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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open]

Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:01 pm
Colin was glad that they had agreed to let him help. He hadn't noticed her hurt foot, due to the presence his eye had picked up arriving right next to them. He had raised his eyebrows in suprise, shocked at who had arrived.

"Well... I certainly hadn't expected seeing You here," He said, putting his right hand on his forehead, pushing up his hair and letting it fall, a smile on his face. he was thinking, considering what had happened exactly. He put his hand back in his pocket, but the smile stayed. "Been quite a while, hasn't it... Toki? Not since that bout in the wastelands. I actually came here to see another old friend, Zeda Yuudeshi. However, I met these three on my way around the Seireitei and offered to show them to the West Gate. Would you care to come along with us? Its been a long time since I've seen you, as I said." Colin removed his hands from his pockets, putting his right hand on the hilt of his katana at his side. "I've become Co-head of the Vizard Corps since the last time I saw you. Not to mention I gained my resserection about a month ago. But anyway, how have you been?" He added, having said what he wanted and walking on. As he listened to Toki's reply, he looked over and saw a Maju Bun stand. He thought for a moment, tapping his right pointer finger on his hilt and his eyes cast to the sky. He stopped, turning, most likely suprising the party he was with. As he did so, he saw the lady's injury. He frowned, but wasn't able to do anything about it.

Colin walked up to the store and bought one for all of them, throwing them gently to each one of their strange party members. They should be able to catch them without straining themselves, and he wasn't sure what kinds they were. When he bit into his, he almost spit, unexpectant. He got one over-full of red bean paste, and the flavor was way strong. Colin wasn't to used to Eastern food, and took a smaller bite, his small stomach and body warming with the food. He wasn't sure how the others would take it, but he didn't really care. His eyes constantly scanned around the area they were in, as his stress readers in his cybernetic eye had seen worry in some of the others. He wasn't sure what they might have seen, but decided to definitely keep an eye out. So they continued to walk.

When they got about half-way to the Gate from where they had all met up, Colin finally saw it. He froze, his eyes opening wide, the grip on his sword tightening. He looked back at the other members of the group, fairly certain they hadn't seen it yet. It hadn't given off reiatsu; but his eye was able to see the reiatsu that had constructed it. Past a building to their left, in a house, seeming to be abandoned... was a small man-sized hole. It looked like a garganta. He turned back to the other members of the group, sizing up their chances. They had two shinigami, one of whom was a novice. Well, at least it will make good experience... He thought, turning to Toki. He knew Toki's abilities; at least, his eye did. Most likely, Toki would have noticed by now, and the shinigami would have as well. Colin popped out his zanpakto from its sheathe with his right thumb; he was thinking. He could understand why they hadn't noticed it; they weren't THAT close to the Gotei yet and the hole was small. That was the most likely reason that it had slipped by. Colin moved his head around, taking note. He realized that they were moving through an abandoned district; the reason why the portal had spawned here. He looked back over to the group, gesturing for them to get down and speaking softly as he sensed them coming through. 3, 4, 5, 6? Troops coming in for battle?? Crap... must be an advance party... He bit his right thumb nail, then began talking.

"Well... Carp. Seems that we have some unexpected company... I can see it with my eye. Toki knows what I mean.. but, we need to do something. It looks like they've found a way to sneak in, like how some hollows can get into Karakura. They've sent in an advance party of 6 weak hollows, probably to test the portal. From what I can tell and what I know about hollows... They will probably send in more troops. Maybe up to even Gillian level. However, we are going to have a problem if they-" He cut off, his eyes opening wide as his brain received the information his eyes were sending him. It must have looked kinda creepy, his eyes moving where they shouldn't be able to. He closed his eyes, but Toki would be able to still make out the textures of his eye ball on the eyelid. He frowned and gnashed his teeth together slightly.

He watched as yet another portal began to open, getting bigger. He quickly exclaimed a something along the lines of 'Moldy salmon mildew!', looking over to Toki: "Toki, everyone. I have an idea. I need you three" He gestured to Milla and Meimu, as well as Toki. "To go over to that building." He pointed over to a storage warehouse at the end of the street, opening his eyes. "There is a garganta-like thing forming over there. I think that it would be best if Toki were to try to seal it with his Iramasha abilities. You two, it would be best if you defended him as he seals it. I'll deal with the other. That way, both get sealed with the least amount of trouble. Once you guys finish, head over to mine if you can. Listen." He said, standing up as he felt three hollows stepping out of the forming garganta. "These are a major threat to the Seireitei. We need to stop them NOW, HERE. At the very least, I am going to close the one already formed. Its the most dangerous at the moment. Toki." He stopped, turning to his old friend. "I need you to help me on this. I can attack hollows all day long; but unless I take the chance of actually entering the cursed thing, I'll have no way to shut it down. That is why I need you. Please, we need to stop this, for all the members of the Seireitei." This statement was not only directed at Toki, however, and Colin knew the other two would have heard it.

Colin waited a moment to see if there were any objections. If there were any, he would listen to their suggestions. However, in the end he knew what he had to do. If there were none, he would turn around, saluting the three members before executing a shunpo.

Colin appeared in the midst of the six hollows, stepping onto the house floor. He looked over with cold eyes at the six of them, the portal behind him, the entrance to the house in front of him. They were about 5 feet apart from each other, and they were all curiously the same thing. They had the head of a parrot as large as a mans, small white bat-like wings that could probably sustain minute flight, and they had claws for hands and feet like a bird's talons. He raised a slight eyebrow, drawing out his zanpakto and spinning, as the only difference between the six were their head colors. They were blue, yellow, orange, fushcia, azure, and magenta, from the closest to the farthest from Colin. The blue was right in front of him, the yellow almost as close to his right. The orange was some ways behind him and the fushcia was behind it. The Azure was over to his left facing the wall and the magenta was standing in a corner by the door.

An advance troop, eh... Colin thought to himself, planting his zanpackto into the ground as the orange gave off a cry not to unlike Colin's own hollow. Colin spun around on his zanpakto like a pole, grabbing the hilt with his hand. He released, pulling down his mask as he did so with a swipe across his face, flying out at the hollow. The blue mask descended upon his face, the hellish beak and eye paint along with the six feathers staring down his foes.

That alone would have alerted the other group to his form-change, but due to the districts abandonment, would most likely not alert the Gotei, as Colin was only using a little of his strength. Colin reeled his left foot back, implanting his right boot into the Oranges chest. It gave a cry as it flew back, almost going through the portal again. It coughed up blood, its talons making deep gashes in the floor as it stopped itself from being flung into the blackness. The hollow behind it had also assisted in preventing it from flying into the portal, but it actually had gone through. Colin hardly took any mind, hitting the floor with momentum from pressing off the Orange head. He had spun around as he flew, landing on his left and right feet. He ran out, moving like a madman towards his blade and the blue hollow. He grabbed his sword as the other hollows began turning to face him.

His sword flashed out as the katana implanted itself in the hollows right shoulder. Colin implanted his right foot down, and then brought the blade across, cutting the head clean off and the mask into pieces from his spirit energy. Then Colin put pressure onto his left foot, spinning on the spot at the yellow bird-hollow. He charged a bala in his right hand as he spun, firing the small bolt of his hollow energy at the beast. It was nailed in the stomach, throwing it back onto the wall. Colin pointed his finger at the hollow, crying: "Bakudo 61: 6 rod light prison!" The kido slammed into the beasts chest, nailing it to the wall, incapitating it. Then Colin stopped, turning around to the three that were left. They gave a screech, racing at him by his position with the wall at his back.

