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[Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos Empty [Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos

Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:44 am

I. Basic Information

» Name: Quinn Varilos
» Alias: None, yet
» Age: 119
» Gender: Male

» Association: Gotei United, 4th Division, Unseated

» Appearance Written: Quinn is about average height for his young age at 5'4 (162.56), but is a bit heavier than he looks at 117.5lbs (53.29 kg). The extra weight is thanks to toned muscle gained through decades of training and limited combat. His golden-blonde hair compliment his curious blue eyes. He is often seen wearing the Gotei's uniform with his sword hanging from his hip. However, the most striking feature is Quinn's blindfold. The thick, black blindfold covers Quinn's eyes almost all of the time. When he's serious, Quinn will take off his blindfold to use his eyes and echo-sight simultaneously.

Another attention grabber for those near Quinn is his Zanpakto. The blade is about 25% longer than an average katana but most would note the gentle musical tones that emanate from the blade even in its sealed state.

Under his clothes, Quinn has kept his many scars from his mortal life. The scars hint at his harsh life, showing off various stabs and cuts, burns, and even a few hollow attacks. Besides his scars, his tanned skin is smooth.

» Appearance Image:

I. Personality

» Personality:
Confident and Approachable:
On the surface, Quinn presents himself as a confident and approachable individual. His experiences and training have given him a strong sense of self-assurance, which he uses to engage with others effectively. He’s often seen as friendly and open, someone who can easily strike up a conversation and offer support or guidance to those around him. He carries an air of optimism, often encouraging others and showing a willingness to help, especially newer members of the Gotei who may be struggling with their training or adapting to their roles.

Loyal and Dutiful:
Quinn is deeply loyal to the Gotei United and takes his duties seriously. In social settings, he often speaks highly of the organization and its mission, expressing his commitment to upholding its values. He actively participates in group activities and training sessions, often stepping up as a leader or mentor when needed. His loyalty extends to his comrades, whom he views as family, given his past losses. This loyalty sometimes manifests as an overprotective nature, particularly towards those he perceives as vulnerable.

Reflective and Self-Critical:
Beneath his confident exterior, Quinn is highly reflective and often self-critical. He constantly evaluates his actions and decisions, questioning whether he’s done enough or could have acted differently in various situations. This introspection is partly driven by his desire to be the best version of himself, both as a Shinigami and as a person. He is acutely aware of his weaknesses, particularly his struggles with Kido and his ongoing battle to control his inner hollow, and these weaknesses fuel his determination to improve.

Resilient but Cautious:
Quinn’s past has made him resilient, able to endure hardships and bounce back from setbacks. However, this resilience is tempered by a cautious approach to life. He is wary of making mistakes that could have serious consequences, especially when it comes to his inner hollow. This caution can sometimes make him hesitate in critical moments, as he weighs the potential risks and outcomes of his actions. He’s also cautious about forming deep connections with others, fearing the pain of loss that has haunted him since childhood.

Determined and Disciplined:
At his core, Quinn is driven by a strong sense of determination and discipline. His childhood experiences of loss and survival have instilled in him an unyielding will to succeed and protect those around him. He approaches his training and duties with rigorous discipline, often pushing himself beyond his limits to hone his skills and control over his inner hollow. This determination is what keeps him going, even in the face of overwhelming challenges, and it is the foundation of his identity as a Vizard and a Shinigami.

Haunted by Loss:
The core of Quinn’s character is also deeply marked by the losses he has endured. The deaths of his parents and the hardships he faced growing up alone have left him with a lingering sense of grief and guilt. He feels a strong responsibility to prevent others from experiencing the pain he went through, which drives much of his actions. This aspect of his personality is something he rarely shows to others, but it fuels his relentless pursuit of strength and control, as well as his protective nature.

Fear of Losing Control:
Quinn’s greatest fear, which he keeps hidden from everyone, is losing control over his inner hollow. Despite his efforts to maintain control, there is always a part of him that worries about what might happen if he were to succumb to the hollow’s influence. This fear is a constant, underlying anxiety that affects his interactions and decisions. He’s particularly afraid that his hollow might harm those he cares about or that he might be ostracized by the Gotei United if his control slips.

