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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:19 pm
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Amelia_Header3
Enter: Amelia Brenner | A Simple School Teacher

“You noticed it?” Amelia asked, eyes wide. “Most around here don’t. I know a small fraction of the population seem to not see them, but I swear the majority of those people live here…” This wasn’t entirely the case. In reality, this creature had cloaking abilities. It was clearly blending in to its surroundings and could hide its reiatsu extremely well. The release they felt came off like a warning.

"O-Okay," Amelia nodded and hurried outside with Giselle. "Uh... I also don't know about any Shinigami near the area. We've been getting some stronger guests recently, but I don't think any of them were Shinigami...Honestly? Didn't ask."

Once they were outside, any reiatsu being released faded. They weren't followed, at least from what they could see and sense. Amelia looked back at the castle and then to Giselle. "Do you know how to contact a Shinigami? Shouldn't they have dealt with these already? They've been showing up for a couple of months now."

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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Wed Oct 02, 2024 2:56 pm
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Pyq9c6xo3k4

Giselle tilted her head slightly as she felt the inconsistency of the energy being let off. It was subtle, she'd give her that, but it was still something the other woman at least seemed capable of feeling. Thats fine. They'd be enough. "That's fine, You familiar at all with how to fight?" She ventured, looking with a smile over her shoulder at the woman as they walked, the comment of contacting shinigami made her chuckle. "That's a good one. No I don't know how to contact shinigami. IN most cases, Shinigami only have designated patrol areas. IF nobody has been around for the past few months, its likely this area isnt on the Gotei's radar." She stated simply, pausing as she let her eyes flit to a nearby tree on their way out. Hmmm.

She made her way off to the side of the path and promptly let her hand rest on a branch, it snapped like it was nothing, and she promptly hefted the branch, eyeing it over and gently snapping off a few forks in it until it was a solid piece. She ran her hands along it's surface as her spiritual energy flowed across the surface of the stick. A lick of green flames before she looked around. Still with naught but the stick in hand.

"We'll be able to handle these things no problem." She assured Amelia.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Thu Oct 03, 2024 2:40 am
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Amelia_Header3
Enter: Amelia Brenner | A Simple School Teacher

“Wh-What? Me? Fight? No!” Amelia said, mildly panicking. “I am a school teacher!

As Giselle moved off to the side, Amelia stopped and watched her for a moment, but where was the hollow? She looked around as Giselle grabbed the branch, trying to spot it again, but wasn’t able to. It wasn’t it the spot it had been before, or it was staying very still, and that energy wasn’t happening again.

Giselle, however, could sense that the hollow had moved. While still not fully approaching, it vaulted across the courtyard and landed on the outer wall to the castle, standing on one of the tower roofs. Still cloaked, it's only visibility coming when it moved. Suddenly, it jumped again, quickly closing the range between them, falling down in a way that would let him land on Amelia, who was still unaware.

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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:04 am
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Pyq9c6xo3k4

Giselle blinked a few times and turned to stare at the woman a bit. ”Eh? You don’t carry anything on you? Huh, humans used to keep alp kindsa shit on them back in the day when they felt monsters were around. You might need to get you a gun heheh.” she chuckled, smirking from ear to ear as she surveyed the woman. Hm not a lot of spiritual pressure, was she really helpless? She figured civillians would have something just incase. Hell shed been stabbed by little silver knives, stakes, all kinds of shit from the errant merchant back in the old days.

Thoughts for later. In the meantime, even with her back turned to the incoming hollow, her raikaku picked up the flicker of movement. Yes snapped over her shoulder as she spotted the lunging creature.

Green light flickered across her limbs as she stepped between the hollow and the woman, an arm reeled around the woman’s waist to pull her out of the way of that lunging hollow.

Half Moon

There was a shriek from that stick as she tempered it with her spiritual energy, and the material itself vibrated as it was swung through the air, a slashing sweep overhead as that hunk of wood sang like a blade, slashing clean up the center of the hollow and bombarding it with that shock of soundwaves.

She had no idea where its mask was, what with it being veiled, but at the very least that vertical cleave was aimed to try and break its stealth and get an idea of what she’d be tangoing with.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Sun Oct 13, 2024 8:18 pm
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Amelia_Header4
Enter: Amelia Brenner | It’s The Weekend

Amelia tensed when an arm curled around her waist and she was easily moved from her previous spot. A loud bang, including the crushing of stone made it apparent where the hollow had landed. Before it did anything more, a good cut was made across the hollows back. It raised its head back and released the notorious hollow howl into the air, a clear reaction to the pain. The stealth did indeed fall, revealing a bipedal creature with four arms, multiple eyes, a fifteen foot prehensile tail, and a horned mask that covered an area no bigger than a human head.

