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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Left_bar_bleue0/0Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID]

Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:19 pm
Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Image3784

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Image3795-1

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Image3785-1

• Name: Arrianna Tsuki
• Age: Unknown
• Gender: Female
• Appearance: Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] PoYobdh

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Image3786-1

• Personality: Because of the excess flow of Inner Chaos Energy it makes her highly 'unstable', In that she at times tends to over-react to situation's when she shouldn't, Or she could be perfectly calm in a conversation and then all of a sudden start yelling at someone for seemingly no reason. When she was a kid she had an 'accident' while swimming with a bolt of lightning which blinded her, Since she's been deathly afraid of lightning, However on the flip side because of this she also has a strong passion and love for the ocean, She cant explain WHY she loves the ocean considering that's where she was blinded, But it might have something to do with that being the last thing she's ever seen. Despite her Destructive Ability she is generally quite passive and will usually never lift a finger in harm against another person unless she's forced too.

Because of her unnaturally high amount of Inner Chaos Energy that's being constantly leaked, She often suffers from massive headaches at random times, This can cause her to act very differently then she normally would. She finds it hard to keep friends or allies since the headaches usually cause her to act like she shouldn't, Or sometimes even attack anyone who's near her, Weather it be friend, foe, human, Shinigami, hollow or anyone else near her.

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Image3788-1

• Background: Arrianna has always been a very bright girl, Even when she was young she showed exceptional intelect and was able to match just about anyone older then her in sheer wit, Though she lacks the physical strength at times to win in most other area's, Her high intellegence allows her to outsmart just about anyone. When she was young she was blinded while swimming by a bolt of lightning, The cause of which is still unknown since it came out of nowhere on a clear day. Most say that she was lucky to survive and say the reason she did survive is because of her vast Inner Chaos Energy that's always flowing from her. A few years after she was blinded she obtained her first form and created her own Seishun Buki.

A few years later Arrianna was cast from the village where she was born and raised due to a freak outburst, Her overwhelming energy had surged out of control and had decimated the entire village and killed dozen's of people, Because of that her family and the village agreed that she was far too dangerous and sent her away until she learned to control her Inner Chaos Energy. Needless to say so far it hasn't worked, To this day her Seishun Buki has always remained in it's human form and because it so closely resemble a man that she had actually killed, Some question weather or not she killed him on purpose, Or if it truly was an accident.

Despite this and after a few dozen years Arrianna finally returned to the Iramasha Island completely changed, Though her apperance had changed since they last saw her, Everyone was able to tell exactly who she was because of her Seishin Buki and because of this many people still stay far away from her though some have forgiven her, Whilst other's try to kill her. To this day she remains in a small cottage on the outskirts of her former Iramasha home town where she can be found spending most of her time meditating with her Seishin Buki to try and control the overflow of Chaos Energy.

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Image3793-1

• Seishin Buki Name: Shunsui

• Seishin Buki Appearance: It normally appears as a seperate person, A man in fact that she had met and fell inlove with before she was blinded, Though at the time their age difference was tremendous, She still remembers what he looked like and as a result when she formed her Seishun Buki, This is the first thing it turned into.

• Seishin Buki Abilities: Her Seishun Buki is mostly a defensive one, While it's out in it's Human form she's nearly untouchable as it essentially serves as her eyes to try and block all incoming attacks, Able to block most attacks of her own level and even some from a few tier's higher then her, Though it cannot always stop an attack fully, It can normally mitigate the damage quite a bit. However her Seishun Buki cannot attack directly whilst in it's human form, It's restricted to just defensive purposes, So while it can be an exceedingly powerful defense, That is all it can be used for in Human Form.

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Image3792-1

• Powers: Due to her vast amount of energy she can directly control the overflow of Inner Chaos Energy, Lashing it out as though it was a weapon in-itself. She's also shown signs of being able to control the very Air around her and either remove it entirely or change it's very shape into a deadly weapon.

