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[Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura Empty [Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura

Fri Jul 19, 2024 5:15 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Anakura Yushio
» Alias: [Any nicknames or titles?]
» Age: 26
» Gender: Female

» Association: N/A

» Appearance Written: [What does your character look like? Write it up.]

» Appearance Image:

I. Personality

» Personality:
Due to the unforeseen circumstances in her life, Yushio has become a bit closed off from others. While she may interact with people here and there, it stops when someone wants to be friendly towards her. A line interposes between her and friendship, as the line represents the boundaries she places so that nobody could walk through it. The line is meant to prevent others from crossing it, as she believes that she can be safe when there's no one around her. Thanks to this line, nobody has gotten in her way in her pursuit of power as having friends is nothing but a distraction to her. Her prejudice towards spirits caused her to adopt a belief that they must be purged in order for the world to be cleansed from disasters that follow them.

She shows disgust when near spirits as she considers them as no more than insects ready to be exterminated. Though she's capable of concealing her hatred for them by having a veneer of calmness and transparency, underneath her calm demeanor is someone ready to kill. Yushio doesn't immediately act on her killer instincts unless an opportunity presents itself. Speaking of opportunities, she's an opportunists who waits for the right moment to get what she wants. When it comes to achieving power she'll find someone with ample strength for her to learn from for she'll take any avenue that presents itself. She's capable of compromising her beliefs in order to cooperate with the spirits that she loathes, should a goal of there's intertwined. But once the goal is accomplished, she'll go back to her spirit loathing ways.

Her confidence and focus in battle allows her to stay in the zone as it helps her devise a strategy that could ensure a win or at least open a large window for a devastating attack. She's never cursory with her plans as she has a predilection for diligence rather than going in with unbridled determination. This conservative style of fighting makes studying her opponents more rewarding as knowing what the opponent is thinking is crucial in one's success. Once you figure out their overall behavior then fighting will be less of a battle between heavy hitters and more of a chess match.
» Likes: [Optional, delete if not used.]

» Dislikes: [Optional, delete if not used.]

I. History

» History:

Born into a might is right world, Yushio was forced to realize that strength determined one's survival and if you don't possess that kind of strength then you're not meant for this world. Having strength means you can protect the ones you hold dear while being weak causes those around you to suffer by the hands of fate. It was taught to her at a young age, and would later mold her world view. Her father had the idea to purge any hint of weakness that his daughter may possess, so that she could one day become a force to be reckoned with. He wanted Yushio to become strong so that she could protect herself on her own instead of having to rely on others. While his teachings were done under the pretense of helping others who are too weak to defend themselves, it's true purpose was to establish dominance over her opponents.
Learning to defend herself was a giving, as nothing felt worse than knowing someone is above you, watching you fall time after time. Most of her father's teachings stem from his past experiences, as he taught her most things he learned when he was on the streets, so that the same mistakes didn't repeat themselves. Yushio wasn't a difficult person to teach, though sometimes she didn't take some methods too seriously which invoked her father's wrath. Even when she wasn't doing physically extraneous exercises, some other method of training took place. This came in the form of medication and building ample spiritual awareness in herself which is something her mother excelled in. At the time Yushio didn't know her mother was hiding something special about her which was unknowingly nestled inside her soul as well. Unlike Yushio who've yet to awaken to her gifts, her mother was already a spiritually adapted woman who can see and communicate with ghosts from beyond. Her mother didn't push her hard like her father did out of resentment for himself.

Archaic as her mothers teaching methods were, Yushio’s efforts didn't come into full effect until one day she experienced a strange sensation emanating from her body. It was on a day when a shinigami saved Yushio's life but in exchange for her parents demise as they were attacked and killed by a dangerous and powerful creature known as a hollow. The dispute between the menos class hollow and the shinigami wasn't an easy fight as it took the power of his shikai to rid the monster. While he saved Yushio from getting killed, she blamed him and herself for getting her parents involved in his mess. Despite having her fullbring powers awakened at the time the menos attacked, she was too weak to do anything. Their deaths and her loneliness caused a hole in her heart to swell, and the only thing to fill that hole was power. Enough power so that the word weakness doesn't appear in her dictionary, so far a couple of years Yushio wandered the world, taking any chance she came across in a bid to acquire power. Because with absolute power, the feeling of weakness and uselessness will dissolve. During her travels, she was eventually taken in by the Yakuza. While she wasn't treated as one of them, it nevertheless became a second home for her. It was difficult to earn the leaders respect, despite being treated like a daughter for she was an outsider with no where to go. But over the years the two grew close. The leader had a son who was soon to become the next leader of the Yakuza family and Yushio would become his right hand. The leader saw promise in Yushio, for she saw no ordinary teenage girl within her but someone bearing remarkable gifts. Finding herself in the care of the Yakuza family, she grew to understand that the world around her was vastly different than the world she was born into, as everything around her was brutal and violent. It was a life she didn't expect to lead, but it was the only road towards strength. She had to stomach the cruelty of the criminal underworld if she wished to mature and the boss was willing to help her achieve that sense of maturity. An equitable exchange between her new father and Yushio was formed, as the boss was willing to teach her everything he knew in exchange for her loyalty and service to the family. She agreed only because she didn't want to feel weak.

