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Doku's Finally A Lil' More Quincy Empty Doku's Finally A Lil' More Quincy

Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:16 am

I. Upgrade Information

» Character Name: Doku Fischer
» Character Application:

» Upgrade Details:
Blut: Removed from Skill Sheet

Kreuzen: Untrained -> Beginner

» Spirit Weapon Name: Monstertöter

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: Doku's spirit weapon manifests as a whip. A simple blue whip of Reishi, the whip itself is 6 feet long.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities: The very juvenile whip doesn't do anything impressive just yet, though it can be used to wrap around a target and restrict them.

I. Supporting Material

Doku's Quincy abilities have always developed slowly, he can create bullets with his Reishi but not a full weapon like most Quincy. Never used Blut for him

» Summary:
No threads for this really since it's only Untrained to Beginner. I couldn't settle upon a Spirit Weapon for Doku when I initially created him, but I've had time to cook. Since his Quincy abilities will always be outshined by his fullbring I wanted something simple, literally just a Reishi whip. IC has been training for it since he was a kid, able to already make small bullets, he went to Germany to train with his Quincy family, plus I'd assume his Spirit Weapon would slowly come naturally with age.

» Threads:

I. Additional Information

Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
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Doku's Finally A Lil' More Quincy Empty Re: Doku's Finally A Lil' More Quincy

Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:59 pm
[mod]After previous issues have been fixed per discussion in DMs, this is Approved.[/mod]

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