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Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue0/0Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 4 Empty Re: Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ]

Today at 5:48 pm
Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 4 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The lure of a retreating fighter was hard to resist, it was an achilles heel for every member of the 4th, and Tento doubted the ferocity that Armina had would let her be any different. As well as he seemed to handle this new form initially, it still landed a blow against him. As light as it may have been, it was an agile knife waiting to surgically operate. He expected and hoped she would charge in at him seeing it as an opportunity.

After his double horizontal slashes cleaved through the air, Arimina rushed forward in a vertical slash after Tento’s feet landed. The short extra space between them vanished in that second as she aimed to attack his left shoulder. His blade was extended him his waist level, sticking out in a blind stab as he focused his strength as he raised his sheath, clashing again into Armina's blade as it dug into his shoulder. Slashing into the top layer but prevented from going further. As reduced as her slash was boy did it still hurt. It was the first real injury out of all of his suffered blows so far. With a heave he pushed her blade up and away just in time the empowered Hakuda kick landing at his core once again striking his core. However this time it sent imgus body back in a tumble several feet away with his body landing on one knee.

With a burst and wide grin he was back in the fray charging forward towards Armina dashing in a drive past her in a slash with his sword along the before quickly turning again in a dash with an arcing slash with his sheath. Again and again and again he would let on his charge gaining speed and strength in five consecutive attacks before in his sixth and final barrage he charged Arimina from behind, hopefully, inching steps before her before vanishing away in a flash step to only appear in front of her, crouched low before raising up in a torrent of wind letting out a double vertical slash with his sword and sheath.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Unintended Consequences [ Tento | Armina ] - Page 4 Tentos10
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