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White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna]

Thu Aug 15, 2024 9:53 pm
White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 B49zcoa2pqy

She didn't pay him much attention as he eyed her hands. He was free to eye all he liked, but he wouldn't recognize what was happening. It wasn't kido. It wasn't a special hakuda. This was something entirely unique. Her very own personal Program that was etched into her soul as a mod soul. She lightly ran the claw of her thumb over her palm, brushing some of the ice from the now-armored surface before glancing towards Tento as she considered his words.

"Hm. Is that your opinion?" She looked ventured over her shoulder. It wasn't particularly surprising. Of all the things to say, he did say what she saw most often. So, he'd picked this squad not for any sense of belonging or purpose. But just following someone else. Her mind briefly shifted to Asami. And then towards Armina, with her own mention of being fixated to the gotei thanks to a previous experience.

What was it....some woman she chased here? Truth be told, she'd attempted to just forget about all that and put up some mental block to never remember that stuff. But well. You dont' just forget some weirdo kidding you in the middle of a spar. Hopefully in the future, that wouldnt affect if they had to work together.

"I'm afraid I'm not all wishy washy like that." She smiled a bit wider as she looked fully at the dummy thoughtfully, keeping her back to tento as she spoke. "Someone special made it so that I wanted to join the gotei. Shinigami are such a pain in the ass on earth. Joining up felt like a way to avoid having to deal with them as some random civillian. I never did like shinigami. But, someone in particular inspired me. Initially, I did coincidentally wind up in their squaf. Captain Murasaki was a pretty awesome woman. Maybe not the best Captain. I've come to realize that maybe the way she ran things wasn't as amazing as I thought. But I owe her a lot." She noted calmly.

"As a Mod Soul, I'm not exactly looked at favorably all the time. As far as some people are concerned, I'm more like property, or equiptment than a person." Her mind shifted back to Meninas, and she tightened her grip. Remembering the things she'd heard had been done to her. "When she found out, she assured me that my position was secure. And I very much believe her. Honestly, so long as she's around. I don't have to worry about being carted off to third." She turned around and smirked as she faced Tento.

"She became the Captain Commander, and I won't lie. I did consider changing divisions. But thats not really my calling. I like earth too much, and Seventh makes sense. Being the forward force for earth issues just fits my vibe as it were." She certainly had settled into the role well enough. Even if she wasn't so fond of her Captain. Though she wondered if shed have been satisfied with any captain.

"My turn for a question. Hows it like working with so many cute women you can't flirt with?" He ventured.
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White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna]

Thu Aug 22, 2024 4:51 pm
White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

This was most certainly interesting; he was not much to show his ‘nerdy’ side but when it came to kido it was one of the few interests he was very happy to share. What he witnessed was a bit of a wonder. It was nothing he knew personally and even more so, nothing he could recall hearing about before. The finer details of his study aided in a bit of elimination though. Her zanpatuko was sealed so this had nothing to do with that. There was no incantation channel felt so the possibility of kido was unlikely to him, and there was no energy felt involving her spiritual energy or any real pressure. It…was different yet still her. It was something that she was doing, unique.

“Insight, opinion, or a misguided guess of what it is. I would like to think so though. Everyone wishes to be strong. And I at least wish everyone to be strong enough to protect themselves, and what is important to them”, Tento said in response. “At least…that is what I feel in my heart at least. That, I know I can be honest about”. As a spirit there was not much else he could do. He needed food and nourishment unlike many other souls. What better way than as a Shinigami? They were respected, they had an impact, and they could do good. Beyond the whole….keeping the worlds from collapsing on each other. He could find a home in any division, hopefully. Time and friends would grow love; time plus exposure equaled influence. There was no single division whose main duties jumped out to him that he HAD to do. And the Gotei, well the Gotei’s purpose would come true no matter what division he was in. The only thing left…well.

