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The Living Microwave
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New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only]

Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:18 am
-posting next cycle-
The Game
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New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only]

Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:46 pm

Artist: Poets Of The Fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 1005

She had unleashed her bankai and destroyed the meeting room, now it had gone too far. A simple spar would have sufficed but the woman had a lot more pep in her step than he had assumed. She launched herself into the air on newly formed draconic wings but not before five large tomes surrounded him in a pentagram formation, hovering in the air. He already knew this was a major source of her offensive power with her Bankai from the reports and he wouldn't let himself be destroyed so early on by a woman who had gone too far.

He wasn't mad at her but she was breaking clear cut rules. So when the tomes opened his Zanpakutō came out and he activated his own Shikai, "Malum Occidere, Expurgate Ferro!" he yelled, the longsword shifting into a much more true version of itself. his Zanpakutō's, Nacuto, began to lengthen so he could hold it firmly in two hands, the deeply dyed rich brown leather changing and turning almost metallic, taking on a rose gold coloration, the blade of his Zanpakutō widening and lengthening five more inches to almost become a bastard sword, the blade itself seeping to take a rich crimson coloring as if it had been coated in blood recently. At the bottom of the handle a bell hung, attached to a golden chain. The bell itself being gold with rose like etchings all along the bell and the handle itself.

He held the two handed weapon with ease in one single hand, his left, in the blink of an eye his hand turned upside down and his Zanpakutō punctured the ground, creating a fissure in the concrete below as it rooted itself before Carter's energy came out all around him, the energy gold in color and forming into a large stone work pattern in a circular formation, the energy formed a golden tower resembling a castle tower with Carter standing in the core of it, the walls were transparent making Carter visible visible from the inside, he did appear to be gold in color now due to the coloring of the tower.

His left hand rested on the pummel of the weapon, it still stabbing into the building foundation. The bell attached to the pummel via chain moved silently while the attack from the tomes came forth sending yellow beams of energy from all five tomes at the tower. The walls vibrated violently and began cracking but withstood the brunt of the attack, coming down when the attack ended, like a tower that had been hit with a powerful catapult. He appeared to have a coat of sweat on his brow as he pulled the Zanpakutō from the ground and hefted it onto his left shoulder. Next she would attempt to bathe him in her dragon flame, unrelenting in her attack. She wouldn't be happy if he kept dodging and running away like a scared child so he took his stand. He couldn't throw that defense up again and cost himself more energy that would need to be saved, instead he would rely on a rather effective kido, "Fly with the winds of fury, surround, and chill, past the bone and nerves, drive forth. Hadō 43." With the incantation spoken his right hand would come up, palm pointing at the fire descending upon him, his energy would condense and form a negative to her own attack, a storm of hail and frost coming upward toward the attack in a cylinder, the storm enlarging as it went, when it collided with the flame they exploded into a large vapor, an annoyingly loud hissing noise issuing forth as the fire burned the water and ice out while the ice and water destroyed the life of the flame.

He would be distracted as his Vice Captain came in, her spirit pressure already unleashing itself and creating large cracks in the remainders of the ruined walls. She saw the fight but didn't know the full story, she was going to hurt the woman. Animum would appear between the two aiming to do great damage to Tessa as Tessa had come down to attack Carter. He couldn't allow it so he pushed himself again, using the light to amplify his own speed, doing his angelic shunpo like ability. He could move at a great enough speed to get between the two just as Tessa came to the ground and Animum came up in front of her. Already the usage of the ability was taking its toll on his body, he could feel his muscles begin to tear and the taste of blood in the back of his mouth. He didn't want to use it again but was forced to, his back coming up in Tessa's face. He faced Animum as she aimed a wicked punch at Tessa, Carter now being in the way to be the one harmed if she continued. "Enough Animum. " he ordered, his golden eyes appearing to be lit up with his energy as his hair defied gravity a tad, the white locks beginning to float. His voice took on an ageless tone, sounding as if a chorus of men and women spoke at once in a loud volume.

This was not how it was supposed to start off, he had goaded Tessa to help her let loose because he already knew it would be best to relate to her. But had back fired now and he knew any minute now other captains might appear, his credibility would be ruined if he didn't get his own squad under control. That didn't matter though to him, he was already the weakest captain so he would be looked down on, but what did matter was not gaining disrespect from his 'men' from his squad. He would stop this now so he wouldn't lose what little respect he had among his own people.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

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New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only]

Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:55 am
It was as Tessa fell from the sky that someone else entered the battle. As their energy surged forth and she got a good feel for the person, Tessa Morrowend's whole demeanor changed. Eyes widening in fright as every portion of her instincts screamed at her to run, flight taking the place of flight in the face of overwhelming power. Just as she noticed that the woman was in front of her, not so much seeing her as it was her sense of the strong spiritual energy that caused her such fear being directly before her. Before she could even move, her body frozen in fear, he was between them, defending her from the punch that would have devastated her. Growling lowly at the bruise to her pride, her fear and anger fought against each other, paralyzing her as instincts warred within her.

