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Joined : 2010-06-03
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Age : 31
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Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release] [NPC]

Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:29 am


Name: Halo Iramasha
Age: Over 1000
Gender: Male
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Varies from Sky Blue to Faded Green
Body Type Somewhat toned
Height 6'2
Weight: 170

Appearance: See Picture below


Personality: Frost's personality is very easygoing, but he can also be very serious if he wants to. His heart is true and he is always being commended for his good deeds. Even though he is one of the most powerful men in the Iramasha Clan...maybe even one of the most powerful men in the Soul Society...he still remains very modest.

But Frost is also known to have a fierce love of competition, specifically fighting. He is often criticized by the others for giving his rivals a chance to change their intentions instead of killing them off right off the bat. But as a result, this trait of Frost's personality has earned him respect from former rivals, developed alliances, and even friendships with them.

Other traits of Frost is his massive appetite for ramen, and his natural ability to not be influenced by desire and evil.

Peace: Due to his kind loving personality, Frost is a great fan of peace. If it is within his power, he will always try and maintain peace for himself and those around him. This is also the reason why he was more then happy to look over Ketsu for Raiden. It would give Raiden peace if something were to happen to him and it would give Ketsu some peace to know that at least one persons will always love and care for him. And Whenever the Earth is in danger, he is always there to defend it. All for the sake of peace~

Friends: Frost simply enjoys meeting new people and eventually becoming friends with them. He figures the more friends you make, the more peace you will find. Which is why when he was younger he always wanted Ketsu to make more friends since maybe a circle of people that cared for him would melt his cold heart. "Friends are a rare angel we’ll ever get to see, While still on earth, While we still can breath. They’re there for us, Through thick and thin. They light our way when our path is dim. To hold your hand, To counsel you through, To help you out, To hold to you true They’re the universe's little gift, To show you that people care, They’re angel’s to you, Angels to protect you from sorrow."

Mizore: Currently, Mizore is Frost's lover. He loves her with all of his heart and will protect her with all of his might. In his opinion, Mizore is one of the best things that has happened to him within his long life time. Frost is very happy to have this woman by his side.

Fighting: Frost has a strong passion for fighting and training. What drives him to become is stronger is not the desire for more power, but to obtain more power to better protect his friends, the people he cares about, his clan and maintaining the peace within his own personal life and the world around him. It's essential to be strong in order to protect the things you care about~

When people hate one another: Frost hates it when people have a great dislike for one another because it disrupts the circle of peace and because it can lead to catastrophic wars.

Death: By no means does Frost fear the process of Death since he knows everyone will die sooner or later. But, he fears the sadness, sorrow and pain the people around him would feel if he were to die. Especially those in his family and Ketsu. He would have failed to keep Raiden's dream alive for protecting Ketsu.

Being Unable to protect his friends: The reason why he fears not being unable to protect his friends or anyone close to him is because he feels like he has failed as leader, as a friend and as a figure people in his clan look up to.


Background: Halo Iramasha was born over 450 years ago on the floating island high in the skies of the Soul Society, otherwise known as the Iramasha Clan's Home. Right from birth he was destined to be the next Iramasha in line to become Leader of the Angel Iramasha's. So decreed the former Leader of the Angel Iramasha's, Nobu Iramasha.

During the first few years of his life, both of his parents taught Halo to be the kind, gentle, peace loving person he would soon become one day. The both of them always taught Halo some basic training as well, but nothing to extreme since he was still only a child.

And for awhile, thing were alright.

Until the day both of his parents vanished mysteriously.

For some reason other another Nobu, The Angel Leader at the time, had gone insane with power. Before his father had disappeared under mysterious circumstances, he had noticed serious changes in his personality once he obtained this unknown power. He had become sadistic, cruel, mentally unstable and insane. Nothing like the father he once knew.

Then, almost at the same time Nobu disappeared, Raiden (Ketsu's father), did as well. A full scale investigation was launched, but it did not lead any clues as to their disappearances.

So the only thing the Iramasha's could do was appoint their eldest sons as leaders of the clan when they grew older

Although, before Raiden had disappeared, he had asked Frost to look after his son for the rest of his life since he already knew that Ketsu's life would be rough. Raiden simply wanted Ketsu to at least have one person by his side and he choose Halo Iramasha to be that person.