Yushio juggled babysitting the boss's son and training so that she could become a capable bodyguard. By the time she was twenty, the families trust in Yushio grew and began to enter the height of her training. Her father gave her an important task. The task entailed that she assassinate one of his rivals and deliver the boss their head. Even with her training she was doubtful, but nevertheless she accepted the task. If she wanted to achieve power then she needed to rid herself of any weaknesses that she shows, as it's one of the ways for death to show dominance. Assassinating a member of the Kubo-tai could be the next and final phase of her training. It wasn't easy infiltrating the Kubo-tai’s mansion but she did it without letting anyone know there was an intruder in their midst. The opportunity to slay one of their members, who became a sharp thorn in her father's side for years, had graced her. Despite taking nearly weeks, the opportunity showed itself during the time her target was conducting business negotiations and when she found the target alone she hesitated briefly. Anger within herself took action, which alerted the surrounding guards. While she managed to take care of the business representative, she did so by giving herself away. Luckily her face or name wasn't seen by anyone but the fact that news of the assassination attempt matured into a buzzing story elicited anger in her father. However his wrath was assuage as one of their rivals was bereft of the means to gain a footing in expansion of their territory, and despite Yushio’s failure to keep her anger under control she was given an award in a form of two Japanese swords. They were once his when he was a samurai in the age where samurais were valued but ever since the emergence of modern technology it became more of a relic. She cherished the swords and began to apply her father's teachings into them.

Her father's victory over one of his rivals didn't last forever as police stormed the Yakuza’s mansion, sending everyone to capture the criminals and anyone associated with them. Yushio was forced to flee along with his son and she hadn't seen or heard from them since. On the run, Yushio thought it was best to give her little brother a better life so she found an orphanage to place him in and went off on her own. Her obsession for power and the constant loss she suffered caused her to grow distant in her perpetual pursuit. She had grown lost, oftentimes finding herself being consumed by negative emotions that distorted her soul. Every now and then her internal self would encourage her to surrender, feeding into her, the darkness that slowly crept into her mind. During her moments of anger and self hatred, she'd go out and slay hollows whilst picking fights with shinigami who got in her way. That was the only way she knew how to satisfy her hunger for power, but when there wasn't anyone deemed worthy enough to challenge, she'd find other ways to entertain herself. Most of her pain was directed towards the spirits that occupy the world. Because of this she would channel her pain and anger towards spirits, whether they were hollows or shinigami as to her they were all the same. Nothing but spiritual matter ready to be snuffed out and sent back to the soul cycle. Her desire for power and the destruction of spirits distorted her soul as it morphed into something wicked. Her dark desires had manifested through the twin blades her late father had gifted her, using them as a tool to craft a world where humans won't have to suffer from hollow attacks and Shinigami's incompetence.
I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Hand To Hand Combat: Rarely does she ever use her physical strength to strong arm opponents as she's more of a sword specialist. Her father trained her in how to defend herself against people who'll try to intimidate and pick with her. His methods were brutal at times as every screw up meant a strong surprise attack to the face or stomach. But she managed to make little mistakes one session at a time. She isn't the best hand to hand fighter, but she knows how to put up a good fight as she doesn't want to have a one dimensional fighting style.

Swordsmanship - Ever since the two swords were gifted to her, she began mastering the art of swordplay with the help of her Yakuza father who was once a samurai from the old age. Much of her sword techniques reflect the techniques used by classic samurai.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities: [Does your fullbringer have any unique abilities derived from their fullbring powers? These can be related to their hollow factor, their full manifestation art, and so on.]

Crafty: She can use her energy to create objects that are composed of her energy. Unlike man made objects, objects created from her energy can be manipulated in a myriad of ways. For instance she can manipulate the shape of an object as well as the diameter. She can make an object big or small, depending on how much focus she's applying to the shaping of the object. She can't, however, make an object that's the size of a mansion but she can make an object the size of a pond, as too much focus can destabilize the object she wishes to make, causing an explosion. She can conjure up to five objects at a time.