Desire for Redemption:
Deep down, Quinn harbors a desire for redemption, not just for his past actions as a human but also for the presence of the hollow within him. He sees his journey as a Vizard as a chance to atone for the things he did out of desperation in his youth, and for the hollow that now resides within him. This desire for redemption drives him to prove his worth continually, to himself and to those around him, even if he never openly acknowledges it. It’s a private struggle, one that he believes he must face alone.

» Likes:
1. Music: Quinn grew up with his mother's singing to ease his daily worries. This love of sound and music extended to music of various types when Quinn joined his school's dance class and found music from around the world. What he listens to depends on his mood and what he is doing. Even after so long, he still remembers his mother's voice even if her face is blank. As a Shinigami, his selection of music has increased exponentially.
2. Training: Improving himself has helped Quinn stay alive during his mortal life. He also enjoyed helping out where he could and training increased the number of ways and the level at which he could help. As a Shinigami, his training has shifted to a combat focus. Add the thrill of fighting and Quinn's glee of training has only grown stronger.

» Dislikes:
1. Lima beans: Having had these beans multiple times due to eating what he could, Quinn never liked lima beans. Being forced to eat them made the kid grow to hate them with a passion. He doesn't like the texture and hates the taste.
2. Winter: As a mortal, with the war going on, Quinn had to move regularly. This led him to experience places of true cold even to the point of near death. This buried a disdain for cold and winter. This revulsion has decreased during his time as a Visard to due the benefits of a tougher body and training.

I. History

» History:
Mortal Life, Early Childhood
Quinn Varilos was born in a peaceful suburb of America, several years before the unexpected arrival of Hollows and the onset of World War 3. His early childhood was a time of joy, curiosity, and exploration, filled with the innocent wonders of a young boy discovering the world around him.

From the very beginning, Quinn's life was influenced by music. His mother, blessed with a warm mezzo-soprano voice, sang to him even before he was born. Her soothing melodies filled their home, creating a comforting atmosphere that made his early years feel safe and magical. She would sing nursery rhymes to lull him to sleep, and as he grew, she began composing her own songs, which became Quinn’s favorite tunes. These songs were his first experience with the world beyond his immediate senses, filled with emotions he couldn’t yet name but felt deeply.

As Quinn grew, his fascination with music only intensified. He often begged his mother to sing for him and spent hours trying to mimic her songs. This love for rhythm and melody naturally led him to join dance classes when he started school. There, he discovered a whole new world of music—ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and classical. He embraced them all, delighting in the way his body could express the beats and flows of each genre.

Dance also taught Quinn about flexibility and grace. His instructors noticed his natural ability to bend and stretch in ways that even some of the older children couldn’t. This talent became a point of pride for him, and he began training to improve his flexibility even further, finding joy in pushing his limits. His favorite moments were when he would come home from dance class, and his mother would sing while he practiced his moves in their living room, the two of them sharing a bond through music and motion.

Despite his cheerful nature, Quinn was a typical child who occasionally found himself in trouble, whether it was for climbing trees he shouldn’t have or getting into minor fights with other kids. He learned quickly that actions have consequences, and these early lessons in right and wrong helped shape his moral compass. However, his troublemaking was always innocent—never malicious—and his bright smile often got him out of the worst scrapes.

WW3: A New World
Quinn's carefree childhood was shattered when the Hollows began their assault on the world, triggering the catastrophic events that led to World War 3. His once-quiet neighborhood became a war zone almost overnight. Screams filled the air, and shadows of monstrous creatures loomed over his home. The safety he had always known was replaced by fear and confusion.

Quinn’s parents did their best to shield him from the horrors outside, but it wasn’t long before the conflict reached their doorstep. His father, a sturdy man with a calm demeanor, took charge of their family’s safety. They moved constantly, seeking shelter wherever they could, avoiding the battles that seemed to erupt without warning. His mother’s songs became a rare comfort, sung softly at night when they were sure they were alone and safe.

During these chaotic times, Quinn’s playful nature had to adapt quickly to the harsh realities around him. His father began teaching him basic survival skills—how to move silently, how to hide, and most importantly, how to run. Quinn’s natural flexibility came in handy as he learned to navigate through narrow alleys, slip under debris, and climb over obstacles.

One day, while they were scavenging for supplies, they encountered an old man who moved with an uncanny ease despite being blind. Fascinated, Quinn watched as the man clicked his tongue and hummed softly, using the echoes to navigate his surroundings. When Quinn asked him about it, the man explained that he had learned to use sound to see, much like a bat. Eager to learn, Quinn asked the man to teach him. The old man agreed, and thus began Quinn’s journey into echolocation.

