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A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina)

Sun Oct 13, 2024 12:44 pm
"I know that I might be spreading myself thin by trying to have a balanced skillset, but I want to be ready in case someone tries to fight me from a distance. If they do I can either use shunpo to try and close the distance or use Kido to fight fire with fire." Leona took the opportunity to try and strengthen her reason for not specializing in any one Shinigami art. Armina had likely deduced the blonde's reason already because the holder of the Fourth Seat seemed to be fairly intelligent, but Leona chose to add that explanation anyway. The blonde preferred to have options that allowed her to fight a wide range of enemies... besides, she tended to get bored when she was not training any of her skills.

"I taught quite a few of those creeps a lesson. They thought that I was a pushover just because I was attractive, but punching them in the face a few times often taught them differently." Leona told a condensed version of her days in the Rukongai. She deliberately left out the night of her worst defeat and its humiliating aftermath because that was something personal that she did not want to discuss just yet. Instead Leona focused on Armina's preference in romantic partner.

"In my opinion there's nothing wrong with that. When it comes to romance I'm not sure where I stand because I've never had the time or inclination to pursue anyone." Leona commented on the blue-haired Shinigami's preference and stated that she was still undecided. After what had happened to her she kept her distance from men. However, that did not mean that the blonde was looking for a girlfriend either. To say that Leona's view of romance was complicated would be an understatement.
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A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina)

Sun Oct 13, 2024 1:27 pm
A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina) - Page 3 Anime-anime-girls-blue-esdeath-akame-ga-kill-wallpaper-preview

“As I said, it’s probably wise to at least have a solid foundation in each of the arts but if Bankai is what you truly desire then I’d advise to focus the majority of your time on your zanpakuto. The more time you spend with it, the stronger the bond and that’s what will allow you to get what you want.” The 4th seat replied bluntly. “Achieving that will increase your powers beyond most of the members of the Gotei, let alone your enemies.”

As Leona spoke about how she handled her unwanted fans, Armina would fold her arms across her chest. “Good. Believe me, there are a few of those around here too and never feel afraid to dish out a punch or two if your fellows take liberties. There is a particular group of them that bothered my…former friends and I most certainly taught them to handle things physically if necessary.”

She merely cocked a brow as the blonde commented on her sexuality, shrugging her shoulders. “Homophobia isn’t common in the Gotei these days so I haven’t encountered all that many problems with my own interests. I can just be a little forceful when I come across someone I like.” It was meant as a dry joke but deep down, there was truth to it. Her life before the Gotei had been more than just murder and Armina had been a different kind of monster as well at times. “I hope that one day you come across someone that you take a liking to as I feel that one is missing out on something rather important if they don’t.”

With that said, she’d tilt her head and offer a suggestion. “Since we both came here to train. How about we cross blades for a bit? I wouldn’t mind seeing how far you’ve come and I could do with a workout as well.”


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A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina)

Mon Oct 14, 2024 2:49 am
When she spoke Armina started off by giving advice pertaining to Bankai and the key to earning that power was to diligently train in Zanjutsu. The reward would be the power that the blonde wanted along with the might to have fair chance of standing up to any opponent she might face. It went without saying that Leona wanted Bankai, but she would not get it just by wanting it... she would have to apply herself to the study of Zanjutsu just like she had done to attain Shikai way back when.

Next came the Fourth Seat's approval when she had learned that Leona had not taken the attention of the opportunistic creeps from the Rukongai lying down. The blue-haired Shinigami then informed Leona that the Fourth Division was home to a few men who had difficulty keeping their hands to themselves. The solution to that problem was the same as it had been back in the neighborhood... a few punches to the face would likely be enough to persuade them to stop. If they required more fist-to-face behavior modification than the Rukongai riffraff took to learn their lesson the blonde would be happy to administer it.

"I'll keep that in mind if I run into them. Thanks." Leona thanked the Fourth Seat for her advice concerning the men she had been warned about. The talk about romance was not of much interest to the blonde Shinigami, but she did her best to pay attention anyway out of respect for who she was talking to. Leona was not particularly interested in dating anyone of either gender right now, but she did not know what the future held and thus could not confidently rule out the possibility of finding a significant other.

