Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Empty Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:19 pm
Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Si9K1UJ

"Catherine Reed"

The days were really starting to wear on her, but she was getting close to ready - she could feel it. That asshole... That big rotting bastard, she knew he'd be dead at her feet soon... Confidence was high on that, he'd have a real fight waiting him... But now she was ragged from work, and she was back in this part of Japan; all she wanted to do was get a good drink in and a place to sleep for the n-

Hand on the door of that familiar bar, it didn't give way to her entrance. Huh? A quick check to her phone, the screen possessing a fine crack from one of her latest jobs, gently breaking up the screen but not enough for her to be unable to read the time... Yeah, this was opening hours, should be running. Did that moron accidentally lock the door or something?

Now that she squinted and looked inside... Well, fuck - none of it was even set up for the day. Peculiar, even on shitty days the place was at least open. A quick back up would present to her lights on in the upstairs portion of the place; yep, he was here. Something was definitely weird.

'hey twinkle toes im here. breaking in. dont freak out.' Was followed by three bomb emojis, clicking her teeth as she'd peer at the lock, a simple use of her Fullbring would usher some shifts and clicks til she was inside; Hah, fifteen second break-in record; of course she made sure to lock the place behind her.

"Fischer!" She'd call once she approached the steps, peeking over at the bar for a moment before quickly reassessing her priorities - she could get alcohol after, "It's Reed. Coming up."

Hefty footsteps would approach the door, huffing as she'd knock on it momentarily, jiggling the lock, before giving up and just manipulating the door open.

"Hell's up with you?"

END | Sundown
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Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Empty Re: Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku]

Thu Oct 03, 2024 1:11 am
Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] KyaobKY
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

Nine was the peak hour for bars, and people were getting ready to enjoy the night, by all rights Yatagurasu SHOULD be open. If it wasn’t there was always a notice on the door, usually it was closed for a few hours but never the entire day. Strange.

As Catherine entered she would be able to see more of the bar. Things weren’t even put out, the barstools stacked, the tables were spotless. That infamous hole in the roof was gone, and in the window still was a cat bed and a small bowl, only illuminated by the street light creeping in from the windows. Behind the bar was where small details would be visible, the shelves weren’t stocked like they usually were, and it seemed two bottles were missing for the time being.

As Catherine approached the stairway leading up to his apartment, the light from under the door illuminated the hallway, and the sound of faint music could be heard slow stuff. One thing about the upstairs was it had thin walls so sound traveled to the bar relativity easily.

Opening the door the woman would see the purple-haired bartender, sitting on his couch, his legs up on the table in front of him as he seemed to be staring at the fan above him. On a smaller side table to the left of the couch were two bottles of rum, one unopened and the other roughly half empty alongside an ashtray snagged from downstairs. The room was cleaner than it usually was, with no trash on the tables, and no clothes on his bed”room” floor, the only trash would be a small paper plate on the front table, which was next to a shot glass. The smell of cigarette smoke was also pungent, while downstairs had it to an extent due to the smoking regulars, his place would be a bit jarring as he wasn’t a smoker. The window near his bed and kitchen was cracked open just a bit, allowing a very gentle draft in to hopefully clear out the smell.

With an exhale, light smoke would escape from Doku’s mouth as he moved the cigarette away. The burning and bitter sensation still didn’t get any better, though it was a bit calming all things considered.

“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t open it today, did you text me? I haven’t been near my phone all day.” His tone sounded a little somber. His gaze moved from the fan to now looking directly at the orange-haired woman.

“So you broke in why? I’m closed for today…” Strangely his tone didn’t sound annoyed, he seemed a bit relieved, glad to have some company. “Did… you want me to make you a drink that bad?” He inquired, wanting to figure out what Catherine was really up to. Though deep down he knew she was going to ask him what the hell was doing…

Family Troubles | END POST
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Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Empty Re: Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku]

Thu Oct 03, 2024 12:47 pm
Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Si9K1UJ

"Catherine Reed"

Everything about how the place was read strange to her, only for the smell and sight before her to give her any idea of what was going on. Didn't take a genius to know he was uncharacteristically in the dumps, which was weird for him - usually he was a happy-go-lucky stooge about everything. Her expression shifted from a neutral feel to a more mildly annoyed look as she had her own theories, walking in and closing the door behind her.

