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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] Empty Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika]

Today at 4:32 pm
Yesterday, the Soul Society was invaded. Today, chaos reigns unchecked. Tomorrow, there will be order. Byakuya Kuchiki, resolute and unyielding, wasted no time. The vote of Central 46 was a mere formality, and with it secured, he advanced toward the First Division grounds without hesitation. As he entered the office of the acting Commander, his gaze fell upon Erika Masamune. He did not stop, his purpose clear. The Soul Society needed a leader, and he had come to claim the mantle. There was no doubt she understood the reason for his arrival.

"Good morning, acting Captain Commander, Masamune," he said, his stern gaze fixated upon the woman, making sure to maintain direct eye contact. "Central Forty-six has cast their vote. I, Byakuya Kuchiki, have been chosen as the next Captain Commander."
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Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] Empty Re: Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika]

Today at 4:44 pm
Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] OdMuu9U
Erika Masamune

Erika had anticipated this, admittedly they had proven themselves to be more impatient than she gave them credit for. Perhaps the aristocracy believed that striking while they were weakened was a brilliant move. Her tongue was far from silver but she held the words of lead that came to mind about it not being a day since Murasaki's disappearance before trying to shove in a replacement.

"Is that so, Lord Kuchiki? Could you expand on that? I'm a little curious as to what you mean, and I'd prefer there were no misunderstandings here."

She asked and gave him a chance to continue with that statement, giving him an opportunity to go into detail on the circumstances of this decision. In the meantime she reached into the drawer of the desk and took out an envelope. In the same motion she called for Saionji to come to collect it. Things didn't stop just because Lord Kuchiki walked into her office and said it was. After all, the Gotei United did not answer to Central 46. They cooperated with Central 46 and if he expected her to roll over onto her back when it came to Murasaki's vision. He had another thing coming.


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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] Empty Re: Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika]

Today at 5:14 pm
Byakuya understood the need for clarity, given the abruptness of the situation and Murasaki’s disappearance. Yet, there was no room for unnecessary explanation—his purpose was clear.

“As I have stated, Central 46 has voted. I will assume the mantle of Captain Commander,” he repeated firmly, his gaze still as neutral as one would expect of him. "If you demand an explanation, then understand this: one of your captains has fallen in battle, accused of treason. Another lies in a coma. Murasaki has vanished, a victim of a traitor’s schemes. The Senkaimon is destroyed, and the Rukongai and Seireitei lie in ruins. Central 46 has lost patience with the disorder plaguing the Soul Society. Order must be restored."
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Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] Empty Re: Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika]

Today at 5:33 pm
Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] OdMuu9U
Erika Masamune

"Of this you are correct on all points besides the bit about being Captain-Commander. In fact it is this very same situation that gave rise to the vision of the Gotei United by Ibiki Suika all those years ago when the Captain-Commander - voted in by Central 46 - welcomed demons into the Soul Society. It was that very Gotei Thirteen you and I served in, but it was a situation so devastating that action was required and put forward by Suika, carried on by the Kyorakus until it came to Murasaki."

She talked in a monotonous voice, with no signs of anything really. Her face was blank and apathetic to the arguments he was making. It was an argument of comparison but she had her own, it was a case of sympathy but he brought forward the issues of the Seireitei and the Rukongai being in ruins.

"So tell me, how does what you are doing reestablish order? It has not been twenty-four hours since she disappeared and you look to replace her. The Seireitei and Rukongai are in ruins but you've spent this time sitting there talking about who's going to replace the Captain-Commander instead of actually fixing anything. Meanwhile, we work tirelessly to restore the order you speak of, and this is the very same reason why the Gotei United was formed in the first place. So tell me, why do you wish to inherit a vision you hold in contempt?"


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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] Empty Re: Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika]

Today at 6:33 pm
The assumptions others made about him were always of little consequence, though mildly intriguing. It was evident that no one truly understood him, and he preferred it that way. If they could not understand him, they could not predict him. During the meeting with Central 46, they assumed much based on his noble status. Now, Masamune was making her own assumptions about his views. The reality of his intentions would be made clear through his actions over time. Words meant very little, much like their opinions of him.