Leona did not have to think very hard about what her response to the offer of a sparring match with Armina would be. She was going to go for it because she wanted to see the power of the Fourth Seat for herself. Besides, it had been awhile since she had last sparred with a Shinigami opponent and she had certainly never faced one that radiated as much spiritual pressure as Armina.

"I'd be glad to, Fourth Seat." Leona answered confidently. She was about to spar with one of the Fourth Division's more powerful members, but the blonde was not worried in the slightest. If she really wanted to test her skills she needed to go up against strong and tough opponents. Armina seemed like she would fit both of those criteria and that was the kind of challenge Leona wanted.
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A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina)

Wed Oct 23, 2024 5:18 am
A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina) - Page 3 Anime-anime-girls-blue-esdeath-akame-ga-kill-wallpaper-preview

There didn’t seem to be an awful lot left to say at that point and so Armina drew her blade, more than ready to put the blonde woman through her paces. She was curious as to just how skilled Leona was and even though she was unseated, the 4th Seat wouldn’t underestimate her. While positions had their value, they weren’t the be all and end all when it came to combat and Armina reckoned that there were those within the Gotei who deliberately withheld their strength for one reason or another and those were the ones to keep an eye on.

She’d draw her spiritual pressure in around herself, bringing it under her control and forcing it to obey her will. The anger from before had somewhat receded and Armina believed that she’d be able to keep herself in control for the duration of the fight. Waving her sword a couple of times to get the feeling back in her main arm, she’d then offer the first move to the blonde woman, tilting her sword a touch. “All yours then. Let’s get going.”


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A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina)

Today at 1:03 pm
Leona's teeth were exposed by a grin when Armina not only got ready for their match but granted the blonde the privilege of making the first move. While that meant the blue-haired Shinigami could set the blonde up for a counterattack if the latter misjudged the Fourth Seat, Leona did like having the initiative and always tried to take it. The blonde drew Reppūmaru and the blue-white blade of her Zankaputo gleamed in the ambient light as it was raised into a two-handed kendo grip and held diagonally outwards. It was a basic grip, but she used it because of its versatility: it could be used for either attack or defense without requiring a major shift in her stance.

However, it was possible that the Fourth Seat had knowledge of kendo that was equal to Leona's, if not superior. Therefore Leona would need to find a way through Armina's defense that did not involve standing there and trading blows in the hopes of landing a lucky hit. The blue-haired Shinigami looked like she was able to withstand a battle of attrition a lot better than the blonde, who preferred to avoid that kind of fight if she could help it.

Maintaining eye contact with Armina, Leona thought about it a moment before deciding to go for the direct approach after all. She wanted to see what her opponent was capable of before she used any of her fancier tricks such as Kido and shunpo. She moved in quickly with footwork that kept her steady on her feet, then stopped within sword range of the Fourth Seat and performed a left-to-right diagonal slash aimed at the left shoulder. Leona was not banking on the basic attack actually hitting... she was testing her opponent to see how skilled the latter was with Zanjutsu and how quickly Armina could react to the blonde's attacks.
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A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina) - Page 3 Empty Re: A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina)

Today at 2:03 pm
A Meeting Of Blonde And Blue (Leona/Armina) - Page 3 Anime-anime-girls-blue-esdeath-akame-ga-kill-wallpaper-preview

The blade of the 4th Seat moved fluently to stop the attack from reaching her, a smile crossing Armina’s face to match the one that seemed to be on Leona’s. Clearly, she was dealing with a woman who rather enjoyed the rough and tumble of the fight, a fact that the blue haired Shinigami found rather intriguing. True, many in the squad enjoyed the fight but there was a difference between those who enjoyed the adrenaline and those who enjoyed shedding blood. The icy gaze of the six footer didn’t leave the blonde’s face, not doing much of anything for a moment or two and simply keeping their blades together. She wasn’t having trouble though, merely doing a little testing of her own.

It wouldn’t remain that way for long and Armina would push hard against the sword of her opponent, the intent to give herself a bit of room to counter attack. There was nothing fancy from Armina just yet and she simply took her blade in both hands and delivered a horizontal slash towards the blonde’s torso. A simple attack but one that contained enough of the 4th Seat’s killer intent to make the woman think.


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