It wasn’t easy—Quinn spent many days blindfolded, stumbling and tripping, but he persisted. His young mind adapted quickly, and soon he was able to move with a surprising degree of accuracy using only sound. His new skill became invaluable as they navigated through the darkness, often needing to move quietly at night to avoid detection.

The world continued to crumble around them, and survival became a daily struggle. Quinn and his parents eventually joined a group of survivors who banded together for safety. This makeshift community became his new family, and Quinn was determined to help in any way he could. He learned various skills from the others—how to start a fire, how to set traps, and how to find clean water.

However, tragedy struck when a Hollow attack caught them by surprise. In the chaos, Quinn’s mother was killed, and his father barely managed to carry him to safety. The loss of his mother was a devastating blow to Quinn. The songs that once filled his life with joy were now painful reminders of what he had lost. He spent days in a daze, barely responsive, his spirit crushed by grief.

It was his father’s unwavering love and determination that eventually pulled Quinn out of his despair. Watching his father continue to protect and care for him, even in his own grief, sparked a resolve in Quinn to keep going, to survive in honor of his mother’s memory.

Pain's of Death & The Joys of Safety
After losing his mother, Quinn and his father continued to move with their group, but the world grew even more dangerous. As time went on, his father, too, succumbed to the violence of the war, leaving Quinn an orphan. Alone and desperate, Quinn joined a gang of survivors who took him in, offering a rough sense of family and protection in exchange for his loyalty and work.

As Quinn grew older, he began taking on more dangerous tasks for the gang. His flexibility and stealth made him a valuable asset in scavenging missions, often sent to sneak into places others couldn’t reach. It was during one of these missions that Quinn discovered a talent for wielding bladed weapons. A knife felt natural in his hand, almost as if it were an extension of his own body. This discovery led him to practice with other weapons, and he quickly developed a reputation within the gang for his skills.

One day, while out on a mission with a few others, they were ambushed by a powerful Hollow. As the Hollow hunted, it crashed through the building Quinn and his friends were raiding. The flying debris injured a couple while a larger chunk of the wall hit and landed on Quinn. As the beast continued on its way, Quinn was slowly crushed to death by the piece of wall.

Quinn is saved by one of the two Shinigami who was chasing the Hollow. The Shinigami sent the newly dead boy to the Soul Society, where Quinn could start again.

A New Life in Soul Society
Upon arriving in the Soul Society, Quinn found himself in the chaotic and often brutal world of the Rukongai. Adjusting to this new life was difficult, as the memories of his past and the struggles of the new place reminded him of Earth. But, his experiences as a Mortal helped him adjust.

Quinn quickly adapted to the rough lifestyle of the Rukongai, applying the survival skills he had learned on Earth. He found work where he could, performing odd jobs for meager pay and a place to stay. Despite the hardships, Quinn felt a strange sense of peace, free from the constant threat of Hollows and the chaotic war that had consumed his mortal life.
A Hollow's Last Bite

A few years after joining the Rukongai population as another nameless soul, Quinn was living his life, doing what he had to survive. He had gotten a job that paid in a small place to stay and food. So, the kid was content.

Though quite rare, sometimes, Hollows find their way into the Soul Society even if their presence is quickly detected. While the average Hollow rampaged around Quinn's home Rukongai district, the lad became a target for the starving beast. With a Shinigami hunting it, the Hollow bit Quinn hard, gaining perchance on a good part of his torso. With immense pain and terror making him helpless, Quinn could only crawl away while the infection slowly took root. Before the Hollow could actually eat the boy, a team of Soul Reapers found and attacked the beast.

A Fresh Hope
As the fight fell into the Shinigami's favor, an older Shinigami pulled away to help Quinn. Seeing the infection, the elderly lady called in for help while doing what she could. This led to Quinn's spiritual infection being slowed and brought under control. Though, he was given the offer to become a Shinigami with the news that proper training could help him gain control.

With his infection temporarily under control, Quinn listened to the Shinigami explain what it took to become a Shinigami and what benefits that came with it. But, they also told him about their duties, both mundane and dangerous. Though, with his inner hollow quickly forming, the boy chose to begin his journey to become a Shinigami, a Vizard to be exact.

