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The Cat
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Fri Aug 23, 2024 11:28 am
KEEPER OF HADES [Dragon, Rangiku, Tento, Noharu] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

The Dragon followed suite into the soul society for the first time in her millennia of unliving. Taloned feet crushed the stone upon which she walked, her size causing tremors to emanate with each step the massive beast took. Her one wing stretched out, flapped in a sort of test of the airflow here, and then folded back against her body. And then she was gone. Where she ended up after that, she didn't know, but there was an abundance of shinigami already flooding out of their barracks to answer the call to defend. What poor, unfortunate souls they were.

Like a meteor barreling at full speed, The Dragon crashed down into those barracks and let her body's natural functions do their work. The force was enough to plow through the barrack's solid foundation and the power enough to crater the earth where she impacted. Anyone caught in said impact would simply be crushed, and those who didn't immediately die were then met with the explosion of acidic effluvia that billowed out from beneath her scales, forming a mushroom cloud a mile high into the air and reaching a quarter mile out from the impact in a matter of seconds.

Screams of despair would fill the locale, and just as soon as they started, most of them would stop. Flesh melted into goo and bones turned into dust until there was not a trace of those people left at all. Even the environment was left to rot and decay like it was being digested in the open air, and in a matter of minutes walls would collapse and the ground would become a hazard. But that hadn't happened yet.

"Meaningless morsels... Is there not any more filling food nearby?" The Dragon lamented as the gray gaseous effluvia returned to her body and the digested Shinigami along with it. Soon the environment was clear again, but who knows how long it would be until she found her next prey. Until then, The Dragon wandered aimlessly. Her senses piqued and listening for the real threats that she knew existed, but she otherwise took her time until given a reason otherwise.
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Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:27 am
Rangiku had a squad of shinigami with her as she was trying to respond to the situation at had. Huge threats had began to attack the seretei and Rangiku found herself nearing a big flying hollow as she looked to her squad. There was nothing they were going to be able to do to the dragon so she spoke out to them.

"Go help anyone you can. I'll take care of the Adjucha. You guys go and provide support else where."

She could tell this hollow seemed to be incredibly dangerous. She would flash step up on top of a building as she would allow her spiritual pressure to flex out as she released her zanpakto. Hoping to lead the hollow to her instead of the group of 8 shinigami she had just sent off in the opposite direction.

"Growl Haineko"

The blade of her sword would turn into dust as it would float around her body. She kept her hilt close to her. It's been awhile since she's been in a true life or death fight. It's time to see how she can handle herself these days. She didn't sense anyone around. Was she going to have to fight this monster alone?
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Sat Aug 24, 2024 2:05 pm
KEEPER OF HADES [Dragon, Rangiku, Tento, Noharu] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

It all began with a sunset. The radiant rays beaming to a quiet peaceful half of his day when it all went out of spiral. In a drop of a hat there was a quick sense of power far away. Tento's head shot up from his paper as the sensation of a world ending pressure shook the Soul Society. With a flare the deafening sounds of emergency sirens filled the barracks as the beats of war began. Feet pounded the ground, voices yelled, chaotic actions transpired as the 4th stopped what they were doing and immediately went into action.

The sound of explosions awoke the 5th seats spirit. The gravity of the situation quickly came to the Shinigami's senses as he was already on the move. Standing out of his room with zanpatuko in hand. The fast pace tightening of his Shihakusho and the placement of his 5th seat badge onto his right shoulder. Tento's voice roared over the voice of the blazing alarm within the 4th division sector. Every utterance filled with determination, urgency, and yet calmness. “No, this is not a drill. Grab your teams and move out! Lend aid to combatants, slow down foes, and be the first there if needed. Send some squads over to kido Division to ensure they have protection for healing!”, if what he was sensing…and they were a number of them growing. A large number of powerful hollows somehow got into the Soul Society. And with what he could feel there were going to be plenty injured…

Do not face anyone you can't handle, especially alone unless it is absolutely necessary. We are the blades of the Gotei. It does no good having you fall for no reason where you could have bested another”, Tento gripped his zanpakuto before feeling a burst of a well familiar energy as she burst through a ceiling of the barracks. The 3rd seat was already out on the move, and he could only give a chuckle and smirk at her action.

Remain calm. Locate the threat. We need to defeat them one at a time and show them what happens when they dare attack the Soul society!!”.

The 4th dispersed. Each going to do their duty as the death squad. “Soar, Shiomaru!”. With haste Tento went on the move. Standing on a roof sensing for energy nearby wondering where to go when it was answered for him. The ground shook before he sensed its energy. Tremors shaking his foundation like its spiritual energy. And the silence fading from other energies.

