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Kanji Man
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sun Sep 29, 2024 6:12 pm

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Shura couldn't argue with her first comment, the pride she had for the Gotei hadn't ever disappeared, it simply moved somewhere else. Besides that though, she most assuredly had a bias and she was well aware of this fact. For all the strength that Kanae or Yuuto had, for all the power boasted by many members of the Gotei United... Not a single one did Shura look at and think they were deserving of their titles. Perhaps this was simply a difference in philosophy, but to Shura... that was precisely why this Gotei was so weak.

"You aren't wrong when it comes to myself. Prideful and bias are probably the two most apt descriptors of who I am at my core... I only wish you could've seen the power that Zaraki had, it was on a level beyond what anyone in the current Gotei is capable of. He achieved a level of power comparable to a Bankai, yet he never even learned the name of his Zanpakuto. To face him in battle would be equivalent to a mere human fighting a God. There were none that were his equal save Sotaicho Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto." In truth, Zaraki was the only person she'd ever admired to the point of earnestly looking up to him. Not as some kind of hero, because that most certainly was NOT who Zaraki was, but as the pinnacle of what a Shinigami could become.

However when Yuuki yet again mentioned limits, Shura couldn't help but scoff with disgust at such thoughts. "Your example is terrible. There is no 'top', no one person can sit there. Any heights a single Shinigami can reach, all others can reach as well no matter what. Tessai Tsukabishi was a legendary Kido-user, capable of unleashing even the most devastating of Kido with relative ease without utilizing Bankai. Zaraki was a legendary swordsman, capable of unleashing attacks that could destroy a Bankai with a single swing, without a release and being so naturally fast that his speed rivalled that of a skilled Shunpo user. Zaraki even went so far as to attach bells to his hair to alert his opponents to where he was, having a special eyepatch made that consumed his Reiatsu constantly all to limit himself further and further so he wouldn't instantly kill anyone he fought. Both of them achieved these heights on their own, both of them legendary with or without a release. Sotaicho Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto was both, capable of immensely devastating Kido including forbidden Kido, whilst being nearly unmatched when it came to Swordsmanship, Shunpo, Hakuda, Kido, it didn't matter. There was pride in the Gotei 13 because each and every Captain was unmatched in their respective fields. Kuchiki-dono had a Bankai that was considered to be both the Ultimate Offense and the Ultimate Defense, Tosen's Bankai removed all senses, Toshiro's was the strongest Ice-Type Zanpakuto in existence. I could go on and on about what made the Gotei 13 superior to the Gotei United but it would be pointless and fruitless, we both know this."

It wasn't that she was meaning to disrespect Yuuki or her opinion, nor was it her intention to make it seem like the Gotei 13 were flawless. She knew both would be obviously incorrect, yet at the same time she felt it necessary to state such things anyway. "The reason why I make such differentiations between the two, is because at a fundamental level it boiled down to the Leadership each had. Captain's in this Gotei 'United' are flawed beyond salvation. You're right in that those who are strong should help lift up those who are not, and those who are not should be helping those that are. However, even those without legs can run. Tosen was blind, yet rose to the rank of Captain and had a Bankai that was devastating to those unprepared for how it worked. Where one would see his blindness as a limitation, he saw it only as another barrier to break through and break through he did. So tell me, Yuuki Koizumi, what limitation do you believe you have? Tell me, and I shall tell you exactly how you can not only overcome that barrier, but shatter it so completely that none will ever question your potential."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 2:27 am

Yuuki lost all of their argument and agreement to whatever Shura said. Even their memory of what was said was flushed away. Shura had, perhaps unintentionally, hit one of the few nerves Yuuki had. It just happened to be the worst one. "You want to know my limitation? Fine. I'll tell you." They narrowed their eyes and stood on the rubble in a single, swift and graceful motion.