Acceptance into Shin'ō Academy
Quinn’s entrance into Shin'ō Academy was a turning point in his new life. He passed the entrance exam due to his innate spiritual abilities and his determination to learn. At the Academy, Quinn threw himself into his studies, eager to make the most of this second chance.

His natural affinity for blades was immediately apparent when he was introduced to his Asauchi, the blank Zanpakuto given to all students. The weight and balance of the sword felt familiar and right in his hand, almost as if calling out to him. He excelled in Zanjutsu, quickly advancing through his classes and demonstrating a level of skill that surpassed many of his peers.

However, his focus on Zanjutsu came at a cost. Quinn’s obsession with mastering the blade caused him to neglect his other studies, falling behind in Kidō and Hakuda. His instructors noted his potential but also warned him about the dangers of over-specialization. Despite this, Quinn continued to push himself, determined to become a master swordsman.

The Blade Calls
As Quinn’s training progressed, he found himself increasingly drawn to his Zanpakuto. The blade seemed to resonate with him, responding to his every thought and movement. He spent countless hours in the training grounds, practicing until exhaustion, driven by an insatiable need to improve. While getting strange looks, Quinn returned to dancing when he could, now with a blade in hand, he began to adopt a more aggressive edge to his flow.

His classmates often found him in the courtyard, practicing alone late into the night, his focus unwavering. The weight of his past and the constant struggle with his inner Hollow fueled his desire to master the sword, to find a sense of control in a world that had taken so much from him.

Despite his single-mindedness, Quinn’s instructors began to see a change in him. His intense focus on the blade was slowly transforming into something more—a deeper understanding of himself and his place in the world. His Zanpakuto, once a tool, was becoming a partner, a reflection of his soul and his journey.

Joining the Gotei United and Unlocking Shikai
Upon graduation, Quinn was uncertain about which Division to join. His skills with the sword made him a prime candidate for the combat-oriented divisions, but his unique abilities as a Vizard and his inner Hollow set him apart from his peers. Despite his uncertainty, Quinn was thrilled to have graduated and eager to continue his journey.

He continued to train rigorously, often seeking out sparring partners and testing his skills against stronger opponents. It was during one of these intense training sessions that he finally unlocked his Shikai. The release of his Zanpakuto, Reitōri, marked a significant milestone in his growth as a Shinigami and a Vizard.

Though his Shikai was still weak and in need of development, Quinn felt a sense of accomplishment and purpose. With the new dual scimitars, his journey was far from over, but he was no longer the scared, confused boy he once was. With Reitōri by his side and a determination to master both his Shinigami and Hollow powers, Quinn was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Further Training
While waiting for a division assignment, Quinn continued training with his Zanpakuto and Flash Step. Though, more often than not, Quinn ended up rubbing his face after slamming into walls. Adding to his blade work, Quinn found help in controlling his inner Hollow. While forgoing more abilities, the young Vizard focused his days on keeping his mask on and under control for longer. More powers could come after he could extend the time he had.

He often shivered at the change in his spirit as he donned the mask, feeling his Hollow closer to his mind. Every time he puts on his mask, Ekiga's voice insults him, whispering in his ear. But Quinn continues to use the mask up to his limit as much as he can, determined to master this part of himself just as he had mastered his swordsmanship.

Last edited by AnubisRat on Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:07 am; edited 17 times in total (Reason for editing : Spelling errors.)
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[Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos

Wed Aug 21, 2024 1:54 pm
I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:
Sonic Resistance: Being born with slumbering power in his soul, the worldwide increase in spirit energy slowly unlocked Quinn's latent abilities. One of these abilities is a heightened durability to loud sound, sonic waves and vibrations. While not immune, Quinn can withstand stronger sonic based effects before incurring injuries. Loud noises that would deafen others just annoys Quinn. Vibrations that would affect his internal organs simply cause discomfort. Though, Quinn's resistance does have a limit. This sonic durability gives Quinn an 80% increase in his defense against sound and sonic vibration.

Echo-Reikaku: Quinn has worn a blindfold as part of his mortal training that continues into his Vizard life to help slowly develop an echolocation. This allowed him to navigate without light and eventually sight. After becoming a Vizard, this echolocation mixed with his spiritual senses. Now, this power has the normal Reikaku sense alongside his echolocation. The combination of echolocation and trained spirit senses has increased the detail with which Quinn can see while wearing his blindfold. When needed, he will remove his blindfold to use his eyesight too.