"Stinks in here, Fischer. At least smoke outside," She'd grumble, hand on her hip, "No, no I did not want you to make me a drink 'that bad'. Especially not when you look like a mess."

Walking closer to the couch, she'd huff - the young woman looked worn ragged herself, but she had to be the sensible one in the situation, she supposed, "The hell's got you this droopy?"

END | Sundown
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Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Empty Re: Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku]

Yesterday at 10:13 pm
Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] KyaobKY
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

“Outside? Yeah, let me just go out on the balcony…” He pointed to a door that just didn’t exist, all Catherine would see was the cracked window. “I don’t smell anything anyway” He grumbled, tapping the cigarette onto the ashtray. Doku had his feet up on the table, reaching over he grabbed his class and took another sip of the rum. Honestly, Doku wasn’t feeling great with his strong mixture. Regardless he squinted at Catherine a little.

“A lot.” He didn’t say what it was exactly at least not right away. With a heavy sigh, he would speak out. “You know my sister. The sick girl? Well, she moved out of my dad’s place. She’s with the Vandenrich now…” he took another hit from the cigarette, blowing out the smoke slowly and softly. “So I can’t exactly watch over her anymore. I guess I’m just worried. I mean she had a heart attack in less than a week. That doesn’t reassure me much.”

If Doku’s problems ended there he wouldn’t be locked up in his room smoking. So he would eventually put his feet down from the table and leaned forward resting his palm on his forehead and his elbow on his knees. “I went to Germany, to visit my Quincy family to hopefully figure out how to manage these Quincy powers I got.” He let out a weak chuckle, before looking directly at Catherine. “Do you know how it feels to try to do something, really hard, and you just… can’t” He balled up his fist. “My uncle doesn’t understand I can’t fucking use Blut. He just tells me, I’m not trying hard enough, but it’s just impossible for me” His entire family just couldn’t seem to grasp that he wasn’t a Quincy like the rest of them, part of the reason he and his dad had such a strained relationship.

“I just don’t know what I want Catherine. The only reason I’m in Japan and doing this whole bar business is for my sister. But now that I don’t have to pay for her treatment. Though I dunno what other kind of work I’d do. I don’t have any skills or anything like that.”

Family Troubles | END POST
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Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Empty Re: Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku]

Yesterday at 10:51 pm
Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Si9K1UJ

"Catherine Reed"

She didn't even track his finger; she's been up here and around here enough times to know full well that he was just being drunk and little else, "Yeah, you've had too much to drink, okay."

Just a bit of focus and an outstretched palm would pull the bottle up and away from him suddenly, easily flying to be grasped in her hand with an audible pluck of sound. Well, guess all she could do was keep him company or something, least til he sobered up... Coming over to sit on the couch, she'd sigh, and that was when he started going on about his life's problems... Oh, sis joined the Vandy huh?

"Isn't your sister a grown woman at this point? She's just making a decision for herself," She'd ask with crossed arms, placing the bottle at her feet for the moment, "Even if she's had a spill.. Ah, i'm sure she's getting better care over there-"

Her speech was cut short by his visible increase in distress. What, did something else happen with his sister? Only for it to be... Right, Doku was from a Quincy family, he'd been someone she spoke to on the subject. And of course they were as a Quincy family was - Overbearing and traditionalist.

"Eh, screw em. He doesn't know what he's talking about-" Once again, cut short by the man's little.. Breakdown, she supposed she'd call this... What?

"Okay, and now your sister's supporting herself?" She'd ask with a brief rolling shrug, "Doku please don't tell me you're actually considering closing the place? When you don't have to pay for expensive treatments anymore? Ayehh..."

She'd pinch her nose with a flourish of irritation, "If you don't have skills in anything else, why're you putting the bar in question? It's the only way you're making money right now, man!" She'd give him a gentle upside the head, "So what, your sister's able to take care of herself now, you in turn have more money - what's the downside here, you miss her? Miss her so much you'd throw out a reliable means of revenue?"

