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[Spirit Class 7] Ashaiya Enfield  Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 7] Ashaiya Enfield  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 7] Ashaiya Enfield  Empty [Spirit Class 7] Ashaiya Enfield

Sun Jul 21, 2024 3:31 pm
[Spirit Class 7] Ashaiya Enfield  Haru-Romance-Header-Image-Cropped.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=1100&h=618&dpr=1


Basic Information

○ Name: Ashaiya Enfield
○ Alias: Ash
○ Age: 19
○ Gender: Female

○ Race: Fullbringer

○ Affiliation: Herself

○ Marital Status: Single
○ Nationality: English
○ Sexual Orientation: She doesn't know yet
○ Special Skill: Choking people out
○ Ideal Mate: Someone who'll treat her with respect

○ Height: 5'5
○ Weight: 125lbs
○ Hair Colour: Auburn
○ Eye Colour: Brown

[Spirit Class 7] Ashaiya Enfield  Okumura.Haru.full.2892684

Psychological Analysis
There are people who are the life of the party and those who aren’t. Ashaiya is definitely in the latter group and she’s quite happy with that. She doesn’t go out of her way to make a lot of friends and while not completely unsociable, the dark haired woman does rather enjoy her own company, having spent a great deal of time being by herself. That being said, she isn’t going to bite someone’s head off if they want to talk to her and with those she forges a bond with, Ashaiya is as reliable a friend as one could want, steadfast and willing to put her life on the line to protect them. She isn’t afraid to point out the stupidity of others though and with her rather dry sense of humour and sometimes acerbic wit, Ashaiya can eviscerate a person’s ego with a few lashes of her tongue.

Ashaiya is a strong believer in justice although her version of it isn’t always in line with that of the law. She’s taken lives before in the name of it and will do so again, such is her attitude on the matter. It doesn’t matter who or what the opponent is, whether they be Human, Hollow or any other race, she’ll deliver her brand or justice in the same way. There’s no racial bias with her and during her time travelling, she’s encountered quite a range when it comes to villainy, from common thieves to homicidal maniacs. While she’s willing to take a life when necessary, that doesn’t mean it’s her first choice and if possible, she’ll try to bring them in alive, it’s simply wise that her enemies not push her too far.

While she generally remains fairly calm and collected, there are times where a cold fury seems to rise to the surface and she can be rather intimidating when someone sets her off. She doesn’t scream or shout but every word she speaks during these periods seems to drip with menace and one can never be too sure whether she means what she says or not.


It would be fair to say that Ashaiya’s early life was a rather lonely experience. Born and raised in the south of England to wealthy parents, one would have thought that the young woman would have a rather easy and comfortable upbringing. That wasn’t the case, as not was her father thoroughly obsessed with his businesses, caring more about his money than his family but her mother was constantly falling ill, due to her weak constitution. It led to an isolated and unhappy situation for all and Ashaiya was raised more by the men and women who worked in the mansion than her own parents. There were times where the child honestly believed that she was simply getting in the way and over time, she began to withdraw, bottling up her emotions and indulging in hobbies that required no one but her.

There was one member of the staff who refused to let her wallow for too long though, an elderly man, who’d worked in the mansion for god knows how long. He’d drag her out of her room almost, forcing her to do something more constructive, as well as allow her to get out some of the frustration that he knew she felt. The old codger would lead her to the gym, a room that was barely used and taught her how to train her body, not to mention how to fight. She needed an outlet and so he gave her one, which Ashaiya eventually became thankful for. As it turned out, she was rather gifted when it came to physicality and as the months and years passed, the child grew into a rather formidable woman, one who was more than able to handle her own. She’d train every day, pushing herself to the limit and every day, the old man would simply sit and watch, proud of his protege.

Boxing, Karate, Judo, Wrestling, she was taught them all and by the time she reached her mid teens, the dark haired child was sparring with far larger partners than her. Not that her father cared. He reacted to her hobbies with scorn and ignorance, stating that such pastimes were for men rather than women. That only pushed her further and every time she had a conversation with him, it was noticeable that she punched the bag rather harder than usual although she’d never open up to her biggest supporters as to why. He knew though and respected her enough not to mention it.

