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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Empty Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:28 pm
Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Mirai_PostingCasual
Mirai Takamatsu

Mirai splashed water onto her face, the clear liquid mixing with red as it dripped down her skin into the sink. This one had gotten a little bloody, but that’s what happens when idiots try to mingle with hollow. ‘Humans and their arrogance…’ Sighing, Mirai left everything as it was for the police to find. They can deal with the bodies. ‘Welp, time to go shopping!’ Mirai left the building and put on her gigai. Dressed in black leggings and a baggy red sweater, she walked her way down the street toward a bookstore she knew was nearby. She could have shunpo’d there, but this quiet time with herself was something she preferred. Besides, it gave her time to celebrate. She had just had her first date with Yuuto!

Mirai was lost in thought, foolishly letting her guard down, but what around here was going to mess with her anyway? Humming to herself, she turned down an alley to take a shortcut. She was in a small town north of Tokyo. It was peaceful, and she had already dealt with the hollow and human problems. As far as she was concerned, for once, things should be clear enough to relax.

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Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Empty Re: Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:56 pm
Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


It would seem fate was offering Akira something more than he had anticipated.

There was a shock to his system after realizing a certain someone was operating within the same town as him once again, yet that cheery nature and overall aloofness indicated something was off perhaps? A benefit which most definitely kept such sharpness concealed for the time being and Akira put his own stealth expertise into effect, following Mirai with a certain venom to each step. A little go he abandoned his own gigai to have access to Rivu as this engagement would be vastly different.

."Hadō#4: Byakurai.

He recalled her speed, so elected to use this brief advantage as she began to stride down the alleyway to ignite a streamlined lance of raw lightning. It coiled, moving whilst the same spell it most definitely felt different, more so as it reached the Shinigami the head would burst into a four pronged burst with an intent to pierce her left leg, parts of it atleast! That speed could be hampered and would easily bring about a far more even conflict, regardless Akira did let out a venomous statement with a slight smirk.

."Not too fun to be caught within a gigai is it? Mirai of the Stealth force.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Empty Re: Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 8:08 pm
Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Mirai_PostingCombat
Mirai Takamatsu


Mirai should never had put on her gigai. Normally, she didn’t until she got to the damn store; it was so STUPID to change that now, or EVER. The pain was startling, and she wasn’t even sure what hit her. She only sensed that moment reiatsu welled enough to realize someone was near and aiming at her as it fired.


Mirai’s first reaction was to run forward, but fell into the muck of the filthy alley. Rolling over, wincing in pain, she looked up to see a face she recognized. “You son of a bitch!” Mirai reached into her pocket and pulled out a small tube, popping open the lid, and moving to toss a soul candy into her mouth and exit her gigai.

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Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Empty Re: Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 8:22 pm
Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


."Tsk. Such crude insults, I was hoping for a little more etiquette from your ilk…No matter..

Akira’s right hand shifted to the midnight blue hilt of his zanpakuto, slowly unsheathing it as he carried himself with a much different posture than before. Confidence. Intent. That was not the man she struck during their first injury, eventually letting the moist blade point to the stone below with a soft exhale, letting her get out of the Gigai was quite fine with him right now. It wasn’t until he halted about twenty foot away that the Shinigami offered more verbal commitment to this bout.

."You seemed a little aloof this day, they often say that to disturb the surface of a lake the ripples can have unforeseen consequences. You have no idea about the ripple you created that day.

In a rather shocking twist of fate, Akira heard a rather soft hum come from Rivu. It was respect. The embodiment of the ocean held both patience but unbridled wrath once disturbed, finally his partner was learning the latter. Good. There even was a chimed excitement from Zathrusta as his golden iris stared daggers into Mirai.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Empty Re: Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai]

Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:29 pm
Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Mirai_PostingCombat
Mirai Takamatsu

The mod soul popped in and Mirai was out of her gigai within a second. “Get back,” she ordered the mod-soul’d gigai, who nodded and ran down the alley away from them. Mirai immediately pulled out her zanpakuto and raised it to face Akira.

“What ripples I started?” Mirai scoffed and then laughed, a bit of excitement in her own tone. “So, you hunt me down? Glad I’m so fucking important to you!”

Mirai darted forward, zanpakuto ready for an attack when the pain from her leg wound shot through her and slowed her down, causing her to stumble and wince.

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Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Empty Re: Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai]

Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:00 pm
Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


."You’re more important than you can comprehend.

The Vizard retorted with a slight grin, a thrum of excitement moving throughout his body whilst adrenaline caused the heart beats to drum against the chest like a call to war. This was war. It wasn’t difficult to watch this bloodlust overtake Mirai, a rather feral strike toward the chest of which Akira elected to retort in kind, a step forward as she stumbled and ducking downward before thrusting the souls of his boots to dart him ahead!

It was the aim to let some of her blade slash through the right shoulders fabric, no doubt causing a little blood to be slashed in the process in exchange for the edge of Rivu to carve through her underarm flesh, hoping to functionally disable it in the process and come out on the other side facing his opponents back. The stance taken was easily read as a unique, bladearm extended infront of him whilst the left inches away from the crossguard.

As Rivu’s moisture was salt water, a wound from it might be a tad more painful.

."Ever since that day, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about anything else but you. I had lived in such a deluded world of safety, for a brief moment believing that the Soul Society had elected to grant me my freedom…Then you shattered it.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Empty Re: Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai]

Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:32 pm
Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Mirai_PostingCombat3
Mirai Takamatsu

The pain, the stumble… Moving so quickly was a foolish choice and she regretted it. Even though she made him blade, his strike did much more damage. The flesh of her under arm was sliced open. She grit her teeth harder, forcing down the pained scream that threatened to show any ounce of weakness in front of her opponent. Anger rising, Mirai turned rapidly in place to find him standing behind her.