In comparison to others, Tento did not give some god forsaken reason why he chose the 4th division. Not anything dramatic. No revenge, no iron will believe in a select group to change the world. He only had someone important to him. Someone he wanted to fight alongside, someone he wanted to have to rely on him. It was not bold; not worth a large note or a dramatic movie picture. But his strength in it was all the same one of pillars he stood on. His determination was undoubtable to himself. As Lerna continued to speak, her smile came strong in her tone. It was a much different story than his own, but one he could feel some connection to. Lerna got inspired by someone like he did. “It does sound like she helped you a bit finding some comfort. I do know the whole picture of what you may have gone through as a mod soul but I would assume it involves issues of being watched, threats of being erased, and pure hostility?”.

Wishy washy or not it sounded similar to him. It sounded like Lerna did trust Murasaki, followed her even in terms of working under her like any other would once she was stationed under her. That did not mean that Lerna had fogged goggles though. She saw the woman as well as the uniform. Tento silently listened. The life of a Mod soul was hell, and prior changes to the former Gotei they might as well have just been slaves. A being with a soul as well as consciousness; breathing just as anyone else. Memories, feelings, everything you needed to be a person in Tento’s opinion. But because they were once a scientific experiment created and used as a tool, that was all they were. That was their destiny in the eyes of the past, and even now Tento was not sure of that topic.

“I am sorry that you have had to go through being oppressed and used in the past. Regardless of what others may think or say, you are a person; Mod Soul or not”, he said with a calm look towards her. A soul was a soul with its own personhood and individuality. Lerna was a Shinigami fighting like anyone else when deployed on earth. She played a key role in the monitorization and defense of the balance. Captain Commander Murasaki’s influence or not, it should be noted and respected. Beyond that it sounded like Lerna was doing fine in her division. She liked the ease of still being home on earth and defending it first. Hopefully her division treated her well regardless of her mod soul status as well as a sub-shinigami from the outside looking in there was no true way to tell how her relationship with them was.

“Well, be as it may it sounds that you are doing good for yourself now. A substitute Shinigami not only attached to a division but a seated officer. You came a long way and should be proud. You don't need me to say that though”, Tento said with a nod of his head and some words of encouragement. A soft smirk coming along at the end.

Tento wanted to give a smark remark to it. Like who said he couldn’t flirt with them hmm? But he decided to do something else. “Oh, alright I suppose. Still get to have a good time with cool people, try to get along with as many people as I can. Beyond that, my flirting with cute women hasn’t changed when it's a good time. People who seem to like my taste weren’t only in my division after all”. Tento said with a pause. Trying to not sound like a playboy or brag as much as his could.

Light in the Dark | End Post

White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Tentos10
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White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna]

Thu Aug 22, 2024 6:47 pm
White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 B49zcoa2pqy

Lerna snorted softly and chuckled as Tento offered his own platitudes. It was... well something. And frankly, as he gave his answer. You really couldn't get much more.... what to even call it? "Anyone ever tell you you sound a bit sappy?" She asked with a lopsided smile, her voice playful rather than chastising. "You would think that people want to be strong. But you're not correct. People want a lot of things, but being strong isn't always one of them." She turned her attention to Tento and took a few steps towards him.

"You say you want strength. But is that really what you want? Are you sure that strength isn't just something convenient and easy to chase that will get you what you really want? You mentioned that you wanted to become strong to protect your friends. But strength alone won't do that. And so I can't help but wonder. What are you willing to do to get stronger?" She murmured, reaching in and promptly thumping her fist to the center of his chest. That smile of hers widening just a bit more. All the more amused by his comment about flirting. And she couldn't fight the curiosity that burned in her.

Just how strong was Tento? What was the weight behind those pretty words of his?
"Take out your zanpaku'to." She instructed him. Making her way out to the center of the training area and turning to face him. Her own weapon still sheathed at her hip as she smiled a bit wider. But not the friendly calm little curve that he'd seen before. There was a bit more...ferocity in her eyes. "Show me your Pride as a member of Fourth Division."
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White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna]

Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:16 pm
White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

“No, but there is a first time for everything”, he offered back in remark. Before giving put a jokeful tone, “Just like I would imagine you have laughed this much in a day in a while”. Tento humored as he welcomed the lopsided smile on her face. He would have to give a shrug of his shoulders in admittance.

