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Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura] Empty Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura]

Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:39 pm
Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura] EBszL2b

Komugi Yadou

"Nice go, nice go! Thanks for comin' this evening~!" A friendly call would follow a stinging high-five, having bid her latest opponent in the training hall farewell for the time. She had put out some advertisements for some intensive training past eight pm, for anyone who had time that late in the day to catch her between duties. Though she was quite specific that the nature of these spars would be to really push it - unfortunately the person who dropped by wasn't quite her level, and she had to politely conclude the battle with her Shikai for their sake. No need to go all out if they couldn't keep up and all!

And so, she sat peacefully for anyone else who might have been interested; She had another three hours before she had to address things within First Division.

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura] Empty Re: Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura]

Tue Jul 09, 2024 9:07 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - One Man Army

Ironic wasn't it... It wasn't long ago that Kanae had fought the Sotaicho, and here was Shura... Making her way towards the First Division Barracks. Now she wasn't going to do what Kanae did, that would just be plain stupidity. However she was going to train, for she'd heard of someone who'd put out a 'very intense training' notices. If for no other reason than curiosity, Shura had decided to at least see what this was about.

Bare minimum she walks away without anything, an unfortunate but truth be told expected outcome. However when she finally arrived within the training halls of the First, she was truthfully a bit surprised to see anyone inside of it. With a raise of her eyebrow however she walked forward "So, are you the one that was putting up all those flyers?"

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Mon Jul 15, 2024 12:20 pm
Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura] EBszL2b

Komugi Yadou

Komugi would have been sitting on the ground, looking to be biting at one of her nails as the dark haired stranger walked in, immediately righting herself as it came time to address another person, "Oh, hi! Yep that sure was me!"

Her small felid form didn't look like much, but she was certainly a Seated Officer - not that the lady before her would know on sights alone. Her tail switched behind her as yellow glinting eyes briefly gave a discerning look, before they popped open wide,

"Ooohhh hey, aren't you the one who was challenging people left and right a few months ago? Thought I recognized you, Kurata-san wasn't it?" Even with the recognition, she'd offer a fluffy hand to be shaken, "Wow, nice to meet you! I didn't get a chance to answer - was too busy helping out with the Africa situation. I don't normally leave Soul Society for so long, but they really needed help down there."

Regardless of if it was shaken, she'd hop back with an energetic grin, "OK, i'm real interested in what you gotta show off, but don't get too crazy. This is an exercise after all, we're not gunnin' to kill or anything. Comrades first!" She'd flash an OK sign with her hand, taking a stance, "Ready when you are! You're the guest, you get the first move."

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Fri Aug 16, 2024 8:01 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - One Man Army

She raised one eyebrow as she looked down at the girl, and admittedly she was rather unimpressed with what she was seeing. However she knew that what one looked like didn't represent their true strength, to assume such of spiritual beings would be to invite your own death. However she was a little surprised by the recognition, giving a nod in return when she asked about her name as she accepted the handshake.

She chuckled a bit when Africa was brought up, shrugging herself "Yeah, that whole thing is part of the reason I stopped seeking. Too many dead or injured, amongst other reasons." Even if the girl didn't look like much, she had to give her props for the energy she brought and it caused a slight grin to form on her face. "I suppose it's only proper to train as you while in your barracks" As she spoke, she slowly drew her Zanpakuto from its sheath "But don't think I'll go easy on you."

As the last word left her lips her form flickered as she went into a Shunpo, a straightforward rush down is what Shura was now going for. Heading directly towards Komugi, starting with a horizontal slash around her mid-section followed by two diagonal slashes, each one starting from her left or right shoulder and going down to the opposite side of her waist.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura] Empty Re: Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura]

Wed Sep 04, 2024 8:17 pm
Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura] EBszL2b

Komugi Yadou

Yeah, that made sense. Kurata seemed awful boastful too from the winds she caught, now she seemed a whole lot quieter. She wondered what happened, maybe that scary new captain gave her a talking to for doing all of that... Or maybe she got the crap beaten out of her by... Oh, she cannot remember names today. Thoughts aside, a broad grin formed on her features as the dark haired woman made her first move; trying to surprise her, huh?

A sharp clang hit the air of the training arena, her sword suddenly drawn to stop her opponent's own. Her pupils grew wide, looking like eclipsed suns in her sockets at the notion of an exciting battle,

"Oh! That's great, I wasn't planning on being easy with you either. Glad we're on the same page!"

A little modification of a Hakuda technique, she'd pivot her lower body to suddenly twist and curl with a retracted leg, aiming to land a sharp kick to Shura's midsection to knock the wind clean out of her.

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura] Empty Re: Just A Little Cold-Up! [Komugi, Shura]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:32 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - One Man Army

Her reaction speed was quick, but more than that her strength was at least impressive. Each strike blocked successively and without losing ground, she knew few that could claim such feats that weren't already Lieutenant or Captain level themselves and hearing her respond however did give Shura a reason to smirk at least a little bit.

As Komugi twisted herself with the intent to kick, Shura's reaction was only a bit slower than her movement. Pushing forward to swipe her own sword down as her body shifted, turning her midsection away as her other arm moved down to try and move in the way. While this did protect her midsection, it still caused the attack to land and send Shura skidding back against the ground. Her arm had absorbed the brunt of the blow, though the bruise on it showed the strength of such a kick.

This gave Shura information though, of just how strong her opponent truly was and that slight smirk grew into a smile. "Good, I would expect naught less from a member of the First." Though whether she was referring to Komugi's words, or her attack, she left up in the air as she charged forward once more, bringing her Zanpakuto across in another horizontal swing, though as she did that her other hand raised with her palm out facing Komugi "Hadō no Sanjyuni, Okasen" Whether Komugi blocked the attack or not, a yellow light surrounding her blade before being blasted out in front of her. If Komugi had blocked, she'd have another attack to dodge or otherwise deal with.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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