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The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 Empty Re: The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)

Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:37 am
The axe would indeed meet his hand as he grabbed it from her. Noticing his fist as soon as his hand made contact with the handle, Stella would decide to take a risk. Not wanting to test an open shot to her mid section she would let go of the axe. Using steigen to attempt to get behind him as shed aim a punch directly towards his mid section.

She expected the man to turn around so she was attempting to catch him in the diaphragm and knock the breath from his chest. She had already went fully into Blut arterie so she had to be careful on the attacks she chose to take. She couldn't allow him to just take free shots on her when her defenses weren't up. She wasn't sure if this was going to work or not, but as the saying goes. High risk high reward. Now time to see if the risk paid off.

"I take it you enjoy fighting then?"

She'd speak as she realized by the way his body language was. He was fully confident in his ability and in the states they were in at the moment they were likely evenly matched. However Stella had a feeling the man was more skilled than she.
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The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 Empty Re: The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)

Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:43 pm
The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 F1qlaqA


Attention slipped from the axe to Stella's movement as she let go. Gaoh's expression only exaggerated as his smile bore teeth, clenching as his heel dug back. The quincy was already forming a good impression on him, with a willingness to discard her weapon at a moment's notice. And the shift of speed! It glimmered palpably in his eyes, a crimson flash that followed her. By the breadth of a heartbeat, she'd swing, and his attack launched.

Muscle sprang into action with a step back, elbow rocking towards Stella's face. A sharp, powerful counter, enough to fling the woman backwards with a bloody nose and give Gaoh a hearty chuckle. "You're earnest! I appreciate that." Words tumbled after the laughter, relaxing from the stance as he turned to face her fully.

"But you're thinking small. Amateurs 'like' fighting. Sadists, egotists, small minds." An arm bowed, a solitary finger pressing against Gaoh's temple. "Life is fighting. Fighting is life. Communication in its purest form. Make a fist," the finger pulled away, clenching into a fist that pointed to the sky. "and you can find out the kind of person someone is faster than if you've known them your whole life. Bleed for someone, or make them bleed. Worth more than words, worth more than ideas."

The arrancar's arm dropped to his side, and he took a small step forward, eyes locked to Stella with a friendly intensity. "Violence is the great equalizer."

241 words

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The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 Empty Re: The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)

Sat Aug 03, 2024 8:25 am
Truly Stella was not prepared for the elbow that came her way. Getting hit in the face like that hurt quiet a bit, but she would jump away. Noticing her nose bleeding she wipes it away as she would allow another axe to form in her hands. Gathering the reishi much faster than she used to be able to as she readied herself. Wondering if she was going to be able to beat this guy?

Truthfully she didn't understand what he was saying, but she could tell that he was quite skilled. More skilled than her in the actual art of fighting, but currently it didn't seem like that they were that far apart physically. The only problem with that is she wasn't sure if he had a transformation or not. She couldn't worry about that though as she spoke out.

"I try to avoid violence if I am able to. Although, when it's not to the death I find it fun."

At the end of her sentence she would steigen above him. Both of her hands on the axe as she tried to gather even more reiatsu in the air as she brought the axe down as hard as she could at him. Not worrying about hurting him as surely he should be able to tank this or dodge it. Trying to think of what a counter attack could be, she somewhat threw caution to the wind.
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The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 Empty Re: The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)

Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:06 pm
The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 F1qlaqA


It was fine if the woman did or didn't understand. Few came to the arrancar's mindset easily, let alone naturally. For the value of a fist to be taught, it needed to be ingrained. The only way to understand what it meant. "Funny, you don't strike me as someone running from a fight." Gaoh chimed in turn, gaze lagging behind as Stella shot upwards. Reflexively, his stance shifted, wider, lower; his abdomen clenching and arms lifting skywards.

Forearm braced against forearm, elbows scissoring against the falling axe as muscle bound like steel. There it was! No holding back, Stella's attack caused the ground beneath Gaoh to shift, crack, crater under his feet. Smile wide, his neck craned past the view of her weapon. A line of blood ran down his arm as he spoke, shoulders tensing further. "I see it now, your 'benefit of the doubt'. Show me something of who you really are, quincy!"

Fists slammed upwards, the shift aiming to blow the axe backwards as arms rose. A duck, shifting forward to dodge retaliation and circle the clearing, footing turning him backwards all the same. Attention on Stella, her show of determination. If he couldn't make her flinch, then he'd have to find the next best thing. An open palm led, as his fist drew back once again.

220 words

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The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 Empty Re: The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)

Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:05 am
The axe was blown back from the blow, but Stella wouldn't stay there for very long. She would steigen off a few feet away as she kept an eye on him. Seeing him take a stance she wondered if she should sit on the defensive. To see what he is actually able to do? She wasn't sure if he's shown everything that he's actually capable of yet. Being a little nervous now she'd ready herself.

Fully committing to the defensive style as she held the axe behind her. Maybe if she was able to zone him off of her? He seemed to like to do hand to hand fighting, so she wondered if she had to worry about a mini cero or not. Remembering the blast from the Gillian that she had fought not so long ago. Taking a break she readied herself for what ever onslaught he was going to do.
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Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:20 pm
The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 F1qlaqA


With the quincy withdrawn, her movements played out in a myriad of ways. Gaoh's eyes steadied on her, afterimages and swings building in the forefront of his mind. Steps, blocks, strikes, defense, offense; it all sifted through like a flip book, spreading out between the distance that separated them. That high speed movement of hers was troublesome, but nothing he couldn't prepare for. Another card in the hand, another variable to understand. How many more did she have up her sleeve?

And what should he show her?

