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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Left_bar_bleue20650/20000The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Empty The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC)

Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:09 pm
NPC Template

Name: The Soul King, Teigai

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A


Absolute Knowledge
The Soul King has seen the past, present, and future simultaneously. Just like Touketsu, he has been to the end of the universe and back. He has witnessed other dimensions before the current one, as well as maintaining the ability to look into all other timelines as well. As a result, he has seen the truth of this universe, as well as the reasons for existence. However, unlike his counterpart… His mind went in the opposite direction.

Perfect Solidarity
The Soul King removed the part of himself which was able to feel stress and responsibility in the form of Seirei, long ago. This has allowed for his being to understand the mass amounts of information that have been given to him due to his existence. As a result, he feels no need to perform any duty, and also feels no need to feel anything. In fact, it would be best to say that he does not actually feel anything at all. He exists within his own state, and philosophically believes that nothing will ever be able to violate this state. The possible exception being Seirei, but due to the fact that they are disconnected, the two are unable to mix. The Soul King does not feel loneliness, and only feels the need to maintain the Soul Society, Thirteen Court Guards, and Zero Division due to maintaining the proper order.

Perfect Being
The Soul King does not stand argument. Indeed, he will not even stand discussion. Any dissent made against him or his decrees will be completely ignored, with no chance of parole. Indeed, it might be said that he the closest existence to a 'perfect being', due to the fact that he absolutely refuses to be allowed to change. He performs nothing new or spectacular, and as such simply 'exists'. He is. That is all that there is to him. At one time, it was not always so, but to the current Soul King, his perfection is an unavoidable 'fact of existence' which cannot be surpassed unless he himself is slain.

Necessary Instrument
The Soul King is necessary. To say he is necessary means 'to the current order '. It would be incorrect to call him 'arrogant', for he does not feel arrogance or have the capacity to. He also does not have the capacity to feel hatred, love, or any variation thereof. He does have a sense of amusement, but this is purely a mental experience.

No Free Will
Perhaps the most astonishing about the being known as the Soul King is his lack of free will. He is totally unable to do anything against the 'order' of existence. His mind cannot conceive such thoughts, and his spirit cannot perform them. Therefore, he cannot be tricked, as his power will be entirely unable to effect the target if this is the case. All the decisions that are prevented before him are pre-determined, and he is merely reacting to them. This is the price of knowledge: he has no free will. This also means that he cannot divulge any of the knowledge of the Future that cannot be known or of the Past that is not known or discoverable by other means, as it would violate that 'order'. His 'mind' was destroyed by the knowledge, and that is all.

Children of the Soul King
The Shinigami, the Iramasha, and the Humans are all races that the Soul King regards in some manner as 'his children'. He views their souls as a reflection of his own, due to them being members of the order. These races maintain 'free will', and it is for them that the Soul King regards himself as existing. However, he cannot react to their free will, and only in the case of their extermination or natural collapse will he intervene. Such is the case of the aide to the Soul Society after the battle with the Demon Armies. He does not care about their internal squabbles. He does not care about the identity of the Captain Commander, the Iramasha Leaders, or Shadin Yuudeshi. However, he does care that the 'essence' of their peoples are not interfered with. Even this, however, he is unable to actively act upon, and as such his will shall simply 'be done' as opposed to him doing anything.

Ultimate Enforcer of the Soul Cycle
The Soul Cycle, as it were, is totally maintained through the Soul King's influence. Therefore, any violations against it are violations against him, and any alterations to it must be approved by himself. If this fails to be the case, such as the gates of Hell being destroyed, then he himself will need to be roused in order to repair it. He is unable to feel damage to it himself, and as such he needs to directly be made aware. At the same time, it is because of this that he is unable to 'kill' anyone. Due to being part of the cycle himself, he is unable to move persons along it.

This means that no matter how much he beats and destroys against a person, nothing from his body can cause them to leave their current state of existence. Such as the case with Kin Iramasha, even though he was beaten extraordinarily so, he remained within his current state of existence due to the fact that the system cannot push him through itself.

The Royal 'We'
When he speaks, the Soul King refers to himself as 'we'. This is simply because he is one solitary being, but at the same time is unable to be solitary due to his presence in the lives of all 'souls'. Therefore, it would be correct in stating that every 'soul' is related to his own, and that this connection is binding and permanent.