It was this pause that allowed things to change though, as within her a part of her realized that this man had defended her against an attacker, and with this an inkling of respect was born. It was this respect that allowed her to pull above her instincts, and at that moment, her shoulders drooped, her heade bowed as she listened to the two others talk. Looking in to the eyes of Animum, the red eyes filled with both shame and sorrow, and she spoke, her voice soft and barely there.

"I'm sorry..."

But the words were not aimed at Carter, but at Animum herself, as Tessa swiftly moved to action. Another book appeared next to her and all six set off, hunting down Animum as their covers glowed with blue light. Upon reaching Animum, they would all open at point blank range, each releasing the orange hued tendrils of Horin in an attempt to bind her. Meanwhile, below on the ground, Tessa was softly speaking, unleashing more kido from the ground.

"Bakudo 73, Tozanshō. Bakudo 75, Gochūtekkan. Bakudo 61, Rikujōkōrō. Bakudo 63, Sajo Sabaku."

Clenching her teeth as the inverted pyramid formed around her, Tessa knew she was pressing her luck with all she was doing. Still, she pressed on, attempting to bring Animum back to the ground with her next spell. Hoping the five pillars connected with her, she would wait until after they had succeeded or not to let loose the six strips of binding light upon Animum. Panting heavily as sweat dripped down her brow, a deep breath steadied Tessa as she finally let loose the final energy rope at her target, hoping that with all binding spells that Animum would at least be held down long enough that she could calm down.

Falling to her knees as her vision blurred, Tessa felt it as the tomes winked out of existence, her zanpakto reverting to it's sealed form. Gritting her teeth as she tried to pull herself to her feet only to fall back down. Her breaths came in heavy pants as the scales upon her body slowly receded and left behind pale skin. Horns shrinking and claws returning to nails, it was a very exhausted Tessa that finally turned herself over, laying down on her back as she stared up in to the sky. Closing her eyes, she let her tears flow forth from them at her actions. She hoped that Animum would not hold her latest actions against her, but it was what she determined was necessary. Whimpering at the pain from laying on her wings, she slowly turned herself on to her stomach, hiding her face against the ground as she lay there, not wanting to know what would happen from here on out.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only]

Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:20 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

“.. Tch”

Animum had brought her hand to a screeching halt. Pausing in mid air as she had merely landed on the ground. Her gaze for the moment lingering between her captain and girl behind her, her hand moving as she was deliberating wether or not to take off her mask, and in those moments? She was also contemplating for what reason the girl had begun to chant behind her captain, her mask remaining on her face at the moment given for the moment? She had felt the pull of the sealing kido as it clamped down on her body, and you know what? As she exhaled she would have released one last burst of spiritual energy, electricity blasting from her body as it would smash into the seals that had surrounded her body, each one having shattered when coming in contact with the newest spike of her spiritual energy, as she felt a vein jump in her head, her head pounding and she was just seeing red for the second.

However she would have reigned it in, the rage would have dissipated, and her calmness would have prevailed over most of her, she just frowned for the moment as she finally decided it would be alright to remove his mask. Pulling it to the side and making the mask dissipate she had disappeared and appeared behind, tessa. and she wouldn’t harm her, she’d merely smack her across the face and then she would have frowned. She wasn’t happy with the recent developments at the least, because this was not only her first day in the gotei after awhile, this was her first time meeting the people in the squad, and not only had things gone to shit it was also that people had decided to come in and attack her captain and then ? That same individual had decided to attack her, it wasn’t a matter of being attacked however, as she didn’t mind if someone attacked her, however instead? It turned out that, she didn’t like individuals interrupting the general order of command.

So as her spiritual energy declined and she stood there? She had merely sat down for the moment crossing one leg over the other as she stared up at both of them. She Wasn’t ready to blow shit up anymore, but it was a barely contained rage simmering under her mask of calm. So she’d merely raise her finger and motioned for both of them to come down, to come the fuck over to her so that she could instead of kicking someone into next week. She wanted to figure out just how this happened, seeing as she couldn’t attack someone, ergo she was trying to calm both herself down and then at the same time accurately gauge the situation so that she wasn’t going to make it worse. Or at least worse than she had already made it so far. ‘

”..Come down here.”