Highly Perceptive - Through her many tribulation's and due to the fact that she lost her eye sight at a young age, Arrianna is surprisingly perceptive while both in and out of combat, In combat she can usually tell where most of her enemies are going to try to attack from, Which lets her Seishun Buki block attacks, Out of combat she can decern weather someone is trying to hide something, or if someone is in trouble within a certain distance

• Chaos Moves:
Name: Ai Chi Tsu Ne Fu [アイ チ ツ ネ フ]
Description: This attack has 5 stages to it, Each one corresponding with one word of it's full name.

First Stage: Ai, The first stage acts as a 'funnel' for her Inner Chaos Energy, It funnels the energy into her hands, Channeling her energy as such enables any attack she makes with her hands increase in it's strength and destructive power depending on the amount funneled, This stage is visible by the amount of energy that most anyone can see resinating directly from her hands and/or weapon, It's important to note that this energy can be put into anything she holds, From wooden chairs to a broadsword, To even a bow and arrow, If it's a bow and arrow the arrow retains this energy until it connects with something at which time it explodes into dangerous shards that attempt to impale anything close to it. The explosion has a small radius of about 15 feet

Second Stage: Chi, The second stage begins to draw in the Outter Energy around her and attempts to combine it with the Inner Energy funneled by the First Stage, Ai, This stage is also very visible as she tends to stop moving and takes a very defensive stance, This stage of Ai Chi Tsu Ne Fu will be very taxxing on her, Converting Outer Chaos Energy is no simple task.

Third Stage: Tsu, The third stage transfers all the energy drawn in by both the First and Second stage to a single point on her or her Seishun Buki, When performed it increases the durability, Strength and speed of the object and anything it's touching, This stage will also be very taxxing, if she attempts to combine both energies and concentrate them into a single spot, it will cause a large amount of stress on her body.

Fourth Stage: Ne, The fourth stage is rather simple in comparison to the previous 3 stages, Ne causes the energy stored to be almost 'shot' out in all direction's as a single attack

Fifth Stage: Fu, By far the most deadly part, If the final stage is allowed to be activated then all of the energy previously sent out is recalled back to the original point where Ne was used, Slicing everything in it's path indisciminately, Though this can be avoided by ducking or jumping out of the way, Because of the speed that it is recalled most find it hard to dodge unless they have advanced warning of it, The most notable and easily visible warning is if she uses Ne, And then tries to get out of the area in which Fu would be pulled back too, though she is known, At times, To use Fu whilst holding her opponent to ensure they are hit, This not only means her opponent cant dodge, But this also means that she will also take severe damage without her Seishun Buki, With her Seishun Buki she'll only take half of the original Damage and she'll also be unable to summon her Seishun Buki for the rest of the thread if she uses it to block the damage

Name: Gegozoshuryuzu [げごぞしゅりゅず]
Cast Time: 10 posts
Description: Gegozoshuryuzu is one of her strongest attacks, Provided she has no interruption's at the end of the Cast time Gegozoshuryuzu sends out sharp projectile's in every direction around Arrianna, Should it hit every target struck will be impaled and pinned to the ground, After they're pinned Gegozoshuryuzu detonates in an attempt to either blow up everything that was struck by it or severely cripple and injure the target
Note: This can only be used after she releases her Hybrid Form

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Image3794-1

• Angel Form/Hybrid Stage 1/Demon Form Appearance: Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] 3cPwRHI

• Angel Form/Hybrid Stage 1/Demon Form Abilities:
Advanced Air Manipulation - This allows her to control the air not just around her, but air much farther away from her. She's no longer restricted to just changing the air around her into a weapon, With this form, It allows her to control it at a much greater distance, Even allowing her to sometimes control the air around her opponent if they're close enough and give her enough time to
Enhanced Strength - When she enters her Stage 1 Hybrid form she gets enhanced Strength, Though not exceedingly high or anything, It does definitely help
Enhanced Speed -When she enters her Stage 1 Hybrid form she gets enhanced Speed, Pretty generic really and it goes without explainiation
Enhanced Durability and Stamina - When she enters her Stage 1 Hybrid form she gets enhanced Durability and Stamina, Though it isn't a very large amount, It's still enough to be able to fend off maybe a few more sub-tier attacks by herself and take a bit less damage that could save her life
Enhanced Combat Perception - When she enters her Stage 1 Hybrid form she gets enhanced Combat Perception, Which means she can more easily descern what her opponent is about to do and where they're wanting to go