Just as they reached him, Colin vanished. He reappeared behind the hollows, a crazy smile on his face behind his mask. It had been quite a while since he had a good bout, coooped-up in his cozy office. He cut his blade, creating an airwave. It flew directly at the hollows, splitting them each in half. All three of the ones that were after him, as well as the one pinned to the wall. Then Colin threw his zanpakto into the air, channeling his hollows reiatsu. He closed both fists, and then opened each finger on his right hand one by one, going from pinky all the way to thumb. On the tip of each finger appeared a bala sphere, emerald green in color. Then he shot out the balas one at a time in rapid succession, destroying two of the heads of the 3 split beasts and all of their lower halves. Then he caught his sword in his left hand, walking up to the re-forming part of the last hollow, the magenta. He brought his sword up and struck down, cutting its mask directly down the middle, then sheathed his sword. He charged a cero in his left palm as he began whistling "I been working on the railroad", waiting in front of the portal.

The fuchsia walked in again at last, looking very confused at the burn marks on the floor, the blood, the gash marks, and half of his regenerating comrade nailed to the wall. Colin smiled behind his mask, opening up his left hand. He picked up his hat with his left hand and put it on his head as the energy exited his palm, incinerating the hollow and flying directly into the portal. He let it go in for about 5 seconds, then cut it off, closing his palm. The blast had been big enough to leave burn marks in the bottom of the house and destroy the hollow, but Colin wasn't terribly worried. He put a message out then with kido to the other three. Welp. Finished the six here. Toki, I had a thought. When you finish over there, just use that Chaos Warp-a-ma bob thing to get you three over here. Also, captured one of the monsters, got him nailed to the wall. Wait... something else is coming out of the portal... Colin cut off the kido, drawing his zanpakto and stepping back, preparing himself by putting his center of gravity downwards. I sense something... and it's big. This does not bode well. Hopefully they make it here soon....

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
The Dark Enforcer
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I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open]

Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:33 pm
I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Millab10
||Milla Kyu Miyato||
||The Fleeting Lotus||

Well isn't this one interesting day. It seems like everyone is just coming out to see everyone- International new friend day ? Alas, Milla was completely content for the time being, She didn't feel like she needed to leave yet. Placing her left hand on her hip slowly, She leaned over to the side in response. Shifting her attention away from the scenic view of Seireitei, her deep pink eyes were fixated on the being that appeared before the now assembled party of people. He seems to know Colin from a prior event, She simply smiled and stayed silent in the back, holding up her index finger and spinning a single lotus. Toki. Another name that would be inscribed into the memory of The Fleeting Lotus. From what Milla could tell, The way Toki appeared in front of them wasn't a Shinigami's Shunpo, Or an arrancars sonido, Not even a Quincy's variant. She suddenly gained a peculiar notion in her head as to what a "Iramasha Guard" is. She has never heard of that before, something completely new- Just like everything else it seemed. Lowering her right hand, Milla curled a smile over here lips slowly towards Toki before introducing herself back towards him.

"I'm Milla Miyato- Nice to meet you."

Her ears didn't really over hear the conversation that was being carried on between called and this Iramasha man named Toki. She then took a couple of steps forward in front of the ground, Looking up into the sky with an aimless gaze. The clouds were so shapeless today, nothing to form with the minds eye- Truly disappointing. The group continued on their walk as Colin decided to buy everyone a meat bun; Milla didn't eat all day, It would really be something to hit the spot. As it was lobbed towards The Lotus, Milla held out her hand, grasping it as the treat plopped in her palm. She tightened her grip softly, feeling the texture of the bun itself- Good enough to not complain, Not like she would anyway. She lifted it to her lips before taking a bite of said Meat bun- Delicious. She like almost instantaneously ate the meat bun within seconds, She had a knack for eating food really fast. Wiping the remaining crumbs off the side of her mouth, Milla smiled towards Colin and saying with a docile tone of voice.

"Thank you Colin-chan. That was- Wait, whats wrong ?"

He suddenly stopped, looking like he was scanning the area for something. She didn't feel any abnormal reiatsu for the time being. Colin turned around to the group before explaining to them that a garganta opened up, leading an advance party to scout the area. Aw man. She didn't really want to fight. She didn't find much pleasure in doing so, But, If it had to be done, there would be nothing that would be able to stop her killer instinct. Using her right hand, Milla unsheathed her zanpakuto; Hana no Yugure. The tip of the blade made a "Shink" sound as it escaped the sheathe, She continued to carry the sheathe in her left hand just in case. Colin then gestured everyone to go towards the warehouse that resided down the street. Apparently there was about six of them, all of them only weak level hollows- However, low level hollows in big numbers attract stronger ones, so they were going to have to reduce the numbers quick. The orders from Colin were really simple in retrospect, dissipate their numbers and allow Toki to seal the garganta with his "Iramasha" abilities or whatever. She didn't have much to say but.

"Alright then, See you in a bit Colin-chan."

A sweet smile was smoothed over her face towards Colin and the rest of the party in succession; With what seemed to be Lotus petals whirling around her feet, Milla expelled herself forward in a shunpo towards the designated warehouse- The expulsion point of her shunpo only left a trace of three blue lotus petals with Pink hue tips. Appearing in a good amount of time in the warehouse, Milla was put into the fray of battle. She held Hana at her right side, her sheathe held in front of her with a backhanded grip. Her deep pink eyes scanned the area for the hollows that have been said to be here- One, Two, Three, Four... There was only four of them right here, He said there was six. Where could the other two be ? No matter, The other two could be surely to find them without trouble- Especially Toki, His reiatsu seemed very high. Without much delay of her being here, The Four hollows turned to face the shinigami after having her scent in the area. Milla hardened her gaze, saying the following aloud with a soft sigh before.

"It just couldn't be a relaxing day."

Their formation was pretty simple in the warehouse. There was some boxes to her right that were piled about six high and twelve long; These boxes are about three feet tall made of simple wood. However, They all had a label on them: "DANGER: EXPLOSIVE". They didn't have a name on it, But, Seeing the words explosive kinda of made Milla raise her eye brow in curiosity towards what this warehouse was used for in the past. No time think about trivial things such as that. The hollows were in a straddled line of four; The "Leader" was about at least five in front of the rest, as the others were back and forth about two feet from each other. The hollows released a scream that made the ones behind him attack- Yup, Definitely the "Troop leader". One after another, The hollows lunged at the Fleeting lotus with craws brandished. As the first was coming close, Milla dove forward on the ground in a roll, evading the simple minded hollow. After she recovered, Milla lifted her lift to noticed the next one already closing in too close for an agility like maneuver- Instead, She swung her zanpakuto in a wide right horizontal slash that reamed across the hollow, Sending him to the right in pain; A purple-ish fluid was seen on her blade before she sprung forward at the next hollow- The wake of her sprung and speed removing the liquid off the blade. That hollow wasn't dead, But, It was incapacitated for a moment while she attempted to handle the rest until the rest of the crew shows up. Just as the third and fourth Simultaneously jump at Milla, She closes her eyes before an eruption of Lotus petals and reiastu close the gap before the two just in time.

"Nothing personal. Eien no hanabira, Hana no Yūgure!"

The fleeting lotus stood up, lifting her blade in front of herself. Blade upward, Milla Grazes her hand along the blade as Her Reiatsu begins to Expel outward in the form of Blue Lotus Petals Everywhere. Surrounding herself in what seems to be a Whirlwind of Lotus Petals for about Ten seconds, Milla then Dissipates the Hurricane with a silent but audiable snapping of her fingers. Appearing out of Cloud of Petals with a Sword and Shield- Her Sword in her Right hand and The shield being held in her left. Her Sword has Gained about another 30 Cm's which gives it a total length of 108 cms-The Guard of her Weapon is now a Blossomed Lotus flower. Her Shield has a Diameter of 50 cms with a Lotus Flower Emblem on the Face of it. Her reiatsu is now in the form of Lotus Petals that Swirl around her aimlessly with no destructive capabilities without Envoking an actual attack- But In the same Instance, They could be used for Blinding and further Protection. The Two hollows that just attempted the assault were pushed back into the back wall of the warehouse with a big bang. She knew that even though they were low level, They wouldn't be finished with such an attack- But, definitely saved her time again. Focusing on the first hollow that had attacked her first, She began to run at the hollow, Her shield held out front for any incoming attacks- Good thing too, She didn't really catch it until it was almost too late, it was charging a cero. Skidding in her position about 4 feet away from it, She commanded with a raise of her newly formed shikai weapon.


