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[Spirit Class 6] Jaesa Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 6] Jaesa Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 6] Jaesa Empty [Spirit Class 6] Jaesa

Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:15 am
[Spirit Class 6] Jaesa Zenless-zone-zero-1-1-teaser-jane-doe-new-character-mystery-faction-zzz-hoyoverse-550x309


Basic Information

○ Name: Jaesa
○ Alias: Mistress

○ Age: 1000
○ Gender: Female
○ Race: Arrancar

○ Affiliation: Herself

○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: Hueco Mundo
○ Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
○ Special Skill: I can't talk about that here
○ Ideal Mate: Woman

○ Height: 5'10
○ Weight: 140lbs
○ Hair Colour: Black
○ Eye Colour: Jade

○ Aspect of Death: Obsession
○ Estigma: Thighs
○ Hollow Hole: Upper Left Arm (Concealed)
○ Mask Fragment: Unknown

[Spirit Class 6] Jaesa Cute-rat-jane-doe-v0-vzun8goqrrcd1

Psychological Analysis

To those she likes, Jaesa is a friendly, chatty and flirtatious woman who is always keen to have some fun. She is a rather strong presence and tends to speak her mind at all times, sometimes to a point which may make those around her feel rather awkward. The black haired woman couldn’t care less though, confident in her own mind and actions. Eager to get her way, she can also be pushy and will attempt to bring those around her to her way of thinking, whether through words or if that doesn’t work, more dominating methods. She very much enjoys being in charge and attempts to either bring her under another’s commands or defying her requests can lead to trouble.

Jaesa is sexist and very much considers the female gender to be superior to the male, which leads to her encounters with the latter more often than not being unpleasant at the very least. She is condescending, rude and openly hostile to men and will look at them as does a cockroach. The thought of spending quality time with a man makes her feel violently sick and the mere mention of such a thing will easily incur her wrath.

That is rather different when it comes to women though and this is where the woman’s aspect shows itself. When encountering someone that she truly desires, Jaesa becomes truly obsessive and will do whatever is necessary in order to make them hers. There isn’t a line that she won’t cross in order to achieve this and it is here that she is at her most dangerous. She will gladly main, slaughter and kill anyone in her path in order to claim what is rightfully hers and god help anyone who gets in the way.

To those who say no to her, remember this well.

Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.


The life of a Hollow was such fun for Jaesa and while she couldn’t remember anything of her human period, it didn’t matter to her. She thrived in her new life, hunting those who were weaker than her and evading those who were stronger. Every day was wonderful chaos and her desire to become stronger was so overwhelming that it made travelling in packs impossible. Her ambition was simply too great and her will to dominate seemed to intimidate all around her. They simply couldn’t handle her intensity and no group she joined ever lasted long.

Yet, there was an oddity about her hunting, as she would only hunt those who truly captured her interest. She’d go after particular humans, those who met the Hollow’s standards and the ferocity with which she would devour them was beyond frightening. Jaesa was a predator of a special kind and that obsession would only grow with time. The woman would leap into a mass of humans and yet her attacks would strike only one, binding them in white hot fire, as she tore them to pieces. Ah, how sweet it was.

How long she spent in the human world was difficult to tell but like all Hollows who reached a certain stage of growth, her desire to kill humans would eventually not be enough to sustain her. She began to desire a different form of prey, one rather more formidable and would start a rampage against her own kind that would push her further still. Jaesa would still behave the same, targeting the tastiest of Hollows and devouring them with an ferocity that few could match.

The human world only housed so many Hollows though and soon enough, she would find her way to Hueco Mundo, travelling through a jet black gateway that she’d one day master herself. The sands were a perfect training ground for the Hollow and she’d continue her reign of terror, devouring her kind and growing with every kill. She was thriving among her kin and as she continued to feast and devour, her fire techniques scorching the sand wherever she went, the next stage of her evolution would soon come.

Yet before that, there was one last final challenge for the confident Hollow, as she came up against a group of her kind, wishing for nothing more than to end her rampage. That wasn’t what happened though as she entered a rage and obliterated her foes, her unique flaming techniques burning her opponents to cinders as she blasted them to pieces. It was all too easy and it simply caused her ego to grow even further, which was the final part of the puzzle that was required for her to grow.

In a frenzy, she’d charge towards another group of Hollow, who were already feeding and due the mass of carnage, the group would all bind together, taking the form of an enormous creature. A Gillian, with the Hollows inhabiting it fighting for control, Jaesa included. At first all they could do was simply follow the commands of more powerful Hollows, destroying their enemies with powerful Ceros, yet over time, Jaesa’s will would come to the surface. She would override the longings of the others, stamping on their attempts at fighting against her.