"I've got a disease. It's incurable. Thankfully, it's not contagious, but it's so rare it doesn't even have a name. I've only heard of one other person that's had it, and that's the headmaster of Shinō academy, Jūshirō Ukitake." Yuuki held up a pointed, warning finger in a manner that a nun would be proud of. "And yes, I know he is a former Captain and is strong, blah blah blah. I never met him, but one of the doctors that treated me knew him and told me about him. I know he was usually bedridden and not capable of doing his basic duties."

"I am goddamn lucky to have gotten the treatment I got so I'm not bedridden. But that doesn't mean I got off scot-free. This," Yuuki pulled their ponytail to the front and pointed it like a spear at Shura to reveal the white tip, "is a constant reminder that I'm not well. It's the only visible sign that I'm sick. Doesn't matter how short I cut it or how long I let it grow, the ends of my hair will always be white." Yuuki let their ponytail fall. The more they spoke, the more their body shook. The more they spoke, the more expressive Yuuki's hand

"And that is just the tip of the iceberg because everything is else is inside me. If I use too much of my Reiryoku at once, I'll start coughing to the point my throat is raw. I heard that Headmaster Ukitake is always coughing. I'd bet everything I have that he's coughing up blood more often than not. When it really flares up, it's almost like every nerve in my body is hit all at the same time. Have you ever had the feeling like someone is chocking you while letting just enough air in to make you think you can breathe? Have you felt your own body falling apart—to the point that turning your own head makes you want to vomit from the pain? Well I have."

"I dare you to tell me that's not an actual limitation. Tell me that having an incurable disease that will kill me if I exert myself too much isn't something that's going to limit where I could go in life." By the end of their rant, Yuuki was fuming. They were staring daggers at their third seat. There wasn't hatred, but just the rage of youth. Yuuki hated idiots, but would only be angry with ignorance. Which way this feeling would develop? Well, that was soon to be seen.


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Kanji Man
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:22 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; -

Shura listened in silence, part of it was because she didn't want to interrupt Yuuki... And part of it was because she was genuinely stunned. That was legitimately one of the few things that... well yeah, it was definitely a limitation on what one could do, that was something that not even Shura could deny. So Shura made sure to listen to every single word that Yuuki said, to ensure she got the full story and knew how Yuuki felt about it all.

It was a far more delicate matter than she'd thought it would be, but at the same time Yuuki did at least know of Ukitake and where he'd reached in terms of position and relative strength. However she did catch a hint of how Yuuki could still grow, could still become more powerful and raise her position in life even if she didn't see it.

"No, No you are right. To deny that such an incurable disease like that isn't a limitation is to be more blind than someone without eyes, so I will not tell you it isn't an actual limitation. However I still believe you are capable of becoming more than you are, the part that is difficult is actually achieving it." There, she'd said it... She'd admitted that she was at least partially wrong. "You say it eats at you if you exert too much Reiryoku at once, then we need to figure out what that limit is, how much is too much? Then we tone it back by at least twenty percent to ensure you never reach that limit, and then we figure out how far you can go before that exertion because to become too much. It is as you said earlier, those at the top should be supporting those that cannot, so I will do exactly that."

Shura moved over to Yuuki, holding one hand out to her "What you have is a limitation, but we can work with that limitation, we can find how far you can go before it becomes too much for your body to handle and we stop right then and there. You are in the Fourth Division, The single greatest division in the Gotei United! And I'll kill myself before I let another within it be left behind."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:19 pm

If Shura had not immediately conceded the point, Yuuki would have punched her. Not a slap, but a punch right to Shura's face. Still seething, their fists unclenched. Their fury was simmering, and it would take a long time for Yuuki not to be snippy with anyone—let alone Shura. They did not take her outstretched hand. Yuuki replied to it with crossed arms. They did, however, sit back down.

"And that's what I'm talking about. Look, you've got a good goal I think. Helping others get stronger so something like this doesn't happen again? That's what should have already been happening. But saying that everyone is limitless is being just as blind to the reality as it feels the Gotei has been. What you need to really understand is that people have their problems, and like mine, not all are solvable. We're not all perfect Shinigami that can achieve everything. You said the right answer just now. Understanding those limits and working within them is going to be what makes us strong—not forcing people to break them."