“Dang it…”, it was so much already. The size of that hollow and the mushroom cloud bursting high in the air expanding out. Acid. With a flash step he was on his way. Hurrying to close the distance when he felt another energy ignite. Hurrying to do a number of flash steps, Tento appeared on a building next to her as his own spiritual energy began to spike. “Want some back up Vice Captain, Rangiku?”, Tento asked before quickly calling out to his zanpakuto spirit, energy bending together to make their pressure strong and heavy like a growing storm. His zanpakuto in movement, a slow twirl as the wind gathered around him.

Light in the Dark | End Post

KEEPER OF HADES [Dragon, Rangiku, Tento, Noharu] Tentos10
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KEEPER OF HADES [Dragon, Rangiku, Tento, Noharu] Empty Re: KEEPER OF HADES [Dragon, Rangiku, Tento, Noharu]

Sat Aug 24, 2024 2:58 pm
A hundred years was such a long time. And yet the instincts after all this time still felt so very fresh. When the calm quiet of the evening suddenly was punctured by the explosive release of spiritual pressure. Noharu had already gone on the move.

The loud booms of explosive attacks. Releases. Screaming. Dying. All of it honed into a sharp, unerring focus. And Noharu was a shadow amidst the chaos. So many drew weapons and faced off against the invaders. But not her. Those she encountered heard not a sound when thin red wire tore out their throat or sliced through their middle.

When Dragon pulled in that dust and stood over the tuins of her initial attack, she’d no doubt be able to clearly see Tento and Rangiku preparing to fight. As well as a sound thatpulsed palpably through the entire area. And to Rangiku and Tento, they would feel a slight tingle of spiritual energy as faint red lines would form on their clothing.


What she might struggle to catch sight of was the blur of a blonde woman flashing across her vision. Pale skin and shining hair a flash of contrast as the woman would streak past the hollow’s nose, bright red wings aiming to try and tear across the Hollow’s eyes. Intent on trying to temporatily blind the creature. A very visible threat.

All while the real Noharu shot down from above. Her body blurring as she vanished and slammed into the ground beneath Dragon in a kneeling position. Twin blades formed from those red strings in either hand. A lightning fast slash aimed to try and shear through Dragon’s spine as well as those big leathery wings. Both her and her clone attempting to cripple the hollow in a sudden blistering execution of Hoho.

It wouldn’t be nearly enough to slay the beast. Hollows notoriously could keep fighting until their masks were destroyed. But she also knew that she wasnt going to be able to cut this thing cleanly alone.

”Third Seat Asahi’s Clone reporting for duty!” One of Noharu’s afterimages would suddenly appear between Rangiku and Tento. Entirely Naked. She’d already released her Bankai, only Rangiku would recognize it but only from how Noharu had once described it. If either of then reached out the afterimage, despite its ability to speak would not be physical enough to interact with. Those had to be saved for their target.

”No time for chitchat fuckwads! No dilly dallying. Rangiku keep that dust from getting everywhere I know you can kick up dust storms with yours. Tento you and me are on chopping duty. Cripple it. Then were going to use our strongest hits to try and pop that mask like a prom night cherry. Blood and Vinegar!” Rangiku would recognize both the colorful language as well as the hard, steely tone of Noharu in duty mode.

No names. No ‘stop villain’ speeches.

Just one thick dragussy to slay.

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The Cat
The Cat
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Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:17 am
KEEPER OF HADES [Dragon, Rangiku, Tento, Noharu] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

It was the arrival of the first two Shinigami that got the Dragon to stop where she was walking, and it was their chatter that made her eager to kill. She could tell these ones would sate at least some of her hunger. Temporarily, of course. But then came the sudden appearance of something else, something far faster and with much more potential. If it weren't for her animalistic instincts, she wouldn't have reacted in time.

The first attack Noharu made whiffed only by an inch as the Dragon recoiled just out of reach, then the rest hit scales as she took off into the sky and twisted her body around to angle her wings out of the way of what came next. By the time Noharu was done, the Dragon was several dozen feet in the air and audibly sucking in air that was bellowed out in a screech so shrill and loud that any normal person would have gone deaf.

Food. Yes, food. That was what she came here for. And this food was dangerous. Dangerous food was nourishing, gave her strength, and all three of them could prove to be dangerous. Yes, this was a feast. One she was glad to earn by natural right of survival of the fittest.

That was why she went full blast straight from the get go.

Effluvia erupted from her every scale, bursting forth in a series of flowing streams of gas. Every inch of her was surrounded in it and any contact would prove very painful. It wasn't so fast as to immediately engulf her opposers, though. Not until she took direct control and, with a flick of a claw, her revolving effluvial storm started to split several long, flowing streams off of it that would each individually target a Shinigami, moving as fast as sound.

