Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2024-08-24
Posts : 42

Henry (WIP) Empty Henry (WIP)

Yesterday at 10:27 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: [Self-Explanatory]
» Alias: [Any nicknames or titles?]
» Age: 18
» Gender: Male
» Association:

» Appearance Written:

» Appearance Image: Henry (WIP) C4319fbd06907132178c97bc0dcc39fa
I. Personality

» Personality: [Please describe your character's personality. Please be sure to use at least 10 sentences.]

» Likes: [Optional, delete if not used.]

» Dislikes: [Optional, delete if not used.]

I. History

» History: Henry has always been the golden boy. Friendly, Smart, Driven. He was top of his Highschool class, Class President, extra curriculars, sports, part-time job, you name it. Now, with the world the way it was, more and more people were gaining the ability to see monsters and ghosts, and to most that would just make things that much more scary. But Henry was a natural born light in the dark, and wasn't afraid to take on whatever shadows reared their ugly heads. Along with the development with his healing factor, Henry honed his fighting skills, doing whatever it took to be able to protect his community.

His healing hands eventually were able to cure illnesses and mend wounds. On the other end, his covered punches were enough to send monsters flying.

After graduating highschool, Henry works as a delivery boy for a local restaurant, knowing just about everyone in town and greeting customers with a smiling face and on-time delivery.
I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:
  • Boxing Expert:
    A savant in his boxing club, Henry takes great pride in his fighting skills. Powerful punches and fleet footwork make him a formidable combatant in and outside of the ring.

I. High-Spec Powers

» Powers:
  • Spiritual Awareness:
    Like many others, Henry has developed Spiritual Awareness, and can sense and see spiritual races.

  • Healing Hands:
    An innate power awoken inside of Henry, the power to heal with his own hands. When making physical contact with someone with his bare skin Henry can heal ailments and wounds, increased in potency by the force of the contact. (i.e. A pat might calm a rash, while a gut punch might seal a gaping wound.) Without gloves or something to cover his fists or otherwise, all physical damage is essentially converted into healing.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:
  • Golden Gauntlets:
    A set of metal gauntlets to block Henry's healing factor, allowing him to land solid punches and deal real damage.

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Attributes
» Durability: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Speed: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Strength: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Soul: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E

Will Skills
» Willpower: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Human Skills
» Power Control: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Physical Augmentation: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Spiritual Adaptation: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Mediumship: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: [Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample]

I. Intent

» Character Intent: [Optional. This is where you can explain the intent behind the character. What this might entail is where you are imagining the character strength-wise, your purpose for creating the character, and potential story beats. This section is to assist the grader in understanding where you are aiming with your character and may be able to provide advice if other aspects of the application do not match. This needs to be no more than 5 sentences.]



Henry (WIP) KuiGFI2
Henry (WIP) VX18M0l

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