I. Fullbring Affinity

» Affinity Name: Bound By Blood
» Affinity Appearance: [What does your fullbringer's affinity look like? A watch? A book? This should account for its inactive state such as a bookmark, and also its active state such as becoming a weapon.]

When inactive Bound by blood resembles a pair of green orb like earrings but once activated the earrings transform into a bo staff that she uses in tandem with her blood abilities.
» Affinity Abilities:

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your character has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

Kokugatsu - The Kokugatsu completes the pair with its sibling, the kogatsu. Unlike the long bladed Kogatsu, the Kokugatsu is relatively short in length, resembling a wakizashi. The blades scabbard is black with the blade wrapping being black and an oval shaped tsuba.
I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
» Durability: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Speed: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Strength: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Martial Skill: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Will Skills
» Willpower: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Fullbringer Skills
» Bringer Light: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Fullbring Affinity: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Full Manifestation: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Hollow Factor: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:
The streets were swamped with traffic which was normal during the evening, as civilians tried to get to where they needed to go. Those who left their homes early was blessed to miss rush hour, but not by much whereas those who weren't so lucky had found themselves trapped in a sea of slow moving vehicles. Time was like a valuable companion to some but for Shuuyin she couldn't care how late or how early she was, so long as she was present but the consequences for being late was daunting for others because it meant they’d surrender their job. The sun illuminated most of the earth while keeping other parts of the world tucked in their bed, waiting for their turn to start the day. The harmful sunlight gave Shuuyin’s eyes a beating for she was forced to look for a shade that could block the sun's bright light. Thankfully she was able to find a good spot for her violet marble eyes to relax as her eyes felt like they were being squeezed. She had retreated inside a modest family-owned bookstore that's been around for quite some time, serving it's customers with a large assortment of books.

Some of the shelves consisted of cookbook guides which Shuuyin had no interest in checking out for she wasn't much of a chef, preferring takeout food over making it. Other shelves include novels ranging from thriller to epic fantasy and comics for the nerds. Though she didn't stop by a bookstore to check out any books, instead she was in the middle of an assignment that her captain had given her. There had been strange disappearances that were occuring in the heart of the city. Her job was to investigate likely spots for victims to appear. Thanks to being a spirit, no one in the bookstore seemed to take notice of Shuuyin's presence as everyone minded their business. A bookstore was an odd choice but so far her investigation found her in a dead end as she explored nearly every inch of the city. She thought that maybe the hollow enjoyed reading before being hollowfied or something.

Just as she was about to move on to the next location she felt a spark of spiritual energy. Lifting her head to gaze at the lights plastered on the ceiling, the energy source seems to be coming from the top of the bookstore. “Jackpot” She says to herself before running towards the way she came in to emerge outside. She leapt onto the roof of the building and noticed a hollow dangling an unconscious human adult woman by her ankles. “I know it's lunch time n’ all so how about have a little taste of this instead” Just as the hollow was about to enjoy its evening snack in the form of a helpless human being, the creature's right arm was cleaved in half. Letting out a painful roar, Shuuyin quickly ran towards the falling human to catch her.

The woman landed in the Shinigami’s arm safely and just in time to dodge the hollow tail which brushed past her long hair. As she found a safe place to deposit the women's body, Shuuyin got herself in position to go for the hollow. The hollow swung its giant tail again and missed the second time. Despite its sheer size it was slow which gave Shuuyin ample time to draw her Zanpakuto again and go for a killing blow but just as she was about to swing, a long slimy tongue managed to grab hold of the Shinigami's body. She flinched in disgust as she could feel the saliva finding it's way on her skin which made her groan in the back of her mind at the prospect of washing the slime off of her.

The creatures disgusting tongue had a firm grip on her, but it wasn't enough to hold her for long as she tossed her zanpakuto in the air, and pressed both of her fingers against each other. She marshaled enough energy to perform an incantation. The zanpakuto was still performing a couple of flips in the air as she was doing an incantation. After the incantation finished her spell made a bid to inflict damage upon the hollow which would force it's tongue to loosen it's hold on Shuuyin and in time for the blade to reunite with their owner. The hollows pain mounted as it collapsed to the ground once her spell had found purchase, finally letting Shuuyin know that it's the creature's time to say it's farewell as she made a fierce diagonal strike with her zanpakuto.


Last edited by Crosshex on Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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[Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura

Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:42 am
some of the language in this application seems to imply that you intend her to be fairly strong. I should remind you that our rules state that an individual's first character will explicitly be restricted to being a bit on the weak side (This is to ensure new people have an opportunity to become familiar with our system before going into what it takes to represent the higher levels of skill/ability). Her abilities will be almost all beginner, with potential for an adept or two depending on the application. If this is a character you want to pull in as a strong, powerful character, you may be better served for apping them after your first character.

