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[Spirit Class 8] Sakuya Müller Left_bar_bleue7380/100[Spirit Class 8] Sakuya Müller Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

[Spirit Class 8] Sakuya Müller Empty [Spirit Class 8] Sakuya Müller

Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:37 am
[Spirit Class 8] Sakuya Müller 0uH00i

I. Basic Information

» Name: Sakuya Müller (雀夜・ミュラー)
» Alias:
» Age: 22
» Appears: Early-20s
» Birthday: September 22
» Gender: Female
» Height: 5'5 (~166cm)
» Weight: 150lbs
» Alignment: Chaotic Good
» Association: Vandenreich
» Rank/Position: Spezialkräfte Personnel
» Specialty: Artillery and being a "wingman"
» Sexual Orientation: Straight
» Relationship Status: Single
» Attraction: Muscular men that are taller than her; accents or quirky verbal mannerisms; ability to hold his alcohol; multi-lingual; dog-owner;

I. Personality

» Personality: Sakuya is the "eternal wingman." She is a woman who loves love so much that she pushes others to experience it before she does—at her own detriment. She is the type of person to push another to go for a promotion that she should already have instead of going for it herself. She has a leader's natural charisma but lacks the confidence to act as one herself. Perhaps confidence isn't the right way to describe it, as Sakuya does have self-confidence—she knows she is rather attractive, knows that she has decent skills, and even knows she's rather smart. But she doesn't think all of that adds up to what she is actually worth.

Sakuya believes that despite everything, she could be doing more. She could have helped out more. She could have saved more. But instead, she gets praised for not doing a complete enough job for her liking. If she won a game with a score of 10-1, she will only be thinking of how she could have prevented the 1. She is afraid of accepting leadership roles because, to her, no loss is acceptable. In those roles, she knows that such a thing isn't possible. It is better to not have to define what is and isn't acceptable to others because she believes her own goals are simply unachievable in the end if applied to more than one person. So she controls what she can—herself.

» Likes: Beer, Wine, Sake, just about any kind of alcohol honestly, finger foods, Valentine's Day, romance movies, horror movies, swimming, ice skating, bar-hopping. folk metal, fluffy dogs
» Dislikes: Slasher/gore-heavy films, snow, amusement parks, hospitals, flying, fish (as both a food and a creature), violin-heavy music

I. History

Sakuya is a half-German, half-Japanese Quincy born to two Quincy (Fumie Aiba and Walther Müller) who have no real lineage to speak of. Their achievements were their own. The both of them were known in Europe as people who would gladly train other spiritually-aware people in how to protect themselves against Hollows or rogue spirits. They only taught self-defense—never did they teach these people to seek out fights. And those lessons were taught to Sakuya as well.

But she and the students weren't taught equally. Sakuya's parents taught her Blut before how to form a Spirit Weapon. That was never the case for the rare Quincy that they came across. Simply put, the goal was for her to never fight but to just survive. Her family traveled the world while she grew up. Sakuya experienced the world and saw its wonders before the ravages of World War IV.

Sakuya noticed a pattern to their moving. Every time they moved, it was preceded by the loss of a student or an attack from a Hollow. Each time, someone died. Each time, Walther and Fumie would stress in silence and behind closed doors about what they could have done different. They tried to never show it to Sakuya, but she was curious. She heard the "If only" spiel more times than she could count.

As Sakuya got older, both parents sat her down and explained that she shouldn't hold herself to their standards. They were too late. Their standards, or perhaps even beyond, were already her own. She lied to them in order to keep them appeased. That was when they began teaching her how to use her Spirit Weapon. Unfortunately, pre-teens didn't turn out to be a good time to teach a young girl how to form a destructive weapon at-will...

But all good times must come to an end. The Müllers were one of the countless families dragged into World War IV. They grouped together with other Quincy and spiritually-capable humans to form militias to fight against the demon incursion. It was a fool's errand. Losses grew, and Sakuya was always forbidden from fighting. Instead, she helped out by assisting in teaching and maintaining whatever camp their family was protecting that week.