Iramasha Sync: Iramasha Sync is a natural ability all Iramasha have from the moment they are born into this world. Iramasha Sync is how all the Iramasha's are in tune with one another. They can share visuals in battle, energy, information and various other things by using this technique. To activate it all you have to do is say "Iramasha Sync" and it will instantly link you up to their network.

Chaos Unity: When the leaders of the Iramasha Clan are in desperate times they will each get the Angelic Gems and Demonic Gems to perform a fusion technique. When this move is activated each of the leaders will fuse with the other, along with the spirits of past Iramasha's leaders, into one powerful being. Other Iramasha's Can also use this technique with less jems, but they often have a time limit on how long they can maintain this form depending on their combined power.

Chaos Blast: This is the Iramasha's own version of the cero. It is a blast of either angel, demon or both (when used by hybrids) that is gathered from inside of their body and shot out in a massive wave or sphere. When used in a wave, it's faster, but not as strong. When used as a sphere, it is much stronger, but slower. Another thing to note is that when a Angel Iramasha uses Chaos Blast the blast is typically white or blue, while when a demon fires it the blast is typically black or bright red. If your a hybrid, it's both. However, some Iramasha's have customized their own Chaos Blast's to fit their needs.

Chaos Warp: When this technique is activated it allows the user to teleport from short range distances at first, then when they become more master this move more they able to use to technique to teleport from long range distances along with being able to warp anywhere as long they can sense someones spiritual pressure or reiatsu. When they become more powerful they sometimes able to slow down within a limited range and gain the upper hand on their opponents. Advanced and master's can also teleport through dimension's and create pathway's to other world's. Adept can do it, but it takes much longer and drains them.

However, Chaos Warp is not just limited to that. It can also be used for teleporting things and other beings. It starts by firing a burst of Chaos Energy from either your finger tips, palm's or anywhere else you can think of in your body. Then you can create it in any shape or form you want and try to have it attach itself to the thing you want to teleport. For objects, it's almost instant to teleport. However, to move massive land masses and things along those lines it would take a bit more time. Between one or two post for master's, three or four for advanced users, five or seven for Adept and 20 for beginners.

To teleport or beings it would take 1 post for masters, 2 for advanced, 3 for adept and 5 for beginners.

Note: A very common way to utlize Chaos Warp is for it to be used to control the flow of time around a certain area. For example, Time Control can be used to speed up the time. So if you have a slow attack, you can apply the Chaos Energy to it and speed it up. You can also increase your opponents speed as well. Another example of time control is by slowing down the flow of time around you or on a certain object. Say for instance you were about to get punch. Well, you can apply Chaos Energy to the punch and slow it down so it won't hurt as much. The same applies for energy attack's as well and pretty much anything else.


Soul Enhancement: The Angel Iramasha appear to have an ability where they are able to use energy from other souls to power themselves. For example, if they were in the Soul Society they would be able to call upon small bits of energy from multiple Plus's and some Shinigami to eventually and gradually make themselves much stronger. This will also work with other Iramasha as they are naturally incline to help each other and will succeed in making both Iramasha somewhat stronger for a short amount of time.

But, Angel Iramasha's must remember that if they do not get full approval from each soul they take power from only a small fraction of that soul's power will come to them. So, unless there is a mass acceptance of Angel Iramasha being able to take this energy, this is usually done in more populated areas with large amounts of Plus's, Iramasha's, Human's or Shinigami. This ability also does not work as well with Arrancar, Demons, Vizards or Hollows; the races listed would need to fully give the Iramasha their energy and be committed for this one to work.

It is also rumored that if enough souls are gathered by a very powerful Iramasha, one may even be able to rival the Soul King himself in times of crisis.

Soul Creation: Within certain realms, The Angel Iramasha have been blessed with the ability to manipulate certain factors within their environment by The Soul King himself. For example, while within the Soul Society Angel Iramasha on a higher level have the power to create certain living beings from the allowance of the Soul King, easily control the weather, forge various objects from nowhere to attack opponents with and even form imaginary realities within confined areas.

They've even gone as far as to reshape other opponents or allies body to their own needs if enough power is backed behind it. This ability requires more power to master, however, so the higher your tier level, the better you are controlling this. Along with that, it's only at it's strongest in the Soul Society, with the World Of The Living coming in a close second. For, when they are not in the Soul Society, they rely heavily on the supply of reiatsu, reishi and reishi in the air in order to perform these feats. And in realms such as Hueco Mundo, The Kokuryuteshi's Realm and Demon World; this becomes increasingly hard to perform, but manageable.