The Eye of God
The form which the Soul King always inhabits is that which his eyes take place. These eyes are within the very gates to the Soul King's Dimension, and are always open. They have two different locations they ar eable to occupy. The first is within a doorway, which is able to release black tendrils in any direction it pleases. The second is within a strange 'orb' like construct. This construct is always open, and is always looking outwards. Speaking to it is the same as speaking to the King himself.

The Presence of the Divine
This appearance occurs only within the Soul King's own realm, and specifically within his court. Within this court, any who enter will see the most grand figure possible to their imagination. For most, this means a being made of golden fire, with a body made of scale-like objects constructed from topaz, rubies, and other precious gems. Atop his head will generally be a large crown of fire, and where either eye should be will instead be large chunks of obsidian.

The Form of the Divine
However, whenever removed from his home, or forced into the form which he first inhabited, he looks nothing like a human. The general shape of his body changes into almost that of an animal, with two gigantic legs in front and in back. These end in points, not hooves, without ankles, though it still has hooves. Its feet are ended in what almost appear to be white boots, ended in golden stripes. On the underside of its body are a gray material that is assumed to be its actual skin. Along the outside of its body is a white material that is neither fur nor flesh, but something almos tlike a snake's. Around his abdomen is a ring made of pure gold, with four arrow-like objects sticking out in an X shaped pattern. Each of these has a jewel inserted within it, from which a golden bar stretches out and connects with the other that is in its vertical alignment. This construct is just as much flesh as the rest of its body.

It has a tail, about as long as one of its legs. Its neck is more like a torso combined with a neck, with four small extrusions that look like triangles. From the center of its chest is a small white tuft of that peculiar white material, and atop of its head it has a long flowing mane made of the same. Its face is made of that gray material, with another green gem inserted at the end of the mouth. Its eyes are constantly changing color, but appear to be made of the gem as well.

Humanoid Form

The Soul King also maintains a humanoid form when forced to communicate with beings from the 'outer realms'. Naturally, this form is very obscure, but is rumored to have extremely serious features, dark skin, and pale white hair.

Tier: 0-1++
If Applicable, Position:
What Race: Divine

Brief History:
Knowledge of the Divine
It is impossible to understand, dear reader, the original concept from which the Soul King emerged. Due to his nature as the creator of the 'Soul', this means that he has existed for longer than the Soul itself. As a result, it is impossible for those with a soul to understand a being which does not truly have one. His body, mind, and 'spirit' are made of something totally different, something totally alien. For most, this would be considered his 'divinity'. So therefore, to properly relate his history, we must continue to the point at which he was able to 'differ' himself from everything else.

The being slowly forming 'consciousness' felt the association with everything else, and yet felt itself becoming different. Its mind was wide open, as it accepted all of existence's knowledge within itself. It allowed this as its own nature, seeing everything, and understood that it itself… it was the craftsman. It was not the origin point. It was not the end point. It was that which allowed for 'existence' to be. It was… the fact of existence. The fact of order.

This fact came further into existence as it beheld the disorganized and formulating ideas of those other beings which had differed themselves. One wished for chaos and destruction, for freedom, for hope. The other wished for hope as well, but desired to bring life, to continue growth unimpeded. The third being observed both of these… and determined that they were both incorrect.

The result of this conclusion could soon be felt. Planets formed as massive amounts of energy were released in organizing what would come to be known as the cosmos, different dimensions splitting off from each other as the possibilities of disordered existences ceased to be allowable. The one existence that the being focused on was designed to do one thing, and one thing only: Allow for 'free will'. The being himself did not contain this, but the knowledge it had gained it realized would slowly consume it, driving it to become like the one who desired chaos.

So instead, he chose a third way. He split himself off from the need to worry about this knowledge, to care for its contents. Its existence was a part of 'his' own existence, and therefore it split the knowledge from itself. This was what allowed for the 'free will' to develop among the various beings that were becoming created and destroyed. This 'knowledge' imprinted on animals in the form of 'instinct', of things which are known without being 'learned'. To say that his 'knowledge', the sum total ,was 'instinct' would likely be the closest understanding the human mind can comprehend.

