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Ye Olde Guarde
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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Tue Aug 06, 2024 1:29 am


Kei nodded along as Hono explained their relationship. It seemed a bit lonely, but so would any relationship with a Shinigami. If anything, Hono also being a Shinigami made this easier. Both Elyss and Hono knew their responsibilities better than an outsider would. She thought more about what that meant for herself. Would someone outside of the Gotei actually understand her duties? Would someone outside of the Nobility understand her obligations? Both things reminded her she didn't have someone to have those differences of understanding with.

Finding herself staring at the drink, Kei drank more. "Even though we only just met, I'm glad you seem to have a comfortable relationship." She was also equally envious of what Hono had. There was a very short list of women had ever caught Kei's own eye beyond something physical. And the lack of those special few made her feel emptier on the inside. Kei finished her drink and had to think before ordering another. "If I get too drunk, would you take me back to the Saionji manor? Or at least to my office in the First Division?"

"If not, that's fine." Kei was giving Hono an out if she wanted it. "I could probably find a cab. I just get the feeling tonight's one of those nights where my own legs won't be taking me to my door... and not in the way in I planned."

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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Sat Aug 10, 2024 3:01 am

Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 178

"Yeah, I can do that. Kind of my job, I've dealt with a lot of drunk people. So I'm used to it~" She teased Kei, it was good to have a friend. When it came to the Soul Society, Hono had only a few detached from work. Kei was a nice change of pace. Hono wasn't planning on getting overly drunk anyway, so taking Kei back would be simple enough.

"That upset huh? Don't let it bother you that much~ You get to talk to me, who's probably far more attractive and entertaining than that random girl~" She flipped her hair dramatically, picking up her glass and throwing it all back. Waving the bartender for another.

"If I'm ever walking by the first, I'll be sure to bring you some of my cooking. I make more than I'll ever eat and like to give the leftovers to other people. J has tasted my cooking before~ He's never given me a bad review!" Now she wasn't sure if J liked her food, or if he was just being polite.

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Sat Aug 10, 2024 11:45 pm


Kei chuckled. Of course Hono would have dealt with drunk people. J complained every time he had to deal with those idiots that drank on-duty. Hono probably took that better than he did. She was turning out to be just the companion Kei needed tonight after her failed date. She mimicked Hono and got another drink. It wasn't fun to drink alone. Turning the tease back at Hono, Kei let out a long thinking noise. "Hmmm, I don't know if that's a worthwhile trade... If you keep being so fun and bubbly, I'll be envious of Captain Kishimoto. And, well, I don't think I'd win that kind of rivalry."

When Hono mentioned food, Kei nodded in appreciation. When Hono mentioned J eating the food, she looked a bit shocked. "Oh? J ate someone else's food? ...Wait, so you're the one that's bringing him lunch. He compliments your lunch a lot to me. He has a bad habit of not knowing how to compliment." As she thought about the conversation she had with J over this mysterious lunch-bringer, Kei snickered. Then the snickering turned into laughter. "You know, he thought you were interested in him, and that's why you brought him lunch. I guess I can tell him that he won't be breaking your heart."

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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Tue Aug 13, 2024 1:58 am

Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 129

The Shinigami was honestly flattered at all the things Kei was saying. She would shake her head and think about what was being said for a moment. "Pff. I don't wanna make anyone jealous. Sorry if I'm leading you on." She shrugged, hoping that Kei wasn't too serious about all of this.

"He does!?" She was surprised to hear that, I guess that proved to Hono that her cooking was good. The woman lightly smiled as she sipped at her drink, it was always good to get some praise~ However, she did a spit take as she heard what J thought. Choking a little on her drink as she coughed. "HE WHAT?!"

She paused before laughing herself. "Yuck. No offense, J is a nice guy but. I like women..."

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Tue Aug 13, 2024 2:48 pm


Kei couldn't help but laugh again at Hono's reaction. She sounded almost so defeated when she affirmed her sexuality. There was just something in that I like women... that made her briefly forget her own woes. Maybe it was the confidence. Maybe it was just outwardly saying it. Kei had never once tonight outright said she liked women. She always danced around that subject. She always used euphemisms. She rarely, if ever, just outright said "I like women."

"I feel like I should be offended at you saying 'yuck' to my brother. But I guess the alcohol saves you this time." Kei elbowed Hono slightly. She might be someone seen as pretty elegant, but Kei had picked up some bad habits from her brother—and her brother's company. "Anyways, you're not leading me on. If there's one thing I hate more than... just about anything, it's a homewrecker. I'm just glad you said you weren't single so soon, otherwise I would have thought you were leading me on." She raised her glass. "So let's consider this a friendship, nothing more, nothing less."

After the toast, Kei downed a good portion of her drink. Feeling the warmth, she relaxed a bit more. "So how did you and Captain Kishimoto meet? I can't imagine it's easy to catch a Captain's eye like that."

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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:34 pm

Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 165

"I love J. Just not like that!"She spoke up, folding her arms defensively, she felt a little bad, but of course, she didn't wanna admit that. Homewreckers... right, they were the worst kind of people. "I'm flattered you think I'm nice like that~" She would dink her class again Kei's before throwing back another sip. With an exhale, she froze as she processed the sudden chugging of booze.