"I know what my limits are. The invasion was the first time since I was really young that I felt I was getting close to that limit. If I had been out on the frontlines, fully fighting? I would have died from either asphyxiation or an invader taking advantage of a moment of weakness. Instead, I fought to keep our own Division members alive. I could get closer than the medics and still fend off the occasional Hollow that was preying on the wounded. This blood?" Yuuki uncrossed their arms briefly to pull at the stained, formerly-white tunic. "Not one drop is my own."

"I'm not the best healer. I can keep the wounded stable or give them one last chance at death in battle. But I am good at fighting. I won't be able to throw a building-destroying Kidō, but I can clean most of the Division's clock in hand-to-hand. That's a privilege of being a Koizumi." Yuuki's prideful boasting dulled their anger some. "What I'm trying to say is that we should be fostering what people are actually talented in, you get me?"


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Kanji Man
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 3:21 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; -

Shura let out a somewhat disappointed sigh when she simply crossed her arms, though Shura's hand was never retracted even as she began to speak. However just like before, she did not attempt to interrupt her and instead waited until she was finished speaking before she began to speak herself.

Yuuki's point wasn't ignored, Shura understood well what she was saying and what she meant. "You say you aren't the best healer, but you're better than I am. I don't even know how to do Kaido, even utilizing incantations alongside them my Kido failed to even make contact with the Arrancarr I fought. Once upon a time I'd of probably said something like 'you're just complaining and aren't even trying to be better' or some idiotic thing like that. And sure, to some extent I probably still look at things that way without realizing it, but if there's one thing I've learned from my defeat in Africa and now here is that strength doesn't always mean being able to overpower someone."

Even now her hand was still outstretched and offered to Yuuki "I'm not saying that I've abandoned my ways or my thought process, I've just come to realize how best to go about it. I understand what you mean about fostering what people are talented in, and Kaido is something you're clearly talented in. As for hand-to-hand? That's probably my second weakest area of expertise, I can count on one hand the amount of times I've actually tried to fight using it. So just because you see a limitation in what you're ultimately able to achieve, doesn't mean you aren't capable of growth."

"Your talent is plain for me to see Yuuki, and I want to help you achieve your full potential. Yes, I am wrong that anyone and everyone can achieve any level they want, this much is obvious at the very least. But letting one of my fellow division members doubt themselves isn't something I can just let happen, not until I see first hand what their limitations are. You've made it clear enough that you do have some pretty rough limitations, but you said yourself that your Kaido can stabilize others, that you're skilled enough to avoid injury while protecting those who're incapable of protecting themselves, I want to foster that innate talent."

However Shura seemed to rather abruptly pause, almost like something had just dawned on her... Koizumi... Koizumi.... Koizumi. Why hadn't it dawned on her sooner? Why didn't she make that connection? Shishiyuki... Koizumi. God damn it I'm such a fucking idiot... Shura sat down now in front of Yuuki "Wanna hear a long story?" She asked, and if she got an affirmative response she'd continue.

"When I was in the Eleventh Division, I was considered one of their best. However I had never tried to achieve or train for my Bankai. I saw it as a pointless waste of time, because nothing could stop me save for other Shinigami who were already stronger than me and most of them could do it without utilizing their Bankai in turn. But the entire reason I even tried to get it wasn't even for battle, it wasn't to try and show off... Any reason you could think of for the person I was back then, not a single one would've been correct. The only reason I had ever desired it... Was because of my family, more specifically... my Brother, Hitoshi. When I had first laid eyes upon him, something inside of me was flipped. I no longer simply wanted to kill or be killed, I no longer had a sole burning desire to fight or for violence. I felt a need to protect him, to do anything and everything I could to protect him. It was that desire that drove me to train day in and day out, to commune with my Zanpakuto every single day until I achieved Bankai."