With a large upward swing, Milla decimated the Hollow into little particles that dissipated into the surrounding air. She spun around, Not giving much remorse to the hollow that was just murdered- Hey, Kill or be killed world nowadays. Milla raised her shield in front of herself with her left hand, swinging and holding her weapon with her right. At the base of her feet, A slight whirl of water could be seen beginning to manifest, It couldn't be harnessed right now, too little in volume. With One hollow down and her weapon gaining volume by the moment, It's only a matter of time before the hollows get back up and try again- Let alone her teammates coming to help.

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Entity of Contradiction
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Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:09 pm
Toki Iramasha
Elite Member, Iramasha Guard

I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 AnimeBoyWater

Toki was quite interested in the 3 people that were in front of him. The first and person he knew the most out of them was Colin Washi, Co-head of the Vizard Corps it seems and then their was Milla that was the next of the group, she seemed to him as if she was a experinced shinigami at least that wass his thought as she didn't seem to act like a high ranking shinigami yet she seemed like someone who was not new to the Gotei either. But finally Toki came to look upon Meimu, she was a new shinigami by what she said and she seemed to have sort of bandaged her leg in a way that he automatically recongonized as a injury which needed to be dealt with probably, it made him wonder were they going to take her to get healed or was it just random that they even meet or were they training or and or. So many possible answers and only way to get them right now was to be asking some questions.

Toki eventually pulled a red triangel out of his pocket and walked over to her with it in his hand. When he thought he was close enough she could reach him he stopped and spoke ashe put his hand out showing the gem to her.

"Please touch this gem, it has the healing energy of the Iramasha insideof it and can take care of your leg if you accept. Just please don't touch me, and to point out why I have to put emphasis on my nickname, Shapeshifting angel." He told her during this point it was the time Colin went on to get food but Toki didn't play attention to his moment departure.

If Meimu accepted Toki's offer and touched the gem then she'll feel herself return to perfect health and condition as well she'll gain back anyenergy lost the same implies to the little energy that he has lost to using chaos warp to go from Iramasha's Island to her. After that then Colin returned with food but Toki declined Colin's offer peacefully.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm not in any need to eat right now." He told Colin.

Eventually through Toki noticed that Colin was caught in thought, but it seemed he wasn't the only one as Milla asked him what he was thinking at the moment. Eventually he answered while explaining that he needed all of them to stop a hollow attack on the soul society. But then it rather shocked him a bit that he hadn't sensed them yet but with his awareness up he instantly picked them up on his radar rather immeadiately as Colin continued to explain the situation. and laughed as Colin said he should use his Iramasha abilities. He guessed since Colin didn't full understand Iramasha still even after battling him that these shinigami probably had no clue. It made him a bit ticked off since the iramasha were allies of the Gotei 13 and their members had no clue what they were even much less what we could do.

After Colin gave his little statement to toki about how this concerned all members of Soul Society he looked at the ware-house and started to think to himself of a approach the hollows but then before he could speak his waste of breath, Milla had already moved in to dispatch of the hollows leading the way. It was best if he took with him immeadiately instead of leaving her behind to follow. So Toki did the chaos warp process but instead of chaos warping just him and Meimu he techiqueallly chaos warped event the ground below then to make the energy connection between him and her. If she didn't run off down to the ware-house then they both would appear beside Milla as she finished of the first hollow while 3 others recovered.

But before they could fully do so Toki ran right up to one even if it recovered in time or not he had charged a spear like weapon in one of his hand while in his other one a riot -like sheild took the place of his hand as the material that made up the glove that covered it shape-shifted to it. The spear-like object he held was actually a javlin and it's power could make it explode and kill this hollow rather easily if he tossed it right. The hollow seemed to have been cut as it bleed but it's misery would be ended as Toki tossed the javlin and it hit the hollow in the mask dead center and exploded rather large going 50 ft. in all direction but begore it was over he pointed his hamds out at the other two hollows and yelled at them his attack them, but it wasn't for the hollows to know but for the shinigami for them to learn what it was called because this was about to be rather impreesive move.

"Chaos Flurry!" He yelled as blue energy shot out of his hands and formed minature birds that eventually closed in on the hollows and before they made impact with the hollows that tried to swat them away Toki pointed his hand once again but this time only one and yelled out another phrase.
"Chaos Blast!"
A cero like attack charged in his hand then fired out at the distracted hollows who eventually looked at the icoming attack and movd to dodge it but as they did a bird hit the and cause a exploding injuring them rather badly. Then even in their heads their fate was sealed the exploding birds or a cero-like blast. But in Toki's throughts both as the attack collided with the birds and hollows to make a huge explosion. After that Toki turned to face both Milla and Meimu hopefully.

"So are you both ready to guard me as I seal the portal or as the correct term is garganta?" he asked rather exhausted from all the power he suddenly released, he needed to release if he wanted to seal this portal efficently.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!

I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open]

Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:41 am
    Things began to whirl in a sort of portal, in a sort of mass of confused thoughts and break down. The so called angel startled her having approached her suddenly, with a strange gem : even Meimu, although new, could feel the reiatsu off it : and she was curious, as her eyes almost widened softly. Hesitant, that strange mark of reservation on her face showing only to him, just those few seconds, before it slipped back, as her fingers brushed the gem. It was smooth : and softly, she took a gentle hold. as the energy moved through her. Closing her eyes, she could watch it slip into her body : it was surprisingly warm. It drifted through her, and her core, healing all the damage : even some she hadn't noticed, like the cuts along her arms. It even tickled, as it just simply started swimming, an almost comforting energy. A light smile touched the girl's lips, as if sad, her body turning away.

    ''Thank you.'' she said. Her tone was soft and demure, as she followed after the other two. There was something that she had seen : for a moment, she had seen the face of her family, something she had no privilege in for a long while. The girl's hand whipped out to catch the bun, almost as if by instinct, as she carefully nibbled at it, whilst lost in her thoughts. Those faces : they were warm, kind, gentle. She found that she had missed them : a painful throb was in her heart, as she bit her lip, her face hidden by the mass of red and silver hair. But something tickled her senses - unfortunately, the red head had missed many moments in the real world. The girl was in a completely new area, and all she could see where Milia and this Toki person. He had just finished speaking, as the red head was blinking, before tilting her head.


    Was her only intelligent word : just as one of the two other of the six that were sneaking around, went to attack. Meimu didn't have to think twice : with a slide, she was between the hollow and Millia, as the attack dug into, and out, of her shoulder. But Meimu's blade was lodged into the hollow's head, as she pressed down, slicing it open, but just barely. Immediately afterwards, she collapsed, and was laughing slightly. ''Well, that was a surprise.'' the girl said quietly. Her body straightened, as her blade was shaking in her hand. A curious glance to her shoulder was enough, as her blade came up, cutting a thread. ''These things are dangerous.'' she said, her instinct to protect spiralling like a sensor, allowing her to find dangers, to measure the steps, the time. It was amazing what the will to protect, and the instinct to, would do for someone. She may be a brand new shinigami, but that one point of hers, combined with that unyielding will, are what made her unique.