Finally, the beings known as 'humans' gained this knowledge. However, they were blessed further than just the ability of instinct, and theirs developed into 'free will'. As this new concept was finally birthed into existence, the being split off from itself its own sense of the idea of 'free will'. This 'free wlil', this sense of duty, was placed down into one of the dimensions that had been prepared for the escorting of the dead.

This realm, known as the Society of Souls once its function had been realized, was where the being would link even itself, due to the fact that it was here that had the strongest belief in him due to his 'will' being sent here. Due to their awareness of his existence, these altered 'souls' which had become more like the being that they had separated from regained something which had been once lost to them, and that was the ability to 'create order', in the form of their Zanpakutō and kido, their 'spirit energy'. However, they still clung to their 'free will', and therefore existed as Shinigami instead of Hollow.

The birth of these fallen souls, the Hollow, were those who had lost their sense of free will. The Soul King, as he was now known, had not anticipated those 'peeled' dimensions to ever be used, but Hueco Mundo was eventually formed. While this was against the 'order' that the individual Soul King had developed, the Konso worked against them all the same, and the wills of the Shinigami made their tools into weapons to be used in combat.

The formation of the Zero Division was created for those who would initially have the ability to change so much 'order' that they needed to be trained into practically worshipping the present order. As a result, they were the 'followers' of the Soul King, the most ardent, and served more as a cult than anything else. However, they were gradually organized, and eventually the ideals of needing to rein them in dispersed as the organization increased.

Eventually, the systems that had been built by the Soul King were destroyed by the individual known as Ender, and the King himself was challenged by an upstart. For the first time in his entire existence, since having created it, the Soul King looked down at a being that was opposing him. For the first time, existence itself was forced to deny an individual.

Kin Iramasha was ordered out of the realm, and while he could not be killed by the Soul King's hand, he also did not care in the slightest what the male had done. He merely rejected him, and ejected him, eliminating his presence with raw power.

Finally, the Soul Society came under the attack of the being known as Khala Asthavon and her various forces. The Soul King could sense the presence of the third being within this one, and for the first time since the creation of the Soul Society's dimension, he felt the illusion of desire. However, this desire was merely to alter the existence of the broken being which had wandered into his realm. IN the end, he would ignore the struggle altogether, though towards the end… he was forced to take notice.

Two of the challengers were Shinigami, once more. And they… were powerful. They were two of those, just as in the original Zeros, who were able to change the very 'order' of things with their presence. This was not something the being had anticipated; one even had destroyed the Hell Gate, and the other was denying the existence of a being exactly similar to himself. How audacious the two of them were, their natures seemed to this being.

So, it acted. One of them it incorporated back within its Zero Division in recompense for the granting of a wish to balance the nature, as the individual was not at the true level that would require action, but was wise to take it. As for the other, the Soul King inserted his lost Duty within, making it so that even if he attempted to rebel, even with those vestiges of demons within him, he would remain ever a Pure Shinigami, no matter what hell he were driven through…

However, those were not the only clauses inserted. The Soul King also had to insert the being known as Seirei Rukon in order to prevent the destruction of the male's soul. The damage which had been inflicted upon it had not been felt by the Soul King in eons; not since when beings first discovered the ability to drive 'order' into other things. To prevent his collapse, therefore, the Soul King's influence inserted a clause. He would live as long as the seal created by the Demoness was supported by Seirei, but should this ever be driven to no longer the case… he would cease to exist. His soul would be destroyed, the damage that was held back would finally reach him, and he would die the most painful death imaginable.

The Soul King cares not for tragedy.

Associated Character: The Soul Society, Zero Division.

Basic Powers:

Master of Order
The Soul King is the ideal of order itself. His will was what originally caused for the order of all things, and therefore the current status quo is a direct reflection of himself as a being. As a result, he has a connection to everything within this 'order', the only violations of which are within Hueco Mundo, Demon World, and K-World. In these areas, he holds no influence as he did not construct them. However, outside of them…

In the other realms, he has what might be called absolute control.This means that when exerted through his actual body, his actual existence, these places cannot be enforced by another's 'order', by another person's spiritual pressure or influence, or other 'supernatural' abilities. This means that a powerless human may punch him in the face, but a being which makes a hundred arms out of its spiritual energy would be left helpless as their arms rapidly dispersed after coming in contact with his influence. This means that he is what might be considered the most absolute 'nullifier', as he is able to totally and utterly cancel these supernatural abilities in other realms. He cannot gain control of them, or destroy a being's soul due to the nature of his existence as discussed above. However, he can diminish it down to the most basic level of existence while it is within his presence. He cannot 'remove' others energy supplies, but he can render them inaccessible, like a match which cannot be lit by striking.

