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Joined : 2024-06-18
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[Spirit Class 9] Diana Remington Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Diana Remington Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Diana Remington Empty [Spirit Class 9] Diana Remington

Tue Jun 18, 2024 11:32 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Diana Remington
» Alias: N/A
» Age: 24
» Gender: Female
» Race: Quincy

» Affiliation: Currently unaffiliated, but she is looking to establish contact with the Vandereich.

» Marital Status: Single
» Sexual Orientation: Not sure yet
» Nationality: American

» Appearance Written: Diana Remington is a young woman who is 5' 6" tall and weighs 115 pounds. She has long blonde hair that extends to her waist and has green eyes that resemble emeralds. She tends to wear camouflage clothing when she is in the woods hunting for food or for a paycheck. When she is not hunting she wears a purple t-shirt, black skirt with pockets, white thighhigh stockings, and black tennis shoes. Another casual outfit she wears is an olive green t-shirt and khaki cargo pants with black tennis shoes. Diana wears a black headband in her hair no matter what outfit she wears.

» Appearance Image:
Diana Remington:

I. Personality

» Personality: Diana tends to keep to herself a lot of the time and tends to be a "live and let live" sort unless she is facing a demon. While she is capable of carrying on a conversation and can convincingly emote if she absolutely has to, Diana typically avoids small talk if she can feasibly do so and wears a mask of calm with a faint smile. When she does talk she tends to be polite and patient but prefers that people get to the point as soon as possible instead of dancing around it with flowery speech or word games. Diana also gets to the point quickly, a trait which some people might consider rude... whether she is being rude or not is up for the listener to decide. Whether people really like her or not is of little concern to the blonde, who is content to remain alone if she has to.

Those who can see past her mask of calm might be able to see that Diana is a shy and lonely sort with few real people skills but solid ideas of what she wants out of life. She wants to improve her Quincy skills so that she can more safely travel alone when the urge strikes her and stand on her own if she needs to. Diana also wants to find a few people to meaningfully connect with. Romance is a concept that is foreign to her, but one day she might give it a try. A potential partner should not expect her to make the first move... deep, deep down inside she is a shy person who responds best to being treated gently.

» Likes: Coffee: Diana cannot get enough of this drink. If she stays in an inhabited area for very long local coffee shops tend to know her order the moment she steps through the door. The stronger it is the better.

» Dislikes: Demons: Remnants of Shadow Fall killed her family. When that happened Diana did not break down screaming and crying or swear a dramatic oath of revenge against their kind and does not keep pictures of them on a well-used dartboard, but she detests them nonetheless. To Diana the only good demon is a dead one.

» Hollows: Diana also dislikes Hollows. She sees them as mindless beasts that need to be eliminated on sight. Curiously, that disdain does not extend to Arrancars unless the Arrancar in question repeatedly antagonizes her or attacks her without provocation.

I. History

» History: Born December 10th of 2086, Diana Remington was born into a family of Quincy of no special distinction who lived on the outskirts of Columbus, Georgia, United States. Her mother Anna was an avid reader of classical mythology and named her daughter after the Roman goddess of the hunt, Diana. Whether that name was one given because it was different from the usual girl names in the area or a sign of the child's destiny was up in the air, but her father Alvin liked the name, so "Diana" it was. In Georgia she lived an ordinary life until she turned fourteen... on that day she learned about her lineage as a Quincy from her parents and her father Alvin taught her the basics of Quincy powers. While she was not very skilled with Gebet or Steigen, she quickly learned how to use Blut Vene for a boost in defense and Kruezen to create her spirit weapon, a scoped bolt-action rifle of an old but serviceable design that seemed to be hauled out of the past.

Diana's life changed when she was eighteen and remnants of the enemy forces who had ravaged the world during World War IV arrived on her family's land. Since she only had the basic training of a Quincy Diana was sent away while her parents stayed and bought her time to flee. She did as she was told and fled to another place in the woods of Central Georgia her mother told her about, which turned out to be a small shack close to her mother's rural hometown. There she managed to carve a niche for herself as a local hunting guide and trained what Quincy skills she knew in her spare time... while she was still unable to make much progress with Gebet, she finally learned the basics of Steigen. There she remained until she turned twenty-two, where she returned home to find it in ruins and everything of value having long since disappeared. Her parents were long dead, but someone had given them the basic dignity of being interred in graves instead of leaving their bodies to feed the local wild animals.

Talking to the locals eventually revealed that Diana's parents had killed quite a few of the invaders and weakened the rest enough for them to be dispatched by local militias with little effort. Since her home was gone along with her parents there was no reason for her to remain in Columbus, so she struck out to travel awhile in search of the "Vandereich", an organization of other Quincys. Since her training had gone as far as it could go on her own she was looking for someone to help her get to the next level with her skills.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Outdoorswoman: Having grown up in rural Georgia has given Diana the skills she needs to survive in the wilderness. She can hunt, fish, and forage for food in addition to prepare the meat of game animals and know which plant life is poisonous and which is safe to eat. While this has no combat applications, Diana can live off the land enough to not go hungry until she can return to civilization.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Blut: Diana can use the basics of Blut Vene to keep herself on her feet during battle if it turns against her. She cannot currently use Blut Arterie.