    But why was she in 4th squad then? It was curious, but Meimu launched herself, using the ground as leverage, swiping at the bundle of thin wires she saw. With a twist of her body, the skills of a gymnast, the girl landed, and then felt her body slip and up. Somehow, this hollow was smart enough to grasp her by the ankle, the same that had just been healed. The girl twisted, and found herself facing sentient life : her blade stilled, as she began to shake, caught as the tentacle like appendage was bringing her closer to the thing's mouth. But she was content : after all, whilst it would be distracted with her, and try to eat her, her companions would be safe. What else could a living shield ask for. Her face was calm, accepting, not even struggling, as moments began to pass, flowing into one another.

    Maybe Hiroshi-kun would yell at her again, for getting her.


Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:18 pm
Colin looked over at the warehouse, contemplating his options. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, as he needed this place to stay where it was. He looked over the wall with garganta, rubbing his chin. Eventually he snapped his fingers in his right hand, looking at the wall with a new spark in his eye. He pointed both hands at the garganta, attacking it with his hollow's reiatsu. He formed his own garganta, within the garganta. He slammed his palms together, curving in his fingers, the center of his palms exactly pointed at the garganta's center. He began pulling his hands apart, and the garganta began to shrink over the garganta it was covering. It nearly completely covered it, but Colin was only able to leave it with a small hole that began to grow very slowly. He nodded, and vanished. He reappeared above the warehouse where the other portal was from his shunpo with a new surprise for him.

He looked around, the field surrounded... by hollows. He watched as they began to multiply, one grabbing its mask and ripping it off, creating a new one next to it. Colin guessed there were about 50 of them by now, and they began to attack him. He flashed his zanpakto, spinning and extending his grip, piercing the nearest hollow's skin with the force of the stab. Then he released a cero from the swords tip, blowing away the hollow. Colin looked around, an idea slowly coming to him. Well... why not? Should be fun, anyway. He thought, a smile suddenly coming to his face as he snapped his fingers. The gathered hollows, which were really all the same hollow, had been slowly approaching this strange man that fired large energy bursts just precise enough to blow away one of their colleauges. Suddenly, they struck, flying as fast as they could at Colin. They were basically flying types, large-humanoid looking things with wings. They charged him, and suddenly Colin... ceased to be. In his place was a black garganta, one that the Hollow's had just flown into...

* * *

Colin reappeared in the Wastelands, his right hand over his mask. As the hollows got near him, they were repulsed by a strange blue field. Suddenly, the blue field shrank in on Colin, and the man screamed, an yell that advanced into an unearthly scream. As he did so, he thought within his mind...

Alright. Its about time I named this form... Hmm... How about... Screech, Wind of the West?

. . . Really...? Ah, whatever. Don't really care. Just make sure that they suffer. Plenty.

"SCREECH! WIND OF THE WEST!" Colin cried, throwing his head back as a great force pushed out from around him. It blew away the hollows, ripping some of them up and flinging others far away. It created a giant crater in the space beneath him, and the force disippated, leaving Colin standing there. His skin was hard, like the surface of a rock. It made his lack of body fat even more pronounced, his stick-like frame completely still. On his back he stretched his great sapphire wings, and felt the large mass of feathers on his right hand moving about, ready to attack. He looked over at the surviving hollows behind his mask, examining their positions. He gave a simple flash of his wings, vanishing. He seemed to materialize in front of the first one nearest to him of the five, and the feathers on his arm began to react. They shot out, impaling the hollow several times. 20 strands in the face, 4 on each limb, 12 in the torso, and one on each appendage. He vanished again with another flap of his wings, going his maximum speed of over 450 miles per hour. He reappeared in front of the next hollow, simply adding on to the feather chains.

He began stacking them in this way, and eventually had a hollow shishkibab. He pulled up on his right arm, and removed the feathers through them bodily. They fell onto the ground, a pile of blood. He looked around behind the mask that was now feeding power into his entire body, and snapped his fingers again, creating another garganta where he was standing.
* * *

Disaster had been averted. He was ready to roll, but hadn't created a large commotion to do it. He reemerged among the hollows, who had increased their numbers to at least 60 by now. Colin returned his feathers onto his body, reforming his feather cloak. They all charged him at once, and he curled himself in, preparing himself. About 30 were piled up on him, trying to attack his Resserection skin, when he threw his arms and legs out. Strands of feathers shot out from all parts of his body, impaling and slashing the hollows attacking him. He drew them back in, looking around at the thirty left to him. He vanished, reappearing in front of one of them. He used his wing style, kicking the Hollow from below its center of gravity. He hit it in such a way that it spun as it flew, slamming into three others. Colin pointed a single finger of his left hand at them, firing a stream of 20 bala from different points. The bala sailed at the distracted hollows, ripping them into pieces about the size of beef jerky.

Each bala exploded on contact, preventing citizens from below or anything else from getting wind of this. Colin was using his stealth mode; he was, after all, a former lieutenant of the stealth corps. He reappeared in front of the next hollow, grabbing it from behind the mask and slamming its head into his knee, shattering its mask into pieces. There were about 25 left by this time, and Colin casually gestured his hand to his side. 25 spears emerged behind him, feather from his hood lighting ablaze as each took its respective position. They charged, implanting themselves into the hollows and burning them. He only missed five of them, but what was he supposed to do? He felt the feathers return to his hood, and Colin reappeared in front of 2 of the hollow.

Colin grabbed forward, his lanky hand grabbing around the hollow's mask. He began flying down with the hollow, flapping his wings. His cloak grabbed the other hollow, bringing it down with them as well. Colin slammed the beast into the deserted road, smashing its mask into pieces. The one he had grabbed with his tendril flew down as well, and Cole did a flip in the air above the small crater in the ground from his impact. The hollow faceplanted into the ground, making another crater with its body sticking comically out of the ground. Colin turned his gaze back up to the sky, and held his right palm in front of himself, the center of it pointed in the general middle of the three survivors. From his cloak his feathers all shot out, connecting in one long tendril. Colin flew up when the tendril reached its maximum length, and it was similar to him being one with the tendril, one large eagle. He began circling the three, and then tightened, squishing them together and ripping them apart. Then he expanded out again, still circling. He moved above the building where his comrades were still fighting, and began his work.

He lowered onto the ground, just enough feather to go around the small warehouse. He grabbed the other end, pushing his feet down onto the ground to slow himself down. Then he began twirling around while standing, becoming equivalent with the room of the building. If anything tried to attack the warehouse, he would be able to defend them with the ring and his spears. His friends inside would have been able to hear most of the small and medium explosions Colin had given off, but only thanks to how close they were. He frowned, hoping they would be able to finish up in there soon. Toki was with them, so he was pretty sure they would be fine. He hoped that they would finish up quickly so that they could move back to the other building, where the garganta was just now beginning to go back to enterable shape...