Nature of Absolute Reordering
The other control of concept which the Soul King is able to perform is the 'reordering' of matter. This does not mean that he changes the nature of its existence; he changes it absolutely on the smallest possible level. He neither creates nor destorys, but instead 'shapes'. For example, if he grabbed a person's arm, he could change it into a squirrel. Alternatively, he could turn an entire mountain into a large puddle or otherwise form a lake through massive terraforming. This ability, unlike that of Absolute Order, can be used within other dimensions as well, allowing him to manipulate the 'matter' that is located there. However, it still would require an absolutely massive level of energy on the deepest possible level to prevent him from manipulating that matter.

Immunity to Surpassing Laws and Negative Effects
Due to his intricate link with existence, there are only two solid ways that can be used to kill the being known as the Soul King. This method is performed through one on one combat by removing the potential of 'existence' from being connected with him. While in this place of lack of 'existence', his concept must then be destroyed. This means that the Soul King is nearly impossible to kill practically, as otherwise he will merely form again due to his connection with the 'existence' and 'order' within the universe. Alternatively, other damage and negative effects mean nothing to him as he is able to dissemble them at the most basic level and reform his own body, as he follows the 'absolute order' perfectly. This means that he can perfectly reform himself at any time, into any appearance he desires, and he is always following that 'absolute order'.

Capability for Infinity
The Soul King is diametrically opposed to those beings which have the ability of willpower. Willpower allows for things such as infinite fear, infinite happiness… imagination, in other words. By giving the ability for these infinities away and preventing them from being a part of himself, the Soul King has allowed for the 'infinite' of those other elements. His own mind can hold an 'infinite' amount of knowledge, and it does. In addition, his ability to interact with the 'infinite' universe is unlimited as well, due to this nature. This means that he will always follow what should happen with the 'order' of the universe, and therefore cannot go on tangents that would cause chaos or go against the 'order' of the universe.

Intrinsic Connection with Soul Cycle
His very 'body' is the Soul Cycle. While his 'mind' is the being which forms his appearance, the physical 'existence' he once maintained became the fact of that transit that allows for beings to eventually be recycled spiritually. This ability also defines the fact that he is connected with every other 'soul' in existence. While the amount of traces within them are so faint that he himself cannot detect them, it undeniably exists. At the same time, those 'infinitely' possible number of souls give an untraceable amount of energy back to the Soul King, simply by virtue of their 'existing'.

Power Level
Therefore, the Soul King's 'power level' is irrelevant, as it is infinite for all intents and purposes. It cannot be overcome by a being with limited raw energy, but it is also extremely difficult to overcome it with Unlimited Raw Energy. This is due to the fact that the nature of the energy that the Soul King takes in comes in with an infinite flow, allowing him to summon amounts of energy to completely recreate and destroy dimensions in an instant. Once he wills for that energy to exist for him to use, it simply 'does'.

Visual Capability
In addition, the Soul King is able to witness 'all things'. This means that within his sight, he examines every single 'plane' of existence. Even those planes of existences such as dreams are visible to him, due to his connection with 'souls', with the existence itself. As long as it has some connection with existence, with the ability to 'interact' with existence, he is able to see it, examine it, and understand each and every aspect of it. He is able to understand what exactly it can do, as well as what it 'will' do.

Ability to Speak in First Person
Due to his ability to 'synchronize' with existence, the Soul King himself is able to speak with the voice of his own existence, personified within it. Therefore, he can speak in the 'first person' during a post, depending on how connected he is with the existence of a place. This signifies the level of intensity of his connection, as well as the full implementation of his abilities.