He had to give credit. What she said was fair. Not everyone wants to be strong. Just like not everyone wants money, or items. Heck, some just wanted to be smart. Everyone had a way to be who they are meant to be. And that's the same for being of aid to the Gotei. Perhaps that was just Tento's way. A defender. Or maybe it was all he knew and it was a defense to make sure he had people strong enough to watch his back while he watched their front.

However, her next action shifted the tone of the conversation. She walked right up to him, that sparkling grin shining like a bright diamond as she asked him a hard felt question. What would he be willing to do to get stronger? Why did he even seek it. Was it improvement for the sake of beating his old self Was? Was it an impact to not feel insignificant? Was it a desperation to protect a home he had now? To have the power to protect what he cherish? Or was it the thrill and bloodlust of battle that all members of the 4th seemed to have or was it something more?

What the heck else could he need when it came to fighting in the battlefield?? Thump. It echoed and rang clear even before she made contact with his chest. Speechless for once, there were no pretty words or attempts at flirtation or even jokes. Just a silence in wait listening. Without a word he drew his zanpakuto out as request. His hand on the hilt loose before digging into a strong vice grip, affirmed.

He closed his eyes and simply, felt. As the silence stretched on, Tento's inner world ignited. He could feel the pulsating energy of his zanpakuto, an extension of his very soul, calling out to him. With a sudden inhalation, his eyes snapped open, a fierce brown flame dancing within their depths. The ground beneath his feet cracked, energy radiating outwards as he drew upon the power of his spirit weapon. With a shunpo he was gone traveling forward in a vertical slash that would hold the intensity to make his sword strike was larger in size than it was. A skyscraper threatening to crash down.

Light in the Dark | End Post

White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Tentos10
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White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna]

Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:25 pm
White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 B49zcoa2pqy

Well, at least he seemed to consider her words. That was good. So many damn shinigami she talked to just acted like it was in one ear and out the other. She could appreciate that Tento at least... sortof seemed to think about the things she said. But she did wonder how much really penetrated that skull of his. Just how much did he really intend to think about his placement in the gotei? Certainly from time to time, she'd considered her own place. If she perhaps belonged somewhere else like Third or hell even Eigth. But at least for now, that hadn't translated into anything. But for Tento, was there any thought of a world where he wasn't in fourth division?

Seeing him taking up his weapon, she couldn't help but smirk a bit to herself, a light chuckle as she let her head tilt a bit to the side and she regarded him closely.

She could feel the buildup of his spiritual pressure and she shifted her own stance ever so slightly in anticipation. Oh, he was putting in quite a bit of force on this attack of his. She let her head tilt a bit to the side and she watched as that mountain of spiritual energy and resolve built up within him, and then, with that powerful overhead swing, she watched him unleash the force on her.

She did, briefly, consider letting him just hit her. Cleaving down and ripping clean through her chest. But well, that'd be a bit much now wouldn't it? Sure, she really didn't like the whole Fourth mentality, and uh... this certainly was a lot of that. But she didn't plan on giving him that kind of spook. Instead, she raised her hand, and the energy coursed along her palm. A Crackle as she pulled in sand from the arena and condensed it into a hard, black scale along her palm. Such that when his sword slammed down, there was a loud ringing CLANK as it slammed into her open palm. Cutting slightly into that hard scale. But the blade still was stopped mid-swing, and a surge of sand and dirt flooded outward as the extra force was dumped into the ground at her feet. Those black scales spreading along her arm and up the side of her neck as the entire limb was armored.

Whew. That was quit the hit, she could feel the tendons in her wrist and shoulder strain. IF she'd been a normal shinigami that would have been rough, and she could FEEL her own spiritual pressure stirring inside her in response to the danger. If the guy had been in shikai, then that would have been pretty ugly. "Quite a bit more vicious than I expected, if I was a regular shinigami I would have really been hurt, Tento. Is this really what Fourth Division's all about? I know I taunted you just a little. But you should still try to feel things out a bit when you're going against a comrad. " She closed her eyes and turned his blade away, flicking it to the side as she glanced at her armored palm, and the blood running down her wrist.