Colin winced, placing his right hand on his face and scrunching up his face behind his mask. He hadn't been expecting to use such a transformation, and could feel it taking its mental toll. At the very least, he didn't also have to support his bankai at the moment. He quite hoped it didn't get that far...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
The Dark Enforcer
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I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open]

Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:39 am

||Milla Kyu Miyato||
I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Millas10


||The Fleeting Lotus; Entropy's Embrace||

I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Millab11
"There's nothing more beautiful then a plethora of petals"

||Enter Gracefully||

The final moments for these hollows would be covered in grace. Nothing more then a flash before their eyes as they meet the end. The Lotus had released her shikai in a brilliant display of power- Defeating one of the Four Hollows that inhabited the area before the others Arrived. The water around her feet was at a reasonable volume now, Whirling around the edges of her feet in a nonchalant manner. Milla's Zanpakuto was a bit interesting at the most, It required time to charge of the moisture from He's surroundings before actually being able to be used at even fifty percent of it's full capacity. But, The Water she had gathered for the time so far would allow her to use some abilities from Her Shikai's catalog. The warehouse's boxes were all discarded, No longer organized in a nice fashion. Her Weapon was a definitive sight to behold, The whole combo was almost timeless in it's appearance. Milla held the Sword upward with her Right hand, Allowing the tip of the blade to be pointed into the air. She gained her battle stance as she was about to enter the fray once more, attempting to relief the immediate area of any Hollows before Her comrades showed up- Too Late. At her side the moment The Lotus was about to rush, Toki and Meimu appear to come and close off this opposing threat. The Fleeting Lotus lowered her weapon slightly at the sight of her team, now slightly relaxed that She wasn't alone; Toki's skill allowed Milla not to worry about him- More or less, Make sure that she wasn't a burden on him. Meimu, However, Is still a novice shinigami- She would have to keep an eye on her new friend to make sure that she stays safe within all this bedlam. Toki wasted no time, stepping into the action to dispatch these hollows into the infinite abyss of death- He stepped in front of her with his weaponry; A Spear, More or less a Javelin and a Large shield. Very nice, Seemed versatile for how it is. Toki then threw his javelin into one of the hollows faces, Creating a 50 foot explosion from the impact- In response, Milla shunpo'd from the position, Dodging the debris that flew everywhere one the ground. Her stature appeared about ten feet above the epicenter of the explosion, The roof of the warehouse now blown off from Toki's Javelin attack. Milla looked upward quickly, taking a look at the basking sky above her. She sighs softly before reverting her attention back at the hollows and her Teammates.

"Oh my, That was rather a large explosion for such an attack."

But, He wasn't done apparently. Milla lowered herself on the ground before appearing on the right flank of Meimu- Her shield held up to defend any Hollow that attempted a strike. She shifted her gaze behind herself to catch a glimpse of the attack that was called "Chaos Flurry". It had the appearance of birds that took flight towards the hollows in a haphazard embrace. Interesting ability to be honest. The birds flew around the Hollows as they attempt to swat them away with brute force- By then another phrase was funneled into her ear drums "Chaos Blast". She reverted her attention to her primary target, the protection of Meimu at all costs. But, the tide changes for a moment. A hollow tried to slip behind Milla to attack her rear Flank, Milla had almost no time to react to such a thread before- Meimu. She Jumped in the middle of the monsters attack, lodging her sword through its head. She however, wasn't unscathed from the ordeal. Her Shoulder was clearly pierced from the Hollows attack, didn't look every good when Milla knelled down to use any free time to examine the wound. A slight smile crept unto Milla's face as she heard the words of Meimu after that happenstance. She has an optimistic outlook, from what she can see, never taking the negative of the situation. Milla needed that around her- Positiveness. Before she knew it, Meimu sprung into action, swiping at the bundle of thin wires she saw. With a twist of her body, the skills of a gymnast, the girl landed. Milla was actually quite Impressed at her reactions and skill considering her conditions at the time. Milla's eyes widened at that moment as She was then attacked from an aerial standpoint. Pivoting on her heel in a reactive manner, The Fleeting Lotus Swings her zanpakuto upward, Slicing through the hollow with more ease then the others; The cut exploded into water and blood as her weapon exited the target. Oh No. Just as that Happened, Meimu was caught by a hollows Tentacle, pulling her in to finish the job. Absolutely not. She spun around, Grazing her weapon along the ground once in a swift motion, Then once again for the technique to actually generate- One would think that an ability that takes a bit of time to charge would never actually make it to save Meimu in time. Wrong. It was why she used this attack, Because, She knew she had almost no time to react, Let alone shunpo to her position to save her.

"First Season: Jigenzan!"

The amount of petals used in this attack would be 60,000. With the water alined with the Whirlpool of Petals, And with the Second follow through of spin, She Releases a Deadly Wave of Water, explosive petals, and Reiatsu towards the Foe. The Energy attack range is very Narrow, But Extremely long and fast. The Width of the attack is Three Inches. In Retrospect, That would be bad, But the Fact that it Can Travel a length of One City Block at Ease within Five seconds of flight; The Impact from this is Vicious due from the speed. The Wave of the attack rips through the Hollow right in half with absolutely no effort, Making a mess that soon dissipated into nothingness. She sighed softly in relief, Meimu was now save for the time being, However, She did sustain so injuries. Milla couldn't heal her, But, She could try her hardest to make sure nothing like that would happen again. A slight trace of Colin's reiastu flew by her face, which made her narrow her eyes towards the general vicinity that it came from. Milla was gifted with the ability to "Feel" emotions from the Reiastu given off of a subject. It wasn't a power that could overturn fate, or an outcome of a battle, Mainly because Milla is such a kind soul. The Emotions of a people can almost directly affect The Fleeting Lotus if that person has a connection that is more than platonic. But, Even though She only met these three people, Milla can already feel the threads of fate and companionship weaving together to form something truly special- Thus, Milla will use every once of her Being to try and keep the Three safe. It's not like she has extraordinary powers that could change the world, Merely a morale code that needs to be followed. After killing that one hollow after Meimu, Milla quickly examines her surroundings to find no more hollow signatures in the area. Good. Her mind was also else where, Thinking of the well being of Colin Washi. Alas, The Fleeting Lotus Shunpo'd to Toki's location, Standing in front of him as she placed her gaze on the Garganta portal that seems to be ajar. Milla pivoted on her heels to face Toki and Meimu, Her voice was loud enough so Meimu was able to hear every word that escaped the Lotus' lips.

"Guys, From what I feel, I don't think Colin is doing too hot.... I'm going to go help him. Meimu, I'm counting on you to protect Toki. I'm sure He'll seal that portal up in no time- Right Toki ?"

A soft smile was plastered onto her face as she muttered those words. Her voice was almost reassuring to the cause. So soft, so gentle, yet, so Determined, so hardened. She held her Zanpakuto's Released shikai with pride, swinging it to the side aimlessly in a proclaiming motion of her actions. Hollows, Nothing more then beings that live for soul reapers- Vise versa, when it comes to the Gotei thirteen. Tilting her head to the side slowly, She smiled at the two before Holding her weapon into the air; Lotus Petals begin to whirl and manifest around the Blade itself, Creating what looks like a whirlpool of Blue with pink hued petals in a vicious flurry. Aimlessly swinging her sword upward, The Petals Dissipate around the area of fifteen feet, laying on the ground dormant. The petals shined slowly with a pulse like embrace, Signifying that They aren't just for show. She didn't elaborate on what she did at that moment, Merely lowered her weapon down and sighed softly; There was about One hundred Petals in the vicinity of fifteen feet around Meimu and Toki. In reality, Milla activated an ability called "Neppa Dankuuken". It is a preplanned attack with devastating results on its activation. In retrospect, Each and every little petal has the capabilities of creating an explosion that has a range of Nine Inches, Making this ability completely daunting when it comes to blast radius. With a slight nod, Milla Shunpo's toward the location of Colin Washi- An expulsion of harmless Lotus petals filled the scene of her exit mark, Dissipating into nothingness. With a few moments past, Milla appears in the general area of Colin. Hollows, Hollows everywhere. How did he think that he was going to be able to take on all of these threats at once ? You would need a hope and a prayer just to make it out alive, Let alone, Keep them at bay while trying to seal a Portal. With Sword and Shield in hand, Milla then entered the fray as she saw Hollow after Hollow emerge from the Garganta. Colin seemed like he was in a bit of trauma, Holding his right hand on his face. Milla appeared in front of him as another ten Hollows slowly crept unto her position. She smiled back at Colin in a reassuring embrace before shifting her attention to the hollows- The attack begins. The first three hollows attempt to lunge at Milla with their claws bared, wanting to dig into the flesh of the Fleeting Lotus. No chance. Milla, with swift movements, Jumped to the right hand side, Swinging her Blade upward, Releasing a Blast of Petals and Water which cascades into all three of them. Each Hollow affected by that attack flew to the left quickly, Smashing into near by obstacles. They were severally hurt, an attack like that wouldn't be easily shrugged off to the side. Her feet touched down on the ground, the impact being very gracefully and soft. The water around the edges of her feet were beginning to gain more volume as the time went on, Even more power for the Lotus to expel on these unsuspecting cretins.

