Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:19 am

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Shura shook her head once more "All within this division choose who they fight against, If they choose to fight someone beyond their capabilities it is on them and no one else. While other squads coddle and baby their members to 'foster growth', those who take combat seriously foster strength by fighting and pushing themselves."

Shura paused for a moment before she continued "Tell me, Rangiku, What do you personally know of treachery? and I do not mean Aizen. His treachery was not a personal slight, it was a slight against all that was, is, and ever will be. I mean a treachery that was targeted at you specifically..." Her eyes narrowed, as she extended her arm and Zanpakuto, pointing it towards the ground "I ask you this, because if you haven't, you will never reach me. But if you have, if you know what it means to be personally betrayed, how about we simply put these ideals of ours to the test? Your Growth versus My Strength, if your method truly is superior then you should be able to topple me with relative ease."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:38 pm
"Personal strength matters little if you have no one to pass it on to. I treat every new division member as a plant that needs proper care to grow. Regardless of the process it's hard to tell how far each of the plants is going to grow. There's potential that some of them may even pass either of us one. Maybe they'll even grow so far they shoot up into captain territory."

She was speaking of some of the other shinigami thst had major growths over a pretty short time. People like Ranma had made strives every time they had met. He had already gotten much better at using kido off meeting Momo only a few times.

"I will not clash ideologically with you as I don't think the clash will change either of our views. I will however take you in a sparring match.
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Purpose [Shura/Rangiku] - Page 2 Empty Re: Purpose [Shura/Rangiku]

Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:35 pm

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It was becoming increasingly more clear to Shura the state of this conversation, and the truth that it was a meaningless one at that. Shura might've simply let the last comment of Captain territory slide without a retort to it, but in truth she didn't even hear it. No instead she had latched onto the first statement she made, of Personal Strength. If there was one thing, of everything, that Shura prided herself on the most... It was her Personal Strength, so to hear someone so casually toss it away as if it required another to be worth something...


The ground underneath Shura cracked as her Reiatsu began to seep from her and wrap around her Zanpakuto's blade, however while there were no more words that came from Shura, as her body was launched forward while Rangiku a loud roar emanated from her Zanpakuto. Only a few moments after she had launched herself at Rangiku did the ground she had been standing on buckle, for some Shura simply vanished from the spot she'd stood on. But for those perceptive enough, her movement was fast but it wasn't a Shunpo. However that one slash wasn't her only, several more followed it each with the intent to try and force Rangiku backwards, until she could retreat no more.


made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Purpose [Shura/Rangiku] - Page 2 Empty Re: Purpose [Shura/Rangiku]

Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:14 am
Rangiku would be pushed back a little bit, and she wasn't as fast as Shura was. That wasn't a problem for her though. Noharu was also much faster than her as she blocked the attacks with some experience in fighting faster opponents. Shura, Tento, and Noharu all had Speed on their side but Rangiku was stronger and more durable than she looked.

Once she had an opening from the several slashes she would wind up and take one hard swing towards the woman. Trying to lock their blades and if she was able to do this she would smile gently towards the woman. Rangiku held no ill will towards anyone in the 4th division. Even though they seemingly had an unwarranted hatred of other divisions. Even the 11th way back in the day weren't this bad about it.

"You're pretty quick, Shura. You remind me a bit of Noharu."
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Purpose [Shura/Rangiku] - Page 2 Empty Re: Purpose [Shura/Rangiku]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 9:17 pm

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Like Rangiku herself, Shura harbored no actual ill-intent or malice directly towards Rangiku. Their ideologies were just simply different, this was a fact of life and there were many who had differing opinions of personal strength. For Shura it was more she felt she had something to prove more than anything else, and the mention of Noharu only further strengthened this.

She didn't hate the comparison, but having fought her before she understood well the might that Noharu had. When Rangiku went to lock their blades together, it was indeed successful as Shura struck back against the incoming blade. Shura's face wasn't one of anger or hatred, but more of a neutral look to it than anything else. The two combatants were hardly more than a few feet apart at this point.

"Noharu is remarkable in her own right, but there are far better examples. Hadō no Sanjyuichi, Shakkaho"

A single open palm faced towards Rangiku's stomach as she spoke her spell, and though a kido cast without an incantation certainly had its power reduced, being so close meant less time for reaction. Of course Shura knowing how to use Kido was certainly a surprise awhile ago, but at this point news had likely already spread that she had such capabilities... Especially within the Eighth where she'd last openly used it.


made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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