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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:27 pm



"You're too sweet, you dork."

With a soft laugh, Veralia pinched Stella's cheek. It was strange to have such a source of warmth, naivety, and will within a person. Yet, that aura to protect was infectious and rubbed off on Veralia. Her eyes continued with a gentle glimmer of warmth and concern, knowing that others could corrupt her soul. That thought had even passed Veralia's mind when they met. But such beauty....doesn't deserve to be snuffed out.

"But don't worry, I wanna protect you too. It's fucking weird. I've spent most of my life forging for myself and fighting for myself, yet you show up and throw me off my fucking game."

As she snorted, Veralia let go of Stella's cheek and sighed with a playful annoyance.

"It sucks what happened to Ichigo, but the world’s a messed-up place. Circumstance, fate, or whatever you want to call it screws with people’s lives every day. If you keep putting yourself out there like this, be ready to face either the world’s scorn or its embrace. The actions we take are a slippery slope."

Her gaze drifted to their interlocked hands, and her expression softened further. She tightened her grip on Stella’s hand, a rare vulnerability creeping into her voice as she spoke with more care.

"So even if the worst happens, against my better judgment, you’ll still have someone who supports you. Just make sure it’s what you really want, and I’ll do whatever I can to help because I care for you."

A gentle sigh soon escaped her mouth as her eyes filled with mild hints of embarrassment, desire and determination. It was hard to admit such feelings, but she knew she needed to make it clear what she meant to her.

"And I don't think I've stated nearly enough what you mean to my heart. It scares me to care for someone, but you....are different I just want to keep you close and safe to me.."

You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Mon Sep 02, 2024 8:05 pm
Stella would listen to the woman as her heart fluttered and her stomach flipped. Veralia was actually opening up to her? This would never have been on her bingo card even a few months ago. They had met that night before Stella even came to the City of Lights. That felt so long ago now it was crazy. However, in reality it's only been a. few months and that's something thst scared Stella. Time was passing so slowly compared to her perception of it. Feeling her partners grip tighten in her hand made her heart warm up as she could feel her lungs beginning to burn slightly.

Looking to the arancar as she continued to speak, Stella would find it increasingly difficult to not cry. Especially in the last sentence, Stella's eyes would glaze over as tears would begin to flow lightly. As she couldn't resist any longer she would find her free hand moving to cup Veralias cheek. Brushing her cheek lightly.with her thumb as she pulled her closer, placing a gentle kiss on her lips before pulling away slightly and allowing there foreheads to rest against each other.

"I care alot about you to Veralia. I....wish we lived in more peaceful times."
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Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:01 pm



"Hey, are you...?"

Before Veralia could finish her concern for Stella's tears, she was silenced by the redhead's kiss. Surprised but not bothered, her protest changed to comforting affections. Moving her head forehead, Veralia returned her kiss as her eyes flickered with a deep softness. All she wanted to do was keep her partner safe and protected.

"Dear, there has never been a peaceful time in the world. All we can do is adapt to our circumstances as best as we can."

Speaking lovingly, Veralia moved her free hand to Stella's eyes. In a gentle motion, she wiped away the tears from her eyes and brushed their foreheads against each other. Her heart fluttered with warmth from the sheer touch of holding the redhead, so she pulled her closer into a hug and stroked her head.

“I can't promise what the future holds, but right now, while you're in my arms, everything will be alright."

You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:08 pm
Stella would allow her head to rest on the arancars chest. Pushing her back gently until they were laying on the blanket together. The park wasn't very crowded as alot of the animals actually just lived at the park. Stella allowed her head to rest on Vedalias chest for a few moments before leaning upwards and kissing her on the cheek again. Before a dot peck on her lips as Stella rolled over onto her back.

A cat and finding it's way up by her head before lying down as the dog she had been giving attention to found its way to her open side. Laying silently and quietly as Stella just turned and looked at the arancar as she gave a smile.

"Im just glad you're being open more with me. emotionally atleast. If you ever desire anything from me. You just have to ask..I'll do whatever I can to help you fulfil them. Or anytime you need to have your envy satiated.
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:46 pm



Did she really admit all that?

Veralia herself barely believed it, yet here she was in a park full of puppies and kittens with someone who wanted to do nothing but see her happy. A soft, pink blush followed once she realized what she was getting herself into. But against her reservations, Veralia still reached out and brushed Stella's head, enjoying being surrounded by the animals and her partner as a soft exhale of breath left her.

"Can't help but be direct. Shit, seeing you in the hospital like that was a wake-up call, I guess."

A slight concern was in her eyes as she looked down at Stella. It wasn't as if a scene like that won't happen again. Hell, with how often Veralia scarps, she pondered if it was only a matter of time before the roles were reversed. But such anxieties weren't helpful to have right now. Shutting her eyes, Veralia took a few calming breaths, grounding herself before she spoke again, her tone softer and more vulnerable.

