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Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:25 am
Assemble the Captains [Gotei Leadership] OdMuu9U
Erika Masamune

Her recovery had been quick but it was not a smooth process, it had been a painful thing to rush it with the healing talismans that the substitute had provided her with but they told her that Urahara had disengaged and so her foe was gone. Now that the high of her killing intent had diminished she was left with a melancholy at the unbloodied hands she had. Regardless of how she felt inside though, these people weren't the type she showed her feelings to and so she dashed back to the First Division and didn't waste time in barking orders for updates on the situation as each seated officer and their section handled individual tasks.

A damage assessment was the first order of priority and to eliminate any remaining threats. The other shinigami could handle that though, instead Erika was making her way to the meeting hall that the captains gathered for meetings. They had reports to give now that the break in the storm had been found.

She'd just need a lacky to pass on the summons to the rest of the captains, the blow from Urahara had frustratingly destroyed her denreishinki in his attack.


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Sat Sep 28, 2024 8:46 am
Assemble the Captains [Gotei Leadership] Pyvdcozv5wy

Igen and his Zanpakuto arrived quickly. Though he had spent a lot of the operation working with the wounded he’d quickly shifted gears as soon as the majority of the threats were dealt with and the call for him had rolled out. A flicker as Igen arrived in a flash step, a moment later Ko arrived and stayed off to the side and crouched. She’d long since gotten acclimated to helping Igen with squadwork. First due to his injuries, and now it simply came naturally.

”Lieutenant.” He greeted the woman, only a remnant of his usual cheer tinting his voice as he alnowledged the woman and awaited her instruction beside his felid zanpakuto spirit. The gravity of the situation was not lost on him. Even busy as he had been, he was aware that there were reports of being unable to locate the Captain Commander, a bit of information that thus far he’d treated as classified until told otherwise.
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Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:08 am
Assemble the Captains [Gotei Leadership] OdMuu9U
Erika Masamune

"Gyakusuma. Relay the following orders for me."

Erika beckoned him to walk with her so that she could avoid losing any more time. He best have a good memory, there were two of them to remember what she said after all.

"The following will take effect immediately. Third division will be divided into the following groups, a section will operate under Captain Kuchiki to aid with the wounded, another will work to establish contact with the shinigami in the living world, and the third will do everything in their power to find Murasaki."

"Vice-captain Shihoin will be acting captain of the sixth division until a suitable replacement can be found. Fourth will hunt any remaining hollows. Fifth and sixth divisions will find any more traitors in the Gotei and will maintain social order. Seventh division will assist the third division in contacting the living world as the majority of their shinigami are there. Eighth division will operate under first division and provide assistance in assessing the situation."

"Finally, the remaining captains will assemble in the First Division for an emergency meeting. Clear?"

She gave him a chance to clarify anything before he was dismissed to find the other third seat and ensure that those orders were shared throughout the remains of the organisation.


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Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:57 am
Assemble the Captains [Gotei Leadership] 1VUZAtK


It didn't take him long to make his moves. The moment he was given his orders, he relayed his division's task to them, though he also made note that they were to report to him, should any further traitors be beyond their strength. Reconnaissance and information gathering was equally as part of their job as it was to kill.

Right now, after all the conflict, stabilizing the Soul Society was his top priority, no matter how many weeds he had to cull from his Garden of Eden -- along with the snakes that lurked in the grass. Once his division's orders were clear, they all scattered, with Yuuto burning through the wreckage of Soul Society as a silent, shadowy streak. Despite the fighting and energy lost, his speed was still a marvel, taking little to no time to seemingly appear at the designated area.

His brain was going a mile a minute, thinking of everything going on, what he needed and wanted to do, seemingly endless contingencies and backup plans, but, not a word came from him unless addressed. There wasn't much to say, especially not with the snakes that still remained.

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Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:18 am
Assemble the Captains [Gotei Leadership] 08syiGv


The extra effort spent whipping the rowdy Fourth Division into shape over the last year was showing its value as Captain Kanae coordinated her squad to clear rubble from their barracks and then to begin working with other squads as well. Upon receiving a message from the First Division, Kanae commanded her subordinates to split into teams that would work their way through the Rukongai and outskirts of the Seireitei where reports said Hollows may remain, while the rest of the Division split into security patrols.

Despite bandages on her arm and the wreckage of Soul Society around her, Kanae made her way from her Barracks to the First Division humming a traditional tune and flashing a surprisingly cheery smile to people she passed. She was still riding the high from cutting Hakuyou in half, and her newfound positive attitude had been scaring her squad enough for them to be a bit relieved when she left them. Even as she practically buzzed walking through the Seireitei, the pictures that flashed through her mind were those of death and destruction, of enemies and allies alike.