She gave a soft sigh as if recalling some fond memory "I remember the first day I had achieved it, when I could finally utter that word and have it mean something. I rushed home, to show my family of the strength I had achieved. I stopped thinking about whether or not my Brother could or would be able to defend himself, I only thought of giving my all to ensure his full protection regardless of anything else.... however...." Her tone shifted quite abruptly with the last word.

Shura closed her eyes and looked down towards the ground, and she paused for quite awhile before another word came from her mouth, an almost deafening amount of time. "Sorry, I'm bad at explaining things.... Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, my loss to Metatron didn't actually teach me anything. I was just confused as to how I could lose when I've become this powerful. What, or rather who, taught me a lesson was Hitoshi, his treachery and betrayal taught me that my Bankai is but an infant. He taught me that my training, my struggle, was yet incomplete. When Shishiyuki came here... The loss to her was more devastating than even my loss to Metatron, it is to date the only fight I have ever run from... I was afraid, terrified that no matter what I'd just begin to slip further and further from a position of strength. She'd barely even lifted a finger and I found my entire body filled with a type of fear I'd only felt from my Father."

She paused a moment, trying desperately to find the right words and stop prattling on about something that Yuuki probably didn't even care about "Anyway, My defeat to Metatron made me begin questioning if my strength had plateaued, Hitoshi's betrayal made me question if I even had a purpose, and Shishiyuki's victory over me made me begin questioning why I was even still in the Gotei." Dammit she was still just... droning on, the fuck was wrong with her?

"Those questions had no answers, so I talked to Kuchiki-dono, someone I believe has a very close bond with their Zanpakuto and would be at least willing to hear me out. He proclaimed me an infant reliant on another's strength as the reason why my Zanpakuto hadn't spoken to me for the past hundred plus years, I didn't understand what he meant... not until those Arrancarr invaded. You see after attaining Bankai, I rarely did the amount of training or fighting that I had done prior to it. I spent so long focusing on just it that I ignored and forgot everything else, but when those Arrancarr invaded I rushed forth to face them without hesitation. I first just assumed this because of my usual reasons, but after the battle I realized something... My Zanpakuto was buzzing with excitement, something I'd not felt from it in over a hundred years. I'd done something to get its attention, and after mulling it over I realized that it was because I'd begun actually fighting with my own strength. I had used Bankai of course, but it wasn't just that. As you said, the strong help the weak and the weak help the strong. That's what happened with Koga and Myself fighting that Arrancarr, it reminded me why I fought in the first place and it was to not just become the best, but to prove anyone could do it. I was always seen as pathetic by my Father because I had no desire to take over the family business, and somewhere along the way I'd forgotten that purpose of mine. That's why I want to see how far you can go."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:19 pm

Yuuki nodded to let Shura continue. They hoped this story might color a bit more of her opinion in. There were leaps of logic, but perhaps a story from Shura's own history might help make those connections. And boy, did it. Yuuki nodded along as Shura spoke, listening intently.

Shura once had someone to fight for. This brother, Hitoshi, was someone she still cared for the idea of, even if their relationship seemed to have soured beyond repair. That was something Yuuki kind-of understood. Fūsha-no-Kasei was the current head of the Senkaku Shin Ken, and he was the closest thing to a father Yuuki had ever known. But Yuuki had been a disappointment to him—a prodigious flower that never bloomed is what he once described them as.

And that brought them to the fact that Yuuki and Shura could agree on one thing without question: Shishiyuki was terrifying. Kasei was reluctant to do anything that might be against the clan head, and he acted like he wasn't afraid of anyone. But he had made it clear to Yuuki that the only one to fear was her. Anyone else, Kasei once believed Yuuki would eventually be able to beat. Shishiyuki? Never.