“Urahara Kisuke is the one who betrayed her. What assurance do you have that she will return? And if she does, how much of her will be left intact?” Byakuya narrowed his eyes, a subtle indication of his annoyance. The comparisons were unwarranted, especially since Central 46 was adapting to the absence of Yamamoto no differently than the rest of the Gotei. True, this situation was not all that different. Thousands of years without progress tend to breed stagnation, and even he had fallen victim to such traditions in his earlier years.

"Your concern is understandable, but Murasaki's Gotei United has failed, just as any Gotei since Yamamoto. I can assure you, I have the Soul Society's best interest in mind."
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Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] Empty Re: Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika]

Today at 7:13 pm
Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] OdMuu9U
Erika Masamune

"Clearly you do. You have so little faith in the Captain-Commander's resilience and you've come to claim the position yourself while your sister works tirelessly to save as many shinigami as she can."

No matter though. Erika felt confident that she had stalled him long enough in this discussion.

"Regardless of all that you are correct in some areas though. For example, the Gotei United is dead. It died the moment the Senkaimon was destroyed. You see, the Gotei United can only fund itself through trade agreements with the living world that allows us to maintain income that is not dependent on the government. With that destroyed there is no income. However, it only became official when you walked through that door. I had hoped that you would collaborate to prioritise the current situation above politics like this but that is not the case."

Erika reached down into the draw and took out another envelope. It was exactly the same as the one she had given to Kei just before to distribute throughout the chain of command through the entire Gotei United. It flicked over the desk to stop in front of him. She had anticipated something like this, she wasn't a good politician and maybe if she was better at it then she could have found a way out of this situation. This would have to do though.


She was here because she believed in Murasaki, and the Gotei United, like many others. She was not going to let all the hard work her friend and her predecessors put into this organisation be perverted by the government they worked to remove themselves from. This was nothing more than a powerplay that took advantage of the situation and she had her own card to play.

"You are not Captain-Commander, Lord Kuchiki. Neither am I. It is not in the power of Central 46 to make that decision but this is a decision that is in my capacity. There is no Captain-Commander, there are no captains, there is no Gotei United. I'm not giving you the benefit of this organisation. You think so highly of yourselves and that you can do better, do you? Prove it then but do it like Suika had to - with everything working against you."

Erika let the ramifications of what she wrote sink in. The actual weight was quite heavy. She had dismissed all shinigami from service. Without financial security he would need to hurry to prevent a good deal from leaving for the Rukongai to find work or finding work with different noble families that had different agendas.

By abolishing the Gotei United's name, all the land they had in their possession was no longer under the umbrella of the Gotei United. She doubted the other nobles would like the idea of handing all that over to the Kuchiki. It would upset the power balance of their politics. The maggot's nest had previously been under the Onmitsukido that had served the Shihoin clan for generations. She wondered if they would give that up to Byakuya in this new situation.

"I suppose I should be leaving now. After all, I have an appointment with Lady Koizumi since my master is missing."

He could try and reprimand her. She hadn't discussed what her intention was if it came down to it with Shishiyuki so it was up in the air as to the validity of her statement in those orders. It didn't belong there but stating it there put him in a difficult position. Shishiyuki could decline her but if she did acknowledge it then Erika was going to take full advantage of the flaws of an aristocratic system to make Kuchiki think twice about stirring trouble with another noble family.


Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] Gamma_Signature
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika] Empty Re: Noble Ascension [Byakuya/Erika]

Today at 8:04 pm
Byakuya picked up the envelope and briefly scanned its contents. His expression remained unreadable, but a faint sigh betrayed a hint of frustration. This was an impulsive and reckless decision. Reclosing the envelope, he slid it into the inner pocket of his haori and rested his gaze back on Erika Masamune. Byakuya intended to make something clear:

“This impulsive decision will only exacerbate the chaos in the Soul Society,” he stated, his tone considerably sharper than before. With a sigh, he glanced toward the door. “I trust your assistant has already disseminated this news. While your cooperation would have been preferred, it is not essential. Either way, I will restore order to the Soul Society.”

The nobleman gestured toward the door with a mere glance. She was free to leave. As far as he was concerned, this was now his office, and there was much work to be done.
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