A moment later, her wounded arm fell and the grip on her zanpakuto loosened. She tried squeezing back down, but her hand barely responded. He must have cut something important, and the blood that now dripped quickly down to the damp concrete would prove to be a problem sooner rather than later. Still, she focused on letting him talk, trying to think of a way out of this. ‘This is why I prefer stealth.’

"All you can think about is me? Haha!" She laughed, intentionally mocking him. "I should be flattered that one encounter with me was able to shatter your whole world. Someone is lacking a little self-control... Restrain him, Sokushi no Kage," Mirai called out, her zanpakuto shifting into two golden needles in each hand and her outfit changing to her black dress. A burst of speed, shunpo, and Mirai pushed herself through the pain to close the gap between them.

This time not stumbling or hesitating, though it definitely hurt, Mirai appeared above his head about ten feet. She swung her uninjured arm, throwing one of her golden needles at him, but the aim was off. The aim wasn't off because she was hurt; it was intentional. Unless he fully dodged, the needle would pierce the shadow his body made on the ground, and hopefully, would hold him as still as a statue. She even made sure that her landing was right above the needle, so when she landed, she could take hold of it and keep them both in place.

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Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Empty Re: Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai]

Tue Aug 06, 2024 1:23 pm
Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


There was a satisfaction within his gold iris which stared at the injured Shinigami in front of him, a roaring maelstrom within the core that began to rise, even more so as the moisture in the surrounding air began to become more evident. Akira didn’t care for anything else right now, every brief moment of looking over his shoulder in terror of it being a member from that bloated organization being his last moment. It wasn’t going to be his final day, not any longer, everything he had built was for one purpose: Eradicate this blanketed weight that dragged him below.

Noticing the injury taking its toll granted him a brief moment of contentment, surgically debilitating the bitch was entirely his purpose. It was a shocking moment of defiance that slightly caught him off guard, an animalistic tsk releasing through gritted teeth before having to bring the blade back into the sheathe, matching her words with a burst of his own release. It was as the words left his mouth rapidly that the moisture in the surrounding area began to coalesce, rapidly fusing together in large spheres, four in fact. The first though concealed as his overcoat was soaked, spreading out whilst the other three forged in a triangular motion.

."Bring them peace, Rivu-aisan

Only for her movement to land those needles into the shadow, causing his entire body to seize up and causing Mira’s form to effectively land behind him. The Vizard was caught, absolutely motionless and let that brief moment of victory sink in for the woman. Only for a violent stream of salt water to release from the overcoat, tendrils spiral out with the intent to slam her gut and form into the nearby wall, alongside releasing the needles from the shadow! Were she not careful, one even dared an attemptt to grab the ankle which wasn’t injured.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Empty Re: Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai]

Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:03 pm
Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Mirai_PostingCombat3
Mirai Takamatsu

It landed and so did Mirai. She immediately grabbed the needle to reinforce its position. When she saw him stop moving, she smirked and went to check the wound in her leg. A shift in reiryoku made her regret that choice. She couldn’t react.

Was it over confidence? Idiocy? Weakness…

‘That was stupid.’

Mirai’s body was struck by tendrils coming from Akira. Clearly, he could control the water with a glance or a mere thought. The strike not only knocked the wind out of her, but she could feel something break when her body slammed against the wall, crushing bricks beneath. Blood and spit shot from her open mouth, thought a scream never came, caught in her throat by the sudden pain.

A glance saw the other tendril go for her leg, and Mirai forced herself to move again. In a desperate attempt, she took her second needle and stabbed it into the shadow just beneath the water that was coming at her, forcing it to freeze as well. If he could control this one, there was no doubt more would come. Now, she just had to kill him quickly. She raised her hand, index finger pointed at his head and fired off a streak of lightning not unlike the one he hit her with.

“Hadō number 4, BYAKURAI!”

End Post

Last edited by Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫ on Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Header Change)
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Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] Empty Re: Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai]

Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:27 pm
Your Guard Was Down [Akira/Mirai] 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


When was the last time he felt serious like this? It felt so….Satisfying…

It was a dualism he had missed for so long, no longer feeling like a rat scurrying within the confines of a maze at the mercy of the titan that was Soul Society. This? This is exactly what it felt like to grasp your life with both hands, Rivu had told him for so long and went as far as threatening to retract himself…He never understood why until this very moment. That brief moment in his head, a soft apology ushered to his zanpakuto, the ocean is at the behest of nobody nor should it recoil at the whim of anyone. That was what Akira had been missing for so long. A spine.

One of the orbs coiled and burst outward to strike at the needle lodged into his shadow, causing it to be sent flying and granting him movement as Mirai would find a simultaneous rush of energy run her way during the brief uttering of Byakurai. It felt weaker? The golden iris strained for a brief moment as Akira’s left hand swiped down, akin to a bullwhip of shimmering sapphire, imbuing such energy with a secondary element of thunder! The Shinigami moves it to collide with Mirai’s own, hoping to overpower it and should it impact her chest with a thunderous crack, exploding and creating a short shockwave of kinetic energy.


It was uttered swiftly after the Kido was cast, enhancing the energy behind it with such an intent as venomous words sputtered from his mouth. An insult maybe? He took it as one, she had his file so no doubt killing him with Kido would have been a hilarious story back at their den of vipers. Ironic that a Kido Corp member fell to kido.

."Your kido is a farcry from my own, Mirai!


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