"It's important to help one another grow. But theres a lot more to being strong than just being strong. If I was to give it a general estimation. I'd say that on average, the usual member of the Seventh division is probably a good head and shoulders above most members of the Fourth Division." She noted before pointing at the man. Chilling reiryoku flared and in a flash, as the name of the spell graced her lips, he'd have a spike of ice slamming into his chest. Only rather than impaling him, it broke apart and spread actoss his body if it actually hit. Aiming to encase his chest, shoulders, and throat in ice if he allowed it to hit.

It wasn't deadly, it was just very cold honestly. But if he tried to move he'd find the problem. Not just in his ability to move his arms and neck, to swing his weapon. But also his breathing would be restricted thanks to the ice around his chest.

"Do you know why that is?"
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White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna]

Today at 9:25 pm
White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

As the accumulation of energy twisted and blended with his blade, crashing down as it met Lerna’s empowered hand. The black scaled armored hand banged against his zanaptuko. The clank was resounding and echoed even through Tento’s own bones. A quick jolt of excitement. His regards to Lerna’s strength were dead on. Only a soft cut on her defended hand was a fruit of his effort as sand and dirt flooded the air as Lerna’s footing sunken. A careful gaze examined her as the scales expanded, scaling up her arm and up to her neck. There was a lot more he could have done in his strike. But this was just a spar, not a life and death struggle on the battlefield. There was no one to protect, no mission or pride to protect. His aim was to show her his resolve. For their blades to talk to each other as they fought. What was strength? What was it for? What did he need in that path…

“Oh come on Lerna”, Tento began in a soft respite. Despite her words he could sense it. That stir of power inside her. The call and response to his spirit. “If you were ‘normal’ Shinigami I would not have dared to put even half of that attack at you. You are a seated officer, 4th. You are not someone that I would fear hurting from just that. I expect more from you from fighting alongside you. I know your base strength and you’ve only grown since. And if I did hurt you, I would regret it and make amends”, Tento said, calming in a bit of stern seriousness. The goofiness fading quickly at the gravity thrown to him. It was enough to know she saved Shura to know she was strong. It was one thing to fight alongside that woman and not get ridiculed if she regarded you weak. But to save her? That took power, ability, and guts to boot.

“The Fourth can be like that. I won’t lie to that case. I can turn a bit…aggressive too when the time calls for it. But I have no desire to be a caged murder who seeks any opportunity to spread violence. Hurting you would only come as a traitor, and you are no traitor to the Gotei, Lerna”. Tento gave a pause before dropping his seriousness. “But I will keep that mind for you and others. I do like the idea of feeling things out if you want”. Tento didn’t resist as she flicked his blade away. Letting the path guide to his side in a low stance to the ground.

Tento looked on at Lerna with a calm focus as she spoke. He expected more of an immediate response but it seemed she wanted to talk more while they fought. That was fine with him, talking while sparing took nothing away from him unlike some in his division. But this was a rather long way to go about it if he was getting what she wanted to say. A lot more than just being strong than being strong? If he was still a boy in the hood trying to live he would have laughed about that. But, he learned that lesson a long time ago. It was character, will, mind. A physical advantage was just a tool in a vessel, strength and power came more with that working together. And heck, with being a Shinigami it was a lot more than just swinging a sword. “Let see…4th members last shorter than 7th because we die on the field more often. Central force when big things happen and all. Bigger threats…more chance of death, no offense to yall with always being on earth constantly”. Tento said in a deadpan serious answer. That was one way to answer…but far to self centered on his own division.

“Or maybe it is the good old childish trial banter of…my division just is better than yours”, Tento seemed to continue a steady calmness as he felt the chilling reiryoku flare, a flash of ice formed into a spike streaked towards Tento before a sudden large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu yellow energy formed in front of him. Tento’s chantless Bakudō #39. Enkōsen . Eating the attack and breaking a delayed second, a light piece of the ice hit his chest before weakly spreading across his chest, straining to reach his shoulder and neck as its power as well as effectiveness reduced.