"Hey Colin, Looks like you're having some trouble sweetheart."

Now that Milla was with Colin, Her ability was laid stagnate with the other two, and she could defend Colin as he sealed the portal. Nothing much could stop the team now. Another one of the seven hollows that were left waiting then suddenly ran at the Lotus with unprecedented speed. She tilted her head to the side, Allowing her eyes to catch as much as the image as possible before- Shit. With its claws out and its fangs bared, The Fleeting Lotus in a slight frenzy lifted her shield in front of her person. The Hollow Smashed into the Shield, Pushing her back about one foot. As planned, Milla pulled back her weapon before thrusting it forward into the Hollows chest; A daunting scream. Sliding her weapon out of the Hollows chest, Blood and fluids exited the wound before the hollow dissipated into nothingness. She lowered her shield, Gaining a better look at the field before her, the enemies in front on the move. Two more of the hollows Jump into the air to attempt an aerial attack that resided about four feet above her head before they began to descend. The Fleeting Lotus jerked her head upward to the assault, Gripping the handle of her Zanpakuto just a bit more loose then before. She had an impromptu plan in the works. As the first one fell about three seconds faster then the other, Milla spun her Hana No Yugure once in her hand, charging a copious of Petals around the weapon itself. The hollow seemed like it was going to make a clean hit on th Fleeting Lotus before she Vanished- Staying true to her nickname, ever Fleeting. An expulsion of petals was the only depiction that she vanished from her position- Other than the distortion of Reshi around that area, who cares, Hollows of these likes don't even know their head from their ass. The first Hollow was then within a Moment Cut at the waist as Milla appeared on the opposite side of the first target; The petals around the Blade laid dormant on the cut of the hollow as it fell to the ground with a loud scream and crash. Now, Focusing on the one falling before him, Milla's eyes widen slightly as the Hollow suddenly flailed to the right in a spinning fashion, whipping its tail towards The lotus. It smacked her right across the face with a rather serious impact as she flew to the right hand side in a spinning fashion. She within a couple of seconds crashed into the ground, relinquishing the grip from her sword and shield for a moment due to the pain of the impact. A rather disgruntled look was over her face as She hissed in response- Shit. That same hollow with the cut across waist was attempting to finish the job with a pouncing strike to her chest. Quickly raising her weapons in front of herself, She knocked the Hilt of her Zanpakuto on the face of the shield, Creating the activation for her ability that she used early around Toki and Meimu. The Petals then Suddenly Exploded Violently as the Hollow becomes decimated without a moments notice; The Petals in the other area have also now exploded within that Time which allows for added protection for Toki as he's attempting to seal the barrier. Planting her hand on the ground, She picked herself up as the right side of her body was a bit roughed up by impact. Bruising beginning to occur on her thigh and shoulder. She rolled her shoulder quickly, regaining the tight grip on her weapon as she did before. Even though She wasn't the most experienced shinigami, Her actions would depict otherwise. The hollow landed on the ground in a haphazard embrace, beginning to charge what seems to be- Cero. She sighed, tilting her head at the crimson light that was beginning to manifest in the middle of its mouth.

"Great. A Cero."

The Lotus knew the destructive Capabilities of the cero on a body- She didn't want that to happen to her. Shit. It was fired as she was star gazing slightly at the Crimson color, also, a bit lost in her own head from her impact upon the ground. With the Cero Hurdling towards her, She didn't know how to react- Considering the time left, So, She held up her Shield in front of herself, Bracing the back with Her sword. Hopefully, That would be enough.

||End Beautifully||

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'Dat Bishie
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I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open]

Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:12 am


"Haaah!" As suddenly as she had appeared, she had launched herself into the sky of the Seireitei, her form eclipsing the sun for a brief second. Her form flew through the air, diving backwards and flipping over, landing on the ground but ten metres away from Milla and the Hollow that persecuted her. Wielding a staff over her shoulder, she looked at the creatures and let a grin cross her face, raising a hand into the air and pointing a finger at the nearest Hollow. "For the sake of all that is good in the world, I shall vanquish ye evil beings! Hear my name, for it'll be that which you last hear! I am the magical girl, Phantas-Moon~" White clothing hung over her body, shaped to fit. The platinum blonde woman giggled lightly, and held the staff up into the air, suddenly watching it change into a baseball bat. "Haaaaaah! PHANTASM..." Suddenly, a card was produced. This glowing pink card was thrown into the air, disappearing and mimicking the shape of a baseball. Drawing back the bat, she suddenly stepped forwards, hitting the ball with immense force. "HOME RUN!" Almost completely disappearing from the view of the naked eye, the ball streamed towards the first Hollow, ripping a hole directly through the back of its skull, and then its mask, the creature screaming and collapsing down to the ground. "AH-HAH! Another victory for justice!" A fistpump later, and the woman suddenly disappeared, appearing next to Milla herself with a cocky and happy look in her red eyes. "Fret not, young lady~ I, Phantas-Moon, am here to rescue you from these monsters!" A haughty laugh later, and she held the staff (that was a staff again) out in front of her. "I'll show you what I can do!"

Stepping forwards suddenly, Arcueid pulled the staff back with a shout. Without further adieu, the woman disappeared from Milla's sight, as she had leapt high into the air. "Wanna see a real fun time~?" She grinned, and turned directly around, aiming herself at a small group of the monsters. "INAZUMA..." Flying towards the ground now, Arcueid traversed the distance in less than a second, planting a powerful kick into the mask of one of the first Hollow to stand there. "...MOON KICK!" Due to the force output, a shockwave of energy went out from the mask of the creature, and knocked down a few of the others that now surrounded the pair. She jumped off of its head, and landed not two feet away from Milla herself. "Stay back!" Reaching up into the air, Arcueid slowly began to spin her staff, gaining speed as she did so. Taking a single step forwards, the heavily-spinning staff was thrown like a disc. The disc veered in a circle, slicing through the mask of the first Hollow, spinning down the row to continue towards the next. As it flew through the masks of the Hollow, it continued it's trip towards the final, cutting, cutting, cutting. The attack disappeared, and the staff reappeared in her hand, the girl's clothing disappearing and being replaced with her usual garb. About half of the Hollow remained; Arcueid stood there with a confident smirk crossing her lips as she did so. "Well, now. It appears that I went a bit far. I hope you needed that assistance~" Winking softly and chuckling, Arcueid cricked her neck slightly. It was against her, to assist someone like this. However, the spiritual pressures that she had felt were nothing to sniff at, and there were far too many to be healthy. For that reason, she had chosen to help. Biting her own lip softly, the World's Guardian could only watch with a pair of slightly worried eyes.

{My apologies for the length. My muse is SHOT.}

Last edited by PHANTAS-MOON on Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open]

Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:59 pm
Toki Iramasha
Elite Member, Iramasha Guard

I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 AnimeBoyWater

Toki understood what Milla meant by Colin is not doing so well and by the looks of things it looked like everything could be ended by his sealing of the portal to prevent the entrance of new enemies, it should be really easily to keep anything away from him long enough. The very thought of accomplishing this brought joy to him. He wanted this done immeaditely and so did everyone else. It was about time he realesed now through it was certainly needed right now. So as he replied to what Milla said his eyes turned a much darker color and his hair slowly growing in lenght. These were all sights he was entering his first release, Angel form. The final signs would be the opening of his Seishin Buki to release his angel wings and the very sudden rise in his power that came to him.