Moments flew by with the concentration of sweat, the shifting breeze. A leaf slowly gliding into a beam of light, and the arrancar moved in a blink. A direct charge forward, open palm ready to match any imminent counter. Footwork light, non committal. Toes that edged a hypothetical ring, waist poised to spin, lower the weight, shift into near three hundred degrees of motion. All the while his fist tightened, muscle taught, springing into action at the moment it was requested, and not a split idea before or after.

Any window of hesitation, inaction from the quincy; and it'd be thrown with a spiral, extending range and output into a jaw clenching gut blow. A counterattack, and it'd aim downward, a hammer fist to pin the woman's kneecap into the joint with incredible force. Going upwards, it'd shift into a side blow, using the rotation required to slip underneath or behind as necessary. Dodging further back and he could secure his footing, extend into a back handed punch to tag the woman prior to an exchange of blows. The exits were accounted for. The distance was perfect. A song was being sung, and it was Gaoh's solo.

To the tune of bruises and broken bones.

220 words

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The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 Empty Re: The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)

Mon Sep 02, 2024 5:18 am
Stella brought the axe close to her to block the gut punch. She knew those could be devastating and the last thing she needed was to be struggling to breathe during a fight with someone so much more skilled in the way of combat. However, what she did not expect was the blow to the knee as she winced hard. Even with the blue glow of blut the bunch still jammed her knee down as it threatened to buckle. Doing her best to stay on her feet she readied herself for the last attack.

Lifting the hilt of her weapon to block the swing, she managed to do, but was pushed backwards. Stella thought about her options. She could try to close the gap again, but instead of doing that. She opted into using one of the quincy spells. Not sure if the man would be offended by magic but there was an obvious skill gap between the pair. Holding her palm did gathered energy from her surroundings and used her own as a ball appeared just in front of her palm as she was moving.

"A silver rod strikes the five-fingered stone bed. Glitz"

The ball would shoot forward, and if it hit the arancar it would wrap around him. Not causing harm, but it was an attempt to catch him with a restriction so Stella couldn't attempt to regain her composure as well as possibly cash in on a free hit. This arancar was insanely skilled at Cqc so Stella needed to adapt.

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The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 Empty Re: The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)

Sat Sep 07, 2024 1:43 pm
The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 F1qlaqA


Blow connected - not entirely, but still heavy. Gaoh had to give the girl credit, she had good instinct. Maybe not the best training, but guts mattered more. Couldn't train that.

Vision escaped Gaoh as Stella's spell enveloped him. The forest giving way to a white sphere, and then darkness. Even in the dark, a smile burst wide, gleaming white. A boisterous yell followed, the arrancar's volume peaking. "GOOD! SHOW ME MORE!!" and in turn, he'd show her more.

Twin nukite launched, fingers punching through the sphere's wall before clenching back, gripping into the substance with full force. Shoulders strained, muscles clenching as Gaoh twisted and pulled. Tearing open the glitz, he'd relinquish the scraps in his hands, both arms drawn back. A half step on his left, rotating against the ball of his foot in an attempt to catch Stella's movements, eyes flicking around the trees. The shake of a leaf, the stir of a branch -

Wait, that wasn't the quincy.

Gaoh jumped back as a cero tore through the air, a hollow slithering out from the forest. A hideous thing, its body was long and segmented, a cenipede's carapace that bristled with assorted limbs. Hands and feet, arms and legs, glittering porcelain white. A mask sat atop where a head would be, large mandibles extending from beneath, smoking from its attack. The mask shaped into a crescent moon, a singular bloodshot eye resting atop.

"Friend of yours??" he half yelled, attention shifting in totality. Blood on the rock from earlier... Thing needed to be put down.

257 words

Last edited by Snake on Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:36 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : code)
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The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 Empty Re: The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)

Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:28 am
Stella saw the cero shoot through towards between the two of them. She would steigen back away from Gaoh as she watched him. He had torn through the glitz with ease for the most part, but it had caused an opening for her. Perhaps she should use spells more often. Though there was a more pressing matter at hand. It seems there fight had caused an oportunist hollow to decide to test its luck with the pair. She guessed it wanted to consume both of them, but hearing what the arancar had said made her laugh.

"I was going to ask you the same question. Why don't we take care of this guy before we continue."

She spoke as the hollow that had appeared certainly wasn't weak. It being able to Fire a cero meant it had to have some strength behind it. Stella sighed as she focused her attention on it fully. She would use her steigen once more as she vanished with a sound and appeared back over the hollow. She needed to get rid of the mandible first. Her axe over head in a swing attempting to cut fully through the mandible. However, the blade would sink deep into it, it would not go through. The blood sputtering out as the hollow released a shivering howl as Stella felt her skin crawl. Might not be as easy as she thought.
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The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 Empty Re: The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)

Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:31 pm
The fight (Stella/ Gaoh)  - Page 2 Hi9JNgi


The quincy wasn't falling short of Gaoh's expectations as she moved, immediately shifting focus as he did. Maybe he'd found someone more interesting that he thought. That was for another time - matters at hand were of more import.

"Take care of? We really need to work on your vocabulary." Gaoh grabbed his neck, cracking it with a pull. "This is an extermination."

The karateka blurred with his step, a practiced, heavy motion. His stance squared in front of the hollow, one arm drawn back, the other gripped into a claw. A piston fired, launching an uppercut to push the centipede further into Stella's axe head.

A bundle of flesh met in turn, and it screeched.

A bucking motion, and both of them would be flung away, the single eye widening as dozens of arms and legs squirmed, seizing before shifting. A blur of white filled the air, each of the limbs spindling out into a razor sharp spike. Trees felled, stone pierced, lines of blood scoring both of Gaoh's arms as he exhaled, having narrowly avoided a more dangerous wound. The spikes receded slowly, the hollow squirming towards the pair on reforming limbs, screeching as another cero charged.

198 words

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