The next thing she noticed was how afraid tessa had been of her, and that made her merely arch one of her eyebrows. Not precisely because she needed to assert how amusing this situation was, but more so because that was accurate, she should be afraid after the stunt she had decided to pull. As such? Animum had made a biting motion towards her before she finally exhaled rubbing her temple furiously, trying to knead the agitation out, although the only thing she really could understand was as she blinked and looked behind her, given her electricity had caused some fairly major damage to the division in the moment she had decided to release it as tessa had decided she wanted to try to bind animum. Not to say it had been a bad attempt, however the fact was the kido itself while on par with most master-class kido practitioners hadn’t been precisely had enough power to overwhelm her when she decided to use her own energy to counteract it.

Finally she would have gotten up, and walked into the division for something, out of her frustration she wasn’t about to deal with any more madness without a good strong drink, and because of this she would have rapidly vanished, reappearing after a moment with her arms FULL of vodkas bourbons, Tequilas, and Rum, each one of this containers clinking on the ground as she forwent the normal saki glass, instead popping the cork on a bottle of bourbon spitting it to the side as she finally took a gigantic swig, tilting the bottle to her lips and letting the bark-colored brown liquid pour into her mouth and then down her throat with a few large gulps. Her head tilting back further and further until she had drained the entire bottle letting out a deep exhalation of comfort while she looked back up, opening another bottle due to just how irritated she was.

”..Nyaow. .Will you guys tell me EXACTLY. whats going on?”

The Vice Captain Of Squad Seven said as she merely took a large drink of the next bottle, this one being tequila. letting the amberish liquid slide burningly down her throat, a trail of fire sizzling inside her from the amber alchohol, her expression pretty un-impressed at just the severity of what had gone on. Finally she’d watch as tess began to pass out as the after-affects of using all that master-class kido at her tier had kicked in, however Animum was having none of that, ERGO as she disappeared in raw speed accelerating up to roughly mach 2, she had caught the girl utilizing her ability to fluidly manipulate and control the electrons in the air, to give her a tiny “love-zap” the very purpose of it being to wake the girl up and rejuvinize her, as if she accepted it, she would feel energy flood into her systems, recharging the depleted energy she had lost for the moment, before she had looked levely at carter.
”..Seeing as she’s unconscious.. Mind filling me in before i end up guzzling down all those beverages in my exasperation. “

Animum’s words would be timed with her still holding the squad member, as while she had been pissed as shit towards this little girl, Animum was not known for her cruelty. Instead she had slowly cradled her and plopped her down against her lap as she sat there, tipping the bottle back to her mouth as she took another swig and then set the bottle down, lightly smacking either of tessa’s cheeks her expression slightly bemused as she said.

”..Wake up you royal pain in the ass~ You gotta explain to me why you attacked the captain”

Template By: [THEFROST]

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The Living Microwave
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New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only]

Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:09 pm

Yoma had received an invitation to attend a meeting for all squad 7 members regarding the new captain and vice captain. Yoma had spent a long time away from the gotei he wasn’t aware of the changes with his squad nor did he know what was going on with in it anymore. The time he had spent away was used to help push him to find his own reason for moving forward as his other had found. Yoma’s decision was to not attend the meeting, new captain or not it didn't matter to yoma if there was a new captain or not. To him he felt that this meeting had no affect on him, what changes happen are separate from his own duties and goals.

You should go, i'm interested in the new captain and vice captain. i'm curious to their strength i want to see if they have they have anything worth taking. You know as much as i do that meeting them wouldn’t hurt and that wouldn’t it be interesting what could be received. Especially since your power is so pathetic that i would soon overpower you.

Yoma’s other was trying to influence to take his route as he seemed interested in meeting the new captains. He was more interested in their strength over anything else, yet yoma himself knew that he alone could not become stronger so seeing what these new captains could provide would not be a bad thing. Yoma sighed as he complied with the demands of his other self. he disliked following his advice and letting his influence get to him but his other half was correct.

Yoma stopped being lazy and headed towards the squad 7 area where the meeting was to be held. he knew was going to be late but he didn’t care he wanted to find the potential to guide him towards his future and his reason for acting. As he got closer and closer to his location he could hear that something was going on. It seemed that even in this squad trouble was still around and chaos was sure to ensue.