Yet, her days of constant training would one day be put to a brutal test, as a band of thugs would approach the mansion, demanding payment from her father. Shocked and appalled, Ashaiya would demand an answer from her father as to what was going on but as usual, he simply brushed her off and headed towards the front doors to face the men. The result was as could be expected with the sound of a gun going off soon rang across the entire building. What had happened was obvious and as the realisation dawned upon the girl, she’d quickly dash to her mother, who was resting in bed.

The two had never been all that close although considerably better than Ashaiya and her father. Her mother was a secretive woman and kept her problems close to the chest, a habit that it seemed her daughter had picked up on. The elder Enfield didn’t even look shocked at the revelation of what had happened and instead simply told Ashaiya that it was bound to happen. The sounds of gunshots could be heard in the background but as the young woman tried to move her mother to safety, she’d be stopped and instead almost froze as the truth was whispered into her ear. Why her father seemed to despise her, why her mother was always so ill and why it’d all come to this.

Her mother had been attacked by a monster, mere months before her birth.

The revelation was almost unbelievable and for once, even the normally stoic Ashaiya looked almost dumbfounded, disbelieving but rather than be argued with, her mother would instead simply push something into her hand, before weakly telling her to run. The teenager wanted to fight and turned around to do just that but with a far more aggressive call, her mother would tell her to leave through the window. Angry and her fists shaking, the dark haired teenager would follow her mother’s order, after sharing the first embrace they’d ever had.

With that, she was gone, leaping out of the window and running for her life, her mother’s gift pressed hard against her chest as she ran. All that could be heard behind her were the sounds of gunshots, as she disappeared into the trees, never to return home again.

The period after that was a difficult time for the teenager, having to adapt to living on the road, with only her martial training and her smarts to aid her. She’d barely ever been outside her father’s grounds before and yet now here she was in a much larger world. All she had was her mother’s diary, the item that had been given to her, a book that Ashaiya would come to value more than her old life. It explained so much and as she read through it over the weeks and months, it filled in so many gaps.

Yet, it wasn’t a pleasant time and Ashaiya found herself using the skills in order to keep herself alive. There were so many enemies out there, either wanting to rob her or worse and the dark haired teenager was soon handling them almost every day. Her path was filled with a display of injured criminals and as time passed, she began to realise that perhaps it was her cause. She took her fair share of lumps and her once flawless body ended up with more than its fair share of scars but it didn’t stop her. It just made her more passionate about surviving.

During her travels, she came across a woman, older than her and who seemed to share a similar story to Ashaiya herself. Her mother had been attacked by a Hollow as well and taking the teenager under her wing, the woman named Jaesa would open her eyes to an entire new world, one that the dark haired girl had never thought possible.

It felt just like being at home again, which was both a relief and a torment at the same time, with Ashaiya once more dedicating herself to learning the new skills that her friend had to teach her. More than that though, the elder Fullbringer would teach her more about life in general, how to survive and thrive in what was at times an incredibly dangerous world.

She took to her new training quite well and once Ashaiya had a grasp on how the spiritual world around her worked, the dark haired woman grew with almost incredible speed. Her desire to increase her strength was almost frightening and whenever Jaesa asked her why, Ashaiya would respond that it was because she wished to do what needed to be done. That was all she ever said but everytime she did, a look would cross Ashaiya’s face that could curdle milk. She trained for months, learning as much as she could from Jaesa, while continuing to read through her mother’s diary, coming to understand the whole story behind her family’s way of life. It all started to make sense and she became more attached to the book, the longer she kept reading from it.

Jaesa was a somewhat strict teacher though and Ashaiya soon found herself engaging not only her teacher in mock battles but Hollows as well. There was a sense of rivalry between the two women and while they got along, the two couldn’t help but become competitive, which probably only helped in the end, with each one learning from their relationship. Their battles were fierce but over time, the contests became far more even, as Ashaiya quickly gained a grip on her powers.