Divine Purification: As with most types of Angel's, The Iramasha Angel do have the ability to purify various races. What in the world does that mean? It's really quite simple. If they are able to weaken or overpower a demon for example it would be possible to make an attempt at converting them into a more pure race such as an Angel or even going as far as to rebirth them as a human to atone for their sins. The same can apply for Vizards, Demon's, Arrancar's and Hollow's. However, these are more extreme examples of purification. On the combat side of things, this purification also becomes heavily useful against these races attacks.

For example, a high class Iramasha Angel would have the ability to negate certain Demon Spells or cut through a weaker level cero shot off from an Arrancar or Vizard. Along with that, the Divine Purification would even allow for them to even shift the blast entirely into a holy energy and use it against said Arrancar or Vizard to cause more damage. Not only that, but more highly skilled Angel's could even disarm or immobilize certain low class or weakened Demon's or Arrancar merely by touching them and attempting to rid their existence by the pure angelic radiating inside of them.

This Purification can even be used for non-combat purposes or healing purposes as more powerful Angel's have the ability to even cure people of illnesses, do away with most toxins or poisons and even perform miracles by sometimes making the most impossible injury or damage done to person become undone. Those who are even on a lower level can at least give their comrades a sense of extra energy with their presence, do away with most common sicknesses and things of this nature. Along with that, this purification can even be extracted from some Iramasha's to be converted into various objects that generate holy barriers that have the potential to reject most types of foul creatures and do great damage to them or prevent them for entering the area altogether.

In short, it would be wise not to underestimate this holy ability of the Angel Iramasha.

Soul Release: Angel Iramasha's have the ability to actually look into ones soul (See: Inner World) in order to determine what a person or creature is like on a more spiritual based level. For lower level Iramasha, they can easily be rejected, injured or whatever else have you if they wish to enter someone's Inner World without permission. On top of that, it also requires more effort on their part as they are not accustomed to it as more powerful ranking Angel's within the Iramasha are. However, as they get stronger, eventually they will no longer require the need for permission and can sometimes enter a persons Inner World without their consent. When this happens, the person in question will either fight them off to eject them out of their soul, allow them full access or The Angel Iramasha will deal with whatever rules the Inner World they are entering has in store for them.

Now, moreover, if someone is able to fully accept this Angel into their heart it can be possible for The Angel Iramasha in question to do positive deeds for them. Take this situation for example: There is a Plus Soul in danger of being overwhelmed and turning into a hollow. If an Angel Iramasha is present, they can easily enter that Plus's soul and remove the hollow infection so that they may pass on to the Soul Society in a more peaceful matter. Another situation that would be considered a good deed with this ability is an Angel Iramasha even taming one's Ziamichi Spirit in order to enhance that Ziamichi's overall control and power. And the last example of this ability being used for good would be for an Angel Iramasha to somehow awaken a person's hidden or suppressed memories. So, by these three examples alone, there are many ways for an Angel Iramasha to do good, but there is also many ways for them to do negative impact.

Thus, on the flip side, an Angel Iramasha can possibly enter an Arrancar's Inner World and begin the task of destroying their vast collection of Souls until said Arrancar was no more or dropped dead if they failed to fight said Angel Iramasha off. Another example of using this for negative impact would be to completely shatter a Shinigami's Soul Chain if they were able to locate it or said Shinigami did not reject or rebel against The Angel Iramasha. Finally, they could even split a Ziamichi Spirit or Hollow away from their host and cause some serious mayhem for said host.

Therefore, this ability must be used with utmost caution. It can turn the tides in a battle, or can easily be used against an Angel Iramasha if an experienced fighter knows how to handle dealing with someone inside of their inner world. Alas, though, most Angel Iramasha choose to simply use this ability as more or less a passive move to see inside a person's soul. So, on that final note, use it as you may.



Light Energy Rerseve: Halo has the ability to maniplate the light around his body and light that he has stored in order to use it as a brief replacement for life energy. An example of this would be that if he was injuried in the spine he would not be able to physically move if damaged correctly, but he would still be able to use a move such as Chaos Control to warp himself half-way across a world. However, dimensional travel would be limited in this form. The post limit for this move is usually two post, but if he is in any angel form, for each two wings he has he can store enough light energy in them to add two extra posts to where he can use this Rersevere Light energy.