Her devastating sword attacks can leave deep wounds on a target, forcing them to waste their energy into healing a section of the body that her blade inflicted upon. Expert healers can remedy the pain though the seriousness of the injury can cause the healing process to be slow.
Please Nix this last section unless there is some unique quality about her weapon which would cause the wounds to be more difficult to heal than any other sword wound, as this implies that it would.
Thanks to her sword training she's capable of going up against even some of the most seasoned sword fighters, including Shinigami who mastered Zanjutsu.
She would not. As your first character, you'll be limited in your starting capabilities, and certainly would be a far cry from being able to contend with someone who had mastered zanjutsu.

Bringer Light
Only high level fullbringers can manipulate their own body using fullbring. It should be stated that at her level, her fullbring should be applying changes to the environment to augment their attacks, not augmenting the body itself. This section implies an ability to alter her physiology in some way, which bringer light doesn't do unless you're at a very high level of mastery.
This is outlined in , as fullbringers generally augment their surroundings to accomplish things, not their own bodies.

Fullbring in General
I'm having a bit of trouble seeing the threadline of this ability's theme. Boiling blood, for example, doesn't actually seem to be manipulation of blood, it just seems to be something akin to a martial arts technique which amplifies her abilities. However it doesn't actually offer any mechanism by which this is taking place, and the whole Blood portion seems to be in name only. While with the rest of the fullbring, she manipulates blood externally, which doesn't fit the 'self augmentation' theme that the first ability has. I would reccommend consolidating the niche with which her Fullbring operates. Additionally, I would like a more clear and concise link as to why a pair of earrings that turn into a staff allows her to manipulate blood. What connection do the earrings have with blood? Fullbringers abilities are very tied emotionally and mentally to what they cherish about their powers. Unlike say a shinigami, who just gets a sword with sometimes random ass abilities, a Fullbring specifically is born from the internal wishes of the wielder through their connection with the item.

Boiling blood DOES fit with the fullbring item, as the earrings turning into a staff has a martial artsy kinda feel, and as said before, the ability is just a booster, but has no real blood ties. So I'd have a recommendation of two paths:

If you want to go into the blood manipulation vein of things? I'd find out what her most cherished item was, and WHY that item and her connection with it, produced an ability to allow her to manipulate blood, then make sure that you keep the abilities in the fullbring related to the release. (Boiling blood, for example, could just be stuck in her natural abilities since it could honestly just be done by channeling her reiryoku and be unrelated to her abilities as a fullbringer).

Alternatively: If you want to stick with the earrings and the staff, I'd reccommend giving her abilities suitable to her item and the connection she has with it. She seems to have had a lot of training in her life and focus on martial prowess. And then nix the unrelated abilities from there.

Given the fact that at least a good section of these abilities will need to go as a result of your decision, I'll abstain from grading the specifics of the release abilities until it's been consolidated.

Equiptment: Soul Eater - I'm not sure where she's supposed to have gotten such an item, but all the same, this seems more or less like a Caja Negacion. Which would be a very unique and powerful item you'd need to get from someone with the skill to create something like that. For the time being I'd reccommend removing this item, its definitely something that if you wanted, you'd A, need to go about procuring it through plot, and B, would still be subject to the consent of the other party if they want to allow their character to potentially be sealed away by this thing.
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[Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura

Tue Aug 06, 2024 10:41 am
Decided to get rid of the abilities entirely and thought it'd be best to roleplay her discoveries them or something akin to how Ichigo got his fullbring when his shinigami powers were stripped from him or something of that nature since I can't come up with anything thematically at the moment.
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[Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura

Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:02 pm
I got rid of the fullbring abilities because they're just random abilities and idk how to make themes so I'll just have them roleplay discover their abilities.

Got rid of bringer light.

Tldr: just a basic human who hasn't discovered their fullbring powers.

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[Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura

Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:05 pm
Understood. Now all we'll need is Kogatsu (Crimson Moon) Removed and you should be just about set to receive your final grading.
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[Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura

Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:09 pm
Removed it
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[Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura

Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:14 pm
[mod] General Skills
Durability: Beginner
Speed: Beginner
Strength: Beginner
Martial Skill: Adept

Will Skills
Willpower: Beginner
Deduction: Beginner
Focus: Beginner

Racial Skills
Bringer Light: Untrained
Fullbring Affinity: Beginner
Full Manifestation: Untrained
Hollow Factor: Untrained

Spirit Class: 9
Comments/Notes: Welcome to the Club

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[Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9 ] Yushio Anakura

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