Melee Combat:

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:




I. Zanpakuto

» Zanpakutō Name: Reitōri (零音鳥, "Silent Bird")

» Zanpakutō Spirit:
Reitōri takes the form of an ethereal bird with long, flowing feathers that seem to be made of pure sound waves. The bird’s body is translucent, with shimmering, iridescent feathers that shift between shades of blue and silver. Her eyes are a deep, resonant gold, glowing softly as if filled with ancient knowledge. Reitōri is slightly larger than a hawk, with wings that span wider than Quinn’s height when fully extended. The edges of her feathers seem to blur and ripple as if they are in constant motion, like the air vibrating from a powerful note.

Reitōri takes the form of a majestic, ethereal bird, slightly larger than a hawk, with an elongated body and elegant wings. The bird’s overall form is sleek and graceful, with an almost mystical quality to its movements. Its body appears to be composed of an ever-shifting mist of sound waves, giving it a semi-transparent, almost ghostly appearance. The edges of its feathers constantly ripple and shimmer as if they are not fully solid, but made of vibrating air.

The feathers of Reitōri are a mesmerizing blend of deep blues, silvers, and iridescent whites, which seem to change color depending on the angle of light and the movement of the spirit. The feathers are thin and delicate, resembling the strings of a finely tuned instrument, each one emitting a soft hum as it vibrates with ambient energy. When Reitōri moves, its feathers leave behind a trail of shimmering sound waves, like ripples on water, that fade slowly into the air.

Reitōri’s eyes are a deep, resonant gold, glowing softly with a warm, inviting light. They seem to be filled with ancient wisdom and understanding, reflecting both kindness and the weight of countless years of knowledge. The eyes of Reitōri are intense and captivating, drawing one’s gaze as if looking into the very essence of sound itself. They have a calming effect, often bringing a sense of peace and clarity to those who look into them.

Reitōri’s wings are large and wide, resembling those of a great eagle, but with an ethereal quality that makes them appear almost otherworldly. Each wing is adorned with long, flowing feathers that extend well beyond the tips, creating a soft, glowing aura around them. When Reitōri flaps its wings, the feathers emit a melodic chime, like the gentle ringing of wind chimes in a breeze. These wings can also extend and retract with fluid grace, creating a visual symphony of sound waves that ripple through the air.

The tail feathers of Reitōri are long and ribbon-like, trailing behind it in a mesmerizing dance of color and light. These feathers resemble the strings of a musical instrument, each one vibrating at a different frequency, producing a harmonious hum that fills the air with a soothing melody. The tail feathers are not just decorative but also serve as a conduit for Reitōri’s sound-based abilities, allowing it to control and manipulate sound waves with precision.

Reitōri is calm, wise, and patient, mirroring Quinn's composed exterior but also reflecting his inner struggles. The spirit is a steady presence, guiding Quinn with soft, melodic tones and whispers of advice. Reitōri values harmony and balance, emphasizing the importance of control, both over oneself and over the environment. However, there is also a fierce protective instinct within Reitōri, akin to a mother bird guarding her nest. Given that Quinn's relationship with Reitōri is somewhat new, he still has more to learn about the bird.

» Inner World: Quinn’s inner world is an expansive, twilight-lit landscape with rolling hills and a sky perpetually cast in shades of deep blue and violet, resembling the moments just before dawn. The air is filled with the soft hum of resonating frequencies, creating a sense of calm and focus. The centerpiece of this world is a massive, ancient tree standing at the center of a serene lake. The tree’s branches are adorned with chimes and feathers that sing when touched by the breeze, creating a symphony of gentle sounds that echo across the landscape. The lake’s surface is perfectly still, reflecting the sky and tree in a mirror-like manner, representing Quinn’s need for inner peace and balance. Reitōri often perches on the highest branch of the tree, overlooking the world with a watchful eye, occasionally swooping down to interact with Quinn or guide him through his training and battles with his inner hollow.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: In its sealed form, Reitōri appears as a standard katana with a sleek, polished blade. The hilt is wrapped in deep blue silk, with silver threads woven in intricate patterns that resemble sound waves. The guard is circular and etched with a design that resembles a bird in flight, its wings outstretched. The blade itself is a good bit longer than average, reflecting Quinn’s focus on precision and reach in combat. When drawn, the katana emits soft, melodic notes that resonates with Quinn’s spiritual energy, subtly enhancing his awareness of his surroundings.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: Mugen no Hibiki (無限の響き, "Infinite Echo"): This ability allows Quinn to perceive sound waves in a radius around him, giving him an enhanced sense of echolocation that mixes with his enhanced spiritual sense. This allows him to detect movements, hidden opponents, and even fluctuations in spiritual energy with incredible accuracy. The sounds he perceives are translated into visual information, creating a detailed map of his surroundings in his mind, even in complete darkness or when blinded. Those more skilled in stealth, have better control over sound or certain abilities can overwhelm or negate Mugen no Hibiki.

