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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:15 pm



"Scared of being alone, huh? Yeah, it fucking sucks."

Voice perky and more upbeat, Veralia rubbed the nose Stella and laughed lightly. Although her words were lighthearted, her mind still buzzed with a fiery collection of memories of her time in Hueco Mundo. All that time spent fighting for herself, being alone, and sulking in her bitterness and envy was miserable. It was baffling that such a source of light was let into her otherwise dark existence and why she had to protect it.

"And yeah, your sweet and trusting, but I don't think you are cow-brained enough to just wander in the unknown of Hueco Mundo. Even I'm leery on that somedays."

With a snort, Veralia playfully pinched Stella’s cheeks again. She found a strange comfort in the simple act of touching her, not out of any malice but because it brought her warmth in ways she hadn’t known before.

Clicking her tongue thoughtfully, she let another thought slip out.

"And at some point, I guess you’ll probably have to introduce me to your roommates and family. How do you think that will go down, huh?"

You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:38 am
Stella would pout at the cow comment. Seems like Veralia was still jealous of Stella's chest but she would simply pout at the comment as she thought about the the woman's words. Listening to the next part took Stella off guard as she looked down a bit ashamed. She actually wasn't sure how her meeting with Natsumi would go. Stella hadn't even met Eiji himself yet, and Natsumi would probably not like an aranvsr very much. Stella thought Natasha would probably be okay with it.

"I think my roommates would come around eventually. I think Natasha would accept you pretty quick if you both met. She's pretty easy going. My mother...... I'm not sure. I think she would trust my judgment. Though she grew up in the older ways."

Stella spoke as she thought about it. She wasn't sure if her mother would ever actually like Veralia, regardless of Stella's feelings. She would sigh as she apologized.

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Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:50 am



"Relax, I was joking about the cow thing. I'm not envious of that anymore. You are my partner, after all."

Veralia would then playfully slap her rear, chuckling lowly. She could see through Stella at that moment and didn't want her to get the wrong impression.

However, as she started talking more about her friends and family, it was clear there may be obstacles ahead. It didn't bother Veralia, as she never really saw herself as someone heroic and positive to be around, but she also didn't want to bring unneeded burdens on Stella after all that she had been through. So, she gently patted Stella's head and smiled.

"The only way to know is for me to meet them. If the worst happens, I'll have you as it isn't, as if I'm not used to being alone. Long as I have you, I'll be alright."

Her tone was relaxed but became more sincere as she peered into her eyes.

"I'll be on my best behavior around them, for your sake. I don't want to strain your family and friends if there is an issue. I'll only visit them if your okay with it, alright? Don't feel pressured."

You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 9:14 pm
Stella would blush deeper as she let out a small squeak at the smack. Nipping the arancars neck in retaliation as she listened to the words of the woman. She would nod gently into the arancars neck before thinking about the situation where they're going to meet Truthfully she didn't care much about their opinions in this case as she feels like they would be very biased.

"Cmon, you can't do that to me in public. You know I get embarrassed easy."

She spoke accusingly to Veralia as she tried to sound pouty. Trying to allow her thinking to slow down. She was beginning to over think and worry about something that hasn't even happened yet.
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Mon Sep 09, 2024 9:32 am



"You say not that to do that in public, but your busy trying to nip at my neck? You are an odd one."

Looking down at Stella with an amused expression, Veralia let out a teasing chuckle as she pat the redhead's forehead.

"Though from the sounds of it, I guess we should go somewhere more private at some point. You down for seeing my place, or do you have something else in mind?"

Raising an eyebrow, Veralia left the decision in Stella’s hands, curiosity dancing in her gaze. Without missing a beat, she pulled Stella into another embrace, savoring the calm between them. The warmth of the moment was something she rarely allowed herself to indulge in, but with Stella, it felt natural, and for now, she was content to simply hold her close until they figured out their next move.

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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:47 am
Stella would shake her head as she would fall flat to her back again. Enjoying the suns ray's as they poured down onto her. Her trasing was done and she was now ready to just relax for a bit. She didn't care and just wanted to enjoy the warmth with her girlfriend. Just thinking that made her heart flutter as she spoke.

"Nah, we don't have to leave yet. I just wanted to get you back for acting indecent. Though, Veralia I would like to see your place sooner rather than later."

She spoke with a slight tease in he voice as a kitten found its way onto Stella stomach. Laying gently against her, enjoying her warm body. Stella allowed her hand to stroke down its back ever so slightly.
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:48 am



"Well, consider your get-back had, nerd."

Playfully flicking Stella's nose softly, she laid her back against the blanket and closed her eyes as she hummed contently to herself. Maybe this peace shit wasn't bad, eh? Being in the arms of someone you care about just felt so foreign, yet so good to Veralia.

"And yeah, we can chill like this for a bit."

Her eyes fluttered open again, their soft gaze lingering on the redhead beside her, a quiet appreciation building in the silence between them.

"Maybe you can even show me around the City of Lights more. I ain't too hot on it, but I guess if I'm with you it'll be alright."

Veralia’s voice was calm, almost teasing, as she gave Stella a gentle nudge, her expression softening even more as the thought of spending more time together crossed her mind.

You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Wed Sep 11, 2024 2:39 am
"Maybe I could show you where i was living before moving in with Natasha. I was out on my own in some hotel. It was nice, but being alone like that is terrible atleast for me.Like you used to say, I'm like a puppy."

She spoke happily to the arancar. The memories were far enough in the past now so that she was able to look at them almost fondly. Obviously she much preferred this Veralia who wasn't jealous of her. It made her happy as she sighed contented. Her struggling mind has calmed for the time being as she just enjoyed the moment.

"Vera, I would like to go to your manor tonight. I don't wanna just stay in some hotel over here again. It's kinda boring to stay in a normal one, and I can't afford a nice one right now."
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:51 am



"Pfft, I could make a mean joke about you being my puppy, but I think that's a bit morbid, eh? You’re not a puppy to me—you’re a partner."

As Veralia spoke in a warm sing-song voice, she eventually went with her instincts, leaned in, and gave Stella a gentle kiss to show that it was a sign of her having affection. She had already teased the poor girl to death and back for most of their relationship; today was the day to show a bit of sincerity for once.

Sensing that time had passed and the sun was turning into the sunset, Veralia's eyes locked on Stella's, and she gave a gentle nod.

"Well, far be it from me to deny you a room at my place."

With a smug grin on her voice, Veralia stood up, picked Stella up bridal style, and held the woman in her arms, showcasing that despite her small size, there still was immense strength in her body. A gentle, emerald flame gradually ripped open the space ahead of them in seconds as a warm spring heat radiated from it. Inside the vortex was a structure within—a dark, obsidian-like fortress absorbing light rather than reflecting it, a perfect mirror to the desolate beauty of Hueco Mundo.

"Wanna take a few of the pets with us, yeah?"

Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she glanced toward the animals, the offer as playful as it was genuine.

You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 3 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:04 pm
Stella blushed at being picked up so easily. She would allow her hands to rest behind veralias head as she waited for them to go. Nodding gently at the pets comment as she fought to get her breath back. Her stomach had flipped a few times out of embarrassment as her face to her ears was matching her hair. She tried not to lode that badly but she did.

"Y...yeah let's take them. We should get an apartment together in the city sometimes though..So we can actually live together. I can't open the portals unfortunately."
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