Her goal here was to simply devour as it would be with any other Hollow. The ulterior motives of Ichigo and his companions meant nothing to her. This was a time to feast, and the Dragon would never get a chance like this again.

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Mon Aug 26, 2024 9:59 pm
Rangiku would look for an opening. She saw the dragon was kicking up dust, and she realized that this could be used to her advantage. She would use her hilt swinging it upward as Hainekos dust rushed up into the cloud as it would push it up in the air. Managing to hold it back in a stalemate. The only issue is that the blonde was now down a zanpakto. This wouldn't stop her from trying to go on the offensive. Atleast a little bit. Deciding to use the rubble for her advantage she would begin to chant. Ending in a Hadō.

"Hadō #57. Daichi Ten'yō"

As she lifted a few rocks with the Hadō and flung them at the dragon. Attempting to barrage it with debris enough to get its attention. OR leave an opening for Noharu and Tento to do their thing.
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Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:34 pm
KEEPER OF HADES [Dragon, Rangiku, Tento, Noharu] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Gazing up at the two and a half story tall hollow, Tento thought that the two of them were going to be in for a rough time of a fighting. Manageable but they would have to be very careful. All around he could sense it as Tento trained his eyes on the monster before him. War. Distant howls of death, screams of pain hollow and Shinigami alike.Explosions rocking the group as kido and cero were fired. Spikes in spiritual pressure as Shinigami upon Shinigami called upon their zanpakuto to defend their home. Many Tento felt flashes of recognition.

An explosive banaki on the level of the 4ths captain with…some energy twisted and broken that seemed to be violently superior even to that. Lerna and a lot of weaker Shiniagni facing off against a familiar hollow energy that Tento could not quite place a name to. Shura and another struggling against a strong arrancar. Double energy attacks being fired left and right. His Vice Captain, Rio releasing her Shikai against an overwhelming spiritual pressure that matched Captain Kanae. But as well as something that startled him internally. Two Captain’s power going off in banaki with no hollow energy nearby that he could sense…

Captain Kanae and another Captain level Shinigami…

Just when things could not get chaotic enough. A pulsing sound came before a a tingle of a freshly acquired spiritual energy was felt before a blonde comet came streaking buzzing around the dragon hollow before landing between himself and Rangiku. It was Noharu!!! …naked. OH MY SOUL KING. she was petite but did she have that thang on her!!!

Hearing the vulgar language did nothing to shock him. That was nothing compared to what they had to deal with. And as Rangiku's dust from her shikai broke off to block the three way gas attack he had little doubt what he needed to do. With a spin of his body Tento swiped his fan in a wide arc, letting loose a wide strong gust of wind to knock away any fleeting puffs of gas that managed to slither past her dust defense towards him before he disappeared in a flash. Appearing at a pincers anger to one of Noharu’s clones off in the distance.. Tento was silent, no wise cracks. Flirty comments about the two women fighting alongside him just a cold iron determined resolve.

Shiomaru…I know I don't have the best control yet. But we can't waste time here!

Hidden in the middle of Rangiku's kido. Using the debris for a moment. He closed his eyes and Tento's inner world ignited as he felt Shiomaru heeded his call. A storm of wind gathered around him as the sky began to turn gray and the air grew volatile. He could feel the pulsating energy of his zanpakuto, an extension of his very soul, calling out to him. With a sudden inhalation, his eyes snapped open, a fierce brown flame dancing within their depths. The ground far beneath his feet cracked, energy radiating outwards as he drew upon the full power of his spirit weapon. The air grew heavy as the atmosphere shifted, charged with a palpable force of Tento's zanpakuto began to resonate with a low hum, vibrating with the power of a thousand storms. The blade itself seemed to come alive, its surface shimmering with a spectral light that was both beautiful and terrifying.

“Ban-kai, Shiō Gomonzen”

With a roar that echoed through the battlefield, Tento unleashed his zanpakuto’s power. A brilliant arc of light erupted from the blade, carving through the air as his form was overtaken. A black fog of energy heavy enough to be mistaken for a hollow's energy signature washed over Tento before he shot out before the black energy vanished. A hollow mask on Tento's face, a mantle in the shape of a lion's mane running down his back from his head and shoulders. A plentitude of feathers in the shape of two large plumes of feathers sprouted as wings flapped as his head was covered by a hawk shaped helmet. A set of armored covering his shoulders and full length of his arms; a taloned gauntlet over his right and a clawed lion's shaped gauntlet over his left. With a heave Tento swiped his his left hand forward in the shape of a paw strike, a highly concentered push of wind in the shape of a lion's face ROOOOOAR as it made it way head fast toward's the dragon's front right leg.

