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Tue Jul 16, 2024 9:42 pm
Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

The compliments made Doku smile he didn't get them all that often, so any he got was reassuring. The man would just give a very light smile before looking down at his drink and taking another sip. He let out a light yawn between sips. He nodded at her statement of wanting the contact. He once again disappeared into the backroom, for a few minutes. Before returning with a piece of paper with a number written down on it. His handwriting is honestly, crude but legible.

"Uhh just tell Yumiko I gave you her number. She's been a friend since we were babies" He shook his head. He was hoping Yumiko wouldn't mind, though she was a nice girl so she probably didn't... Placing the paper down next to her coffee. He once again returned to his vodka.

"So. If you need anything else uh... lemme know I guess?"

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Fri Jul 19, 2024 1:03 am
Diana calmly observed her host leave the room for a short time and when he came back he returned bearing the promised gift of his contact's number. The blonde took a glimpse at the handwriting with a calm look on her face and could not help but to notice that it looked a little... crummy. Even though the aesthetics left something to be desired, what was written was still legible and that was all that mattered to her. Doku had give her exactly what she had requested and she could ask no more of him than that.

"Thank you for giving this to me. I will be certain to inform Yumiko that you were the source of her phone number." Diana sincerely thanked her friendly host for his second act of generosity and assured him that when she contacted "Yumiko" the other person would know exactly how Diana had gotten hold of their number. The blonde went silent and drank some of her coffee while listening to Doku, being careful not to spill any of the beverage on the valuable information he had just given to her. Gently lowering the mug for a moment, Diana looked down and noticed that it was still half-full. She quickly decided that she was going to get a second serving of the bar's coffee in exchange for his help.

"In a minute or two I would like another serving of coffee, please." Diana requested of Doku. She then took another drink of the coffee and looked down at the paper he had gifted her. She had not even been in Japan a full day and the trip was already paying for itself.
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Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku)

Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:48 pm
Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

Doku was fully aware of his shitty handwriting, he didn't say much else about it, hoping it was at least clear enough for Diana to read, that was all that mattered after all. He spent little time going around the bar and busting the tables, picking up glasses before taking them back to the sink, using his fullbring for some assistance, portals opening above the sink as he placed them inside. Cleaning them later as he listened to Diana talk. While it didn't seem like he was listening, he heard everything she said as he walked around housekeeping. Seems he was pretty good at multitasking.

As he looped around the bar he returned behind the counter just in time to see Diana ask for more coffee, with a nod he disappeared into the kitchen yet again where he'd let some more coffee brew. As he returned he nodded his head. "No problem"

"So I gotta know more about you. Not a lot of people come and ask me about Quincy~" He leaned forward, closer to Diana as he sipped his alcohol. "Tell me your story"

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Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku)

Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:55 pm
After receiving the number of Doku's contact and a confirmation that more coffee would be made Diana listened to him request to hear about "her story", as he had put the request for information about herself. The blonde decided to oblige him since her origin and status as a Quincy was no big secret. Overlooking the fact he had chosen to put himself closer to her by leaning in, Diana began to talk.

"I am a Quincy who hails from America." Diana started off. She was obviously from out of town since she had informed Doku that it took some friendly locals to point her towards this bar, so her country of origin was not a top secret. Deciding to keep the conversation going, she next spoke about why she had inquired about the Vandenreich beyond determining whether the organization was real or just a myth.

"I was seeking the Vandenreich because I am looking for instructors in the Quincy arts. I believe that I have learned everything I can on my own and need help to advance my knowledge." Diana informed him of the reason she had asked him for information on that group. That was a dangerous admission to make to someone she did not know in a foreign country, but there was no taking her words back now. Maybe luck would be on her side and Doku was someone who could be trusted.
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Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku)

Thu Aug 01, 2024 2:28 am
Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

His theory was confirmed, Doku had assumed she was a Quincy, however she should be honest with her about what he was. America made sense, she looked as American as they came after all. Doku would chuckle. " I lived in America for about 3 years! New York specifically. My best friend had a restaurant I helped her with" America was one of his favorite places. "Those New Yorkers are brutal"

"Well. Would you believe me if I told you I was a Quincy as well?" He held out his hand before using some Reishi to form a spirit weapon. Well, the lack of, small blue bullets appeared in his hand before disappearing. "Half Fullbringer, Half Quincy. Isn't that just a fucked up combo"

Sadly for Diana, there wasn't anything Doku could teach Diana, his Quincy abilities just didn't develop and he could only create those tiny bullets for his weapon. "But I know more about my fullbring powers, so I honestly I dunno jack about all this Quincy stuff" He clutched his head, honestly thinking about what Catherine told him, maybe he really should study those powers and stop wasting his potential.