“What the hell is that thing?” Amelia asked.

In the moment of his reveal, that tail swung around like a whip, long enough to strike through both women at the same time. Amelia's instinct was to hold her arms up around her head and duck, which wouldn't actually allow her to dodge it.

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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:25 pm

"A bonafide Hollow, hon." She noted with a lopsided smile, narrowing her eyes as that creature swung it's tail. Tch. She slid between Amelia and the thrashing tail and promptly tightened her grip around the woman's waist as she braced herself. A crackle of green light flooding the ground beneath her feet as she softened it. The impact of that tail with the stick sent a rush of energy into her body. However, rather than trying to stop the attack, she shifted with it, the ground cratering as the softened earth burst from the impact, sparing Giselle the strike for the most part as that tail was halted in its tracks, Giselle's entire body tensed, straining, keeping that tail away from Amelia as a red glint stained her brow. Blood from some of the tail that had slid along her temple before coming to a stop let a running crimson line down the side of her face as she let out a hefty WHEW.

"FuckI'msomuchslowerthanIusedtabe." She croaked through gritted teeth as she twisted, her muscles flexing as she adjusted where Amelia was, then let her hand leave the woman's waist for just a brief moment. Switching the grip on that weapon before she grasped the woman once again. A glint pierced the scene. Through sweat, grit, and even the dust kicked up by the impact. The light reflecting off the shaped and hardened edge of that stick twisted into a curved S shape. Executing two flowing slashes along the length of the tail, cleaving into the flesh as she stomped into the ground, and the earth responded, shoving back and launching herself and Amelia out of the path of that appendage.

That tail was then allowed to continue its swing, slamming into the ground as Giselle skidded to a halt off to the side and a GUH escaped her as she felt tingles running all along her arm. "Whooohoohoohew! Now that was closer than I thought." She chuckled, grinning from ear to ear. Sure her technique was flawless, but it was QUITE a different thing, trying moves like this with such weak arms. Especially against a hollow. Releasing Amelia, Giselle promptly took up a stance and reached up to palm her brow. She eyed the blood. Hm. Not great. But she could work with it. She smoothed her hand along the edge of the stick and smeared her blood across the edge, pouring her spiritual energy in as she did. Using her blood as a catalyst to strengthen the bond between her spirit energy and the weapon itself. The blood hardening into a sharper, tougher edge as the stick continued to be shaped, at this point, it practically looked like a blood-red katana, with the red sheen hiding the dull woody material.

The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 D7ogcv2ne2y

"Alright. Welp. Time for a little elbow grease. Don't fret about not having any fighting experience, Miss. Just you stick close to me, and I'll make sure you're not hurt." She insisted with a grin, reaching up and smearing her thumb across the air, forming a thin film of reishi in the air. Usually something you did to walk on air, but this time, she used it to create a surface as she drew a small character in the air in front of her. 天

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Yesterday at 10:08 pm
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Amelia_Header4
Enter: Amelia Brenner | It’s The Weekend

Amelia was impressed by Giselle’s quick thinking. She wasn’t even sure what happened as she was so easily maneuvered around the battlefield, and completely unharmed thanks to her. “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” Amelia screamed in frustration, putting her hand over her heart and trying to quickly catch her breath. But then she spotted Giselle’s wound and her eyes widened in concern. “A-are you okay!?”

As the hollow’s tail was cut, the beast let out another pained roar, only to lower itself to the ground, taking on a stance similar to the way a scorpion moved. It’s tail coming up and over its own body and pointing at Giselle now. The tip of the tail was as pointed as any needle, and it began to drip a strange, green liquid. With a sudden snake-like striking motion, shot forward toward Giselle’s head.

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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Yesterday at 10:29 pm
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 D7ogcv2ne2y


A controlled exhale as she finished drawing that character and then planted her palm into the surface. That burning sigil flourishing and blooming into flames that turned from blood red to white and wrapped around her body. God she missed ginto. She'd tried pretty fucking hard to just DO ginto using her spirit energy. But the raw reishi component just wasn't there, so she had to make her own shit. It was simple. Crude even. But it was still something. Those white flames wrapping around her body, mending the injury slowly and invigorating her frame. For a brief moment, she felt lighter. Stronger. Nimbler. It wasn't anything drastic, but even a tiny advantage could make all the difference. She tightened her grip on that stick-turned-blade.

"Doin dandy, Sandy~" She chimed over her shoulder as her eyes locked onto that tail.

Everything faded from the surroundings as she relaxed. Intentionally emptying out her mind, latting that energetic flame seep into her muscles and well up as a warmth inside of her chest.