Sensory Overload: Due to the heightened sensitivity of his perception, Quinn is highly susceptible to sensory overload. If the environment around him becomes too noisy or filled with conflicting sounds—such as during a chaotic battle with close loud explosions, multiple conflicing voices, or intense spiritual clashes—his enhanced senses can become overwhelmed. This overload can cause severe disorientation, headaches, or even temporary deafness, rendering Mugen no Hibiki ineffective and making Quinn vulnerable. In extreme cases, it can incapacitate him momentarily, leaving him unable to detect any movements or attacks.

2. Vulnerability to Sound Manipulation: Additionally, opponents who can manipulate sound or create illusions through auditory means pose a significant threat to Quinn while he uses Mugen no Hibiki. These enemies can generate deceptive sounds or create false echoes, feeding Quinn misleading information. This can cause Quinn to misinterpret the positions and movements of his enemies, potentially leading him into traps or causing him to make mistakes in combat. Opponents with such abilities can also create painful frequencies or high-pitched noises specifically designed to disrupt Quinn's echolocation, further compromising his effectiveness in battle.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: "Resonate with the world, Reitōri!"

» Shikai Release Action: Pointing his blade up to the sky and bringing the blade close, Quinn knocks the flat of the sword with his knuckles making the constant gently hum ring out a loud bell sound. Following that he grabs the strongly vibrating hilt and pulls his hands away in a ripping motion, gripping his scimitars.

» Shikai Appearance: Upon releasing his Shikai, Reitōri transforms into twin scimitars, each with a slightly curved, elegant blade that gleams with a silvery-blue hue. The scimitars are lightweight and perfectly balanced, allowing for quick, fluid movements. The handles are wrapped in the same deep blue silk as the sealed form, but with an added layer of protective leather for a better grip. The guards of the scimitars are shaped like wings, extending slightly outwards, giving the impression of a bird in flight. When swung, the blades produce a soft, musical chime that varies in pitch depending on the force and speed of the swing.

Quinn's Shikai:

» Shikai Abilities:
Kūon no Hane (空音の羽, "Wings of Silent Sound"):
Description: When Quinn swings his scimitars, he can generate sound waves that vary in intensity and form. In its current developmental stage, Kūon no Hane allows Quinn to create basic sonic waves that can cut through softer materials and disorient opponents. However, these waves are not yet strong enough to cut through tougher substances or powerful spiritual barriers. The sound waves are still somewhat visible, appearing as faint ripples in the air, and their effectiveness is limited against opponents with strong defenses or those who can block sound.

Limitations and Growth Potential: With his current skill, Quinn can use Kūon no Hane up to two times per post. His maximum uses per release is eight times. Right now, Quinn struggles with precise control over the direction and strength of the sound waves. As he trains and gains experience, Kūon no Hane will become more refined, allowing him to produce more potent and precise sonic attacks.

Kyoumei no Uta (共鳴の歌, "Song of Resonance"):
Description: This ability allows Quinn to create a resonating sound wave by striking his scimitars together, producing a shockwave that can disrupt an opponent's balance or cause minor internal vibrations. At this stage, Kyoumei no Uta's effects are primarily disorienting rather than severely damaging. When Quinn uses this ability, it can momentarily stagger his opponents or make them feel nauseous, but it does not yet have the power to shatter spiritual barriers or cause significant internal damage. At his present mastery, Quinn is able to use Kyoumei no Uta twice per post. At full power, Quinn must wait two posts before activating the ability again.

