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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] Empty Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:31 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; -

There were many things Shura wanted to do right now, but such things had to be delayed temporarily. Kanae was pulled away for an Emergency Meeting, and Rio had been reassigned to the Sixth to help stabilize the situation. First thing was first, she needed to ensure those that went into the Rukongai wouldn't be a hindrance, to this effect she began checking in on the various members of the Fourth. Any who were capable of standing and holding their Zanpakuto were pulled from their beds, and of those she began to check which were capable of fighting without hindrance.

Each who were deemed capable of fighting were instructed to prepare themselves, regardless of how exhausted they were. Few were they that would normally talk back to Shura, but at this stage even those that once might've decided too rethought such things. Shura's exhaustion was plain to see on her face, and the missing arm, visible bandages wrapped around her entire torso, and half of her Shihakkasho missing made it apparent who would be deemed 'capable' and who wouldn't. Those of seated positions were likewise expected to report regardless of injury, and the first she went to speak too was Yuuki Koizumi. She knew not how she faired in this invasion, and unless she was bedridden to the point of being incapable of standing it was unlikely Shura would let her sit still.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:59 pm

Yuuki had not seen their third seat since the start of the invasion. Hell, they hadn't seen most of the faces they knew. And what faces Yuuki did see soon was outnumbered by those who lacked faces. If Yuuki were a better healer, they would have been in the 2nd Division. If they were a better fighter, they'd likely be part of the growing rows of corpses.

Yuuki had carried someone from the Fouth Division over to the nearest row. They had tried to save the man, but there were things that were simply impossible. Yuuki placed the body down and began scribing on a placard the Shinigami's name and rank. Someone would come by and eventually take the information down.

Shura's approach was noted, but Yuuki stayed focused on their work. They didn't want to make a mistake to delay identification. "Are you trying to make an identification or did you drop someone off too, Third Seat Kurata?" Yuuki finished the Shinigami's first name and turned. The empty sleeve. The tattered shihakkusho. Shura had definitely been part of the worst of it. "...or did they mistake you for the dead?" Although Yuuki's uniform was tatter-free, the white enreiun was splattered and soaked with different shades of blood—from fresh crimson to dark, dried stains. The worst were the parts that looked clumpy. Yuuki was showered in blood, and none of it their own.


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Kanji Man
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:40 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; -

It didn't take a genius to be able to read the room, and it wasn't lost upon Shura the level of devastation before her. Countless were dead, many of whom Shura recognized herself. There was no lacking in the number of people she saw laying with eyes closed, never to reopen. In truth it pained her, many of the dead were those she thought had potential to become something greater... yet that potential was now vaulted away forever.

Yuuki didn't need to face her for Shura to understand the words and tone she spoke in, but Shura shook her head anyway "No... Neither.... Thankfully..." The last part was mostly muttered to herself as she looked over Yuuki's uniform, the lack of wounds told her enough to know that the blood she saw did not belong to the Shinigami in front of her. "Come, walk with me. Identification can be done by another, I need to speak with you."

Shura's tone was a somber one, surprisingly soft and gentle compared to the usual brash and harsh tone she normally carried. She understood the pain of loss better than most, but right now that pain was shared by all Shinigami, no individuals better or worse than another. Once Yuuki stood and began to follow, Shura would lead her out towards the training grounds. However she was not bringing her out here to spar or train, though she suspected Yuuki might think such.

"The Captain-Commander is missing." She wasn't sure how much Yuuki already knew, but even so she continued "But, how are you Yuuki Koizumi?" Perhaps a surprising question coming from her, and she wouldn't be surprised if Yuuki was surprised by such concern from her where she'd never previously shown any. "Are you..." Shura paused for a moment, she knew her words needed to be chosen carefully "Are you alright?"

