Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Empty Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:53 pm
Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Natsumi_Header7A
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi was someone that always came of childish to others. The Southern accent caused really idiotic assumptions about her level of intelligence, and her limited vocabulary did not help that either. Even so, Natsumi was not the childish idiot so many assumed her being. She had a tactical mind, quick reflexes, and learned quickly. This was why when she returned to the City of Light, she knew she was in trouble and the first place when went… as home.

Walking inside, she entered the house, “Natasha, I’m home!” Even though she called Natasha Mom to everyone else, she always told them to keep it a secret. She still never called Natasha Mom to her face. She didn't think she would be allowed to. Natsumi’s face was bruised up. She had a busted lip and burns on her hands too, but they had been bandaged up enough. "I'm sorry I was gone so long."

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Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Empty Re: Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:08 pm
Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] GErtDg6


"And where exactly have ya been, sugar? You darn well had me worried."

What awaited Natsumi as she stepped through that door was a tall blonde woman, whose expression danced between light annoyance and disappointment. It was exactly a stern expression, but it did well to emphasize how grave a matter Natsumi's safety was. When she saw her body and the bandages, that expression didn't lessen in the slightest. Lightly tapping her hip, she walked past Natsumi to close the door behind her and motioned for the two to sit. When she followed suit, Natasha would lean back, sighing softly as she took a moment to observe her a second time. What had she done to come back like this?

"Explain yourself, Natsu. And don't lie to me, either. Ya know I'm not one for fabrication. I know yer growin' into an adult and all, and I can't quite know your every move all the time, but two and a half weeks and no phone calls is inexcusable."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:30 pm
Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Natsumi_Header7A
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi lowered her head in shame, “I hate worryin’ ya… I shouldn’t’ve; I’m sorry.”

With the door shut and the motion for her to sit, Natsumi did what she was told. The scolding she was getting wasn’t as bad as what other people may get, but it still revved up Natsumi’s guilt. However, it did not cause her to feel regret.

“I went an’ found the bitch that hurt Stella,” Natsumi said, gripping the bottom of her shirt and even grit her teeth. “I foun’ her and I almost got her… Almost, but she ran an’ got away. I shoulda got her, but she was fast an’… Stupid Shinigami.”

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Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Empty Re: Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:11 pm
Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] GErtDg6


"Jesus Christ, Natsumi... what did I tell you about jumpin' the gun?"

Of course, she did. Natasha was hardly shocked by the revelation. If Stella shared what happened with her, she undoubtedly knew that information would reach Natsumi. Even more, knowing Natsumi, she would make a rash decision and take matters into her own hands. Walking over, she rubbed her temples before reaching out to harshly pinch and pull at the woman's ear. Back in her days as a soldier, she would've likely smacked some sense into her, but Natsumi told the truth. She approached her honestly, and for that, she wouldn't dare approach her harshly. That didn't mean there wasn't potential for this lil lady' to be grounded, though.

"It goes without sayin', but ya could've got yourself killed, Natsumi. What if you ended up in the same position as Stella? Did ya think to consider how that might make me feel? Huh? Dontcha think I want to give that green-haired hussy a piece of my mind and a boot right where the sun don't shine?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Empty Re: Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:15 pm
Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Natsumi_Header7A
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi didn’t look up, thinking she was going to get yelled at. She was not expecting the ear pull. Flailing her arms and whining the entire time her ear was pulled, Natsumi yelled, “Ow, ow, ow, ow!!! That huuuurts!”

Natusmi forced her ear out of Natasha’s hand with one harsh tug. Standing up, she had one hand on her ear and stood determined. “Not possible! Stella’s nice and kind, I ain’t. I was taught to handle things like this, an’ I can, even if I get a lil’ beat up in the process! And I knew I’d be fine, cause I promised to come back to Mama, and I DON’T BREAK NO PROMISES! … I crossed my fingers with Stella… Which is also bad, but I had to, ya see? I can't promise not to fight for the people I love, an' I love you and I love Stella. Y'er... Y'er my family... Eiji can be there sometimes too...”