Limitations and Growth Potential: Currently, Quinn can only use Kyoumei no Uta effectively a five times before the strain becomes noticeable. If he tries to exceed four times per release, Quinn will get a strongheadache that grows fast, or even temporary loss of his control over his Echo-Reikaku. At maximum, Quinn can use Kyoumei no Uta seven times per release. And he lacks the fine control needed to channel the sound waves directly into an opponent’s body with precision. As he grows stronger and more skilled with his Shikai, he will be able to intensify the resonance and focus it more accurately.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: [What is your bankai's name?]

» Bankai Release Action: [Does your vizard do any physical action to release their bankai? Feel free to remove this.]

» Bankai Appearance: [What does your vizard look like when released in their bankai?]

» Bankai Abilities: [What abilities does your vizard gain in bankai?]

I. Vizard Information

» Inner Hollow Name: Ekiga

» Inner Hollow: Quinn’s inner hollow, Ekiga (影我, "Shadow Self"), manifests as a dark reflection of Quinn himself, symbolizing the duality and inner conflict that comes with being a Vizard. Ekiga has a similar build to Quinn but appears more gaunt and shadowy, with an almost skeletal frame that makes it seem unnaturally elongated.

His skin is a deep, obsidian black, with cracks running across it that glow with a faint, eerie white light, as if barely containing a powerful energy within. These cracks give the impression that Ekiga is constantly on the verge of breaking apart, yet it remains intact, emanating a sense of unstable power.

Ekiga's eyes are a stark contrast to the rest of its form, glowing a bright, piercing gold that seems to see through everything, reflecting a predatory intelligence. His hair is a wild, chaotic version of Quinn’s own golden-blonde locks, appearing more like a mane of shadows than actual hair, constantly shifting and flickering as if caught in an invisible wind. He wears a tattered, cloak-like garment that flows around him as if made of shadows, merging with the darkness around him. The edges of the cloak appear to dissolve into smoke, further enhancing his spectral appearance.

Unlike Reitōri, Ekiga doesn't hide his personality from his young host. He embodies the darker aspects of Quinn’s personality, including his fears, anger, and the temptation of power without restraint. He is cunning, manipulative, and revels in chaos and conflict, constantly pushing Quinn towards aggression and dominance.

Provocative and Confrontational:
Ekiga is highly confrontational, often taunting Quinn about his fears and insecurities. He takes pleasure in trying to provoke Quinn into giving in to his hollow instincts, using his knowledge of Quinn’s past and his internal struggles against him. His voice is like a harsh whisper, dripping with malice and mockery, always challenging Quinn’s resolve.

Power-Hungry and Unrestrained:
Unlike Quinn, who values control and precision, Ekiga represents the desire for unrestrained power. He is constantly trying to push Quinn to use his hollow abilities more recklessly, to embrace the raw power that comes with being a Vizard. He sees restraint as weakness and believes that true strength comes from unleashing one’s full potential without concern for the consequences.

Sadistic and Manipulative:
Ekiga is sadistic, deriving pleasure from the pain and fear of others. He enjoys manipulating Quinn’s emotions, playing on his guilt and fears to try and break his spirit. He often appears in Quinn’s inner world when Quinn is at his most vulnerable, using psychological tactics to wear him down and weaken his resolve.

Reflective of Quinn’s Inner Conflicts:
Despite his antagonistic nature, Ekiga is a reflection of Quinn’s inner conflicts and darker impulses. He embodies the parts of Quinn that fear losing control, that crave power, and that struggle with the guilt of his past actions. In this way, Ekiga is not just an enemy but a part of Quinn that he must confront and understand in order to truly master his hollow powers.

Despite his dark nature, Ekiga is not entirely without a sense of self-preservation. He knows that his existence is tied to Quinn’s, and there are moments where he will begrudgingly assist Quinn if it means survival for both of them. In these moments, Ekiga’s cooperation is often temporary and comes with the underlying threat of him attempting to seize control if Quinn shows any signs of weakness.

» Inner Hollow Powers: [What powers does your inner hollow have? These are not your vizard's powers.]

» Hollow Mask Appearance:
» Vizard Powers: Upon using his mask, Quinn gains a temporary boost to his power. Though his control only allows him to hold the mask for a short bit before he has to remove it. He knows that more abilities are hidden from him but at the moment, he is focused on having better control first. He uses his mask reluctantly but knows that training control will help greatly. So, even in normal training, Quinn will use his mask sometimes.

