanish while the air itself seemed to rip itself apart. This split-second blow would due to the difference between them almost had been imperceivable to the girl, it would merely slam into her gut with bone-shattering force, causing her ribs to crack and sending her flipping back as animum’s hand reached out, gripping against her anke dislocating it as she just jerked the girl down throwing her into the ground with enough force that she wouldn’t just crack the ground, no as tessa hit it a crater would form, the impact probably breaking more bones as Animum vanished rapidly appearing in front of her fist blurring with her extensive speed.

”..CRRRACK” that would be the sound of animum’s fist as it jerked into tessa’s jaw, with enough force to break it and with enough speed that the punch itself would be comprised of several afterimages, the blow itself also probably breaking tessa’s nose causing blood to splatter up against animum’s face, which wouldn’t even change from the introduction of blood. Instead? She would raise her fist again for the next blow and unless carter stopped her? She would have vanished appearing back into the air as from her position, they would begin to appear, using her flash casting hundreds of cero’s would appear in the sky, painting it a bright red for the moment, and yet? Because of how she had control over these they wouldn’t cause damage to anything outside of the 7th division. Instead all these cero’s which thanks to be instantly cast would have a tier equivalent of a 0-3++’s cero would be focused solely on tessa , ready to completely blow her apart unless the captain stopped her.

”..Will NOT disrespect your captain do you hear me? You are but a sniveling brat who threw a tantrum because something didn’t go your way.. YOU have no idea , NOR any right. TO LECTURE OR CHALLENGE HIM. DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOU .. YOU.. UGH. If you won’t stand down, apologies and never do this again.. then “

Unless stopped now? Her hand would jerk forward firing all of those cero’s at tessa at once, because at this point she was beyond angry, she was going to destroy this girl, that was the simple truth.

Template By: [THEFROST]

New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] LzZCuy7
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Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:00 am
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Delaying this reserve until next posting round after talking to carter

Last edited by lionus on Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:04 am; edited 1 time in total

New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] M9rTQZk

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Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:10 am


Her Zanpakutō cleaved through a now empty chair before setting it on fire. Carter having used his Lux Gradus ability, the ability to move almost at the speed of light appearing to teleport due to the well lit room. The fifteen year old looking boy would laugh from behind her with his hands on his hips as they both stood on the table, she took on dragon like aspects and it was interesting. <- lux gradus is it me or do I spot something wrong with that

Due to modifications in the rules about teleport, I've gone ahead and patched up this ability and I would like to not see this used again in the future. Since a posting order has already occurred, I will not deny that the action occurred, but please keep in mind the changes I made to Light Step for the duration of the thread.

"Lux Gradus (Light Step) - This is the Angel equivalent to Shunpo and the opposite of the Demonic Shadow Step. When they are near an area of light, most Angel's will be able to use the light as a medium in order to increase and bolster their speed. In doing so, it is meant to give them the edge over an opponent by maintaining a burst of straight line speed once they've decided the path they wish to take. This must be done manually, and it will take a fair bit of energy to perform.

Once these requirements have been met, then the angel in question will be able to travel through the light and attempt to gain the edge on the opponent. So, as an illustration, an Angel could attempt to mend themselves into a flare of light within an area extending fifty meters. In this predefined path, they could accelerate and find themselves being empowered by the light in order to rapidly appear behind an opponent and attack.

They are limited to only using this 1-2 times per post and they cannot abuse and spam the ability multiple times in the same post. Otherwise, their bodies will face injury and it will most likely result in them being slowed overall when they cease Light Speed. So, to repeat, this ability is designed to allow them time to dodge an attack or gain the element of surprise on a foe. Use it with caution.

Other Notes: It's worth noting the range in which this ability works is also limited by tier:

0 Tier - One thousand meter reach
1 Tier - Five hundred meter reach
2 Tier - Three Hundred Meter Reach
3 Tier - One Hundred Meter Reach
4 Tier - Twenty Meter Reach"

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