Eventually she made it to the First Division Barracks and entered the damaged building, carefully avoiding broken timber that littered the ground. The hallways were mostly empty, a departure from normalcy, but Kanae understood even the First Division's members would be working to restore the Seireitei. After making her way through the squad's halls, Kanae came upon the meeting room and entered, where she saw and addressed Erika Masamune with a smile.

"Ah, Erika Masamune. The Sun always seems to shine brighter after a storm, does it not?"

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Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:42 am
Assemble the Captains [Gotei Leadership] OdMuu9U
Erika Masamune

The first two arrived and she regarded them with disinterested looks. One was silent as the grave and other was so full of herself that it made her want to vomit. Why Murasaki tolerated a woman like this, she could not pretend to understand why. The smile she wore in this situation, the willingness to refer to her in such a casual manner, everything was off about her from the get-go but it was only being in the same room and the situation that made her instincts on edge.

"Keep my name out of your mouth and address people properly, Kanae Nagoshi."

It was said plainly with a tone as disrespectful as how she had delivered it. They were not close enough for a first name basis and in the current circumstances, she was not a vice-captain to a captain. One thing that she was going to make very clear was her lack of charisma, she was not Murasaki, and she would do everything in her means to bring her friend back.

Until that time though, she didn't care how many enemies she had to make out of these people.

Her attention went back to the sheets of paper in her hand to keep herself appraised of the reports that had came in earlier. She didn't want to repeat herself to the others so unless either of them felt impatient, she had reading to get through and make the room feel just a bit more uncomfortable for everyone in it.


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Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:58 am
Assemble the Captains [Gotei Leadership] Wi8Tth1

The work of 2nd Division had been nothing short of miserable. Even so, Rukia had done it all with every fiber of her being, forgoing anything resembling her own well-being. She had ignored Ichigo, she had ignored everything but the medical efforts she'd needed to do. That had included, most recently, the extreme efforts to stabilize the Captain of the 8th Division, and though she'd been told that her presence was requested immediately, she'd simply told the messenger to get out of her ER.

It was only after she'd finished that work that she simply washed her hands and went to the 1st Division. Blood still stained her uniform from the medical efforts she'd been focused on, and though there was an undeniable irritation in her expression as she walked in, it wasn't directed at the one who had called it, at the very least.

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Sat Sep 28, 2024 4:49 pm
Assemble the Captains [Gotei Leadership] LIpCg8u


Rio's pride was wounded, her determination somewhat shattered. That was an undeniable fact. The merciless invasion the arrancar and hollow wrought was nothing short of devastating. Even so, Rio's duty did not end. No matter the circumstances, harsh as they currently were, upholding her duty was her topmost priority. She would shield her heart for now.

Entering the first division after being summoned by the acting captain commander, having ensured her remaining family's safety, Rio walked in and assumed a position alongside the others, standing firm and resolute. There were certainly familiar faces she noticed, but that, too, was placed at the back of her mind right now.


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Sat Sep 28, 2024 5:49 pm
Assemble the Captains [Gotei Leadership] 08syiGv


Upon being chastised by the apparently upset Erika, Kanae raised her hands in front of her as if to calm the woman down. Though normally such a thing would elicit even more venom from the Fourth Division than what was in the First's Vice Captain's words, not even that level of disrespect could manage to ruin Kanae's mood. The Soul Society was in tatters, the Captain Commander was missing, a Captain died by her hand, another was horribly injured, and the Third's Captain was missing after turning traitor. What could be better than this?

Kanae glanced at the other arrivals as they entered the meeting room. She didn't care much for the Second squad Captain, though their interactions to this point had been limited to say the least. As for Rio...well, Kanae knew the woman certainly had the potential to be a Captain one day. It seemed she was being forced into the position, at least temporarily. She almost chuckled at the number of Vice Captains in this Captains meeting.

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Mon Sep 30, 2024 3:20 am
Assemble the Captains [Gotei Leadership] WXsZTdN

Blood dripped to the floor with Shishiyuki's every step, both her own from assorted wounds that had been attended to with bandages and kaido as necessary, but by and large that of the remaining hollows that she had spent no small amount of time turning into little more than memories with her bare hands. In spite of her exertion, however, and of the fury and grief still deep in her heart, she spoke in an even voice, the measured professionalism of a woman who had been head of a Great Noble House for centuries.

"Forgive my answering these summons. One of our substitutes is currently attempting to make contact with Captain Kishimoto."

Malice certainly boiled within Shishiyuki's chest toward some of those in this room, but that meant nothing at present. She had sworn to do this duty, and so she would, regardless of her personal feelings on those matters.

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