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Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku)

Fri Aug 02, 2024 3:34 am
"I have never been to New York before, Doku. In fact my visit to Japan is the first time I have ever traveled outside of my home state of Georgia." Diana confessed that before her trip to Japan she had spent her entire life within the borders of that Southern state. While Diana had visited many cities and towns within her home state like Savannah, Augusta, Warner Robins, Macon, and Atlanta, she had never seen the larger world until she traveled to Japan. Even though she had not had the chance to tour Tokyo before finding Doku's bar the blonde had seen enough of the famous metropolis to know that she was in a completely different country. Tokyo was unlike anything Diana had seen before... not even the big and bustling city of Atlanta could compare to Japan's capital city.

Diana watched with interest as Doku summoned a spirit weapon to hand to back up his claim of being a Quincy. That fact was interesting on its own, but what really surprised her was that he was both a Quincy and a Fullbringer... whatever a "Fullbringer" was. Diana had never heard of one before meeting Doku, which went to show her that she had a lot to learn about the world.

"A Fullbringer? What is that?" Diana made a sincere inquiry for more information on that topic. As she waited for a response she took a drink of her coffee and silently marveled at her luck in meeting Doku. He had already given the blonde some valuable information on what she had come to Japan to learn more about and soon he might give her some information on the new subject that had caught her interest.
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Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku)

Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:41 pm
Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

Georgia? He had never been, but maybe someday. Traveling was always fun, hell his trip to Brazil was interesting. America was easily his favorite place, despite being born and raised Japanese man. Germany was a close second, though that wasn't to say he hated Japan, he loved being here. "Travel when you're young or so they say right? Germany ain't bad~" He laughed a little bit.

Though her next question was interesting how should he explain a fullbringer? Tapping his chin Doku would start explaining to the best of his ability, but not before taking a big drink, finishing up the alcohol in front of him.

"Well, a fullbringer is pretty unique when a mother is attacked by a Hollow, that leftover is kinda... mashed into the kid's soul"

That was probably the simple explanation.

"We attach ourselves to an object and that kinda... forms our abilities. That's the simple of it."

Family Troubles | END POST
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Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku)

Fri Aug 09, 2024 12:13 pm
Diana paid close attention to Doku's explanation of what a "Fullbringer" was and how they came about. Everything he told her was new to her and she wondered how Doku's mother managed to fight off the Hollow without being consumed by it. Either she had managed to fend it off herself or she had the help of another person, but Diana was not going to inquire about something that was likely of a personal nature. It was not like Diana went around telling everyone that Hollows killed her family and forced her to become a wandering Quincy, so she did not expect Doku to tell everyone who walked into his bar about his family.

Taking a sip of her coffee, Diana lowered the mug and recalled what her host had said about how his abilities worked. She had little idea what he meant by that, so she was going to ask him about it as soon as she could come up with the words to do so. She probably sounded dumb, but in her defense this was the first time she had ever heard about a Fullbringer. Her parents did not ever mention them and she had not heard about them back home like she had heard scraps of information about the Vandenreich.

"I recall you explaining how your abilities work, but I do not quite understand what you mean. Do you have to hold a physical object in order to use your abilities?" Diana asked Doku. Her guess might be totally inaccurate and she might end up with egg on her face, but she was going to ask anyway. The worst that could happen was that she looked a little slow on the uptake.

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Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku)

Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:47 pm
Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

The Fullbringer thought about Diana, things were challenging to explain. How exactly was he supposed to explain the origin of his powers? He wasn't saying Diana was stupid or anything, he just struggled, to put it together in his head, if only Catherine were here, she was far smarter than him about fullbrings.

Doku would nod at her follow-up question. "So..." He held out his hand, and a small kaleidoscope appeared in his hand, it was old, but in perfect condition. He would hold it on his thumb and pointer finger, before laying it on the bar in front of Diana, giving her a better look. "This is my affinity, my powers are bonded to an object I have a lot of attachment towards." Eventually, he opened two portals behind himself, showing them off yet again. "It lets me open those portals and stuff"

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Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another Bar Day (Diana,Doku)

Mon Aug 19, 2024 4:12 pm
Still curious as to what Doku was getting at when he explained how his powers worked, Diana kept her mouth shut and watched him produce a small object. She looked at it closely and observed that it was a kaleidoscope. Diana listened carefully as he laid out for her exactly how his powers worked and the combination of an explanation and a visual aid helped the blonde finally put it all together. To further help his explanation make sense Doku followed it with a demonstration of his abilities... this time he opened two portals directly behind him.

"I believe I understand what you are saying now, Doku." Diana stated after seeing and hearing everything he had said and done to make his point. The kaleidoscope had helped her begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together and creating portals for her to see was the clincher. Now the blonde had a better understanding of how Doku's powers worked, but seeing the portals raised a new question or two that she had to ask.

"How far apart can you set your portals? Can you travel within a small area or can you travel across a city with them?" Diana asked her host for a little more information about how his portals worked.
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