END | Sundown
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Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Empty Re: Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku]

Yesterday at 11:35 pm
Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] KyaobKY
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

Catherine would have no resistance, it was easy to swipe the bottle from him. He looked over as she sat down. While he was a bit drunk he wasn’t plastered, able to speak straightly and seriously. Doku knew he was a hypocrite wanting to keep his eye on Nanaly, but that was just how brothers were. “I’m just worried about her, I understand she needs to spread her wings and move out, but it scares me.” He explained to Catherine. “She had that attack because she was overexerting herself, she feels like she needs to push herself.” He went for another puff, Nanaly didn’t tell her brother all of the details because she didn’t want to worry him. “I’m scared she’s going to do something stupid and end up in the hospital again, or worse. After my mom died, I’ve been terrified of what could happen to Nanaly”

"My dad's been trying to train me as a Quincy since I was a kid. He thought something was wrong with me till my Fullbring manifested. He tried to arrange some marriages with other Quincy women, but I always pushed back hard."

“Do you think bartending was my first choice?” He paused and looked into the woman’s eyes. “I only did this to support Nanaly. My friend kinda dropped it into my lap so I took it.” As she hit his head he would shake his head. “I can barely mix drinks. Didn’t you say it best? I’m worthless or whatever?” He shrugged. “I thought about what you said, what AM I good at? My bar is a shithole and I can barely fight”

He paused for just a moment, he didn’t mean that as a dis against Catherine or anything of the sort. “It’s mainly about what I want to do. I just… don’t know what I wanna do right now”

Family Troubles | END POST
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Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Empty Re: Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku]

Yesterday at 11:50 pm
Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Si9K1UJ

"Catherine Reed"

"Yeah, of course she feels the need to exert herself if she's had people breathing down her neck about the situation her whole life." With the twirl of a finger, she'd bring a brief stream of rum up to her mouth to drink, leaning back, "Just relax and let her do her thing. It'll normal out or whatever..."

That next sentence made her grow quiet in her seat for a moment, her gaze growing distant for a moment. She looked troubled, only for that to quickly vanish, another curling stream travelling up into her mouth. That is, til his gaze uncomfortably met her's, she hated it when people looked her directly in the eyes like that all of a sudden.

"Well if your friend had dropped an opportunity-" She was split off into a hard silence, as he recounted the thing she said that day. Unreadable, confusing, her gaze travelled the room as her lip curled, feeling the heat of the conversation grow as Doku got more irate, more jabbing.

"Fischer, you're not useless, it's just..." Yeah, she screwed up on that one, didn't she? "I mean, you've been getting better at it... It's not like your business was doomed or anything. You..."

Her voice stilled a moment, "..Aren't, ready for fighting. At all. No shit you can't fight, you've hardly learned anything. But fighting doesn't make you money, or give you a house, or... A cat? You're better off keeping the place open."

END | Sundown
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Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] Empty Re: Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku]

Today at 12:10 am
Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] KyaobKY
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

When Catherine put it like that, the bartender would just simply nod. “I guess I relate to that. Though that was kind of why I separated myself. My dad was breathing down my neck about being a model Quincy. So I got better at my fullbring out of spite…” He watched her drink some of the rum as well. “I gave her a week and she had a heart attack. But I guess you’re right. I’m sure it’ll… be fine”

Doku didn’t have much expression, a slight pout, and his eyes sagging just a bit, his eyes a bit red as well. With one more puff, the tapped the cigarette before dropping it in the ashtray. Usually, Doku would be able to ignore Catherine’s comment, he hadn’t taken offense to it, but the drinking and the smoking made him think hard about it. “No it’s not doomed, you and the regulars keep it afloat, but you do know that I live check to check.” Though with no longer needing to chip in for Nanaly his savings would see a nice increase.

“I guess I am a good enough bartender, and yeah- That cat kinda showed up and won't leave. I feel bad so I feed him...” He lightly chuckled, as he attempted to reach for the bottle, curious if Catherine would let him have some rum again, as he did he spoke. “Well let me ask you this Catherine. Do you like what YOU do?” He looked at her directly yet again, maybe she’d get his point better if he related it to her.

“When you were a kid, what did you wanna be when you got older? I fuckin doubt you’d say, professional hollow hunter. I guess what I'm trying to say is. I don't really have a PASSION”

Family Troubles | END POST
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