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Fri Oct 11, 2024 4:31 pm
Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Myd5cmod9w4

It had taken a bit of convincing, to get her to just let him do this part. He knew pretty well what it was going to look like, and not to mention how plausible it was that in her current condition, Ehefra might push herself worrying over the particulars of this decision. It wasn't one she made lightly, he was more than aware of that. But the City of Lights wasn't going to be going anywhere. So he'd convinced her to let him do this.

Even so, he had to admit, he didn't expect Ehefra's boss to STILL be the man he was apparently looking for. He nodded to the woman that guided him to those double doors, the office that he'd been directed to. Who knew if it was actually the director's office, or just some spot that Alastair was working from at the moment, but all the same he gave a gentle knock until he was bid to enter.

Stepping inside, he offered a calm smile and a nod towards the ... familiar face. Who'd have thunk that he'd meet them under these circumstances again.

"Mr Eisfluch."
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Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Empty Re: Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair]

Sat Oct 12, 2024 6:38 pm
Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] NrZiWZE

Alastair did not quite know what to expect when the request for a meeting came through from Ehefra’s father. He had been kept appraised of Ehefra’s condition after her deployment in China, and she appeared to have been on the road to recovery, but perhaps there was more that needed to be said. Or perhaps Bauher did not take too kindly to his daughter’s willingness to thrust herself into the lion’s maw.

The location of this meeting was quite different to the last time, though. That would become all too apparent as those doors opened into that vast, empty office. Floor-to-ceiling windows casting a view of the surrounding city, as the Grandmaster watched on from behind his desk.

“Mr Kleinmund, it has been some time. Please, sit if you would like.”

The Crowned Star | END POST
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Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Empty Re: Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair]

Sat Oct 12, 2024 10:04 pm
Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Myd5cmod9w4

He raised a brow slightly and glanced around the Office only briefly before his attention shifted to the man who now ran the Vandenreich. So he really had moved on up. As the greeting was offered, a lax smile formed on his features and he gave a slight sideways wave of his hand. "Hm, still so formal." He chuckled softly, sighing to himself before that smile faded and his expression regained its more serious expression. Much as he'd have liked to relax and enjoy a more casual conversation, that really wasn't what he was here for.

"But this is one of my rarer formal occasions. I visited my daughter the other day. I don't know what happened, but it seemed she was pretty roughed up. She didn't really go into detail though." He noted calmly, abstaining from taking a seat for the time being as he approached the desk and stood beside the seat that had been offered to him. " You don't need to apologize. I'm aware of the work that the Vandenreich does. And certainly, a lot of people benefit from the things you do. That Ehefra's managed to find something she can put her mind to is something I'm proud of." He paused for a moment and that smile returned, if ever so faintly.

"It can be a little hard, remembering how old she is. You'd think she was in her forties how she can talk sometimes. She's her own woman. But she's still young, and figuring herself out. When I went to visit her, she was fussing over how to juggle her work while in the hospital." She honestly was a bit of a workaholic like he was. For better or for worse.

Reaching into his breast pocket of his jacket, he extracted a letter from it and set it face down on the table. He glanced back up to Alastair, and in that moment, well. It was likely that the man could perhaps figure out just what was inside of that white envelope. "She wanted to be the one to come here, and deliver this personally. But I convinced her that she's not in the shape for that sort of thing." He explained. Truth be told, he didn't know if she was ready to be delivering this sort of thing right now as it were. It was just as likely she'd break out into the more personal side of this entire endeavor. Heff never was very good at expressing her emotional side. The last thing she needed was to be standing infront of her boss, trying to impartially explain her resignation.

"If you were her old boss, I'd have just dropped this off with your secretary and been on my way. But well. You've known Ehefra for longer than you've been in your position, if I remember you seemed to know her at least a little. So, if you have any questions or concerns, I'd like if they were directed to me, and I'll do my best to answer them."
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Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Empty Re: Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 8:04 am
Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] NrZiWZE

An uncharacteristic look of confusion flashed across Alastair’s face as Bauher produced the letter and set it down before him. There was nothing he had tasked Ehefra with that was so urgent that she would need to send him an update whilst still in recovery; and if there was then he did not expect she would breach protocol by passing it on via a civilian, so his eyebrows rose as he slid it over to him and Bauher continued to talk cryptically. He appreciated her dedication to her job, though, it was an admirable attitude for his administrators to possess.

With a single decisive motion, he ran two fingers along the top of the envelope and cut it open. Pulling the letter free and beginning to read, his expression soon returned to one of blank formality. Once he had read it though once, he set it back down with a slight nod. This was unexpected.

“I will not pretend that I am pleased to read this, she could have waited until being discharged from hospital.”

He paused, wondering if there was more to this than met the eye. It could have been a cry for help, or a coded message. But he could not say that he was close enough to Ehefra that this rash decision felt out of place, so was it worth muddying the water?

“Ms Ehefra was working on several research projects that her departure will certainly impact. She will be required to hand in all her devices containing sensitive data and affirm that any and all information she currently possesses has been safely disposed of. This will include sensitive media collected by her spirit weapon. I will assign several case workers to handle this matter, though oversight will fall to her Director in lieu of a direct replacement to her position.”

“I can count on one hand the staff that have been as dependable as your daughter in these past few years, so I will confess that I had high hopes for her future, but it is her life. I will not compel her to stay out of obligation.”