She never forgot those men who killed her family though and her mind would often drift to what exactly she’d do to them if she had the chance. The memories of that night still haunted her and while she kept the pain locked up tight, Ashaiya knew that one day she’d meet them again and when she did, she’d be ready to serve the justice that her parents deserved. Yes, she may not have gotten along with them but after reading through her mother’s diary, Ashaiya couldn’t help but feel as though she was a little closer to them.

It was the diary that seemed to be the missing part of the puzzle in terms of her training as while Ashaiya became rather competent with her other abilities swiftly, she struggled when it came to discovering her affinity for an object. Yet, the moment she finished the book, it instantly transformed into the most bizarre looking sword that either she or Jaesa had ever seen before. A beam of pure energy burst from it and from the moment Ashaiya first swung it, the weapon felt weightless in her hand, as though it was meant to be.

With all the parts in place, her training would ramp up even further, turning the already formidable hand to hand combatant into a warrior who could carve through the darkness with her blade of light. She didn’t know how long she spent under her teacher’s watchful eye, each day seeming to blend into one but by the time Jaesa told her that she had nothing further to teach, Ashaiya was in a completely different place.

There would be one final test before she was deemed ready to go out on her own and the two would engage in a long and gruelling duel that made their previous spars feel like nothing. Neither woman backed down and both tapped deep into their wells of power in order to win. Their movements were so fast that it was as if there were 10 combatants rather than just 2 and a smile crossed the face of the elder woman as witnessed her students progress first hand. There was no quarter given and both women took heavy damage from the blows, some which repaired themselves and others which would require more time.

Ashaiya fought like a demon and as she and her teacher broke apart from another brutal blade lock, she’d raise a hand, lifting up over a dozen pieces of debris that littered the area and sent them towards Jaesa in a powerful telekinetic assault that had her teacher desperately covering up. With a flash of Bringer Light, she’d then appear before her teacher and unleash a mighty blow, sending Jaesa to the ground, ending the contest. A finish that not only concluded the fight but their training as well. They parted the very next day, after healing their wounds, friends for life but destined for different paths.

With her training complete, Ashaiya would set out on her own, heading back to her old home in order to attempt to dig up clues on the killers of her family. The mansion had been completely ransacked and where once had been a beautiful home now was just a decrepit and lifeless hovel. It made her feel rather sick and as she walked through the halls, her hand would move towards her blade, now permanently in the form of her weapon’s hilt, grasping and activating it without a moment's hesitation. The white blade would light up the area around her, dispelling the darkness.

The place was not empty though and soon enough, she’d hear the sounds of Hollows, causing her to look up to find a duo of them flying above her. She’d move in an instant, using her movement skills to appear between them, while leaving an afterimage of herself behind to trick them. It worked like a charm and before the pair knew what hit them, Ashaiya would cut through them with her blade, carving them clean in two with a single stroke of her blade to each of them.

There would be a few skirmishes as she explored but nothing that truly were a match for the Fullbringer, who dispatched them with her flowing sword. It’d taken some time for her to discover the secrets of her weapon but the truth wasn’t even all that complicated. It was simply a light in the darkness, as she was, to be used to remove the scum of the world.

It was only when she reached the office of her father that she had any real luck and as she opened the door and began to rummage around, she found what she’d been looking for. Printouts of emails that her father had received regarding the demanding of payments. Ashaiya would read through them and the look on her face soured the more she read. Her father had been involved in some damn shady business and the hand around her sword began to shake with anger by the time she was done. He was no better than those who killed him and it made her sick.

Enraged, Ashaiya would tap into her powers, causing almost every movable object to rise from the ground, complete and utterly at her command, before unleashing it in an anger-filled assault that turned the room into an absolute mess. When she’d finally unloaded, Ashaiya would reach out with her blade and perform a slashing motion, releasing a spiritual version of her blade that travelled forwards and destroyed the wall in front of her, allowing her to leave.

All she had to go on was an address that she found in one of her father’s emails and so she headed directly for it, her form almost like a formless ghost as she used her Bringer Light to travel at incredible speed. She had no idea if anyone would even be there but it was her only chance to achieve justice for her fallen family. It was all that filled her head and heart, with the woman able to hear her beating heart.

