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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] Empty The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:43 pm
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] Amelia_Header3
Enter: Amelia Brenner | A Simple School Teacher

It seemed the three hours it took Amelia to be satisfied with herself were going to a waste today. It was thirty minutes beyond the scheduled time, and her three texts were left on “read.” Clearly, he wasn’t coming. This is why she had such a hard time deciding who to give a date. When so many men behaved like this, how do they even question a women’s wariness? The few ruining it for the rest!

‘Well, this is embarrassing…’ Amelia thought as she slid her phone back in her pocket. She took a look up and down the street, wondering what to fill her day with now. ‘I am not going home to have that brat make fun of me about being stood up… And I cannot handle another hope lecture from grandma, so… I guess I’ll… do something… I don’t know what, but I need to kill a couple hours…’

Angrily stomping off in heels and a puffed up pouting face, Amelia began making her way up the street until she came to the old cast. It was a rather popular tourist attraction and a field trip destination for most students in the area. On a warm, sunny day like this, she didn’t have much interest in visiting it alone, but it was a beautiful sight. Besides, she would see it in the fall again, with her students…

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Fri Aug 09, 2024 4:10 pm
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] W7w6crjx2my

Honestly had had some time since she last visited the place. What... two hundred years? Maybe a bit more? Thats what it felt like, but she knew it had been longer, thanks to how long she'd been out of commission. A soft sigh and a smile formed on her lips as she approached the place. A very popular tourist attraction, but with there was supposed to be a bit of rain tomorrow, and even though the weather hadn't rolled in yet, not too many people were out here. But all the same, the woman smiled to herself as she walked up towards the entrnace to the castle itself.

She'd spent all day training, as she had been for quite some time. Working on her powers, exercising. She had managed to grow more comfortable, but it wasn't quite enough. Candice was encouraging her, saying that she just needed to be patient. Which, of course she knew. But that didn't make it any less annoying. Hm.

Still, she snapped out of her own thoughts to notice a rather....peeved young woman making their way towards the castle. Her head tilting just a bit as she caught up and offered a light smile.

"Afternoon Miss~"
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:01 am
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] Amelia_Header3
Enter: Amelia Brenner | A Simple School Teacher

Amelia was lost in her own annoyance until someone’s voice hit her ear. She came to a sudden stop, her sour look changing to one of surprise and curiosity as her eyes fell onto the person who spoke. She took a quick look around to see if anyone else was there, but the lack of presence in the area and the direct eye contact made it pretty clear who this stranger was talking to. Amelia smiled.

“Oh, hel-… Good afternoon to you too,” she said sweetly before giving the woman a quick once over. “Are you here to see the castle? It's quite the lovely sight.”

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Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:18 am
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] W7w6crjx2my

Giselle nodded and offered a tip of an imaginary hat to the other woman as they seemed a bit surprised to be addressed. Not that Giselle minded, she was always one to socialize and speak up especially at a place like this. "Sure am~ S'been a while since I've been here actually. I've been here when I was a lot younger, heh. IT's always nice checking in now and then, see whats become of the place. Besides, its a real nice hike!" She chimed with a big grin and a light pat to her own hip as she nodded up to the steps leading to the castle and into the stricture. Certainly if you did a FULL tour, it was quite a few steps.

"And yourself? Usually I see couples history buffs around. You into these sorts of historical landmarks?" She ventured. Naturally, assuming that the woman's interest in the place was academic.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Aug 14, 2024 1:09 am
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] Amelia_Header3
Enter: Amelia Brenner | A Simple School Teacher

“Not really into them, but I am a school teacher. I often bring my students here when we’re studying the history of our town; I’ve been here enough to be tired of it, I’m afraid,” Amelia explained, a sheepish smile on her face. “I came here to meet… well, a date… Who is clearly blowing me off!” Amelia looked up and down the streets, secretly hoping they would show up just so she could give them a piece of her mind. No one else was there because she had, indeed, been blown off.

Sighing, she shook her head. “How embarrassing… I wasted all morning trying to look nice…” Forcing herself to perk up while talking to a new person, a smile came to grace her features. "I'm Amelia Brenner by the way. I was going to waste some time... avoiding going home all... you know.. rejected. Little brother will... well, make fun of me for the next week, of course. Mind wasting some time with me?"

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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Tue Sep 17, 2024 7:20 pm
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] W7w6crjx2my

Giselle nodded along to the woman's explanation, only to snort softly and chuckle a bit at the way that she woman promptly bristled at the mention of their date. "That right? Shame. Back in the day there'd be plenty of handsome lkords around. But well, things change. Still, plenty of fish in the sea. And it's the guy's loss." She noted in assurance. She paused, looking up to the battlements before looking back to the woman themselves.

"Giselle Gewelle. Pleasure to meet you. And sure thing! I don't mind, bit exhausted after my day as it were. But hey, don't get down. Wouldn't ya know, this Castle actually was built for sheltering the spurned." She noted with a knowing smile. Something that no doubt would raise a brow or two. After all, the history of the castle was something often gone over. It was built when a Knight was offered lordship after his valor in battle.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] Empty Re: The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia]

Yesterday at 1:23 am
The Castle Connection [Giselle/Amelia] Amelia_Header3
Enter: Amelia Brenner | A Simple School Teacher

Amelia looked up to the castle and stared at it. In truth, she wasn’t that interested in another trip into this place. She did it enough for her students and there would be more coming up this year. However, if that was where Giselle wanted to go, she refused to be rude and ask her otherwise, especially since Amelia was the one who asked her for a distraction. “Alright, what part would you like to see first?” Amelia asked as she stepped forward, heading through the main gate. “My favorite area is the courtyard; they keep up the flowers all year... the dining hall is great too.”

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