• Golden Angel Form/Hell Angel Demon Form Appearance: (Same as before. Simply state how they look upon ascending into this form)

• Golden Angel Form/Hell Angel Demon Form Abilities: (Same as before. Simply state what they gain from this form)

• Custom Form Appearance Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Z5IuSTT
(Link to the original: )

• Custom Form Abilities:
Name: Wind Shield
Description: Wind Shield is a massive gust of win that bursts around her, Blocking or deflecting most attacks that are aimed at her, And causing others to do reduced damage depending on how strong it is, Some attacks might all together be able to break the shield instantly and without any reduction in damage, However this requires it to be a higher tier attack

Name: Wind Blade's
Description: Using her hand Arrianna can create blade's made from the very air, These invisible blades she controls with her fingers and are sharp enough to cut through just about anything

Name: Wind Dash
Description: While doing no damage, Wind Dash allows her to use her own form of "Shunpo", Where the wind actually thrusts her at a speed compariable to a Shunpo of the same speed, However due to her leak of her own Inner Chaos Energy, The speed is sometimes countered by the fact that most can keep up with her just due to the energy signiture she's constantly emitting, However this doesn't negate the fact that she can move around extremely quickly and if she moves enough she can sometimes confuse opponents because of her energy then being spread across the field

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Image3789-1

• Class Title: Hybrid of the Winds

• Class Traits: Due to her ability to manipulate the Air around her, there seems to always be an 'Aura' of sorts around her that attempts to rob anything around her that's trying to cause inflict harm to her of air and give it to her or turn that air against the person
(What Class Traits does your character get? Please try to limit this to 2-4 powers or abilities. Also take note that Class Traits they get are based on their Class Title, the path they took to get to this class, personality or even other powers. So for example, if a person was heavily into blood, they could possibly become The Angel Of Blood. Or, if a person's path in life was full of hardship, they could become The Angel of Will.)

• Branch/Position: Unknown ATM
(The Branch basically tells us which part of the Iramasha Family you are in. Go here for more information: )

• Race: Hybrid Iramasha


  • Item Name: Gem Destroyer
  • Item Type: Gem Store Item
  • Used For: KILLING SHIT! (Offensive)
  • Item Description: The Gem Destroyer is a large square like gem the size of a small computer. Once it is activated by hitting the top part and shouting "DETONATE, GEM DESTROYER!", it will then begin to release an enormous amount of reitsu comparable to a 0 tier character for one post. Once you have reached a safe distance, the gem will then self destruct and take out a twenty mile wide area. The thing is, however, it will absorb all the energy within the area after exploding and will reform itself in a new thread wherever your character is at. It will repeat this process in order to make the self destructs more powerful until The Iramasha's, from a wireless location, send the energy to the Master Gem and it is reset to it's original energy.

    Please note, that if it's destroyed by an external source, it is destroyed for good and that it can be stopped during that one post.
  • Obtained From: The Gem Store

    Item Name: Barrier Gem
  • Item Type: Same as above
  • Used For: Defense
  • Item Description: The Barrier gem is a small black gem in a circle shape that, when activated telepathically, will create a strong barrier that is about one hundred feet wide powerful enough to block even attacks up to 0 tier for five post. After the fifth post, it will shatter and have a two post cooling period before it is usable. It is also possible to run away while within the barrier, but not attack.
  • Obtained From:Gem store

    Item Name: CCA Battle Armour Suite
  • Item Type: Bought from the Cybermind
  • Used For: Supplementary
  • Item Description: he CCA Battle Armour Suite is a full-body type of Cybernetic Armour that you attach to your body. Once that process is done, the armour itself will begin to sync with the user's body and mind into order to move on it's on. From the eyes you will be able to read spiritual pressures, how dangerous attack's will be to you and even calculate how much spiritual energy you have left to spare along with how much damage your body will be able to take.

    But that's not all there is to this piece of equipment. Thanks to some intense work from KJ, it was made with an intense armour that allows you to even fight with those on 1 tier, perform energy attack's, increases your overall speed to be able to perform moves similar to flash step and even comes with a free sword.