She sighed.

The needle-like tail came, and in that moment, she wasn't there. She wasn't before a hollow. She wasn't protecting a human. In this moment, she was standing before a tree littered with slash marks. How many times had she had a katana phase? Sometimes for half a year. sometimes for five years. And how many times had that popped up in her thousand years of life? But even now, it all felt like yesterday.


The sword swept as the pointed tip slammed in. But she didn't try to stop it, but rather the blade slashed, guiding that tail downward, but not impeding its forward thrust, redirecting in to slam into the ground, the blade scraping along the surface of the tail as green flames licked along her feet and she sped forward, sweeping past the hollow as she brought the blade back across in a brilliant scarlet sweep. A slash aimed straight across the mask of the arched hollow, a billowing trail of those white flames briefly marking her path.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Yesterday at 11:00 pm
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Amelia_Header4
Enter: Amelia Brenner | It’s The Weekend

Amelia backed away more and more, keeping her eye on the hollow, but wanting to get out of Giselle’s way in this fight. She knew that if Giselle worried about protecting her, it could prove to be more of a problem. For the moment, the hollow was focused on Giselle too, so Amelia booked it about twenty feet away, hiding down behind a small wall. Hearing the ruckus, most were avoiding the area, while other curious people came in to film the battle going on at the castle. These were the people that Amelia tried to keep away from the battlefield.

With the hollow's tail directed downward, one of its higher traits was revealed. The needle hit the stone and crumbled more than the spot that it hit, creating a person-sized crater in the ground. The hollow's strength was clearly a focus for it, since its speed and durability seemed unimpressive. As that blade came scraping along its tail, instead of allowing the swing toward its mask, the tail bent and pushed against Giselle's blade and then into her body in he form of a rather strong shove. In doing so, it prevented her from reaching his mask and cutting into him.

Due to the appearance of the flame, however, he backed away from Giselle, keeping that scorpion-like stance and aiming the tip at her again. However, he did not strike. The tip glowed with a green energy, threatening the firing of a cero, and in after a brief gathering of energy, it did. A beam of green, acidic energy fired toward Giselle's general location, aiming wholly at her body, nowhere in specific.

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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Today at 5:32 pm
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] - Page 2 D7ogcv2ne2y

Giselle's eyes widened. Oh! The upward SHUNT of that tail slamming into her blade as she slashed across it's frame instead of the mask itself. HEr eyes narrowing as she twisted, shifting to the side. Only to furrow her brows as she saw the thing leaping back. She turned with her initial slash and SWUNG, aiming to rip a bit more into that tail before it was able to fully contract, only to tense when she felt the spike of spiritual energy as that Cero charged. OHBOY.

Green flared as she snapped to the side following the blare of that cero, gritting her teeth as her own reiatsu flared around her. The cero had clipped her right side. Slamming into her wrist and side. HAd she simply taken the hit, she no doubt would have been BADLY gored. She'd hardened her frame a bit by pouring spirit energy into the spot, but she wasn't used to trying to match that kind of output. Even just something like this was exhausting, much more than the simple manipulations she'd been doing before. The only saving grace was the residual white flames, licking away at the wounds and burning up as that poison bit at her flesh.

It wasn't a perfect purge, her entire body fucking
HURT. But she could still move. Ah... She blinked, eyes darting to the side. the weapon she'd put together had been partially destroyed. The blade snapped off and charred as she skidded to a stop some ways away. "WHEW! Well that was close! Nghhh. Little spicy aren't ya?" She flashed a grin at the hollow as she crouched down to one knee and grasped a stone from the ground, narrowing her eyes. Alright, it was going to be cautious. The flames were gone from her body, but she still clenched that stone. Her eyes darted around, searching her surroundings. They were still close to civilization. There were a few things around. She'd have to make do. Winding her arm back, she twisted her body as she WHIPPED that rock towards the beast, putting a spin on the stone, and just as that rock left her fingers, a snap of green flames struck across its surface, and it shattered. Bursting into dozens of sharp, pointed darts that shot towards the Hollow at high speeds like a shotgun blast.

Immediately following the action she vanished with another crackle of green flames, reappearing next to a lampost. She'd fix it later, but for now, she slammed her palm into the base, a flick of green racing along the base as she promptly popped it clean from it's stand, spinning the weapon as she let her spirit energy course through it, lengthening it, narrowing the glass lamp at the tip until it was a sharp, pointed glass and metal spearheadm which she promptly brought to point at the creature.

"Alright, lets try this again~" She taunted, taking up a defensive stance, balancing on one foot in something akin to a crane stance as she readied the spear.
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