What a stupid question... of course she wasn't, but such things were obvious. Nobody was alright after today except for maybe Kanae, and... in truth it pissed her off quite a bit that she was so fucking cheery. The one time where Kanae's rough and harsh exterior would make sense, she was acting completely differently. "A stupid question I know... But..." She paused, turning to face Yuuki finally and giving a half smile "We are the single greatest Squad in the Gotei."

She still believed it even now, even while they were broken and nearly defeated. Of course that all being said, her smile was a clear mask to try and hide whatever lurked beneath it, whether that was pain, fear, anger, something else entirely or some combination of the former was what was difficult to discern.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:02 pm

Yuuki held up a finger so as to finish writing the name. Thankfully, the Shinigami had a short first name and it was finished before Shura would protest. Placing the placard over the corpse's chest, Yuuki took one last look at someone they couldn't save before walking towards the empty training grounds. If things continued as they were, this would likely be the next place to be filled with the dead and dying. The news of the Captain-Commander being missing in action was surprising, but it was so out of Yuuki's league that there was no point in worrying about it. There'd be an election or something and the Gotei would get a new one. It wasn't like Yuuki was in consideration for it.

Yuuki had only really heard of Shura. Little of it was necessarily pleasant, but most of what people said about Yuuki wasn't pleasant. The one thing that was consistent about Shura was that she was loyal (perhaps to a fault) to the 4th Division. Even so, it still did shock her when Shura seemed genuinely curious about their condition. Yuuki raised an eyebrow in confusion and doubt. It was a difficult question to answer anyways. Thankfully, Shura gave a small detour in the conversation that gave some more time to think. "That is why I kept as many of ours up in the fight as I could. If the Fourth can't fight, then they're not doing their job."

"I'm sore, tired, and I know I reek of blood and other bodily fluids. I've had to clean off blood, bone splinters, chunks of some internal organ so shredded I couldn't identify it, and I had to remove a tooth from my foot earlier." Yuuki turned and stared off towards one of the many pillars of smoke in the distance. "I have seen more people I've known hurt than I ever have before. The academy can't prepare you for this." Yuuki gestured with their arms to the destruction around them. "Physically? I'll be fine. Mentally... I'll have to be fine. Though, you seem to be holding it together pretty well yourself."


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Kanji Man
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:26 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; -

Shura wouldn't have protested either way in truth, but was thankful it was done sooner than later. Her first few words were what any would expect of a Fourth Division member... of a Death Division Member. Now more than ever that name was the perfect descriptor and, Shura's gaze following Yuuki's as she turned towards one of the numerous smoking pillars. She wasn't wrong either, no matter the training the Academy gives a Shinigami... things such as this were beyond their capability to prepare someone.

Shura had grown up used to violence, spent most of her life before the Gotei killing and slaughtering. She'd been prepared for this kind of death and destruction for a very, very long time. Her next response though was one she had expected to hear, one she wished she hadn't heard in truth. "We all have to be fine... That's what they teach us. I only seem held together because I am here, if Rio was still here...." Her hand clenched into a fist "If she were here, the only sign of me would be the explosions as I tear each and every hollow that remains within our home to the tiniest bits possible before they die."

A raging inferno of anger boiled within her, anger at these fucking things that dared to invade their home... anger at those that she'd once considered one of the Gotei's closest and most beloved allies... Anger at her own failure. "But lessons from the academy can only bring us so far... Don't let those lessons tear at you. Things like this? They can't be taught. So I ask you again..."

Shura paused, turning her head now back to Yuuki "Are you alright?" Shura was not just older than Yuuki, she had a lot more experience with these kinds of situations. In truth Yuuki and those around her age were just.... too young. They shouldn't see this kind of shit, they were simply ill-suited for it nine times out of ten. Yet at the same time, they needed every single able bodied person available.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:57 pm

Yuuki let out a chuckle. "She isn't dead. Just reassigned." The way Shura spoke made it seem like Rio was in one of those rows. As far as Yuuki knew, Rio had come out virtually unscathed—expected of a Lieutenant with the moniker of Shield Maiden. They had no idea of the mental damage this battle had taken out on their (former) Lieutenant.