The Crowned Star | END POST
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Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Empty Re: Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 9:13 am
Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Myd5cmod9w4

A rueful little sigh escaped Bauher as he watched the man pulling out the letter and meticulously review the contents. Though he had to say. Seeing the man’s manicured reaction, he was starting to see how things had gotten to this point.

”Once she’s discharged I’ll be taking her home to Japan. Trust me, guy. I wanted her to wait too, but she was getting stressed over it so… here we are.” He noted with a shake of his head. Though his voice grew a bit more serious as he started back up.

”I want to provide a little context since it seems this is more of a surprise to you than I figured it would. I’m sure you probably know Ehefra was injured in Miami shortly before the Arrancar attack on the city of lights. The doctor cited it as a contributing factor to her current condition. But what you probably aren’t aware of is the fact that Ehefra’s Mother passed away the day after that very attack, while she is still in recovery. More than a year ago. The reason I’m taking her to Japan is so that she can finally say goodbye to her Mother.”

Bauher’s expression turned cold and there was the slightest hint of displeasure there. ”I’m not saying any of this is your fault. She’s chosen to keep her nose to the grindstone this entire time because of her dedication to the her job. And admittedly, my failure as a father to realize what was going on. If you have any feelings of disappointment then they belong squarely on me.” He noted firmly. He knew how smart his girl was, and he was pretty sure he had a good idea just what she was leaving behind. But he’d be damned if this young man had the impression that this was shortcoming of his daughter’s. This had been long overdue.

Reaching into his pocket, he produced a small card and promptly set it on the table. It was his Business Card for the company he’d started working for in the city of lights. Alastair would no doubt recognize it as the one Arlette managed. ”I’ll make sure your security concerns are addressed, we won’t be leaving until monday. Your security officers can reach her at the hospital if need be. Though I can be reached if you need access to her address as she won’t be there.”
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Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Empty Re: Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 4:50 pm
Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] NrZiWZE

There was a spark of understanding behind those orange eyes as Bauher spoke about his wife's passing. Alastair had not known, but it did do a lot to explain this sudden turn of events.

"We are all flames, trying to keep burning, and sometimes the rain is unavoidable." There was no satisfaction in his metaphor, a dry emptiness was all that remained. "But the only disappointment I feel is that she did not trust me or the Vandenreich enough to share that she was struggling. It is a personal matter, I understand that, but we have some of the finest psychological minds on staff here specifically to help with the battles that we cannot see. The mental health of my staff is of great import, as it is expected for them to perform at their best when they are in the field."

He looked at the business card for a moment before he picked it up, the relationship between Bauher and Arlette was something that he did know and yet there was still a pause. At this moment he regretted not being a little more forceful with her when he had asked if she would join the Vandenreich, but she was not a lost cause. Not yet.

"I wish you both all the best on your travels, and I hope that it provides Ms Ehefra with some relief. There will always be a place for her here, and do not hesitate to let me know personally if there is more that the Vandenreich can do for your family."

The Crowned Star | END POST
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Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Empty Re: Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair]

Today at 4:07 pm
Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Myd5cmod9w4

BAuher raised a brow slightly in response to that dry anecdote from the woman. And he couldn't help but recognize the ...knowing look in Alastair's eyes. "Ominous." He noted with a tilt of his head. But even so, he kept his expression professional. Though at the sentiment about Ehefra sharing her problems with anyone, he did offer a slight chuckle, smiling ruefully as he did so. "I'm afraid talking to other people about what's been going on in her head has never been her strong point. I'm sorry to say she got that from her mother." He noted with a slight shake of his head.

He watched the man take the card, and figured he'd recognize it. After all, Arlette did focus a lot of the company's resources to supporting the Vandenreich. But he didn't really glean anything else from his gaze. "I appreciate the offer. But I think we have it from here. We're from Karakura, so it's not like we'll be heading into a warzone or anything. That said, if I might suggest. Sounds a bit like you might want to consider your own advice. I dont' mean any offense. But you look a fair bit more....worn than when we first met, Al. All the same, I wish ya Good Hunting, till we meet again." He offered, holding his hand out for Alastair to shake. And well, if there was nothing else the man wanted, he'd turn and take his leave.
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Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] Empty Re: Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair]

Today at 4:26 pm
Free from the Crypt [Bauher, Alastair] NrZiWZE

If it was weariness that Bauher was looking for then he would see nothing of the sort upon Alastair's immaculate features. His body seemed as fresh as ever, unblemished by the countless battles he had fought in the Vandenreich's name, yet the Grandmaster offered a curt nod in response to his wisdom all the same. A show of respect, perhaps, before he reached across the table to accept the offered shake.

"If you are in Karakura then perhaps we will meet sooner rather than later, but I wish you well all the same." It was remiss of him to speak of his intentions, but Bauher was hardly a man of ill repute. Not that Alastair expected anything ill might befall him in Japan of all places, even if malign forces had cause or intent. "I will see that the appropriate parties are informed of this development. I imagine some of them will be in touch before your departure, and afterwards to conduct exit reviews." He broke from the handshake, leaving the man to depart on his own terms.

"Thank you for taking the time to deliver this personally, Mr Kleinmund."

The Crowned Star | END POST
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