Cero: After donning his mask, Quinn has access to a weak cero. Even though its weak, Quinn has seen how powerful the blast can become. The knowledge that his inner hollow can help him grow stronger is the main reason he pushes himself to use the beast at all.

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your vizard has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Attributes
» Durability: D
» Speed: D
» Strength: D
» Soul: D

Will Skills
Willpower: Beginner
Deduction: Beginner
Focus: Adept

Racial Skills
Hoho: Beginner
Kidō: Beginner
Zanjutsu: Adept
Hakuda: Beginner

Power Augmentation: Beginner
Hollow Control: Beginner

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:
Quinn walked down the street enjoying the warm sunlight. A soft breeze ruffled his hair and he smiled. The boy weaved around people as some looked at him. Even with his eyes closed and covered by his blindfold, Quinn flowed through the crowd. He let the sounds of the crowd wash over him, giving him a detailed picture of his surroundings. After a leisure walk for about an hour, he leaped up to and off of a light pole making his way up to a roof.

From the higher perspective, Quinn focused on his assignment. Using the buildings, the young Vizard moved from roof to roof, spreading his Echo-Reikaku wide. The sound bounced from every object, bringing their outlines and positions to him while his Reikaku highlighted spirits and other info. "Where are you?" He whispered to himself.

I'd be happy in either the Forth or Seventh Divisions. I wonder which I'll be assigned to...

The thought had him grinning in anticipation. He continued on jumping from building to building, looking over the area. While he loved training and testing his skills, Quinn also loved exploring the living world. It had changed a lot since he had last seen it. So as he patrolled his given section of the city, Quinn's smile remained with the hot sun beaming down. The light was wonderful.

Mid-jump, Quinn saw a spirit that felt wrong amidst the throng of humans. Quinn groaned as the spirit clearly noticed him and rushed toward him with screams filled the air. The ant-like Hollow slammed through the last humans in its way before it began climbing up the nearest building. The Hollow's legs punching holes through the walls as it charged toward the boy.

"Shinigami filth!" the thing roared in a clicking yell.

"Damn, it's intelligent." Quinn drew his Zanpakto just as the ant landed on the roof with him.

The beast lunged at Quinn with a sharp tipped leg and followed by a bite. Turning his senses to his opponent, Quinn spun away from the jabbing leg and the large mouth, using his spin to slice at the Hollow. His blade cut deep into his target's torso. With the Hollow's scream of pain, it rammed Quinn with its huge body sending the boy flying several yards. Rolling back to his feet, the blonde Vizard gasped at the emptiness in his lungs. Drawing in struggling breaths, the lad watched the Hollow rush him again.

Quinn settled his breath and leaped up, over the large lumbering insect. Quinn bolted toward his enemy upon landing and aimed his empty hand at the large ant. Energy quickly condensed and the lad called out,

"Hadō #4. Byakurai!"

The pale blue lightning blitzed toward the beast searing its body before it could face him. Quinn closed in and aimed to decapitate the Hollow just as it spun to bite at him. This changed his slice so he cut off the top of the Hollow's head. But, he yelled in pain as the beast's lower teeth bit into his arm from their combined momentum. Quinn immediately felt his arm soaking in blood but he wrenched his arm free. Quinn kicked the Hollow as it dissolved before sheathing his blade and supporting his arm.

I. Intent

» Character Intent: I want Quinn to start about average, though I see him growing strong but not world-ending. He's a swordsman first, with speed and physical flexibility being his focus. His kido and martial skills will be trained but not center points for him. Quinn's unique sense offer me something cool to use while also adding something new to the world. And his troublesome inner hollow will be fun to play with as he goes about his days. He aims to master control over his inner hollow. More power is just a bonus which he'll work on when he can.


Last edited by AnubisRat on Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:33 pm; edited 13 times in total
Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3783
Age : 30
Location : Gracemeria

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[Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos Left_bar_bleue7380/100[Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

[Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Quinn Varilos

Mon Aug 26, 2024 6:22 pm
Initial Check:

Second Check:

Will Skills
Willpower: Beginner
Deduction: Beginner
Focus: Adept

Racial Skills
Hoho: Beginner
Kidō: Beginner
Zanjutsu: Adept
Hakuda: Beginner

Power Augmentation: Beginner
Hollow Control: Beginner

Spirit Class: 9
Comments/Notes: Congratulations on your first character! Don't forget to apply your attributes!

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