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Out land Clash: A Conflict Outside The Capital City [Iceland Event Mission]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out land Clash: A Conflict Outside The Capital City [Iceland Event Mission]

Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:36 pm
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Out land Clash: A Conflict Outside The Capital City [Iceland Event Mission]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu

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Last edited by Kade on Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Out land Clash: A Conflict Outside The Capital City [Iceland Event Mission]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out land Clash: A Conflict Outside The Capital City [Iceland Event Mission]

Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:41 pm

Artist:Transformers OST - Song:Devastation - Word Count:1241 --

The smell of death was thick in the air. Across the entirety of Iceland, thousands upon thousands had been slaughtered in only moments. In each segment, the superpowers that really decided the outcome of the war had decimated the lines of the fodder. Some places were worse than others, but there were none free of casualty entirely. Twisted energy scattered throughout the sky, the hatred and tainted power of those partaking in the war washing over the atmosphere. Craters covered the ground, blood soaking in the dirt and the feeling of immense spiritual power resonating from across the map. One by one these signals dimmed, some dropping off teh map entirely for unknown reasons. Everything culminated together to give a transparent map of the entire war taking place and the new peaks of power each soldier took to decimate their opposition and claim the day.

In the ghost-ridden battlefield encasing the heart of the war, a Human figure began to approach. They were walking toward the crimson dome that had been newly adorned in a stronger, blacker coat. While the devastation was vast on the outside, one could only imagine the events going on behind the veil. It masked the events to an extent, but with how powerful things had become, the twisted, crushing power encased int it was undeniable. The land seemed lifeless, the bulk of soldiers normally defending the capital no longer present in even the form of corpses. He could feel that a fight had already happened here, though the outcome was unknown. Traces of demonic and angelic spiritual pressure lined the area from the finished conflict. Some winner should ave been left behind...The Man's eyes sharpened, picking up on the lone soul that remained, a Demon that didn't appear all that strong enough to be the lone survivor of one of the war's many conflicts. Looks tended to be deceptive though.

The Vanguard soldier was in his usual outfit, twin scarves swaying behind him in the wind with each step. One of his hands rested on the guard of one of his twin swords, the other hanging almost limply at his side. Even with the nearly-empty field, and air of severity resonated from the Unknown soldier. They had experienced war many times, the event of chaos one of the few things he took seriously in the depths of his being. The rules of war were far different from any traditional conflict. Death was unavoidable to most, a series of chaotic collisions that only lead to the detriment of all sides partaking. The distance evaporated, the clear visual of the approaching operative becoming more defined.

The sounds of foot steps and crackling electricity echoed in the deathly silence of the grave, occasionally overshadowed by the explosive conflict going on inside the barrier,. Sparks of green electricity danced around him, a spiral of spiritual power moving around him at a steady pace. Though not in combat yet, the mental state he was in trigger multiple reactions in his body. Adrenaline coursed through each vein, the entirety of his body knowing that battle was soon to come and making preparations ahead of time.Few could afford to take things slowly at times like this, so prematurely augmenting his cells wasn't a bad idea. Reishi rearranged, buffed and repaired the atoms and molecules in his body with each second. Though not easily apparent due to the purely physical nature of the changes, he was getting stronger from the developed subconscious in his mind adjusting to the ever unpredictable war.

Dellapero actually seemed quite weak when tracked by traditional means of sensory. His spiritual aura had been compressed into his flesh, only giving off the slightest exhaust that was present even now. He carried himself much like many of the more experienced combatants though, ready to act on a moment's notice. His normally upbeat persona was void, replaced by the tired, pained expression, of a man that had seen these kinds of things far too often in their life. Despite the disdain for it all, he was as determined as ever. Times like these it was most important to have complete faith in your own purpose and carry it out without a second thought. So even with the more somber look to his being, he'd carry out the ideals he always aimed for.

The swordsman ceased their approach upon getting around thirty meters from the barrier and its lone protector. His emerald eyes looked forward, muscles ready to act in the event of a surprise attack or a new arrival. With their forces so decimated, a form of reinforcement was very likely. They'd need it to maintain this area for too much longer. The man cleared his throat, pulling on the sheathed sword enough to slightly uncover the spiritually-enriched steel. The twin swords both gave off the strength of a shikai-level weapon, a fog of green energy pouring out from the sheath. Though not visible a third energy signature from a firearm on his back gave off a slightly more potent energy than the swords at his waist, the purpose and ability of these special weapons difficult to identify. Dellapero spoke out to the single remaining soldier, his voice filled with an unyielding passion, but laced in sympathy.