It seemed to go on forever but eventually, Ashaiya found herself outside what looked to be a car manufacturing plant or at least used to be. There didn’t seem to be much going on now and even in the middle of the night, the Fullbringer expected at least a guard to be keeping an eye on the place. As it so happened, her guess was rather accurate because no sooner did she get close enough to be seen by a camera, an alarm would go off, followed by a number of men coming towards her with guns.

Unafraid, Ashaiya would engage them without any real need for words, spinning her blade around in a circle in order to create a defensive shield for herself. There were many stances that she’d learned to use during her training and she was rather fond of this one, allowing herself to not waste energy while the opponents tired themselves out. Most of the bullets would melt against her energy blade and slowly but surely, she’d start to move closer towards them.

The shooters began to panic and soon enough they broke formation, scattering all over the place. If they’d actually tried to shoot her from all angles then they might have just had a chance but as it was, the break in the assault gave Ashaiya the time she needed to use her Bringer Light to get into close range, before unleashing her blade on the thugs. She carved through them like butter in truth, her sword of light leaving burns rather than anything else, easily battering aside their hopeless attacks.

As they either ran away or tried to fight, the Fullbringer would constantly be keeping an eye out for any signs of a ringleader or boss. That was who she truly wanted and she reckoned he must have been around somewhere. The emails had only spoken in vague terms, something she wished to remedy. Amidst the chaos though, she seemed to be the only one in control, her blade the single constant among the carnage.

Eventually, the numbers thinned and Ashaiya was able to detect a spiritual presence amongst the peons, strong enough to attract her attention. It was moving away from her and so leaving the others aside, the Fullbringer would swiftly move with her Bringer Light in order to try and catch her quarry. He was swift but Ashaiya was able to close the gap soon enough, easily evading the gunfire from the remaining stooges. She’d throw in the occasional extra step to throw in a clone or two, which caused enough chaos that some of them men ended up shooting each other.

By the time Ashaiya caught the fleeing figure, they were both out back among the wreckage of a wide assortment of cars. The place was a complete tip but it suited the filth who called it home and as the fullbringer moved in close with her blade, using her Bringer Light to move far quicker, she’d almost end up having her head cleaved off by her enemies sword. He was a masked figure, wielding a blade of pure fire and now that he had nowhere to go, he turned around and engaged.

The Fullbringer could sense in a way that he was like her, detecting Hollow energy from the male but Ashaiya had no desire to talk with him and so they fought. What a fight it was too, with the blades of the two wielders moving so fast that it was rather difficult to keep up with. The heat that came off the pair of weapons was immense and both Ashaiya and her opponent would end up severely burned, forcing both into having to tap into their Hollow abilities in order to repair some of the damage. A war of attrition, one that forced the young Fullbringer to have to use her deadliest of sword stances in order to stay in the fight. She allowed herself to enjoy the fight, relish in it and in doing so, used her enemies' rage against him. It worked but pushed her close to the edge as well, closer than she’d ever been to giving in to her own wrath.

Ashaiya was doing well enough that the opponent eventually released his sword, causing the humanoid figure to turn into what looked like a raging lion. It changed the context of the fight and the Fullbringer found herself in even hotter water as the Arrancar started to take the lead of the fight, fire erupting from every limb that he attacked with. The burns were horrible and the Fullbringer was gritting her teeth as she forced through the pain, holding firm against his onslaught.

Her blade wasn’t doing as much against his increased defence either, forcing her further onto the back foot in order to defend against him and even taking a direct hit from her blast of light only briefly repelled him. She was going to need to use something other than her blade and as she dashed away, Ashaiya would start to tug on every single wreck in her vicinity. The strain on her was harsh but she hadn’t been training all this time for nothing. She’d rise into the air, every car around her starting to do the same and once she’d reach the point of being unable to manipulate any more, the Fullbringer would unleash.

The cars would smash into the Arrancar, battering him constantly as he tried to parry them away, a barrage of metal that penetrated deep. It was a relentless barrage and with each attack, a roar of pain and anger escaped the masked creature. Ashaiya’s tactic was working and by the time the onslaught finally came to an end, the Arrancar would be lying on the ground, his form having returned to normal.