    Of course, if this Suite is damaged, you won't be able to do as much fighting. So try not to injure yourself too much or you'll have to come back and get it fixed.
  • Obtained From: The Cybermind

    Item Name: Electric Claws
  • Item Type: Cybermind Purchase
  • Used For: KILLING SHIT! (Offensive)
  • Item Description: Electric Claws are a set of claws with reitsu from Shadin Yuudeshi's clone stored inside of them to keep them working. You put them over each humanoid hand and use to send off electrical blast. These burst of electricity can be used to damage and stun opponents with enough force. They can also be used to damage other electrical equipment. If you let them charge for long enough, they can cause enough damage that is equal to a cero.
  • Obtained From: Cybermind Purchase

• Skills:


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Beginner
  • Chaos Warp: Adept
  • Seishin Buki Level: Advanced
  • Race Control: Adept

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Image3790-1

Last edited by Kanji Man on Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:40 pm; edited 9 times in total
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 27

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Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty Re: Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID]

Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:02 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
  • Gender [x]
  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [O]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced


Add one more paragraph to History.

"Due to her vast amount of energy she can directly control the overflow of Inner Chaos Energy, Lashing it out as though it was a weapon in-itself."

This sorta thing is acceptable, but her Inner Chaos Energy cannot exceed a normal Iramasha's Amount, not until she's grown stronger atleast.

"While this may not seem like a power, I figured I'd throw it here anyway, Because of the amount of Inner Chaos Energy that's constantly flowing out of her body most who are able too can use this energy, Weather it be against her or not. Those who are of lower Tier it'll take roughly 9-11 turn's to be able to try and grasp some of her energy to use it against her, Those of close or equal tier will be able to do this in 5-6 turns, Those of higher will find it much easier at only 2-3 turns and those of a tier much greater then her's will be able to instantly grab ahold of any amount they wish, Depending on how much other tier's might find it harder and will find it takes longer to grab a larger amount"

Revamp this Entire Skill, Inner Chaos Energy can not be used by an Outer Source. The energy must be transfered into Outer chaos Energy first, and one does not contain an Unlimited amount of Inner Chaos energy, so using this would cause her to be drained quickly.

"Second Stage: Chi, The second stage begins to draw in the Outter Energy around her and attempts to combine it with the Inner Energy funneled by the First Stage, Ai, This stage is also very visible as she tends to stop moving and takes a very defensive stance"

This stage of Ai Chi Tsu Ne Fu will be very taxxing on her, Converting Outer Chaos Energy is no simple task. So, add that in.

"Third Stage: Tsu, The third stage transfers all the energy drawn in by both the First and Second stage to a single point on her or her Seishun Buki, When performed it increases the durability, Strength and speed of the object and anything it's touching"

This stage will also be very taxxing, if she attempts to combine both energies and concentrate them into a single spot, it will cause a large amount of stress on her body. Add that in.

Tier: Hm... 2-3 When fixed.

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] FXpoQxJ
Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] 2Y9rqGk

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty Re: Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID]

Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:38 pm
Added in the requested things and removed the skill you asked for a revamp, I actually decided whilst revamping it that the skill in itself was a tad bit broken and could actually outright get her killed by almost any iramasha weather they be skilled or not
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
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Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty Re: Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID]

Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:09 pm
As of that, the tier is set. Moving to approved.

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] FXpoQxJ
Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] 2Y9rqGk

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty Re: Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID]

Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:07 pm
Updated Skills so now everybody can see how good she is in everything
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Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty Re: Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID]

Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:52 pm
Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Tumblr_mthv6t4Oqf1rxzudco2_500
This is going into archives
All right, you haven't been active for some time so I'm going to move you into archived character apps. If you want it back, post HERE

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Ap8OoJO

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Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty Re: Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID]

Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:57 am


Okay, due to the fact that this guy has requested that his characters become unarchived, I am obliging by his request and moving this character back into the active section of the approved board.

Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] WVMWLOu
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID] Empty Re: Arrianna Tsuki[APPROVED, 2-3; HYBRID]

Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:56 am

✖| Kuma Shock! |✚
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