The result of her control would be that rather than follow blindly, Jaesa would start to feast on the other Gillian, devouring them as she did other Hollows in the past. They tasted rather unpleasant and she hated the taste but it was what her instinct was telling her to do and so she indulged, tearing into the flesh of her kin, again and again. Each one made her feel stronger and as she took permanent control of the Hollows locked into the Gillian form with her, they all became a part of her. With a will of steel, she dominated them all until they could no longer fight her off. It gave her such a thrill and as she felt the last ounce of will die and she devoured what seemed to be her 1000th Gillian, her moment of triumph would come.

She would start to feel an almighty itch, a desire to remove the mask that was plastered on her face. It would begin as a gentle sensation but over time, would become far more intense, another that it would drive her mind. Jaesa would fight against the idea at first but over time, she realised that it simply must happen, in order for her to take another step up the ladder of success. Yet, rather than try to break it using the environment, she decided to do it using a more dominating fashion.

Approaching another Gillian, Jaesa would smash her head against it, causing the other one to turn around and do the same, its pointy nose, shattering her mask and completing Jaesa’s evolution. Her spiritual power would explode, covering her in a fiery light and before she even knew what happened, she’d perform a massive leap, her Sonido activating for the first time, unleashing a powerful cero of fire when she reached its head, incinerating it in a brutal showing of power.

It would not be the only occasion either and in her new and beautiful form, Jaesa would set about on a quest of frenzied carnage that would take her all across the sands of Hueco Mundo. It was glorious and the newly christened Arrancar would thoroughly indulge in her vices, destroying those she disliked while having her way with those she did. A simple life but one she thoroughly enjoyed and that was what she did for more years than she could count, becoming more powerful as time passed.

Eventually, her journey would bring her to what appeared to be an ancient palace, housed deep within Hueco Mundo, which a group of Arrancar had called their own. They considered themselves to be royalty and treated the beautiful Arrancar of Obsession with disdain, behaviour that Jaesa herself had already begun to display herself. She took it as well as one could expect and once she caught sight of their beautiful daughter, the black haired woman knew what she was going to do.

She’d annihilate the place completely, slaughtering every creature that moved, sparing no one as she headed for the target of her obsession. The whole palace would burn in the flames of the Arrancar, her desire and want for the blonde haired beauty overriding everything. What had once been a place of beauty became little more than ash and by the time she reached her target of affection, the only being that she had spared, Jaesa’s obsession reached its peak, forcing herself upon the woman and making passionate love in the embers of what had once been the woman’s home.


Strong Willpower: Having spent centuries exploring Hueco Mundo and fighting in countless battles, Jaesa has garnered a will of steel, desiring to dominate all those around her. Regardless of the situation, she’ll not back down and defeat isn’t an option in her mind. She’ll achieve her goals no matter what and fulfil her wants and desires.

Decent Close Combatant: While many of Jaesa’s attacks require distance in order to be used properly, that doesn’t mean that she’s hopeless in close combat, having a fair amount of experience in martial fighting. She’s rather skilled with her staff zanpakuto as well, able to use it effectively as a blunt weapon if necessary

Flame Manipulation: Jaesa is able to create and manipulate flames in her vicinity, granting her a versatile set of abilities which she can use at her whim. Alongisde these, she's also able to use them in more general ways if necessary, giving her a certain amount of freedom only limited by her creativity.

Flame Wall: Creating a wall of flame in front of her, Jaesa is able to protect herself from harm. The ability can last a total of three posts and defend her from one ranged attack each post but she’s unable to move it once it’s been cast and can only create one at a time.

Flame Net: Launching a bolt of flame towards an opponent of her choice, the fire begins to extend, taking the form of a large net that will wrap itself around an opponent if it makes contact. The net lasts for a post.

Flame Orbs: Jaesa releases a machine gun like burst of fiery orbs that travel towards her opponents. At a maximum she can unleash ten of these but the more she fires, the longer she has to stay in place in order to do so, putting herself at risk. There is also a knockback effect on her, which increases depending on how many she fires at a time.

Flame Circle: By punching the ground, Jaesa unleashes a circle of fire that knocks away all opponents in her near vicinity, burning them all at the same time.

Flaming Bonds: An ability that Jaesa has carried through from her Hollow days where she is able to create bindings of flame to tie and immobilise those that she desires to take. While they are uncomfortable to be bound by, Jaesa has the power to increase or decrease the intensity of the bonds through mental command. She considers this somewhat of a favourite skill and has used it many times to have fun with her targets.