Light Manipulation: Halo can use light to remove any type of bright color from an object or person. For example, if Halo was in battle and fighting someone he could remove the color in their eyes to blind them if they did not have a way to counter it or they had a backup set of eyes. He could also use this technique to remove other senseations from the body. If he was to insert some of his own reitsu into the attack, he could remove the color from your skin and then use his reitsu to damage your nerve's to where you could detect pain, pleasure or any other type of feeling that would come across your skin. Halo could also that on a perosn's tounge to remove their sense of taste if it happened to be sticking out.

However, most of these effects only last for up to five post. These by no means permanent. The effects would also be null if they were some type of Cybernetic being and Halo would have to alrt his attack in order to fry their gadjets or whatever else they run on.

Line Manipulation: This is a supernatural power that has very great and dangerous applications to it. Essentially, this person would be able to control the concept "lines". What this means is that they are able to detect, touch, see and feel for all types of different streams, connections or lines that are connected from anything ranging from spiritual energy, planetary forces, supernatural forces, elemental contracts, "mana" or reishi, dimensional lines that lead into different realms and essentially anything that can be connected from external means. So, for instance, if this person was in combat during a fight; they would be able to see the different "lines" that are generated when an opponent is dashing towards them. When this is occurring, they can guide the lines with their eyes or physically touch them; sometimes being able to guide it with their energy alone. No matter how they choose to perform it, once they begin the control of these lines, they could essentially control a plantery force such as gravity in order to attempt to bring attacks or opponents to a screeching halt.

The target in question would either need to overpower this by summoning a large amount of energy, wait for the user of this power to become strained from controlling these lines or figure out some alternative method to break free from their gravity control such as using their spiritual energy to make their own gravity field. No matter what occurs, nothing this person controls is absolute, but it will take a great amount of power or will to fight against these lines. Moreover, each time they begin to control a "line", it's more or less like taking a mad sprint or run. The more lines they try to take over, the more fatigued or exhausted the person becomes and would most likely need a short period to recover either during the post or over a duration of post depending on what transpired in the thread. Natural forces would be easier for this person, while supernatural forces would take more focus and concentration.

This person might also need a specific location in order to control lines as well. For instance, the eye applications of this power have a undetermined limit to where they could effect things. So, if something is far too out for the user, they might need to move in closer in order to use the physical version of their Line Control in order to make the effect transpire in a different place. Plus, on top of that, using it in the form of eyes can possibly cause un-needed stress on his vision and head that can cause cluster headaches (EXTREMELY painful), problems with his vision and even bleeding of the eyes. So, if it can be helped, this person would prefer to use it in the physical form as their body would be better adapted OR with their raw energy alone; at the cost of it consuming an extra bit of whatever spiritual energy they have flowing through their veins.


Angelic Release: Angelic Release is the first stage that the Angel Iramasha go among their three releases. This is often unlocked once they have reached two tier. The only requirement that is needed other then tier level for this release is that they accept this change as well. If The Angel Iramasha in question wishes to accept this transition, they will be able to transcend all their previous abilities will be taken to newer and higher levels then before. Their overall skills will increase from the amount of power being generated from them. For instance, with the activation of this release, the Angel Iramasha's Reiryoku, Reiatsu and Chaos Energy will be doubled or tripled in more intense cases; allowing them to be able to perform even greater feats of techniques, Chaos Spells, Special Moves and other abilities that rely on these types of energy. Along with that, their physical strength will increase two times as well to make them more fit to deal with the punishment an opponent who forces them to go into this state can dish out.

Additionally, when they release into this state, they will gain a bit of mental clarity should they accept this blessing from the Soul King. For example, if an Angel Iramasha who had an unstable mind beforehand were able to transcend to his Angelic Release, he would be able to fight with a much clearer head without the mental haze in his head blocking him from his true goal. Moreover, this Angelic Release is even capable of giving the Angel Iramasha bits and pieces of information about the world around them. A display of this capability is shown when a Iramasha arrives in a place such as Hueco Mundo and they are given images, words or voices explaining to them how the world operates in a sense; such as if it has any Chaos Energy, reishi, the races nearby if the Iramasha is able to detect them and other various things about their environment that can be deducted rather easily such as the weather or climate. Not all Angel Iramasha comprehend this ability, but it gets more clearer in the next state.