“But those are both the dumb easy answers. Perhaps it's because your divison has people who have been Shinigami longer? More time to develop and grow. Perhaps it is because there are many in my division that follow steady the old 11th, blade and body only. A lack of understanding of the four arts leaves an incomplete warrior”. With a swipe of his sword to the side Tento flexed his muscles, the lingering pieces of ice shattering as they fell to the floor. “Tell me, am in the ballpark or am I way off, Lerna?”.

Light in the Dark | End Post

White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Tentos10
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White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 Empty Re: White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna]

Today at 10:18 pm
White Howl, Black Scales [Tento, Lerna] - Page 2 B49zcoa2pqy

Lerna raised a brow slightly at Tento's assessment. Strength? she didn't recall demonstrating any such thing to the man. Was it something he heard? She certainly didn't know what would have given him that impression. Well, it didn't matter. All the same, his response to her spell was sufficient, but he hadn't been prepared for it. He managed to be scathed by the ice itself and she shunpo'd towards him. Aggressively eating the space between them as she aimed to slam her fist through that spinning barrier, shattering it viciously as she aimed to plant her clawed fist into his chest to sent him to the ground with her own brutal flare of raw physical strength.

"No. Not in the slightest. The strength of enemies has nothing to do with it. But rather, the nature of assignments." She stated calmly enough. Her eyes narrowing slightly as she gestured to the side. "We're simply more experienced." She held her arm up and flexed those armored scales of hers. A ripple as they flared up, showing the glowing yellow beneath before flattening against her skin. "You get deployed into warozones. But how often do you really get deployed? RECENTLY? Sure. Theres been a lot going on. But theres stretches at a time where youre just training in the sereitei." She began to explain, circling Tento as she did.

Her eyes studying him closely. "Do you remember in the Academy? The most basic precepts of Hollow slaying? Hollows are strong. Vicious. And cunning killers. You saw it on our assignment don't you remember? even the simplest of hollows can be a challenge. And theyve only been growing stronger. Thats why the academy teaches us. You strike through the mask. Cleaving through the head. And you strike from behind, so that you never have to see the hollow's face." She recounted, closing her eyes as she continued circling, not even bothering to look at him as she sighed and rolled her shoulders.

"On assignment. A Member of Seventh Division will be deployed to earth, and they will be responsible for handling an area. For weeks... Months at a time. This involves constant battles. Not just dropping into what we know is a fight. But being snuck on. Hunted. Baited into traps. For the Seventh Division, we don't simply waltz into a fight we know is coming. We learn to LIVE with the expectation that a fight for our life may occur at any time. And in some instances? That means constant fighting. Not just a single battle. But a endless drip of hollows. At first drawn to their food. But then others drawn by the smell of battle. Ones strong enough that they think they can clean up." She folded her arms across her chest as she opened her eyes to look at Tento directly.

"We can't simply be stronger. We can't just mow them all down with sheer strenght. We'd tire out. It doesn't matter how much stronger we are. If were reckless. They will eventually wear us down. And kill us. We have to be restrained. We have to use every tool at our disposal, not just to win. But to survive. To study an opponent's attacks. To not just slay a hollow, but ensure the safety of nearby humans. We don't have the luxury of always fighting someplace where we can safely drop a Raikoho on them." In truth. The Seventh division was more than just shinigami.

It was the squad with the closest thing to living like a hollow would. Defending and patroling earth? It was as close to prowling the sands of hueco mundo as a shinigami could ever get. And that was what she believed gave them the strength they had. Their current captain, sure, had gone...through some things recently. But Murasaki? She had been powerful enough to become the Captain Commander. And even thinking of some of some of their Members. Arkin who had become Captain of the Fourth before Kanae rolled in. Saiko was someone who purportedly was incredibly strong.

"If I'm being honest. It's nothing to do with being better. Maybe it sounds like that to your fourth ivision ears. But being stronger than someone, does not make your squad better. What I'm trying to say, is that you need to consider just what it is you're getting out of your squad. For a lot of people in fourth. That mentality is enough. But you. You don't strike me as someone who would be satisfied with 'Might is Right'." She stated calmly.
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