"Well. it's not a grand story" She began speaking rather slowly as she remembered the details. "Well. She caught me training, and decided to teach me a few things... we did some fighting, and I walked up to her and asked her out. " Hono let out a laugh. "It took me two times, the first time I was drunk and it was awkward..."

Hono tapped her glass against the bar, asking for more. "I'm not the type to flaunt my relationships like that. Never found a point. I don't want preferential treatment or anything like that."

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Thu Aug 22, 2024 3:21 pm


Kei had a brief twinge of jealousy towards Elyss for a moment. That immediate defensive reaction was pretty cute. Lucky woman there. Taking another drink, Kei burned that away. Hono was pretty quickly solidifying herself as someone Kei wanted to see again. If nothing else, she was keeping Kei entertained, but it was more than that. She was keeping Kei distracted from her loneliness. That was something Hono wouldn't know how much was appreciated.

The story on how those two met was cute. She liked Hono's spunk and practically-immediate "I like you, let's go out" attitude. The jealousy was burned out with another drink before it could even start to build up. "Sometimes... That preferential treatment does have its perks, so don't... don't just constantly ignore it." Kei was feeling some of the alcohol now, and so she decided to snack on the nuts provided at the bar to try to counteract it. They were the best nuts ever—at least to her inebriated brain.

Kei ordered what was now her fourth drink. "I don't drop J's name all the time. I don't really drop my name. But if I do... It's because I, okay you should really try these nuts. They're so good." Kei slid the bowl between them, much to the dismay of another patron. "But if I did drop the Saionji name, it would be because it was the right tool for the job. Like, a Third Seat might have trouble getting inside a fancy event, but a Saionji? That has the ring of someone they want in attendance! Especially if it's me and I'm performing—oops, did I say that out loud?"

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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:44 pm

Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 258/b]

Hono disagreed, hard but understood where Kei was coming from. Picking up her drink she would throw it back with one big gulp. Feeling it hit her, she was getting there as well. Trying to keep up with Kei's pace, making it almost a competition, four to four, tied game. Hono tapped the counter signifying she wanted another.

[b]"Not my thing. I wanna prove to MYSELF I can do it. Sure I can rely on people to help me, but it won't be satisfying if I don't earn it. When I get to Captain I wanna know I earned it, and that it wasn't handed to me because of some stupid family name..."
A grumble, that hopefully the Saionji wouldn't take offense to...

Soon those drinks smacked her, the bar looked amazing, definitely not run down, a place she didn't wanna leave! Poor Hono... The nuts? Well. How could she say no? Hono shoved up a handful before putting them all in her mouth. "D-Damn those are good!" She went for another big handful... they were gonna need more nuts soon.

"Performing? Let me guessssss." She slurped out the S sound a bit, as she tried to guess what Kei did. "You probably play something fancy... Piano?" She raised an eyebrow a bit confused why it was a secret.

Hopefully, these two wouldn't cause much more of a disturbance to the poor patrons. That being said, Hono was having fun, it was nice to just chat with someone about everything. Hono could see her and Kei becoming close friends.

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Sun Sep 01, 2024 9:35 pm


Hono was one of the few Shinigami Kei knew that actively wanted to become a Captain. She certainly wasn't one of them. She might could handle being a Lieutenant, but a Captain? Too much on her shoulders and not enough leeway to justify it. Kei didn't know if Hono would make a good Captain, but she at least would be a fun Captain.

The bartender eyed the both of them and did refill the nut jar. He also pointedly sat down glasses of water near them. "Not... quite a piano. I sing; quite well, if I may say so myyyself." Kei's cheek turned a shade of red, but not from the drinks. Most people in the Gotei weren't privy to this knowledge—mostly because they didn't get paid enough to attend. "But it's not like I'm some pop starlet..."

"It's more... easy listening stuff with a... Well, remember how I said I had led people on? Well, it can get a little risque. I don't show anything off or get close to it, but I can't deny it's a bit suggestive..." Kei was staring into her drink again. "There's a certain bit of fun about flaunting something others can't have... But I guess that's a bit wrong, isn't it?"

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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:19 am

Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 179/b]

A singer?! So Hono was far off. Hell, that was a lot better than she could ever do, last time she tried she had no musical talent at all. Hono would shoot the bartender a glare as she received water, but it was probably smart of him to do so. The Shinigami grumbled as she picked up her glass of water and began sipping on it. [b]"Classical kinda voice I'm guessing. Opera?"
She threw a few guesses towards the woman curious what her style was if not pop music.

Oh. So Kei was one of THOSE women, the total opposite of J... and they're related..? Hono would adamantly and almost cartoonishly shake her head. "That's very wrong!" Hono rolled her eyes before lightly drinking the water. "You should just be honest, saves you a lot of headache and heartbreak. Though I guess hard-to-get girls ARE the best kind. So I guess I get where you're coming from. Maybe I'll try that next time with Elyss..." Her mind would wander for just a moment, drunk thoughts... definitely not a good thing.

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