Yoma arrived seeing that fighting was going between tessa and two unknown people. Yoma wasn’t sure what to do nor what the best course of action would be so he waited a moment listening to the conflict and monitoring the status of the area. Kido, flames, and lots of shouting. Yoma was surprised they were wily nily destroying what got in their way such as a building and everything inside that building. it seemed that while Yoma was absent the meeting had started and gotten to a rough introduction. Yoma guessed the two unknowns were the captain and the vice captain. he was unsure which was which as he saw a young child and was unsure if he was the vice captain. after a bit the commotion seemed to dissipate and the woman Tessa was caught her and brought out liqueur.

Yoma walked up with his hands crossed behind his neck and walked up to everyone. Yoma hid his serious demeanor with his more jokey attitude.

“Seems like some excitement was going on here. i missed a lot not sure if it's a good thing i'm late. So who is the new Capt and who is the new vice captain? watching some of what was going on im pretty sure we are in for an exciting new year. So yea what was going on?”

Yoma walked over to the white haired kid and attempted to poke him a few times.

“So do we all get beat up this meeting or is that just Tessa? i vote this white haired kid gets their initiation beatings next.“

Template By: [THEFROST]
The Game
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New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only]

Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:46 pm

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:914
Just like that his Vice had relaxed, letting her anger go. His hair fell back down to his face haphazardly, the white locks getting in his eyes. His free right hand moved them away as Tessa preformed an attack form behind him, a reckless attempt to bind Animum. He didn't interfere, he could feel that this girl was already at the end of her rope, having pushed so much of her power out so quickly had drained her. This was a last ditch effort and more than anything a way to save her self respect most likely.

Personally Carter wouldn't have wanted to be caught in it but he knew Animum was fine, her being expelling the attack with almost no effort. Her attitude showed just a smudge as she bit the air in Tessa's general direction like she was nipping at her, a sign that the girl needed to be afraid of her. Carter merely rolled his eyes and released his Shikai. Nacuto going from the large bastard sword to a single handed longsword that he sheathed, letting her rest once again. It was a rough start to a nerve wracking day but so far it had been less climatic than he thought. He knew some bad shit would most likely happen as the Shinigamis now a days were rather arrogant not liking when a new leader came to take over and demand respect right off the bat. The thing was he didn't expect their respect yet, he knew he would have to earn it and it would be harder than most due to the multiple captains this lot had had.

With a tired sigh he would run his now free left hand through his hair before walking toward Animum, the girl having disappeared a mere moment ago and returning with multiple drinks in tow. It was almost comical, relief was needed and she gathered it effortlessly and he wanted to laugh at it all but couldn't, instead he elected to grab himself a bottle of Bourbon whiskey by the neck and pop the cork stopper before taking a swig. His nostrils flared from the warmth as the liquid lit him up, warming his insides and making his eyes water just a bit. He exhaled, already smelling of the double distilled batch of Bourbon, it was a good way to relax his frayed nerves and he had planned on drinking after the awkward meeting was over so they could all try and bond like a squad but that seemed to not be going to plan either.

His eyes fixed on Tessa, the girl collapsing. His body moved forward in a blaze of light only to be beaten by Animum to gather her. The blonde headed vizard looked at him, already half lit from an entire bottle she downed by herself. She looked a little red in the face but it was expected from the quick drinking, she wanted him to give the details as to why this had happened. He laughed a little and rubbed the back of his head before giving her a nervous smile and answering, "I kinda goaded her into it... I figured it was the best way to break the ice with someone as full of fire as she is. Should have warned you so this all hadn't happened..." His eyes looked around nervously avoiding the scolding look he was most likely getting from Animum before taking another deep drink from his bottle. What a day. He thought, noticing as the next member walked up to the mound of rubble. The young boy Yoma, the kid opened his mouth and began speaking like a kid would, loud and full of grit, not really reserved or smart for that matter.

He was trying to joke to break the ice as he walked up to Carter and looked down at him, saying something, the words lost on Carter as the boy called him a 'Kid'. He could feel a vein throbbing in his temple while his face reddened, not with the drink but instead with a rage, his trigger word had come out, this punk had come in and called him a kid. Carter could take a lot of things but one thing he couldn't stand was being called a kid.

"This Kid right here would happen to be your Captain, and ya know I think someone needs to start cleaning up around here. That's an order." he spat, stomping over to a ruined section of the wall and sitting down, counting to ten in his head so he could relax before he opened up a can of angelic vengeance on the cocky prick. Once done he realized yelling at that wasn't good so he sighed and hung his head.