Weapon: Single Finger
The Soul King's Fingerprint is the only weapon that he uses. Indeed, a single finger is the only one that he actually will use offensively as a tool in combat. The print has the ability of being able to perform Konso instantly on a soul, purify the effects of holiness or corruption from a being, as well as allow for a dying being to lose all feeling within its body, for example. It also allows for him to transmit both Reordering and Order as he pleases, using it as a conduit. For an example, this finger is the only thing which he actively exerts his will through in order to maintain his sub-dimension within Soul Society, and the use of both hands is what was used in order to divide the dimensions.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Left_bar_bleue248350/500000The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Empty_bar_bleue  (248350/500000)

The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Empty Re: The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC)

Thu Dec 25, 2014 4:06 pm
I will check this for you, though it seems there's not really much checking here to do. This application breaks all the rules but I know you know that much already. What I must ask is if this NPC is but a mere plot device, made for a single purpose, acting as a 'placeholder'. As this application is, the Soul King would not be able to truly actively participate as much as Touketsu or Truth ever have. The Soul King, as you've written him, is nearly an interminable and faultless character.

I CAN accept this, but the utilization of the Soul King then would have to be so limited that it would almost be not worth it. Otherwise, you would have to really rethink what the Soul King is in this PH universe.

The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Qx494h
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Empty Re: The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC)

Thu Dec 25, 2014 11:58 pm
Yes, this was the point of the character. The fact is, he is unable to be roleplayed in a way that would truly 'change' anything - which is exactly how the Soul King has acted both within and outside of canon. His being roleplayed would ONLY be performed in those extraordinarily rare, near-event level cases where his presence is actually invoked, and due to his close link with the 'order' of things, he would not be able to do something with his abilities that would truly break the world. He is more of a placeholder than anything, and this application is 'defining' him as a character so that in the case he is needed, there is a reference of what he can do.

I have thought long and hard about what the Soul King should be to the Platinum Hearts Universe, and this is what I have resulted with. This is what I believe an 0-1+ who supports the Order should be like, and I was never planning to roleplay him as an independent character - that is why he is referred to as an Non-Playable Character. He cannot be developed and cannot initiate conflict, he can only act in response to it when appropriate, which will be extraordinarily rare.

Thank you for the chance to define my intentions with making him. If that is approvable to you, then I would then ask for Frost to come and check so that the tier can be made alright as well as the history. Thank you.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Empty Re: The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC)

Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:37 am
No doubt. I can say, if that's what you intend for this character to be, then I can say that as far as concept and identity go, this looks like it fits what the Soul King "is" to our world. The powers however are nigh unapprovable under any normal jurisdiction. Even in event cases, it would be hard to justify aloowing a character like this to participate.

This entity does not have any reasonable weaknesses.

This entity does not promote meaningful interaction.

This entity greatly restricts the dynamic of a thread.

Your rendition may be faithful to the idea of the Soul King but that is not always the best thing. If you're sure you don't want to develop a more dynamic Soul King and rather have him be this perfect being, then I'd advise that you state just how limited this NPC can be used, and then pass it off to Frost. That'll be it for me.

The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Qx494h
Nise no Eiyū
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The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Empty Re: The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC)

Fri Dec 26, 2014 6:49 am
I'm going to give two cents on this, being that I made a power based specifically on order. It has to have a limit of what it can do. Even though Kakeru's Order is powerful, it's not without flaws and weaknesses. And as Trim has brought the sole point of what's going on with this app home, and me being an Admin, I can agree with her points. I get yours as well, but this is PH we have our gods interacting with humans on daily basis like the Greeks, I think you can do better than this, but this means that some of this...well I aint going to lie a lot of it would be needed to be edited, because as he stands if I were to check this I would say no Denied and try again. Add reasonable Drawbacks. I get it SOUL KING THE ALMIGHTY RULER OF THE UNIVERSE WOO. Look at it this way Shinigami are Gods of Death and they die when they are killed. (Pun intended). The Soul king needs some form of weakness so that if he tangles with Toktesu or Truth, they have a reasonable battle and not LOL I CAN DO THIS BECAUSE SOUL KING. Seems a bit contrived doesn't it?