Everything Shura said was right. Most of the Division would be out there, fighting and cleaning up the remaining Hollows. Yuuki would likely be doing the same thing they had been doing; saving who they could so that the Fourth could continue to clean up. Even a one-armed, one-legged Shinigami could still fight with Kidō.

Shura was going to pry, as a good officer should. It was obvious that there was something more going on now, either from Yuuki or Shura. Perhaps both. Yuuki sighed and closed their eyes. "I'm... angry. No, I'm fucking goddammed PISSED." Yuuki's volume increased as they spoke until it became a scream. They kicked a grapefruit-sized rock with all of their might and sent it soaring into the sky.

"We get attacked, and what happens? Chaos! Yeah, no one expected Arrancar to burst through with those numbers. But after the Demon Invasion, you'd think that maybe we'd have it better set-up to handle this kind of situation! But no! Instead, we have people scrambling around, tripping over one another as they try to find something to maybe fight." Yuuki paced around, talking with their hands as they explained their point of view.

Another rock was kicked in the same manner. "I get that our opponents were tough. I couldn't handle most of what was out there, and I'm stronger than the random schmuck you pick out of any Division. And it's not like just one more person would have made the difference either! Even if I were as strong as a Captain, I'd still be locked to one place. I couldn't fight in two different places! There was too much in too many places, and it just pisses me off that they were able to do as much damage as they did." Yuuki stopped to breathe—it had been a long time since they had been so animated.


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Kanji Man
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:07 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; -

Anger... Anger gave way to power. As Yuuki began to simply let her thoughts and emotions be known, Shura smiled. Grabbing the hilt of her Zanpakuto and pulling it from its sheathe as she began to pace back and forth, shoving it into the ground as she took a seat down next to it and listened. Shura didn't interrupt her, didn't say anything or even motion for anything.

Instead she allowed those feelings to boil over, to let the woman speak her mind. It was a relief, in all honesty, and it only confirmed what Shura herself had been thinking as well. This Gotei was weak and feeble, ill-prepared at best for a full scale invasion, a lesson never learned from the previous one. Every single Shinigami was stronger than ever before, the academy bred stronger and stronger warriors again and again. Yet all of it was utterly fucking pointless. With all of her own titanic strength even she had lost against Kita, a shameful defeat if ever there was one.

It was only when Yuuki took a moment to breathe that Shura spoke again "So it isn't just me that thinks this way, good. Yuuki, I understand your rage, this Gotei is weak and frail. It is in desperate need of Shinigami who surpass Sotaicho Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto himself." A small, almost insignificant detail perhaps, but it was exceedingly rare for Shura to address anyone with a proper honorific. It was reserved only for those she deemed truly worthy of such things, Kuchiki-dono and Sotaicho Yamamoto were, so far, the only two she'd ever addressed with such respect. Not even Yuuto, for all his power, strength, and notoriety, got such an honorific. Not even their own Captain, Kanae Nagoshi, was ever referred to as anything except for her name by the Kurata.

"The difference however, is we do not have a thousand years to reach that pinnacle, nor do we have the time to learn how he reached such heights. There are things beyond what we think we are capable of, things our Zanpakuto are capable of that surpass even the extraordinary. Of this I am certain now more than ever. The Shinigami of this generation are more powerful than they've ever been in the past. What was once considered a Fukutaicho is now a mere fifth seat in power at best. Even as I am now, in past times I would be considered to be on the same level of a Captain. Yet as I am, Our Captain's dwarf even my strongest attacks without even releasing their Zanpakuto."

Shura paused for a moment, tilting her head up such that her eyes were just visible from behind her hair "I am certain, now more than ever, that our Zanpakuto have not just grown more powerful, but evolved beyond what was once thought to be their limit. I agree with you, that even if we were both Captain Level in strength, the outcome of this invasion would not have changed. Yet what if we cast such things aside? Cast aside the notion of 'one day' being that strong."