Eventually, the family joined the Vandenreich. Sakuya couldn't simply because she wasn't even legal to drive. Instead, she just continued helping out how she could. Eventually, she found herself a calling. Technology development involving Quincy had been at a standstill for too many years. Scientists and researchers needed Quincy as test users for their new devices and weapons. That would be how Sakuya assisted during the war.

Sakuya's parents did not return from one of the final operations of the war. Reports stated they had been caught in an explosion after closing a shelter door. Sakuya only had one question through her tears: "Did anyone in the shelter die?" No one had, and so Sakuya knew her parents died proud. Sakuya continued to help more and more, but she also sought tutoring. She wanted to fight just like her parents did, and so she needed actual training.

With her eyesight and judge of distance, Sakuya was trained on spotting for artillery. This would influence the development of her Spirit Weapon and eventually her Letzt Stil. Sakuya did not see combat during the war. After the end, she was still "legally" too young to participate, so she was given an intern position within the Vandenreich. As soon as she was old enough, Sakuya joined the Sternritter. She volunteered for dangerous clean-up and suppression missions, and each time she tried to get each of her brothers-in-arms back home even at her own detriment.

To this day, that is how Sakuya operates. She joined the Spezialkräfte just to do more of the impossible missions—and to reduce how many soldiers are lost each and every deployment.

I. Natural Abilities

» German-Engineered Liver: Sakuya has a urinary tract of stainless steel and a liver of lead. She drinks like a man thrice her size and can hold her alcohol like few others. She rarely is subject to hangovers and it takes her far longer to get truly drunk. But Sakuya's alcohol tolerance is deceiving. She seems like a lightweight at first—she'll get tipsy and giggly and touchy-feely real quick, but getting her to that next phase of having her mental faculties truly hampered? That's the hard part.
» Polyglot: Sakuya, thanks to her parents' drive, has learned many languages. She's fluent in Japanese, German, and English; conversational in French and Russian; and navigable in Spanish, Chinese, and Korean.
» Expert Eyesight: Sakuya's eyesight is practically true perfect. Beyond that, she is capable of accurately determining distances within her sight range so long as she understands the scale.

I. Racial Abilities

» Blut: The first Quincy ability taught to Sakuya was Blut. Sakuya does specialize in Blut Vene to a greater degree than Blut Arterie, but she has learned to apply advanced techniques to both. Her variants, however, are highly specialized. They can not be activated at the same time. She is treated as one step lower (to a minimum of Adept) when it comes to the delay between switching between her specific variants.
»» Anschlag: (Impact) This variation affects concussive and blunt force. Anschlag Vene is increasing the control of the various fluids within the body so that such forces do not cause nearly as much damage (roughly 50% more resistant to them). Anschlag Arterie puts more Reishi around the muscles, allowing her strikes to land with much more force behind them (roughly 50% more).
»» Schnitte: (Slice) This variation affects piercing and sharp force. Schnitte Vene is further increasing the hardening factor of Blut Vene to be roughly 50% harder to cut through. Schnitte Arterie enhances the cutting and piercing factors of her attacks by about 50%. It would be particularly effective if used with a Seele Schneider.
»» Dedizieren: ([to] Dedicate) This variation increases the strength of Sakuya's Blut by concentrating it in a single area. It effectively doubles the strength of the Blut in that area, but the rest of the body is unaffected by Blut during the effect. This can be maintained for only a single post, and using this puts her Blut on a one-post cooldown before it can be utilized again. It can be seen as a glowing spot on her body when used.

» Steigen: Sakuya has basic training in Steigen. She is learning how to use the Steigen Board rather effectively and would rather use it than most forms of public transport or riding a bike.
» Gebet: Sakuya was never really taught how to use Gebet effectively on her own. She is capable of many basic spells, but she has no idea how to lead rituals and requires guidance when assisting in them.

I. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Herzkanone (真火抱; DE: Heart Cannon, JP: Devotion's Embrace)

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: Herzkanone looks like a 3.5-ft piece of metal piping strapped to Sakuya's arm. In fact, it's not too far from the truth—because what is the barrel of a piece of artillery but really thick piping? The barrel's muzzle is about a foot past her hand. The breach of the weapon is a cylinder that acts as a counterweight to the barrel's own weight. A stabilizing handle/bipod is near the end of the barrel for her other hand to grab or to allow her to rest it on a solid surface. Two different styles of sights are on the barrel—one is a spiderweb "AA-style" sight and a flip-up ladder aperture sight. Herzkanone is attached to Sakuya's arm with via a leather gauntlet-like mount.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities: Herzkanone is relatively slow-firing compared to other Spirit Weapons, but it makes up for its slow firing by having naturally larger arrows. Herzkanone currently has three firing styles, listed below.
»» Type-1: The standard firing style. Large arrows, slow rate of fire.
»» Type-2: A "high explosive" style. The arrows do not pierce upon impact, but burst outward to a maximum of about 6 inches per arrow.
»» Type-3: The "scattershot" style. Instead of firing one large arrow, Type-3 is splitting the energy into smaller flechette-style arrows that fire in a wider cone. This has a slightly faster rate of fire, but the range is reduced significantly.

I. Quincy Release

» Letzt Stil or Vollständig: Letzt Stil

» Name: Schloß Affenliebe (雄視慕弾幕; DE: Doting Love Castle, JP: Barrage of Overwhelming Love)
» Appearance: Schloß Affenliebe is simply duplicating Herzkanone's cannons to a total of ten and arranging them in a turret-like configuration on a waist mount. There are four turrets—two with 3 Herzkanone barrels and two with 2 Herzkanone barrels. Sakuya also manifests a heavy anchor attached with a strong chain to allow for extra stability while firing repeatedly.
[Spirit Class 8] Sakuya Müller 6QqJR2

» Abilities: The main ability of Schloß Affenliebe is that there are now multiple barrels to fire her large arrows from. Each turret can be assigned a separate firing style from Herzkanone's base form. In addition, Sakuya can form a sight along her hand that allows her to more accurately aim the weapons.

I. Equipment

» Kaibōbari: (媧棒針; Nüwa's Knitting Needles) Kaibōbari is a headband that has a rather unfortunate appearance reminiscent of a snail's eyes. It is a piece of Quincy technology that works similar to a Sanrei Glove. Its purpose is to assist in developing a Quincy's spiritual senses. There have been many variations of this technology through Quincy history, and the Kaibōbari is but one development of the concept. The Kaibōbari is not capable of enhancing the spiritual senses of someone who has none. Sakuya uses this to further enhance her ability to detect threats at extreme ranges—allowing her to act as a early warning system. Sakuya prefers calling this by its Japanese name rather than its official name: Schneckehelm (Snail Helmet).

» Steigen Board: A piece of movement assistance technology, this augments a Quincy's natural Steigen ability by removing a piece from the equation—the creation of the platform itself. The technology behind this was originally drafted years ago, but it's only recently developed into something tangible. It appears to almost be a thick, sci-fi snowboard with an opening on the "nose" and an round wheel-shaped "emitter" on the underside at the back. This board is capable of riding the same Reishi currents with only a fraction of the energy required compared to creating a platform. However, it is far more unbalanced. In addition, this technology isn't capable of using Steigen variations. As such, a Steigen Board isn't as effective in combat. It could be the start of a new sports scene however...

» Necklace: Sakuya's most treasured object. This is the fusion of two soul silver wedding bands vaguely in the shape of a heart. These were her parents' wedding bands, and it is the same shape as when it was found. She wears it on a silver-plated chain around her neck.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: C
» Speed: D
» Strength: E
» Soul: C

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Adept

Quincy Skills
» Blut: Advanced
» Gebet: Beginner
» Kreuzen: Adept
» Steigen: Adept

I. Overview

Sakuya is meant to be a friendly, lower-level Quincy that inspires and pushes others. She likely could have been a Coordinator in a different section of the Vandenreich, but her personality is leadership-averse. She's enthusiastic about field testing new technology developed by or for the Vandenreich.

I. Changelog

9/29: Fixed her father's name, Walther, in history
9/29b: Added skills per approval.


Last edited by Tsubine on Sun Sep 29, 2024 9:36 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Sun Sep 29, 2024 8:50 pm

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