Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Today at 8:57 am
Can't Stop Won't Stop [Komugi, Ranma, Igen] MSliLWC

Komugi Yadou

She hardly understood any of her companions requests as her fixation to pull them away from danger was greater, her footsteps only slowed when exhaustion begun to kick in a good length away from where they had begun, even then her stride wouldn't break. Weaving through destroyed buildings and carnage, she was pushing herself past the brink to get them to safety.

Her heart felt like it was exploding in her tiny chest, feet burning, her body in unspeakable amounts of pain as the adrenaline begun wearing off and reminding her body that it was in desperate need of rest. The hand that held tight to Ranma's own was piercing flesh with her claws with how deadly tight the grip was...

They had to get there, they had to... Not that much farther..!


Her knees caved out from underneath her mid step, as if those nerves had remembered how much pain they were in from the searing on roughly fifty percent of her body, and sheer overexertion. She fell like a hapless sack caught only by her right hand's extension, hacking and coughing blood as her shoulders rocked. Her vision felt misty, heart in her ears...

Is this what dying felt like? She's been at the brink several times in her life, but this was certainly a brand new way to experience it... Ah, that'd suck, she wouldn't be able to tell her baby cousins what happened... She couldn't go doing that...

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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Today at 11:12 am
Can't Stop Won't Stop [Komugi, Ranma, Igen] DyxMvAe


Ranma wasn’t as injured as her, c’mon. Why was he the one being dragged away from danger like a child whose dislocated arm was having feline claws digging into its flesh, causing him to growl in pain all the way: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhh, huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurts, hurts-hurts-hurts-hurts-hurts-hurts- FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU-“

And then, finally, Komugi came to a halt… but only ‘cause her own body was starting to fail her! Ranma was left sliding on the ground, the impact a fucking relief compared to the pain from earlier. “Iiiiiiiiiieeee… f-finally, ground, floor, sand…” he cried in relief, only interrupted in his moment of rest by blood splattering on the ground from Komugi’s coughing, “K-Komu?! Oh shit, KOMU!”

Shit, shit, shit, she looked like she was actually caving in… and for a while, not another word came out of Ranma. Instead, out of desperation, since he saw no one else nearby, he tried at least to stabilize her. One palm held over Komugi’s burnt skin, Ranma closed his eyes and tried to image her in front of him… Erica… and how her hands used to hover over his own wounds whenever she healed him from his reckless injuries. He’d picked up a bit from all those… numerous… times he’d been patched up by her and the other members of the 2nd Division. He felt that he could try to, at the very fucking least, stabilize and restore Komugi’s Reiatsu so they could reach further aid without her dying halfway. Would he be able to heal all of her burn wounds too?

Likely not… likely not…

So for a while, he just sat down with his palm hovering over her coughing, pained form, a green aura of Reishi pouring into her. “I haven’t tried it before, but… fuck, j-just stay and catch your breath. You still there, Komu? Komu? Komuuuuuu? Please answer me, Komu! Is my Kaidō helping? Sorry if it still hurts, I don’t know if I can heal all of your wounds- also, you kinda fucked my other arm up, so ya gotta deal with a one-handed Kaidō, okay?”


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Today at 3:23 pm
Can't Stop Won't Stop [Komugi, Ranma, Igen] MSliLWC

Komugi Yadou

Stay awake... Stay awake... That's what Ojisan said when it felt like you might be dying... Can't die if you don't let your eyes close. Was hard to do that when it felt like your insides were mashed and you were gargling on your own blood, but she was trying her best to heed that advice... Wow, her arm was getting tired...

Her fur bristled in response to the sensation of contact on her freshly burnt skin, a quick reminder of new pain; if she wasn't so focused on staying awake she probably would've scratched the one responsible. Wow, she couldn't breathe... Wasn't great...

Even so, she felt herself perk up more, the sensation of sound on her ears keeping her awake as she knelt on the rubble-covered pavement... Was, was Ranma trying to fix her up...?

Though she felt more awake, she couldn't help but fully collapsed onto her side, cringing as she struggled to breathe and aggravated her burns again...

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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Can't Stop Won't Stop [Komugi, Ranma, Igen] Empty Re: Can't Stop Won't Stop [Komugi, Ranma, Igen]

Today at 4:10 pm
Can't Stop Won't Stop [Komugi, Ranma, Igen] Pyvdcozv5wy

"What the hell are you doing?! You two, set up a barrier! IGEN! Get your ass over here!" Ko's voice would shout out from nearby. amidst the chaos, a number of Shinigami promptly moved into the area. Two of them promptly dropping to their hands and knees and planting their palms onto the floor. A thin veil wrapping around the area, promptly camouflaging those inside, as the second individual set up a barrier, until the sounds of destruction and fighting beyond faded, giving a small isolated respite as Ko and the other two shinigami rushed out to the surrounding area to look for more injured.

The Zanpaku'to spirit furrowed her brows as she noticed the damage to Komugi, and it wasn't long before the Third seat arrived. A flicker of a shunpo as Igen promptly arrived on the spot, darting into the camouflaged veil and promptly rushing over to the pair.

"Fifteenth Seat Ikomi. Tend to Gekiretsu please. I've got her from here Ranma, lay back down and rest, you need your energy to heal your own wounds." He insisted to the young man as he promptly shifted in and peered down at Komugi's own injured frame. Oh that was a lot of bleeding. He furrowed his brows and promptly let his hands hover just above her, not making contact, but still pouring his spiritual energy in. First boosting her spiritual reserves, to give her the energy to stabilizie herself, and then promptly getting to work. Applying that healing energy into her insides. She couldn't fully repair the organs, but he could mend them to the point that the internal bleeding would stop. After that he'd need to drain the blood. Otherwise it would keep applying pressure to her insides. Stop the bleeding, survey her body for any other dire injuries, and then clean out the pooled blood.

"Officer Yadou. I need you to keep focused and talk to me. Can you tell me my name?" He asked, testing to see how lucid she was. He'd need to figure out if she'd suffered any brain damage or if she was in shock. Get a better sense of her condition.
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