"I'll have this portal sealed in no time." He stated to both Meimu and Milla and then Milla rushed of to assist Colin with the other garganta.

"Watch my back Meimu.... This should go rather smoothly." he told her as he faced the portal and his wings were released with his power.

Toki quickly drew his power to the garganta and swiftly began his use of chaos control forcing the garganta to close and hopefully keeping whatever was on the other side whether it be more hollows or whatever trapped in a different realm. He knew that these three wouls certainly assist him on the island so he definately help them on their home turf as well. It was his job to protect the Iramasha Island he felt this fit in this task as well. Slowly the gargant became much less noticeable and the rate of it closing was getting quicker as Toki put more and more power into it. As long as bnothing bothered him this would go ok.

"Just a little bit longer." he said with a bit of struggle as he was now finding resistance in his sealing.

Something was trying to prevent him and he knew this did get interupted that this this was quickly going to re open and something strong and probably pissed as well for Toki's attempt at stopping it's or even their arrival in the soul society. All that Toki could think through was a little longer..... a little longer...... a little longer. The angel iramasha was bing stalled the sealing is going to take more time then he thought and he was wondering how the others were doing from right now he had to keep a eye on the garganta and he could have no idea what was happening to Milla and colin but the something hit Toki badly as they could of all stayed connected with his telepathi gems that allowed for all of them to communicate with their minds but then again Milla had rushed off before he could even think of anything except follow her to this exact spot and then had rushed to attack the three hollows in his sight with much of his normal power which switched his focus over to releasing and the sealing and with his free thinking time he realizing that this task would be much easier if he had stated he had these gems. But their nothing set in his clear mind now except hopefully succeding and going on to help his new and old friends out.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!

I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open]

Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:29 pm
;: T H E S H I E L D:;
-~ Meimu ~-

I am not Lost nor am I hurt! [Open] - Page 2 Meims

    Meimu felt her vision blur, and a smile touched her face. Peacefully, her eyes closed, the strands of red and white like the start of a new day, a virgin's pyre, and finally, the call back into a world of absurd purity within God's domain. If she were to think it as such, as the feeling of wind on her cheek was suddenly in her very being : in her bones. Her hand reached out, and took a single petal, as the stinging pain was a slap in the face : her entire mind moved from it's languished state, and with a sudden burst of flaring life, she was existing. She was Meimu once again : and death would not be her fate. This awakening spread in all her lips, in the midst of the lotus storm that never touched her, apart from the one petal she had taken. And with a snap, she was free, her body shifting, flipping as her instinct flew to her finger tips : with a light hop, she touched the ground, her gaze almost burning. Her eyes were the very source of life, as there was a sort of determination that no other could match. Injuries non-withstanding, the red head girl held her head up high. Such a long series of actions was worth it, even as a light wave of dizziness hit the graduated academy student : however she was strong enough. Millia's words registered, as Meimu nodded. ''Don't worry Millia-chan.'' was all she said, as her body was light as a bird : with a hop and a soft run, she was going to the male's side : the hollows in the area had been pretty much destroyed, leaving only the two, as the other woman left : there was a light cut on her palm.

    Light was the happy side, the girl decided.

    Her steps were light, even as small droplets of blood dropped on the ground : but seemingly, Meimu felt no pain. Her body was a bird : she was simply floating, smoothly, evenly, gently, to her goal. It felt strange to her, but she adored it at the same time : the girl felt as if she could take on the world and win. The shinigami just smiled to herself, the strands of wine and frost flicking as steps arrived next to the Iramasha, her eyes watching his struggle. The girl beamed at him, waving her hand with the blade in it. ''Of course! Nothing will get through as I still live : even if I die, I'll still keep going.'' she said, that fool's grin on her lips, dancing. Conviction was true in her eyes. The male seemed to start to concentrate, as she hummed, hopping from one foot to another : and she waited, but she noted his exertion. The male was concentrating, as she noted a struggle in the Reiatsu - wait she couldn't see that before! How strange..

    But the time to think faded, as she felt the chill of a hollow down her spine.

    With a whirl, her blade lashed out, cutting the air, as the wires fell. She would curse, but her eyes simply narrowed : there was that rush, the feeling that animated her bones, as she felt the fire drift into her veins. This was a beat, a call to the nature, as Meimu slipped her blade, and slashed again : the wires were being cut down before they could set, as she noticed a shining in the corner. ''You're not getting away.'' she said, her voice calm, gentle. She hated the wasting of life, but this creature : if she killed it, it would be purified and offered a better life. That was an easy realization now, as Meimu let nothing stop her : with a push, she was off in the air, feeling the wires around her lips, scratching. The gleam was the hollow's mask, as it appeared, several fragments covering what seemed like eyes, a giantatic one in the middle. The blade went through it, as it writhed screaming.

    It pitched her into the ground, and up in the air, as she struggled to cut the wires with her blade. Meimu twisted and got them all, as the creature thrashed rolling towards - oh no. The girl got to her feet, and began to run : but she knew she would never make it, as she shut her eyes. This could not be happening. There was a flash, as her mouth opened, softly. ''Sasu, Kakumau!'' she said, as her blade shone. The shape was not defined : but the only actual thing that existed was a moving, drilling shape, as Meimu felt her body reach more. And more : more : she needed to go forward more! Her arm reached, and suddenly, she was off, like a rocket. The tip of the glowing form hit into the hollow, as the rose head planted her feet, hoisting the hollow over her head, and into the wall, where it disintegrated. The glowing shape flickered, and then disappeared, leaving her only her blade, as the girl slunk to her knees, panting harshly. She had dealt with all threats. ''Come on Toki, do what you have to : I'll give whatever you need. Just get that thing closed.'' she whispered, passionately, as the wild glowing energy still beat in her heart.

    What had she just done?


Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:25 pm
Ah... carp.

The errant thought went through Colin's mind as he looked at the hollows around them as Milla flew out. He noticed that she had unsealed as well; seemed as if they had been doing battle within the warehouse. He nodded to her as she passed his ring, and he felt them. He gripped the feather ring tight, looking towards the sky once again. While Milla could handle-

WHO IN THE WORLD IS THAT? He backed up a space, his eyes behind his mask of his ress wide open in suprise. A young woman flew through the air, attacking below with a baseball and bat. He looked over at Milla again, seeing she was safe now, and turned back around again. There seemed to be about 20 in the air; he could take that many, and then return to suppressing that garganta until Toki finished up in the warehouse with-

He did ANOTHER double take, sensing it before he saw it. His eye saw a large structure of reiatsu within the warehouse, being manipulated by... Meimu?!?!?! What is she thinking...? I hope they're alright, at the very least... He gritted his teeth, preparing himself, creating a large broadsword in his right hand with his feathers. He closed his left eye against the sun, squinting his right as he prepared himself, arching down his knees. He cast the large blade in his right hand to the side, looking straight up at his opponents. He opened his mouth wide...


He screeched, his voice tearing around the area. He stretched his wings wide, preparing for a downstroke. The noise would be able to be heard by all the persons in the area, from Milla behind him, to Toki and Meimu inside, and the hollows above. His gave was deadly, and his reiatsu pressure was surmounting on his opponents. They all had wings, but with various body types and faces. In the end, however, it made no difference to him. He prepared himself, and his right eye... became a slit.