The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Empty Re: The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC)

Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:38 am


« Application Checklist »

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  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [O]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [O]
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  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Pain Endurance: N/A
  • Focus: N/A

  • Comments/Notes: Master Of Order

    the only violations of which are within Hueco Mundo, Demon World, and K-World. In these areas, he holds no influence as he did not construct them. However, outside of them…

    I don't think he created the Sug Realm, correct? So I think that should fall in there first of all. I also think it is established that Truth was pretty much the one who overlooked the living realm as well.

    In the other realms, he has what might be called absolute control.This means that when exerted through his actual body, his actual existence, these places cannot be enforced by another's 'order', by another person's spiritual pressure or influence, or other 'supernatural' abilities.

    There is no such thing as absolute control on the site. Even Deveta and Truth are susceptible to things with their powers within their realms. Granted, they have a heavy control, but their will/power/rule isn't ABSOLUTE. Therefore, I'd say that he has a resistance against spiritual influence/abilities within HIS own realm, but it isn't impenetrable. It would require something of a high caliber to attack, otherwise I'm calling non-sense.

    Alternatively, other damage and negative effects mean nothing to him as he is able to dissemble them at the most basic level and reform his own body, as he follows the 'absolute order' perfectly. This means that he can perfectly reform himself at any time, into any appearance he desires, and he is always following that 'absolute order'.

    Yeah, nah. That sounds like mullarky. Every being needs to be able to take negative effects or damage, even if they have a resistance against it. Otherwise, that is just border on the edge of bull. Deveta can choose any form he desires, but he is still capable of taking damage and negative effects as you saw. You are gonna have to remove that negative damage and perfectly reforming himself at any time; as even Mana, although she can reform herself, it still takes its toll on her overall health and energy to do so with each reformation.

    Due to his intricate link with existence, there are only two solid ways that can be used to kill the being known as the Soul King. This method is performed through one on one combat by removing the potential of 'existence' from being connected with him. While in this place of lack of 'existence', his concept must then be destroyed. This means that the Soul King is nearly impossible to kill practically, as otherwise he will merely form again due to his connection with the 'existence' and 'order' within the universe.

    What? I don't really follow this one much. Are you saying the Soul King needs to be killed within a void of hollow space to attack his concept directly? With something like this, you are going to need to go into as much detail as possible. And even if something is "nearly impossible to kill", it still needs to have consequences. One thing that comes to mind is Sagumi. Technically, he is immortal since he is able to be reborn in the Soul Cycle. However, he loses his bodies abilities and powers and restarts his tier within a new life. I'd say something similar is needed for the Soul King and for you to go in-depth as I'm not accepting this until it is more thoroughly explained. Not sufficient.

    The Soul King is diametrically opposed to those beings which have the ability of willpower. Willpower allows for things such as infinite fear, infinite happiness… imagination, in other words. By giving the ability for these infinities away and preventing them from being a part of himself, the Soul King has allowed for the 'infinite' of those other elements. His own mind can hold an 'infinite' amount of knowledge, and it does. In addition, his ability to interact with the 'infinite' universe is unlimited as well, due to this nature. This means that he will always follow what should happen with the 'order' of the universe, and therefore cannot go on tangents that would cause chaos or go against the 'order' of the universe.

    Infinite knowledge is a bit of stretch. Yeah, Deveta and Truth hold a ton of knowledge, but even they are unable to fully tap into it. A main part of Deveta's story was the fact his mind broke from attempting to retain infinite knowledge, while Truth has in-depth systems to maintain his knowledge. You are gonna have to better balance out this knowledge other than what has been provided and go into more in-depth information about how this information is managed, describe the volume of his knowledge and otherwise have some form of drawback with it. Like, I get he is the Soul King, but no being on the site should have infinite knowledge. And if you see someone with it, or one of my own, then I will gladly rectify it post-haste.

    His very 'body' is the Soul Cycle. While his 'mind' is the being which forms his appearance, the physical 'existence' he once maintained became the fact of that transit that allows for beings to eventually be recycled spiritually. This ability also defines the fact that he is connected with every other 'soul' in existence. While the amount of traces within them are so faint that he himself cannot detect them, it undeniably exists. At the same time, those 'infinitely' possible number of souls give an untraceable amount of energy back to the Soul King, simply by virtue of their 'existing'.