Flaming Strikes: A second skill regained from her Hollow days, Jaesa has the ability to channel the power of her obsessive flames into her fists, allowing her physical strikes to deal burning damage if she makes contact with a foe. This ability lasts for three posts and while it’s active, she gains a 100% boost to her strength.

Flaming Sonido: Over the long years and constant practice, Jaesa has managed to develop her own version of Sonido where she is able to leave behind an explosive clone, which causes a fiery explosion shortly after Jaesa moves. It looks rather lifelike and if struck by the technique, can leave the opponent with nasty burns.

Flaming Rey Cero: With practice, Jaesa has reached the level of the Gran Rey Cero, allowing her to unleash a powerful fiery version from her hands that is consumed by her aspect. If she strikes with this particular attack then the opponent will briefly find themselves having to fight off a sudden need to obsess over the first thought that comes into their mind. (OOC permission required in order to make it easier to approve.)

Flaming Bala: Jaesa has developed her Bala to the point that hers are prone to exploding if they hit a target, bursting into flames when they strike a target.


» Zanpakutō Name: La Llorona

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: La Llorona takes the form of a long staff that has a flame shaped head and is about four feet long in length. Unusually, it has taken on Jaesa’s fondness for the female form, with the shaft decorated with the names of those she has claimed for her own. Once taken in hand, it becomes engulfed with flame and releases an aura of heat.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: None.


» Resurrección Release Phrase: Oppress, La Llorona

» Resurrección Release Action: Jaesa releases her weapon by slamming the head of her staff into the ground and calling the release phase.

» Resurrección Appearance: When La Llorona is released, Jaesa is completely surrounded in flame, gaining a pair of fiery wings that give the appearance of a phoenix of sorts. Naturally, she’s able to use her new appendages for flight and her entire form gives off an intense heat. Her hair and eyes turn a brilliant shade of red and the sound of her voice is much deeper in tone during her release.

» Resurrección Abilities:

Flame Cyclone: By spinning around in a circle, Jaesa releases a powerful flaming tornado that travels in a straight line, briefly immobilising and severely burning all targets that are caught up in the attack. This attack takes a considerable amount of spiritual energy on Jaesa’s part and while it’s incredibly powerful, she can only use it once per five posts. This attack scales with her soul.

Firestorm: Summoning an immense amount of fire, Jaesa creates a storm of flame that begins from her position and starts to spread outwards, causing severe damage to everything around her. This attack doesn't distinguish between ally or enemy and the intensity of the heat increases over time. This attack scales with her soul and can be used once every thread, with the maximum posts she can use it for being five posts.

A Woman Scorned: A last resort as regardless of what happens, Jaesa will not be in a state to fight afterwards. Summoning every ounce of her power, Jaesa creates a flaming meteor strike that strikes a wide area, dealing mass damage to all those caught in the attack. This attack scales with her soul stat and once cast, Jaesa will immediately be severely drained, her strength completely diminished and forcing her to rest.


My intent for Jaesa is for her to be one of the more powerful members of my cast and I’d like for her to be SC5, putting her alongside my best. She’s meant to be a magical powerhouse, one who’s spent centuries travelling across Hueco Mundo and honing her craft. I’m prepared to change whatever is necessary in order for her to reach that level if the app is lacking and I know the history is a little lighter than my others. I thought maybe cutting out some fluff would help but I’m more than willing to add more combat encounters to it.


General Skills
  • Durability: D
  • Speed: D
  • Strength: D
  • Soul: A

Arrancar Skills
  • Cero: Advanced
  • Nucleo: Advanced
  • Aumentar: Adept
  • Sonido: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

Last edited by Ashaiya on Fri Sep 20, 2024 3:09 pm; edited 12 times in total
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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[Spirit Class 6] Jaesa Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Jaesa

Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:07 pm
Initial Check:
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[Spirit Class 6] Jaesa Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Jaesa

Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:15 pm
First round of edits:

I've done my best to clarify what you wanted me to.

I've also actually nerfed the downsides a tad in my more powerful abilities because after comparing them to other characters, they seem rather severe. They still have their once per thread drawbacks though and A Woman Scorned still severely drains Jaesa.

I' moved most of Jaesa's abilities from ress to general, as well as adding a fire manipulation one that can be used for more general situations.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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[Spirit Class 6] Jaesa Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 6] Jaesa Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 6] Jaesa Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Jaesa

Today at 2:20 pm

SC 6 [7 points]

Arrancar Skills
Cero: Advanced
Nucleo: Advanced
Aumentar: Adept
Sonido: Adept

Will Skills
Willpower/Determination: Adept
Mental Deduction: Beginner
Focus: Beginner[/mod]
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