Moreover, though, some of the last changes an Angel Iramasha would notice in this state is that they will most likely gain one or two new powers for their Angelic Release in addition to their previous powers being advanced thanks to the extra flow of energy being generated throughout the core of their being. Examples of this would be an Angel Iramasha learning how to use fire alongside his lightning or someone getting super strength to go alongside their other powers.

And finally, as with anything revolving around Angel's, most Angel Iramasha's will undergo some type of physical appearance. It is not set-in stone what each Angelic Release will look like, but more often then not the Angel Iramasha will have some form of wings to symbolize just what they are to the world along with having a sense of divinity, holiness or power to them.

Awakened Divinity State: Angelic Release is the first stage that the Angel Iramasha go among their three releases. This is often unlocked once they have reached one tier or early 0 tier. The main requirement that is needed to transcend pass their Angelic Release is that they are somehow pushed passed their limits in combat, have a great need to use these powers such as having a loved one in danger or needing to protect something or they somehow called upon by the Soul King himself in times of peril such as the case when some Angel Iramasha obtained this release during times of war. If they should meet these two requirements together with wanting to accept this evolution as with their previous ascension, they will more often then not learn their Awakened Divinity State and reach the next level in Angel Iramashahood.

Thus, like the transformation into the Angelic Release, all their previous abilities will be taken to even greater and more powerful heights of strength then ever before; Thanks in part to the flow of Chaos Energy, Reiryoku and Reiatsu being increased three times over the previous enhancements from transcending into their first release. With this additionally amount of energy being generated from within the Angel Iramasha, they will generally be able to push all of their special attacks, Chaos Spells, Spiritual Based Powers and things of this nature to even greater limits then before. In fact, this is the level where most Iramasha will begin to create more deadly and fierce Chaos Spells, begin to create majorly advanced versions of their powers and even make their own Seishin Buki more powerful along with the traits from their Iramasha Class.

So, for instance, an Angel Iramasha whom has transcended to the Awakened Divinity State will begin to see the abilities or powers they get with their Seishin Buki begin to double unlike with their Angelic Release where this gets no enhancement at all. It's even possible for the Seishin Buki to gain one new trait when they are ONLY released in this state as well. Additionally, going back to their Iramasha Class, each of these traits from that part of themselves will begin to become stronger with this doubled increase in their ability. For e example, if The Angel of Ice had transformed into this Awakened Divnity State, all of their ice based powers could possibly have a greater range across the battlefield then compared to Angelic Release Iramasha or regular Angel Iramasha without either of these forms.

Next, the other changes that would begin occurring upon an Angel Iramasha activating this release is that their physical strength and endurance would increase two times more then before in order make them endure more harsh environments. An example of this would be that an Awakened Divinity State Angel Iramasha would be able to live through being thrown into a pit of boiling lava; rather it be man-made or a more powerful spiritual based version of this. Or, an Angel Iramasha would be able to take far more damage then an Angel Release Iramasha or Regular Angel Iramasha thanks to their increased defenses.

Moreover, the mental clarity that is seen with Angel Iramasha when they transcend into their Angelic Release seems to be increased as well. For example, the Iramasha in question would not only see their own minds being sharpened with a new mental focus, but they would begin to effect others around them as well. You see, Angel Iramasha's with Awakened Divinity State do possess the ability to give their allies this same mental awareness they obtained upon their Angelic Release should they accept The Angel Iramasha's blessing. That means, if the character would allow this, The Angelic Iramasha could begin to cure any type of mental illness going on within their mind (Temporarily boosting their Will Sheet as well for as long as they are in the Divinity State), give them a sense of feeling more powerful, replenish about five or ten percent of their overall power and even do light to moderate scaled healing upon their bodies. However, this ability varies from how strong the opponent is, how many people are with them and how much energy the Angel Iramasha in question is dealing. When dealing with larger numbers, this ability becomes more difficult and weakened then compared to having a handful of comrades. Or, if they are damaged or injured in battle, this become rather weakened or less effective.