She gave a brief moment of pause as she began to rise once more, never letting her eyes leave Yuuki. "Sotaicho Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto's Gotei had the time to grow powerful, because he understood what it took to crush Soul Societies enemies with such overwhelming strength that none dared challenge them without tasting complete and utter defeat at any cost. The casualties we suffered might've been equally as grave, but we never lost this decisively."

By now she was standing tall once more, her Zanpakuto pulled from the ground "As soon as they are ready, I am grabbing Koga and Ranma from the Eighth, and any who are willing. I am sick and tired of this pathetic fucking training in this dingy courtyard, watching talented Shinigami with exceptional potential waste it by practicing routine and mundane training exercises that amount to absolutely fucking nothing! And those that come with, will be training day in and day out... Until we achieve a level beyond Sotaicho Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto. Until we are so overwhelmingly powerful, that the next time those fuckers dare to show their face, we will crush them before they even have a chance to pull their Zanpakuto's."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:18 pm

Yuuki nodded along. There were a lot of good points in what Shura said, but overall, there was a disagreement in the fundamental argument as to where to go from here. Yuuki felt Shura's way was flawed, but they could see where the third seat was coming from. "Well, at least you and I can agree on one thing. People wasting what they're good at is bullshit. With talent comes responsibility. I can understand that not everyone has the talent to be a good fighter; but if you're not doing what you're good at, then you're wasting what you were given."

Yuuki found a pile of rocks and sat down. They began kicking their legs while speaking. "But I think the idea of getting people to surpass the limits so quickly is a bit stupid. We can't all be like the former Captain-Commander. Trying to make as many people as possible that strong is just asking for disappointment."

"You might have that capability—I'm not exactly an expert on spiritual growth. But me? I know I don't. I'd like to, but I'll be lucky to get to the level of a Lieutenant. That's just my own limits because of... well, just trust me on it. Not everyone is special, but I think that can be what makes the Gotei strong." Yuuki wasn't a planner, nor a strategist, nor even a manager. They were an asshole to patients and had a smug pride that rubbed people the wrong way. But this wasn't a time to let that pride shine. There was a harsh reality around them, and Yuuki was covered in it.

Even without those skills, Yuuki had an opinion. There was one thing they had noticed before and after returning to active duty. It was perhaps one of the smallest things to think about, but it may have just saved lives. "I think we need better coordination rather than more strong fighters. I think this invasion showed just how bad that line of thinking is. We don't have to worry about this because the Captain will take care of if or some other shit is what it feels like most people thought. I wasn't part of the old Gotei Thirteen, but I remember people beaming with pride about just serving in it. I don't really get that feeling anymore. Perhaps if people felt that pride again, things would be different."


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Kanji Man
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:57 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; -

Disagreements were to be expected, by now Shura knew that better than anyone else. It was rare that anyone agreed with her methods, yet that was, in her opinion, because they were not apart of the Eleventh Division. "This is why there is no pride, Our Captain's are weak and pathetic. They do not attempt to get stronger, they instead rely on only a few select individuals. Where before we were expected to have at least Thirteen Captain's, each with their own unique power sets and strengths, we now have a paltry eight. How can we have pride in ourselves when we have barely more than half of that same expectation and strength?"

She paused for a moment before continuing There's are two things my former Captain, Zaraki Kenpachi, once said. The first was to never admit or accept defeat or loss unless you're dead. That you surviving means you were lucky, to survive and think only about killing the one who could not kill you. The second thing he said was that, without exception, any who seek power, seeks battle. He then proposed a question, Do you fight to become more powerful? Or do you seek power so you can fight? These qualities have been lost to this new Gotei. When I was in the Eleventh Division, when Sotaicho Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto lead the Gotei 13, there were none the Gotei could not defeat. That being said, I agree that coordination is required to lead an effective defense or offense, however such things are incompatible with a Gotei that has chosen to abandon its these fundamental laws of battle.