Weary, Ashaiya would approach the figure and ask the question that she’d wanted to do from the start. Why? All the Arrancar did was spit in her face in response, resulting in the Fullbringer delivering the final blow, ending his miserable life.

With her task done, the Fullbringer would take her leave of the place, left to mull over the miserable state that she found herself in. It was only when she was a good enough distance away that she could finally sit and start to wearily work on healing her own injuries. Yet, she took some pride in her victory and had found her cause in life.

She was going to protect those who needed to be protected but her way, no one else’s.


Martial Arts Expert: Ashaiya was taught how to box and wrestle from a young age in order for her to find a way to channel her inner frustrations, not to mention get her out of her room. She was also taught two martial arts, those being Karate and Judo in order to make her even more dangerous with just her hands. Taking her on hand to hand is a risky prospect for anyone and she had no issue with teaching someone a lesson if it’s necessary.

Skilled Swordswoman: While she wasn’t originally taught to wield a sword, it became necessary once her fullbring took on its true form. Ever since then, Ashaiya has spent hours upon hours honing her craft and is as deadly with her blade as she is with her fists at this point. Understanding the nuances of her unique blade, Ashaiya has come to develop multiple stances, each one able to aid her depending on the situation. Whether she needs to overpower, outmaneuver or simply exhaust her opponent, she has a style for it.

Enhanced Willpower: Due to her rather isolated background and constant training, Ashaiya has developed an iron will. Even in the face of an incredibly tough opponent, she doesn’t back down and will keep getting up no matter what happens. There’s just no quit in her and if anyone wants to stop her then they’ll have to kill her.


Bringer Light: Ashaiya is incredibly fast when using Bringer Light and is capable enough to not only leave her opponents in the dust but also give them a slight surprise. With a slight tweak in her technique, she’s able to create both after images and speed clones, using them to great effect when she’s fighting multiple opponents and needs a diversion. It can be rather hard at times to know if an opponent is actually attacking her or just an illusion.

Hollow Factor: It became apparent quite early in her training that Ashaiya was rather good at tapping into her Hollow abilities and at this point, she’s able to not only regenerate slowly but with considerable effort and some quiet time, able to heal her own wounds. She’s also rather skilled at detecting the spiritual pressure of other beings and is rather apt at being able to pick one out from a crowd.

Full Manifestation: It would be fair to say that of all the Fullbringer arts, it’s manifestation that Ashaiya is the most skilled with. She’s capable of lifting up multiple objects into the air and regularly uses it as a form of attack by hurling them at her opposition, up to the point where she’s lifted up twenty cars and managed to throw them using telekinesis. Not only that but she’s also been able to manipulate the air around her in order to hurl her opponents away from her. This was the first skill that she took to and to this day remains her most effective.


Affinity Name: Blade Of Light

Affinity Appearance: Originally, Ashaiya's inactive affinity took on the form of a diary that her mother gave her before she was killed. Once Ashaiya read the diary fully and came to understand her mother's feelings, while learning the story of her family, it took on the form that it does now permanently. It's simply a futuristuc looking sword hilt that is adorned with an activation button. When Ashaiya presses the button, a beam of pure white energy comes out of the hilt.

Affinity Abilities:

Wave Of Light: By swinging her sword, Ashaiya is able to release a beam of light that flies out towards her enemies. It can travel up to a range of 50M and has a length of 10M.

Defensive Slash: Once per post, Ashaiya is able to defend herself from an opponent's ranged attack by striking it with her blade.

Burning Blade: This is a passive ability where by all attacks from Ashaiya's blade burn rather than cut normally, cauterising wounds and numbing the area struck.


General Skills
  • Durability: D
  • General Speed: D
  • Strength: C
  • Soul: C

FullBringer Skills
  • Bringer Light: Advanced
  • Fullbring Affinity: Adept
  • Full Manifestation: Advanced
  • Hollow Factor: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Last edited by Ashaiya on Sun Aug 25, 2024 8:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sat Aug 24, 2024 8:55 pm

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