And, on a related note, The Angel Iramasha who learn Awakened Divinity State will see an increase in their ability to analyze their environment. Previously, in their Angelic Release, they would only get bits and pieces about the things going on around them such as weather, climate, if it has any Chaos Energy, reishi and the other races nearby. With Awakened Divinity State, this trait is taken even further as The Angel Iramasha are now able to figure out what comprises certain objects, attacks or beings to existence. An example of this would be an Awakened Divinity State Iramasha being able to gradually calculate over the span of one to two post what elements a massive barrier would be made of. Or, in another case, figuring out what makes an energy attack like a Cero and if there are any hidden properties in it like a concealed attack or something of that nature. Together with that, they'll also be able to analyze what race a group of people are for three mile radius with Awakened Divinity State; the zone moving each each movement they make. However, they'll even be able to sense distant powers in further distances upwards of nearly a city the size of Karakura Central in terms of mileage and not size.

Lastly, the final change an Iramasha who transcends into The Awakened Divinity State will be that they go through yet another physical change. Usually, this time, they have an even more powerful aura to them then previously before. Some people would even go as far as to describe as more realistic angel as they can begin to look older, younger, more mature, more child like, more feminine, more muscular and things of this nature. They will also usually gain a second pair of wings to symbolize the unlocking their second release state as well.

Divine Ascension: Divine Ascension is the Final Transformation for The Angel Iramasha's three holy releases that they go through. Unlike with Awakened Divinity State or Angel Release, however, Divine Ascension has more requirements that are needed in order to unlock it's power. Thus, to even be considered for having a Divine Ascension an Angel Iramasha must be between 0-3 to 0-1+ tier as this new state will require a large source of power and energy to consume from the user with it being the one of The Angel Iramasha's maximum states to be in. Together with that, additionally, they must also be accepting of this transformation as with their previous transformations. Simply put, if they do not want it, they will not attain it. Moreover, though, an important requirement for an Angel Iramasha to go through is to have some sort of connection to either the Soul King or the realm in which he resides in, Heaven. It doesn't matter how strong or weak this link, but it needs to be there. In order to attain this link most Angel Iramasha's perform tremendous amounts of meditation in hopes of making this link, while others who have access to Heaven prefer to simply train in there for years upon years until they have finally made this transition into the Divine Ascension. And, along with those methods, some Angel Iramasha can even make this link if they've had direct contact with the Soul King himself. Finally, another method on how some Angel Iramasha had attained this connection is by projecting a part of their consciousness, body or energy into either the Soul King's mind OR Heaven itself in order to to export that Holy Energy needed to awaken Divine Ascension.

In any case, though, once that requirement has been made, an Angel Iramasha will then be ready to to unleash this ultimate pinnacle of Angelic Power. When that time comes, as with all of their previous releases, everything related to their natural strength, energy, powers or skills will be taken to the absolute maximum this holy state can provide for them. Since, in this state, an Angel Iramasha will receive an additional source of power; Holy Energy. Holy Energy comes from Heaven OR the Soul King itself and it's apart of what makes this Holy Ascension so very powerful. For instance, this source of power can be used to keep an Angel Iramasha going even long after they've exhausted their flow of Chaos Energy, depleted their Reiryoku reserves and loss of all of their Reiatsu. As this energy is not reliant on the environment around them, how much power they have from within them or any factors like that. It's merely dependent on how strong their link to Heaven is and how much of this power it's wiling to transfer to the Angel Iramasha in question or if it has enough capacity to do in war situations.

So, in any case, unlike their other forms, thanks to Holy Energy they can stay in this state without relying solely on raw power. This translates into that if they receive enough damage physically OR mentally they will most likely make their deascention back into their previous state or well below it if enough of their resources had been drained while within their Divine Ascension form. Additionally, they can also go back to relying on raw energy alone if their connection to Heaven or the Soul King is somehow jammed, interfered with or something out of their hands had occurred. Furthermore, with this addition of Holy Energy in the Angel Iramasha's arsenal, they will be able to perform many god-like feats, miracles, attacks and things of this nature. For example, an Angel Iramasha who is in their Divine Ascension State will be able to use Holy Energy in order to materialize various weapons, tools, equipment, attacks, defense based moves and a long list of variables out of a persons heart depending on the nature of that persons power, what their heart is on the inside and how much they are willing to accept this Angel Iramasha.