Gebet: Diana is inept at Gebet and does not see that changing any time soon. Right now she can only piggyback off of the efforts of more adept users of the ability.

Kreuzen: Diana can use it to create Altes Gewehr, her personal spirit weapon. However, she is currently not skilled enough to create the traditional Quincy bow nor is she skilled enough for Altes Gewehr to have any special properties.

Steigen: Diana knows only the bare minimum to use the ability. Do not expect to see her use any fancy acrobatics or blinding displays of speed.

I. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: Altes Gewehr ("Old Rifle")

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: Altes Gewehr takes the form of a Springfield M1903 bolt-action rifle with a scope and five-round box magazine. True to its name, it looks like it has been subjected to considerable use... the wooden stock and furniture show a lot of nicks and dents from rough treatment while the barrel has tiny patches of rust here and there from irregular maintenance. While it lacks a high rate of fire, a fancy name, or a shiny appearance, opponents can underestimate Altes Gewehr at their peril.

» Spirit Weapon Abilities: Altes Gewehr currently has no special abilities.

I. Quincy Release

» Letzt Stil or Vollständig: [Quincy have one of two pathways to choose from. Please specify which pathway your quincy uses here].

» Name: [What is your quincy's release state called, if they have named it. Remove if not.]

» Appearance: [What does your quincy's release state look like?]

» Abilities: [What abilities does your quincy gain upon using their released form? Keeping in mind that Letzt Stil are usually much simpler and basic as a result of it's greater output and short timeframe whereas a Vollständig will have more flexibility and a greater range of abilities for the quincy to utilise.]

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your character has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
» Durability: Beginner
» Speed: Beginner
» Strength: Beginner
» Martial Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Beginner

Quincy Skills
» Blut: Beginner
» Gebet: Untrained
» Kreuzen: Beginner
» Steigen: Beginner

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample:

-The outskirts of Columbus, Georgia, outside the former Remington home, 6:33 P.M.-

Dressed in a purple t-shirt with black skirt and white thighhigh stockings with black tennis shoes, an outfit she wore when she saw no need for stealth or needed to interact with other people and look like a young woman of her age, Diana stood a short distance away from the wooden ruins of her home. The roof had collapsed on the center of the structure and the remnants of the walls were a termite haven. It looked like that if she even breathed on the ruins they too would come tumbling down just as the roof had. They were in such bad shape that she could not even tell where on the second floor her room had once been... not that it mattered.

Thieves had stolen the valuables out of the place after her parents had died and she was forced to relocate to the relative safety of Central Georgia. When she had first come back when she was twenty-two there was nothing left of her old life. Her clothes, her books, her framed high school diploma... all of it was gone. It was like someone was forcing the blonde to leave her old life behind and fully commit to becoming a Quincy.

Turning her head away from her home of eighteen years, green eyes focused upon the gravestones of her parents, which stood roughly ten meters away from where the front door once was. They were made of granite and had the names and birthdates etched clearly and legibly upon their surfaces. The granite gravestones stood resolutely like two stone sentinels standing watch for intruders... or worried parents waiting to welcome their wandering daughter home. Diana did not remember much about the day they died, only that she had been instructed by her mother to hurry to a town in Central Georgia as fast as she could go. Considering that she was traveling on foot since she had not even learned the rudiments of Steigen at that point, "hurry" was too strong a term to use.

Six years later she was back at the site of where it had all began. Her life, her Quincy "training", and her journey into the larger world. Diana was still searching for the "Vandereich", but she was not in any hurry to make contact with them. She was content to roam the woods of Georgia and experience nature that had not been overrun by cookie-cutter suburban housing or ruined by the old war whose old combatants were still killing people to this day. The blonde was not playing hard-to-get like she was some amazing wunderkind who was testing the worthiness of the Vandereich to have her. Diana was simply going on a journey at her pace before she made what might be life-changing contact with the organization.

Diana was not concerned about joining anyone or anything right now. For the time being she simply stood in the front yard of the Remington home and looked at the ruins while the sun reached over the trees with slender golden fingers as if trying to grab onto the treetops and cling to them to stubbornly stay in the sky just a little bit longer. As soon as night fell she would go to Columbus and book a hotel room for the night before waking up and looking for another place to travel to... or prioritizing her search for a way to get into contact with the Vandereich.

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Joined : 2016-02-15
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[Spirit Class 9] Diana Remington Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 9] Diana Remington Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 9] Diana Remington Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Diana Remington

Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:20 am

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