    Therefore, the Soul King's 'power level' is irrelevant, as it is infinite for all intents and purposes. It cannot be overcome by a being with limited raw energy, but it is also extremely difficult to overcome it with Unlimited Raw Energy. This is due to the fact that the nature of the energy that the Soul King takes in comes in with an infinite flow, allowing him to summon amounts of energy to completely recreate and destroy dimensions in an instant. Once he wills for that energy to exist for him to use, it simply 'does'.

    Hm, what? Are you saying his body is what allows for Souls to be recycled? I'd also take it easy on being connected with every other soul in existence; as it is stated that some demons are forged by Deveta's Blood, Sug Beast are form from Legends, Danava's can be straight up born from concepts and so on and so forth with some races on PH. So I'd reword that "connected" with every soul in existence. I'd also take it easy on the infinite energy and just say he has a copious amount of energy he can tap into. As, while Deveta's Cataclysmic Energy can potentially devour worlds, on this site? Yeah, he realistically and will never be able to use it because the laws of the PH Verse would destroy him. Hence, why he can only use 20% of his power at most and is forced to divide it among different bodies, Demon World and so on and so forth to be fair to the other players.

    Please, fix that to be more balanced and fair.

    In addition, the Soul King is able to witness 'all things'. This means that within his sight, he examines every single 'plane' of existence. Even those planes of existences such as dreams are visible to him, due to his connection with 'souls', with the existence itself. As long as it has some connection with existence, with the ability to 'interact' with existence, he is able to see it, examine it, and understand each and every aspect of it. He is able to understand what exactly it can do, as well as what it 'will' do.

    u wot m8? This goes back to what I said earlier about some souls not being influenced by the Soul King. You need to define this much better. Not even Deveta/Truth are able to do that. Yeah, they can observe stuff to their worlds with a high level of capacity, but they aren't omi-observant And certainly not to the point of knowing PRECISELY what it will do; as that sounds outright God-Moddish. Please, fix this.

    Due to his ability to 'synchronize' with existence, the Soul King himself is able to speak with the voice of his own existence, personified within it. Therefore, he can speak in the 'first person' during a post, depending on how connected he is with the existence of a place. This signifies the level of intensity of his connection, as well as the full implementation of his abilities.

    ....u wot m8? I don't think I'm going to allow that because First Person RPing isn't really a thing here. That just sounds outright weird. I'd rather that be removed. (WT)

    Weapon: Single Finger
    The Soul King's Fingerprint is the only weapon that he uses. Indeed, a single finger is the only one that he actually will use offensively as a tool in combat. The print has the ability of being able to perform Konso instantly on a soul, purify the effects of holiness or corruption from a being, as well as allow for a dying being to lose all feeling within its body, for example. It also allows for him to transmit both Reordering and Order as he pleases, using it as a conduit. For an example, this finger is the only thing which he actively exerts his will through in order to maintain his sub-dimension within Soul Society, and the use of both hands is what was used in order to divide the dimensions.

    I'd fix the instantly to insanely fast. As that makes it sound automatic almost to the character in question @ the holiness, purifying and etc. Also, you are gonna have to add way more detail into this as that just sounds weird and silly that he is able to maintain all order with his finger; even if he is the dang Soul King. Not to mention being able to shatter dimensions with just his hands. You may have to overhaul that or outright remove it and rework it. As that doesn't sound okay at all. Not even Truth/Deveta can just say "Welp, we are Demi-Gods. So we are gonna chop all of existence into oblivion with our pinky." Nah. It don't work like that.

    So, more or less, I agree with Kakeru/Trim's statements and have come to the conclusion this app needs serious rework before I review it again. Please make these changes I outlined for you before I overview this guy again.

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The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Empty Re: The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC)

Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:45 pm
Its been over five days, so I'm moving this to WIP section.
Get to werk on the Soul King.

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Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:50 am
moving this to olllllddd WIPPP JJ get on this shite.~

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Sun May 03, 2015 6:48 am

✖| Woah~~ |✚
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Is this App Ready for Check?
I don't see any WIP in the app title so I can only assume that it is ready for check, if not may you reply to be within this month to tell if it is or isn't.

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The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC) Empty Re: The [SOUL] [KING] (NPC)

Mon May 04, 2015 1:13 pm
Its been five months, so Im going to go ahead and archive this until JJ asks for it back. All he has to do is ask.

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