In the following situation, you will see how this materialization ability with Angel Iramasha works. If Angel Iramasha were trying to perform this materialization move on an unsuspecting person, say a Shinigami, they would be able to craft what they needed from the person, but it may not be fully powered or ever reach it's full potential should the person reject them. In fact, he may be even useless on some occasions if said person rejects them outright. However, if a person were to fully accept, whatever they craft from them will be truly powerful, reaching it's maximum potential and will have many varying perks to it compared to someone who just had it taken out of them without much warning. And, depending on if the person in question desires it, this weapon can even be saved well after they power down from this state in order to preserve whatever had came out of that person. It's even possible for it be duplicated so that The Angel Iramasha along with the person whom had this performed on their heart will be able to share the weapon.

Once more, this materialization ability is applied on many different levels other then a persons heart as well. For example, an Angel Iramasha can materialize similar objects or attacks from manipulating the flow of energy that is around them. Rather it be Holy Energy, reishi, a persons Reiryoku or Reiatsu, Chaos Energy, natural energy (such as the elements like water, ice, fire, wind etc), artificial elements (Cybernetics, Radiation, Human made things etc) and so on and so forth; these energies can be manipulated by an Angel Iramasha to defend, attack or heal themselves if they have the skills to do it or something isn't preventing them from doing it (such as a person putting up a barrier to block the Angel Iramasha from accessing the energy, a person with Death Energy putting unholy energy into it to make the Angel Iramasha sick etc.)

Moving along, another benefit that Angel Iramasha gain from having Holy Energy is that they also gain a double boost increase alongside the increases that they gained from their previous transitions that are further multiplied by the triple increase they get from gaining their Divine Ascension State. So, that means that all of their strength, speed, attack's, endurance, defense and everything else in between will be taken to near maximum peaks thanks to all of the sources of energy soaring throughout the Angel Iramasha's body at that point and time. Infact, this is the level where legendary type moves are even forged in combat.

For example, an Angel Iramasha whom has ascended to this state will see all of their abilities or powers that their Seishin Buki have advance to a level unforeseen by them previously. If they were a fire type user an imaginary-type situation would be for them that on the previous transformation they were able to create fire from nowhere. Well, when said person had transformed, this fire ability was strengthened and now they can turn non-living objects around them into fire in addition to lava simply by touching them. This applies to all of their natural powers, Iramasha Classes and Angel Abilities as well in terms of these type of advancements in their techniques.

Together with those enhancements, the physical aspect of most Angel Iramasha's would be taken to very amazing heights. For instance, when they transform into this intense release all of their physical strength mixed into together with their endurance and defense will be tripled in amount on top of the two enhancements that were given to them thanks to the previous ascensions beforehand. So, with those facts stated, an Angel Iramasha would be able to withstand more brutal assaults done to their body from enemy forces, have the strength to even endure being thrown into the Earth's Atmosphere and have the physical strength to take armies of people in some instances. Case and point, if an Angel Iramasha were going against a horde of hollow's, they would have the physical strength to tear them down rather easily with only their bare hands without breaking that much of a sweat or depleting energy. Lastly, one of the final perks of this physical ability is that they would even receive one skill level increase in their General Strength and Endurance section in their skill sheet if they were not Grand Master already.

Along with that, The Angel Iramasha's mental clarity that has been mentioned throughout all of their releases has finally reached it's peak. While within the Divine Ascension, an Angel Iramasha's mental focus is so intense that they even receive temporary skill boost of one level in all of their Will Power skill sheet if they are not a Grand Master in that area. So, for example, an Angel Iramasha could receive a Master in Willpower/Determentation if they were advanced previously for the duration that they are transformed into this state. Not only that, though, but their ability to influence others also increase then compared to the version that was obtained in their previous release. In this instance, if a person should allow the Angel Iramasha to effect them, this Angel Iramasha could relieve most people of any mental stress, pain, damage, breakdown or anything else in between on an area the size of Karakura Central in order to increase their allies chances of recovering on the battlefield and focusing their mind.

And, in addition to that mental correction, all characters who are fighting alongside the Angel Iramasha will increase all areas of their skill sheet by one level for the duration of a thread if they were not grand master in it previously. Lastly, they'll even be able to use this positive energy being generated from this technique in order to increase the amount of power or decrease the damage done to most people who are fighting alongside them by twenty percent. Being able to replenish that amount of energy that was depleted from someone, bringing back weaker characters from critical wounds, healing stronger characters faster and even giving them a sense of raw power mentally. Unfortunately, this still has the drawback that it had in the previous state, but on a weaker level. This ability still varies from how strong the opponent is, how many people are with them and how much energy the Angel Iramasha in question is dealing; but thanks to their transformation, the energy part of this should be easier to manage along with their increased healing range. Though, when dealing with larger numbers still, this ability becomes more difficult and weakened then compared to having a handful of fighters. And, if they are damaged or injured in battle, this still becomes rather weakened or less effective.