She also waved her hand slightly in front of her face "As for disappointment, look around us." She motioned towards Soul Society at large "This, is disappointment. I believe, I truly believe, that all Shinigami are limitless. The Fourth Division is the only one expected to constantly train, we're expected to serve as the front line... The bulwark of our defense and offense. Why take pride with any other division when only one is expected to constantly train? This is why our division is the single greatest division within this accursed organization, and it is why the Eleventh was the same before its dissolution. Whatever Murasaki believed to be best for Shinigami is clearly a false, either that or she's just as guilty of being a traitor as Urahara. Regardless of the reason however, her organization has failed where the Gotei 13 would... neigh, could not. People wanted to be in the Gotei 13 because it's mere presence commanded respect, even Aizen did not dare assault Soul Society immediately. He schemed, plotted, and we knew it was happening. This invasion though? Not only did we know nothing about it, not only were we wholly unprepared, but with Ichigo leading the assault we were so utterly unprepared that he likely could've accomplished whatever he was aiming for with half the forces he brought. Yet he likely assumed us to be far stronger than we were, which means we have not only lost the level of respect we once commanded but those within our organization now have every reason to believe such things as well."

She pointed to where Sokyoku Hill once was "We need no further proof than the utter destruction of Sokyoku Hill. A landmark which once stood at the center of Soul Society, is now completely erased." Her attention then returned to Yuuki "I'll be honest with you Yuuki, I couldn't give a fuck about why you think you're limited to Lieutenant level at best, because such a limitation doesn't exist. We do not need Captain's, relying on them, as you said, is stupid. That is why we need to redirect our focus, to ensuring we have as many Shinigami as possible at their highest possible potential. Sotaicho Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto proved how powerful we could become, and in only a few hundred years we have seated officers that dwarf the strength of the Captain's that were around during the Gotei 13. Do you know what this means, Yuuki? It means we are advancing at a rate that will soon dwarf anything that has ever come before."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura] Empty Re: Blood in the Water [Yuuki/Shura]

Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:39 pm

There was a lot that Shura said that Yuuki couldn't argue with. Some of it was because Shura was speaking of experiences Yuuki hadn't been part of. They hadn't served under Kenpachi Zaraki. The only pride they had was in the Senkaku Shin Ken and their ability to keep people alive just enough for a proper medic to save them or for them to get a glorious death in battle. And Yuuki had given many the same choices during the invasion. What bothered Yuuki were the ones like the Shinigami they had laid to rest when this conversation started—the ones that couldn't be saved.

"Sheesh, I at least see where that missing pride has gone—all to your head." This was a backhanded compliment. Shura was overly (perhaps even delusionaly) prideful, yes, but at its core it was the pride Yuuki was talking about. The way she talked about the Gotei 13 was how Yuuki wished people talked about the Gotei United. "I'm not going to fault the Captain-Commander for this, mostly because I wasn't part of it before it became the Gotei United. I don't have the kind of bias you do. Besides that, it just pins the blame on one person—and says that they are responsible for everything, just like the problem the Gotei United currently has. It's a systemic problem, not a leadership one."

"And whether or not you believe it or not, we have limits. Some of them are mental ones that could possibly be overcome. Others are... physical and can't be." Yuuki couldn't help but to glance down at the ground as they spoke further. "There's a difference between someone who can't climb a wall because they're not strong enough and someone who can't climb the same wall becaue they're missing their legs. It's just not the same to compare them."

Lifting their gaze back to Shura, Yuuki proposed a solution to their argument. "Instead, what should happen is that the people that can make it to the top should be supporting those that can't, and those that can't should be helping the others that can reach those heights. The change needs to start at my level and lower, not at your level and higher. Because once the people like me or weaker have something they feel like fighting for, the Gotei will return to being successful—and 'maintaining a peaceful life so we can have Smoothie Sundays' isn't exactly the strongest motivator."


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