"So long as you actually understand and practice what you just told me..." Yuuki shook their head, sighing in frustration. It was more frustration at themselves. "But before we talk further, I gotta point something out that you have wrong." Yuuki uncrossed their arms and supported themselves palm-down on the rubble. Despite the destruction, Yuuki looked like a student sitting on a hilltop while waiting on the fireworks to start.

"I don't doubt myself. I stand by what I say, and I back it up with violence. Well, violence and sass. Mostly sass—lots and lots of sass. And I know what things I'm good at and what things I'm not. If I'm not good at something, I don't waste time on it. Simple as that. I also know there's a million things I haven't tried."

"Am I angry that I couldn't do more? Yeah, duh. Anyone who isn't angry is an asshole at best and suspicious at worst. But I am just one person. One person who won't be able to do as much as some of these other Shinigami. What has made me angry and doubtful isn't me. It's the people squandering their talents by not focusing on what they're good with."

"Like, let's take you for example. There are people out there with similar skill sets to yours that would look at themselves and go 'huh, maybe I should now focus on hand-to-hand' despite clearly not having a knack for it. The time spent training that should instead be focused on further developing what someone is good at. You get me?"


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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:00 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; -

Part of Shura was glad to have been able to tell that story, even if she felt like she might've been rambling at some point. But at least her message wasn't lost within the word soup she'd spewed, and truth be told... it kinda felt good to be able to talk about everything. It let her get out what she'd been thinking, as if saying it all had somehow given some form of validated truth to it all. She couldn't really explain why it felt vindicating or like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, but that was how it felt after everything was said and done.

But now it was Shura's turn to listen to Yuuki again, a bit of a chuckle escaping her at the mention of lots of violence and sass. It was a tale similar to herself, there were things she wasn't good at... things she ignored, unintentionally or intentionally, didn't really matter. Maybe she wouldn't ever be great at Hakuda, maybe that kind of thing would be a waste of time to focus on. Her and Hakaishin had an immaculate bond before he had gone silent, perhaps now was the time to not just reignite that bond, but to reforge it into something new... something stronger than what came before. She knew now why she fought, beyond a shadow of a doubt she knew, and now she had a purpose to continue that fight.

It wasn't just for herself, it wasn't just for strength or power... It wasn't to just protect something or someone, no it was to prove that anyone could fight, anyone could prove they were more than just what someone else said they were. Now that it was said aloud she would be held to that standard by not just herself, but by Yuuki as well, that meant she couldn't let herself forget it.

The more she thought about it, the more obvious it became as to why she'd ignored things like Hakuda, she'd spent her years in the academy honing two things; Speed and Strength, and she'd honed them to a point that when she'd graduated there was nobody that was her equal within the academy. She needed to remember that, to bring that kind of Shura back to the front again and never let her slip away again... That sense of pride, of accomplishment, that was what she was missing.

She continued to listen to Yuuki, nodding occasionally as she spoke. Once she finished Shura spoke once more "Then I'd still like you to come with me, I have plans for some pretty intense training with Koga and Ranma, and having you there to help us keep going would help immensely with our training. Of course... Kanae and Noharu probably won't really approve, considering how much time it'll take to finish this training but... I think it's worth it."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
Ye Olde Guarde
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Today at 1:56 pm

Yuuki thought about Shura's offer for only a moment. They knew their answer immediately. It was just their tone and word choice that needed more thought. "I won't go member poaching with you. That's just asking for trouble." Yuuki hopped to their feet—stretching their arms. "But if you need someone to make sure that you idiots don't maim yourselves..." Yuuki sighed. "Just tell me when and where and I'll be there barring any other duties. If you want to make people into better fighters, someone's gotta make sure that they stay like that."

"Now, I've got something to take care of at home. I haven't had the chance to check in on my family." Yuuki offered a small smile instead of a hand. It faded quickly into neutrality with a stern warning. "Take care and make sure to change your bandages. I hate cleaning infected wounds—I'll make sure to use extra alcohol if you get to that point." They hopped off the rubble and began a brisk pace towards their home. They knew there had been damage... How much, well, that was yet to be seen.


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