Finally, the second to last enhancement that an Angel Iramasha would go through while transforming into the Divine Ascension State is that they will see another increase in their ability to analyze their environment as with all of their forms previously. In their last state they were able to realize things such as figuring out what comprises various objects around, what attacks are made from in addition to figuring out methods to stop and what causes other living beings to exist along with increasing their ability to analyze groups of people, detect spiritual beings and scan powers for extremely long distances when compared to other races. Well, in the Divine Ascension State, an Angel Iramasha will be able to see all the steps it would take to control their environment without any unnatural manipulation. For instance, while in Divine State, an Angel Iramasha would see the varying steps it would take in a mental flash in order to change water into ice, fire into purely heat, change rain into acid rain and so on and so forth. On a combat level, they could apply this in order to cancel out attacks if they are able to see them within time or an opponent doesn't have a hidden ace up their sleeve to surprise The Angel Iramasha. As, yes, they can receive information on how to destroy things; but reaction time, actually putting these things into motion in a real time battle situation and seeing things that they cannot see is another story altogether. As the saying goes; "You may know my powers, but defeating them is another thing entirely."

Moreover, though, they'll be able to learn many varying things about existence and reality around them in this state as they become more in-tune then ever with any environment they step foot in while within this state. It gets to the point where their ability to sense other powers has increased to the point where they are even sense the varying pathways that connect different dimensions to each other, such as The Living Realm to the Soul Society, in order to detect powers all the way in other realms of existences if they should be a truly fearsome or powerful force. So their ability to sense things within their environment is not something to be taken lightly.

Lastly, the final change an Angel Iramasha would go through whom transcends into the Divine Ascension is that they would go through one last physical change most likely. The aura around them will become even more powerful then before, but depending on their character, it can be overwhelming or a person can sense a great sense of holiness to them. It varies from person to person, really. Along with that, most people would normally consider Divine Ascension Iramasha to be "Angel's of God" in terms of how their appearances would seem. So, take that as you will. And, on a final note, their last change will always be the addition of a third set of wings to represent their final release transformation being complete.


  • Branch/Position: N/A
  • Class: Angel
  • Skills:

General Skills
  • Durability: N/A
  • General Speed: N/A
  • Strength: N/A
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Control: N/A
  • Chaos Warp: N/A
  • Chaos Blast: N/A
  • Chaos Sync: N/A

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:00 pm; edited 20 times in total

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty Re: Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release] [NPC]

Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:30 am
Auto-Approved for being from Untold Stories.

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty Re: Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release] [NPC]

Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:38 pm

Although he was my first NPC, I honestly don't have much of a spark left for him. So I am going to allow someone creative freedom to do whatever they need to do with him to make this app shine as I don't want to extend the resources/effort to do so. Therefore, I am placing him into adoption. I'll add in his tier to the title and template after this.

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Joined : 2010-06-03
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Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty Re: Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release] [NPC]

Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:43 pm

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

character app: Halo Iramasha
music track: Madara's Theme
character count: 10252
word count: 1873


Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty Re: Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release] [NPC]

Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:12 am


kk, with this new team system I am doing with my characters, I am going to go ahead and add him back into my roster and do some work on this app overtime. It won't be overnight, but I can't leave my first nigga hanging like this. So back into approved Iramasha he goes.

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Joined : 2010-06-03
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Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty Re: Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release] [NPC]

Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:20 pm

Due to an update on the board, I am going to go ahead and move this character into the Approved Angel Iramashsa section to better classify other sub-races of Iramasha.

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty Re: Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release] [NPC]

Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:01 pm
Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Image8717_zpsrh1btrb8


I'm doing some rearrangements with my characters and I'm planning to move this guy into the NPC barrel.

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] WVMWLOu
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5062
Age : 24

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Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty Re: Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release] [NPC]

Thu Jan 04, 2018 11:30 pm
[adm]Moving to adoption on request. Will be reducing tier to 1-4 in base state, and 0-2+ in release states.[/adm]
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Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release]  [NPC] Empty Re: Halo Iramasha (Updating) [ANGEL] [1-4 in base/0-2+ in release] [NPC]

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