"Lives can be arduously long or tragically short. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I don’t want to live with regrets. I can’t bear the thought of never telling you what you mean to me while I have the chance, Stella."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of her emotions, as Veralia opened her eyes, looking at Stella with a mixture of tenderness and resolve.

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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Tue Sep 03, 2024 11:56 pm
Stella would pull the arancar into a hug as she placed a small kiss on the arancars cheek. She obviously did not plan on dying, but the road she walked was a very dangerous one. She wanted to become powerful enough to truly make a difference in the world. She did feel a little bad for ever thinking she could give up her life easily. She couldn't bear the idea of leaving Veralia alone. Even though a part of her thought it wouldn't be hard to replace Stella. She really wasn't that special.

"Thank you Veralia."

As she would pull the arancar to her chest as she would allow both of them to enjoy the closeness for a moment. Stella appreciated not being teases for a few minutes as she kept the arancar close to her chest. Enjoying theolent. Acting like they're the only two in the world.
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:14 pm



Holding Stella in her arms under the trees with all the animals around them was heavenly. Feeling the warmth of her embrace was a sharp contrast to the coldness of her life. Recalling all the lonely nights, bloody battles, and the time spent only with her bitterness and envy made this moment all the more delightful. Her eyes softened further before they shut as she stroked the redhead's hair.

It was an arduous task, one she might never fully be able to keep, but Veralia wanted to protect this person she deeply cared for. The glow of life, kindness, and strength that Stella possessed was too precious to let fade. For now, though, all she wanted was to remain in this embrace, to hold on to the fleeting warmth.

"You're welcome, dear. I give you a lot of shit, but all we got is the moment, and I wanna make this moment last as long as I can."

A tender chuckle escaped her lips before she continued speaking with a more playful edge.

"Of course, one of these days, I’ll have to take you to my manor in Hueco Mundo…"

You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:08 pm
Stella would hum lightly in the embrace. Allowing all of her troubles to vanish as she sat happily with the arancar. Allowing herself to fully relax and try to forget about her worries. Listening to the arancars words made her heart warm as she nuzzled into her. Trying tk fight the yawn that was going to come any minute now. She hadn't been sleeping very well at all as of late. So she was struggling with her eyes closing, but hearing the last bit she may have found an opening for a tease of her own. Hoping to catch the arancar off guard.

"OH yeah? What's in store for me at your manor? It's gotta be something good for me to walk through all thst sand."

She spoke to the arancar, but wasn't able to fight the blush that made its way to her cheeks as she spoke. There was nothing she could do. Even like this she was embarrassed about stuff like that.
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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:14 pm



Veralia gently flicked Stella's nose as a soft laugh left her lips. It was nice to see the redhead finally now becoming relaxed after the hell she had been through recently. And the thought that her bitter-ass was able to have that effect on someone as precious as her partner made Veralia's cheek have a gentle shade of red briefly appear on them before she spoke.

"Hmmmmmmm, someone's eager to visit, huh? Since you have roommates, having a private space for you and me might be a nice change of pace."

Her words were breezy and carefree for the time being as she pondered over the realities of her coming to visit Hueco Mundo. Of course, she couldn't assure her safety if she left the security of her fort, but she still wanted them to share more of their worlds so it was a necessary evil.

"Just be warned—Hueco Mundo can be a dicey place, but my home is safe. I’ll defend you with my life if it comes to that."

Veralia's hand gently brushed against Stella’s cheek, her expression softening as her crimson eyes lingered on her partner with quiet resolve.

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You And I [Veralia/Stella] - Page 2 Empty Re: You And I [Veralia/Stella]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 3:52 am
Stella would notice the slight blush pop up on Veralias cheeks as she would feel a sense of pride in that. She'd lay back continuing to enjoy the embrace of the arancar as she breathed silently. Listening intently to what the other woman was saying as she tried to wiggle into a more comfortable position. Allowing a puppy to run up taking a place next to her as she smiled down gently to the smaller creature.

"It's not as bad as you would think. You know I probably couldn't live alone for very long. When I was staying in the hotel for my first month or two in the city I wasn't in my best spot."

Listening to the next bit, she was a little confused as to why she would ever even be in the Sands. She would have no reason to leave Veralias house unless she wad going back to the City of Lights.

"Well you don't have to worry about that. I want to get stronger, but I'm not stupid enough to wander the dunes. Besides, when I'm there I'm sure we'll be busy enough to keep me occupied."

She felt her cheeks heat up once more, but she continued to pet the pepper under her. Enjoying the feeling of the little ones fur between her fingers.
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