He pressed down on his legs, stretching himself to his full height as he performed the downstroke with his wings, flying straight upwards. He appeared, faster than the human eye could see, next to the first hollow above him. He cut across, throwing his arm and the blade to the left. The great sword split into 20 different sections of feathers, cutting the hollow into hundreds of tiny pieces that rained down below. It didn't have time to react; not even enough to cry in fear as it was mercilessly struck down. Colin... smiled, not showing teeth, but... like a cat on the hunt, turning to two on his right. He split the great sword, creating two spears before him, grabbing one in each hand. He vanished again, appearing in front of them. He thrust the two beams forward, piercing their bodies in the center. Then he held the spears aloft in front of him, using his strength to hold them up. He held their faces in front of the opposite hollow's spear, a horrible piece of symmetry. He gave them just enough time to cry out in fear as he flexed the muscles in his arms, and brought them together. The hollow's masks were pierced into pieces, shattering as they dissolved. Colin gave a small laugh, looking around him.

"Come on then! Who's next? Who's going to do battle with mE NEXT, HUH? WHO'S NEXT TO BE LAID TO WASTE!"

He roared at the seventeen remaining. Two of the ones closest to him on his right actually turned around, giving cries of fear and fleeing. Colin hefted his two spears before him, tossing them like javelins with his immense strength at that moment. The spears flew out at their opponents, fast then they could fly on their clumsy wings. The spears broke, flying out in several tendrils of feathers. The feathers penetrated the hollows from behind, like an Iron Maiden from only one side. They fell to the ground, and his feathers returned to the mass still moving around his right hand, like a swarm of ants. He moved with a flash-step in front of the next one to his left, looking at its sidelong as he inserted his right fist into its stomach. His hand went right through, and he laughed loudly as a stream of feathers tore through the hollow's weak flesh and up to its head. More feathers went up the tendril, and exploded outwards in several directions, destroying the hollows skull completely.

With a flap of his wings, he appeared in front of the next one, but above it. His legs were lifted up, and with another flap, he brought around his right leg, cracking it in the skull. Then he charged up a small amount of energy into his right hand, his gaze intense, never leaving his opponent. He thrust the hand forward at the hollow, who was falling away, dazed. Out of his palm fired a small cero, sapphire blue in color as it sailed outwards... It pulverized the hollow, turning it into so much dust as Colin moved his feet in a quick move, suddenly facing a group of five that had been attempting to sneak upon him. He took a deep breath, inhaling and filling his lungs. His lungs were large and strong; after all, he was trained on mountains as well as being a tuba player in life. He opened his mouth, creating another cero that obliterated two more of the hollows, the blast sailing upwards and crashing into the field that maintained around the Seireitei, dissapating.

By the time the other two hollows had turned around to see what had occured to their comrades, Colin was already upon. He grabbed the one he had appeared in front of's skull by the mask, lifting it upwards. He performed his Pterodactyl gaze, and it went limp in front of him, seeming to whimper.

"You Hollows... ARE SO WEAK! You take so very little to kill; and you HAVE NO PURPOSE. YOU PUT EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH TO WASTE, AND NOW I'LL LAY YOU TO IT!"

He roared, the speech just as loud as the cry of his hollow. His voice sounded different than normal; deeper, more sadistic, more destructive. He tightened the muscles in his hand, bringing his tips together as he shattered the hollows skull. The two that were left tried attacking him as one, but Colin was ready. In his hands were two simple daggers, made of feathers. He plunged them down and up, up into one's chest and down into the others stomach. He continued spinning his arms, throwing them away from him. Then he held out his hands to the sides, the blades dropping from the flying hollows. From his hands fired three bala in a constant stream, also sapphire blue in color. The bala hit into the hollows, the first two damaging them and the third exploding, finishing them off. Colin turned to the ten left, turning his neck to the side, cracking it audibly. He cackled as he set off, pulverizing them each individully with his fists, smashing their faces in one by one...

What in the world...? Colin thought to himself, seeing all the unnecessary pain he was inflicting. What... What am I doing to those defenseless creatures...? He wondered, feeling drowsy, like he had been taking a nap. And why... can't I stop it? He frowned, getting up. Which in itself was strange; he realized that he himself was moving, but he himself murdering those hollows was not himself. The frown grew deeper, he suddenly realized what had happened. He shut his eyes, focusing hard....

Colin stopped, his fist held before the last living hollow of the sorry bunch, holding it on the end of a chain of feathers that was ripping into its flesh. Suddenly, the smile vanished behind the mask as his fist began to shake, and he lifted an eyebrow. Suddenly, it thrust back, hitting himself in the face, breaking off a piece of the mask of his resserection. Colin gasped aloud, gripping the chain tightly and causing the hollow to cough up blood. He panted for a few moments; he was going to have a black eye on his right side. His cybernetic eye was now visible to the hollow, although it had no idea it was cybernetic. However, it was Colin's eye, not a piece of mask. He looked down on the hollow in pity, and put his middle finger of his left hand onto his thumb, raising up the rest of the fingers. He held his left hand before the hollow's face, and pressed down on his thumb. He moved the thumb down, and the middle finger impacted with the hollows face, shattering its mask into a fine dust and freeing it of its pain.

Colin moved down towards the ground again, his arms feeling slightly heavy. He looked back over at Milla and the strange woman, speaking to them directly at last. His revealed eye was bright with life, although it looked tired. He swallowed aloud before speaking, standing up straight and tall before the two women.

"Well... My control of my hollow seemed to let him influence me for a few moments there. I'm alright now, and should be fine. That's the first time I've used my resserection for that long, so now I know what to watch out f-"

What IS IT WITH TODAY? He almost groaned aloud, turnning on his heel, his feathers forming a blade-like structure with two seperated points, as long as swords. It had a wide hilt, and as he turned, realized that instinct had just crafted it. Another garganta opened, one very small, and a small figure walked out of it. A strange man garbed in white with black overcoat linings... Oh carp... an arrancar. Well, I hope I can keep my cool this time. Hopefully I'll be able to handle him alone. He thought brightly, watching the arrancar look around. He seemed like a middle adged man with glasses and a millitary style haircut, and as soon as he spotted Colin, he rose his sword aloft in front of him, releasing it there and then. Colin suspected the man was here to find out what was clogging up the troops advancement; heck, he was most likely leader. Weak like his men, huh? Colin thought to himself, preparing and giving an honest little smirk.

He appeared in front of Colin, trying to run past him. Colin through out his left hand, grabbing something that felt like.. fur?? Colin sighed, pulling forward, throwing the thin man before him. He had been running for the other two, and Colin simply cracked his knuckles, throwing his hand back. He hit the ground, and the man was gone again, leaving only the crater in the ground from the impact. Colin pursued, flapping his wings, striking and dodging the panther-like arrancar's attacks. Colin eventually threw out both legs, tripping up the arrancar's fast feet. It flew downwards, and Colin leaned back, bringing down his left elbow. With a flap of his wings, he pressed the arrancar into the ground, and brought up the sword. He plunged it into his foe, and got up again, finished with his opponents.

He turned to face the two of them again, saluted, and pointed in the direction of the other warehouse. He could sense his improvised seal weakening, and would be needing to go strengthen it up for Toki to finish off. There duties were almost over, and he shuddered a bit as he casually walked along, hopefully with Milla and Arcueid in tow. The hollow's influence had been wasteful, as he thought it would be. A good bit of his resserections energy had been spent, and he felt tired to the bone. He suddenly realized something, turning around before continuing his march again.

"Oh. By the way, name's Colin Washi, Co-head of the Vizard Corps, Ms. Phatas-Moon. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. And before I forget, thanks for coming out to check up on me, Milla..."

He trailed off, as they reached the door to the other warehouse...

[Raw post. May pretty it up later. Enjoy~]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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