Natsumi had not realized... She finally let it slip...

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Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Empty Re: Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:23 am
Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] GErtDg6


"There's a difference between gettin' a lil beat up and fightin' in the types of battles that place ya right at death's door."

Natasha exhaled softly as she maintained the pinch on her ear for a few moments longer before releasing her grip. When she was saying stuff like that, it became relatively difficult to admonish her too harshly. She wasn't justifying her actions in any sense, certainly, but neither could she fault her for going with heart and defending the family. She didn't hate the intention, she just didn't agree too much with the approach. Aw, she even mentioned Eiji In there, too. Sheesh...

"Listen, I don't agree with the approach, but when ya put it like that, I can't be too mad at ya. I just care about you a lot, and I'm sure you know I'd raze heaven and earth if someone ever took you away from me. Wait a minute... did you just call me Mama?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Empty Re: Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:12 am
Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Natsumi_Header7A
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi rubbed her ear, and let out a sigh that was abruptly halted when she heard Natasha's very, specific, scary, nerve-wracking, heart-pounding, anxiety inducing, dizziness causing question… “Wait, what?” Natsumi looked up, eyes wide, face red. Her eyes darted around. “What?” she thought back to her word, having them repeat in her head until she realized she had let it slip. “Oh, no, I uh… I ain’t callin’ ya anything like that… I-I know y’er not really my Mom or nuthin’. You ain’t gotta worry about me sayin’ that, I promise. I’ma go get me a shower…” Natsumi… was lying…

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Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Empty Re: Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:24 am
Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] GErtDg6


"No, it's nothin' like that. It just caught me off guard... Is that how ya really feel about me, Natsumi?"

Natasha didn't expect that at all. She wasn't rendered speechless, certainly, but to hear that word leave her lips so naturally felt... nice, all things considered. Natasha had certainly played the mother figure to her three amigos, but she had never referred to herself as their mother. Here, Natsumi was calling her that without any hesitation.

Opening her arms, beckoning her forward, a warm smile spread across her face. Why not? If she wanted to call her mother, who was she to tell her no? She definitely cared about her as though she were akin to a daughter by this point. She fed her, bought her clothes, and treated her to a special place in the city when she did good. What was there to deny about their relationship dynamic at this point?

"Fine, then. C'mere, daughter. Give Mama a hug."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Empty Re: Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:04 am
Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Natsumi_Header9A
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi grabbed the bottom of her shirt, staring at the ground in complete embarrassment. She had been trying so hard to keep that hidden, unsure if calling someone her mom was actually okay when they actually her mom. She nodded solemnly to Natasha, “Yes… I tried to keep it a secret. I’m sorry…”

Hearing Mom’s words of acceptance, Natsumi looked up, eyes wide, completely shocked. She gasped before any real words could escape. She swallowed with a mix of fear and excitement seeing Natasha open her arms and call herself Natsumi’s Mom. With a child-like joy, Natsumi ran into Natasha’s arms, wrapping her arms around her and nuzzling her face into her shirt. “I love you, Mama…”

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Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] Empty Re: Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:21 am
Bound by Guilt [Natasha/Natsumi] GErtDg6


"Now, now. There ain't nothin' ya need to apologize for, sweetheart. Caught me off guard, sure, but I'm happy you said it. Honest to god, I am."

Words could hardly describe how happy Natasha was to be acknowledged genuinely as a mother. She had never once doubted how much she cared for Natsumi, and the way she cared for her could never be understated. Waking up to this rowdy lady always brightened her day, and she knew full well she would never change that for the world. There may have been anger at first, and her disappointment was still present somewhat, but all of that could wait. For now, she felt at peace, embracing her beloved daughter in her arms. There was no greater joy than this.

"Love you, daughter..."

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