Light in the Dark | End Post

KEEPER OF HADES [Dragon, Rangiku, Tento, Noharu] Tentos10
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Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:28 pm
KEEPER OF HADES [Dragon, Rangiku, Tento, Noharu] Wye3cbmprk4

They all were moving. That was good, and to her surprise, Tento was even unleashing bankai. she didn't have time to be surprised about any of that. IT didnt' matter, and that loud, booming heartbeat would stay steady, as the slow spreading red across Tento And Rangiku's clothing would finally begin to finally get that full red sheen to it, very slightly tinting the color of the fabric as her Bankai took it's effect.

Glowing threads coiled around her as she locked her gaze onto the dragon. With the sudden burst of wind from Tento and Rangiku's surge of her Shikai cleared the way between them and the beast themselves. She crouched down and tensed the muscles in her legs, building up energy inside of her. She could tell that this beast was tough, just any regular old attack wasn't going to make the cut. It was going to be exhausting, but she'd have to go full force. A slow, steady breath as her spiritual pressure spiked, and the glow of that red thread intensified.

The space between herself and the dragon was eliminated in an instant as she shot towards the Dragon with a shunpo. IF the dragon really was able to keep up with her tremendous speed while she was in bankai, she'd be treated to the sight of her frame twisting mid-shunpo to rip past the creature's shoulder, a lash of that red thread blade aiming to cleave along Dragon's shoulder and throat in passing, and then slicing down the length of the Dragon's spine.

This thing was tough, but it wasn't invincible. Rather than simply tanking the attacks, the creature had attempted to avoid her strikes. All she had to do was keep up the pressure. Hollows after all tended to go for the tastiest soul first. Of all those present, she had a pretty good idea that She would be the prime target. All she needed was enough cover to keep her busy so that one of the others could land a decisive blow.

"Cmon fuckboy! Let's see what you got behind that scrotum you call a dermis! Or are you just another fuckin piece of trash Hollow?~" She chimed up to the dragon with a grin. Curious to see if this being was sentient, and even more, if it could be baited. It was fine, the form that was taunting dragon was one of her special after images infused with spirit energy. Intangible, but able to speak and gesture like the real thing. Speaking of, The real Noharu was repositioning herself. Keeping her eyes open, watching the flow of that acidic dust. She had already seen what it could do, she wasn't planning on turning herself into a pile of mush.
The Cat
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Sat Aug 31, 2024 7:04 am
KEEPER OF HADES [Dragon, Rangiku, Tento, Noharu] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

None of it was worth stressing about. From the dust of Haineko that blew her acidic effluvia away, to the lion-shaped attack that barreled towards her, to even the attacks that Noharu aimed at her vitals. None of them would hit.

The moment she was exposed, The Dragon's instincts naturally swapped to acknowledge this. With a kick off of the air, she leapt over the rocks that Rangiku had flung at her, twisted her figure to narrowly avoid Tento's attack, all while Noharu's simply scraped against her thick scales. There were some bloody gashes left, but nothing so deep that it would matter to The Dragon. If anything, it was like papercuts. They'd have to try harder than that to hurt her.

But in the realm of hurting, The Dragon was queen. Just as quickly as her dust had been blown away, she regathered it with a deep, audible inhale, sucking it back into her body and straight into her lungs as her eyes focused on a new smell. A fake hollow, a Vizard or whatever they were called. A Shinigami attempting to mimic the power of their mortal foes.

Her eyes fell upon Tento as The Dragon hovered in the air, still twisted from when she had narrowly avoided their attacks. She had barely begun to twist back into an upright position when she suddenly thrashed her neck in the direction of Tento, jaws unhinging horrifically as the effluvia she had just inhaled was roared out of her lungs and straight at the Vizard at mach speeds. Noharu might have been the juiciest soul, but the Dragon had something other Hollows didn't.


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Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:15 pm
Rangiku would watch the dust be inhaled and instantly begin to regroup Haineko. She knew that the dust was probably going to come back out somewhere. She didn't think the dragon was stupid so she knew it wasn't going to be going towards Noharu. The blur would just be out of the way before the dust even came close. It would be pointless to shoot it at her because of Haineko. Looking over to Tento she would flash step over just as the dragon had selected its target.

As the dust began to barrel out towards the both of them, Rangiku would swing the hilt up as Haineko would collide with the dust once again. Lifting it into the air and keeping it from striking Tento as she looked around to see any openings. She wasn't going to both with kido again as it hadn't worked the the first time. For now she was going to be on the defensive protecting Tento. Noharu was a big girl, she didn't need the extra hand.

"Tento if you have a plan. do it."
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