" Fuck it, hold off on that Yoma. Grab yourself a drink and sit down, we all might as well get to know one another as soon as the others arrive. I can always pay Squad 4 to clean this one up." He said, finding his inner peace again. His golden eyes would come up and fixated themselves on the young shinigami. "Just don't call me a kid again or we'll have to spar." he warned, a dark twinkle in his eyes as a mischievous smile played on his lips.

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Last edited by Carter on Tue May 21, 2019 9:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

|Death is but the first step in life|

New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 ZfrGue8

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New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only]

Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:36 am
I will post in next rotation unless carter would prefer I insert myself sooner to get things moving. sorry about being late
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New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only]

Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:31 pm
Steven was running late he knew that much. He had received word of the meeting of the squad a while ago and he had every intention of showing up on time. However, he had been training and had lost all track of time as he did so. It was feeling the powerful energies clashing that caused him to break out of his absentmindedness and start booking it toward the meeting place. He wondered if he would be in trouble for being late and he honestly hoped that he wouldn't be the last one there but looking at the time he figured that would be unlikely. He didn't really care if he was the last one to show up it would just look slightly better.

He slowed down as he started to see the meeting hall up ahead. To be more precise he saw the remains of the hall as he approached. He started looking at the damage inspecting seeing what could have caused it. His mind was sent spinning as he looked it all over from a distance as he approached. This kind of damage usually meant some kind of threat and he was trying to calculate the best response he could. Just looking at what had been done he could already tell that this type of thing was out of his league. Still he couldn't help but think of the limited things he could do if there was a need for it.

Steven really started to feel how underwhelming his strength was as he looked at the damage. He knew that he wasn't the strongest one in the squad. He hadn't exactly signed up to be a shinigami right after coming to the soul society. If he had maybe he would already be strong enough to fight forces like this. Still he was training to try and close the gap between himself and everybody else. There was simply so much to do in order to close it that it was slow going. Still he wasn't to worried. He could handle himself in a fight fairly well and his mind should be sharp enough to rival the others even if his body wasn't.

He walked across the threshold of the meeting place and started to observe the others already there. Doing the quick mental math he knew that he was in fact the last person to show up. There were two here that he didn't know at all and remembering the message about the meeting having to do with the new captain and vice captain he quickly assumed this was them though he had no idea which could be which. The one with tessa in her arms or the young looking one with white hair. He knew better then the judge by size, age, appearance, or even strength. What was typically looked for in captains was ability above all else and he was sure both had that. "Hey sorry I'm late. Looks like I missed all the exciting parts already." he would say alerting all to his presence if they hadn't noticed already. "Hopefully there is still plenty to do. I don't think I'm THAT late." He figured he could figure out which one was the new captain by their words and actions without having to ask directly.
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New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:54 am
24 hour warning for Tina or we will move on

|Death is but the first step in life|

New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 ZfrGue8

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New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only] - Page 2 Empty Re: New Face to Squad 7 [Squad 7 members only]

Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:16 pm
Everything started to change as her body began to fall. Heading to her knees, Tessa suddenly felt her body steadied and a rush of energy filled her as whoever had decided to help restored her severely drained reserves. However, who this person was would be something that would shock Tessa Morrowend to the core. Sure enough, as she saw who it was, took in just who had her in her arms, red eyes widened in pure terror. Instinct took over, higher mental functions retreated, and Tessa reacted like any other frightened animal faced with a predator: she clawed at Animum with her nails, pushed and pulled as she attempted to break free, hissing and spitting as her wings flared outwards in an attempt to make herself look larger and more intimidating.

If Animum let go of Tessa she would simply take to the air, flying as far away from the place as she attempted to flee the fearsome predator. However, if instead Animum held on, slowly the attempts to break free would slow and eventual stop. Eyes alight with curiousity, the half dragon would sniff lightly at Animum, tail swishing lightly as it tried to determine why this predatorial beast had not ended her existence yet. Slowly her nose would move upwards, sniffing at each part of the new vice captain's body. As she moved upwards her nose caught the smell of something foreign, something new. Now distracted by this new scent her head followed it, moving over to the bottle Animum had just set down. Sniffing at it, her nose scrunched up and her head withdrew, mouth opening as she did.

"Ah... Ah... Achoo!"

A sulphurous cloud retched out of her nose, directly at the mouth of the bottle she had just sniffed. Shaking her head experimentally, Tessa turned her head away from the bottle, returning to her previous curiosity: Animum.

(OOC: Well, that was actually one difficult post, hope you all enjoy!)

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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