"You're not going to be able to defend this place as you are. You should leave and get somewhere else while you can. I'll be taking over this area until this war is concluded." Whether met with immediate hostility or surprising compliance, it was worth an effort. He couldn't feel any exceedingly powerful vibes from the remaining soldier, so taking them out of commission wouldn't be too difficult on its own. He knew it wouldn't be that simple though/ Something else would come, someone much more powerful than the lone defender, and he would secure this space and defeat any that would try to bind it to their grasp. Ensuring the escape route was nearly as important as winning the capital itself. To have the souls inside captured or killed without means of escape could lead to all too many problems for the Vanguard and Earth in its wake.

Dellapero was determined to win the day.

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Out land Clash: A Conflict Outside The Capital City [Iceland Event Mission]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Out land Clash: A Conflict Outside The Capital City [Iceland Event Mission]

Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:57 am

Artist:In Flames - Song:Man Made God - Word Count:1107 --

The man sighed, expecting as much. Were the roles reversed, this situation wouldn't play much differently, so why expect it to end so simply off a request? He stared at the Demon, thinking and feeling out their weaker energy signature. Did the Human need his blade? It would just cause overly excessive damage once things heated up. He also didn't want to evolve it to its secondary state just to avoid that inevitability. He had plenty of practice fighting unarmed, and given the situation that should pan out fine. A few strikes at some key locations and this fight could end fairly quickly. Things were a bit strange to him in these circumstances though. Being the stronger player wasn't something he was used to, but in times like these there wasn't much choice in the matter. This area was going to be under his control in the end, one way or another. The Human inhaled deeply, taking up adjusted for mobility and speed.

"That is the nature of war. Thousands die in seconds, their passing unavoidable even by the most efficient and devoted of combatants. Worse things will happen in the worst case scenario of that battle behind you though. That is why this area will be taken one way or another. If that is your decision though, then so be it." The electric currents and swirling spiritual energy continued to move, the thought of the attack driving them to slightly increase their pace even. This lead to new cracks of lightning a midst the air and a denser current of energy around his body. Cells were heated, the power coursing through them and modifying them causing the Human's skin to become a slightly more red shade. He finally made up his mind not t use his blade for now, pushing it back into its sheath and severing the flow of energy coming from the guard. If need be he could call it again were something to take him by surprise.

The weighted pressure around his body kept the Human even more restrained, lowering both his speed and strength substantially. This change is what the current worked to overrule, increasing muscle density very slowly to overcome the self-imposed burden and force himself to become stronger for the more serious battles soon to come. At the very least, this exhibition will be a good way for himself to adjust and gain the power he needed to face off with the growing monstrosities inside the barrier if need be. His foot pressed against the blood-soaked ground, the earth cracking beneath his feet from the pressure. He took only the briefest second to map out a plan of attack to kick things off. From then on, the man would act on instinct, his eyes adjusting to take on the perception of the world in slowed motion and give him ample time to recognize and react to any occurrence around him.

Dellapero lunged forward,, the force of his kick from zero to a hundred spinning up a small spiral of dust in his wake. Even restricted, his speed was well above most and it would only get faster as things progressed. He focused on the lone soldier, dulling the distraction of anything but the sound of impending attack. His footsteps left imprints in the dirt with each step, the strength with each step increasing to increase the Human's momentum quickly. In a moment the man was directly upon the Demon obstacle ready to attack. Just as it appeared he would go for a direct frontal strike,the Vanguard warrior twisted his direction of motion to the left, while at the same time sliding his foot against the ground. The force of the appendage broke the rock under its path,, scattering stone and dirt. The foot rapidly raised upward, sending a barrage of rock, dirt, and the burning landscape toward the Demon's upper-body while a fast sweeping kick aimed for the Demon's shins in an effort to knock them off balance and send their body falling backwards, or at the least induce some damage to the ;legs to reduce their movement ability to give him a slight edge in the next few seconds.

The Human continued to move around the Demon in a half-circle after recovering from the strike in a moment and regaining form. He made an effort to stay out of their direct vision and effective strike range. If they were in the process of falling or hadn't made any substantial efforts to capitalize on the counter-attack in that brief second, Grance would pick up a lesser, but still high amount of momentum and send a punch straight for the spine of Christopher's back. His fist twisted in the motion, adding a spin to the impact and giving it enough oomph to send them flying a few dozen feet forward if their stance were disrupted by the previous action. He was adaptable. ready to take advantage of any counter-attacks being made and take the offensive to end this fight as soon as he could. It was impossible to know when the defining moments in the dome would take place, and having this area captured by then was essential After the punch, Dellapero fully intended to keep moving to avoid any potential attack and take advantage of any openings he could find,. Though he acted next would depend on the defenses put against the physical assault.

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Dellapero Grance

The Great Melvin

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