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Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Empty Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss)

Mon May 20, 2024 8:48 pm
Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

So, this is how it'll be for a bit longer, huh? Even with Asher dead, nothing's exactly fixed. The Hollows coming out the hole are easier to deal with without their boss around, but things in Soul Society aren't exactly peachy. The hospital situation hasn't been resolved yet still, and there are apparently murders occurring. She's been spending too much time on Earth, but she can't let her responsibilities slip because everywhere else are having issues.

It sucks though.

Well, either way, she's in Soul Society now, so she might as well get familiar with what's going on. It's funny how some people don't notice her immediately, but she's the type to walk around out of her uniform, so it's to be expected. It's not like she's around that much for people to just go, oh, it's Elyss. Wonder how her Division's doing though. Shishiyuki better have those guys in tip top shape. Those stationed on Earth were pretty fine warriors.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon May 20, 2024 9:41 pm
Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Hana_PostingHeader24
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana was not strong enough to help with anything important, yet. She felt useless during the Africa situation. Well, she did not just feel useless. She was useless. She could do nothing against such abominations, so her regular duties and training were all she kept up with. Since she normally trained away from her own Division, the fact that she was wandering around the Seventh was a strange sight. She was rumored to spend most of her time in the Sixth or the Eighth.

It had been a long time since she interacted with her Captain, so when the red-headed woman walked by Hana, she immediately recognized her. Her expression hardened, but her eyes locked onto Captain Kishimoto and followed her along as the woman walked. Anyone watching could see Hana was staring quite intently at her Captain, almost as if she had something to say, but held that back.

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Fri May 24, 2024 5:15 pm
Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Is this gal okay? Elyss had noticed someone following her, but she had hoped it was just a coincidence rather than a stalker. It also happened to be a particular blue haired individual, and Elyss could only guess what this woman wants from her. The last time they conversed, Elyss was quick to dismiss her. This ought a be good.

Though, without any warning, Elyss stopped walking, hoping Hana would bump into her. The redhead definitely wouldn't be the one falling over if they did collide. And, promptly, Elyss would turn around with her arms folded over her chest, and a single brow rose with accusatory suspicion. She didn't bother asking why. She just expects her subordinate to spit it out.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fri May 24, 2024 6:13 pm
Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Hana_PostingHeader24
Enter: Hana Aoyama

The only reason her Captain passed her by was the height difference. Hana was much shorter, so her gait didn’t get her as far. Hana wasn’t intentionally just following this woman; they happened to be going similar directions. She had no interest in a foot race, so staying behind a Captain was smarter than rushing in front of them, especially someone who had proven to have a bad attitude…

Hana stopped. She was watching close enough; she just didn’t realize Elyss had eyes in the back of her head. Looking up into the eyes of her Captain, she continued her stare, but without much expression in it. “Can I help you, Captain?”

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Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Empty Re: Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss)

Fri May 31, 2024 6:06 pm
Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Anyone would have eventually noticed someone behind them. It just so happens that Hana picked a woman who's always aware of her surroundings to walk behind, but Elyss will give the girl some credit. Hana's blue eyes have a certain dullness about them that the redhead's sure wasn't there before. It's a change that accompanies a change of lifestyle or the introduction of growth, whether positive or negative. Then again, Hana may be tired, so why hold her up?

"Here," Elyss muttered, stepping to the side. "You seem to be heading someplace important. I've no place to be, so go ahead."

Her red eyes didn't reveal her thoughts, but her face did seem to challenge Hana a bit. If her subordinate didn't want anything, then she'll pass by and they'll both go on their way.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Fri May 31, 2024 6:31 pm
Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Hana_PostingHeader24
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana was surprised Elyss just stepped aside to let her go ahead. It was a gesture she was unfamiliar with too, especially since she was taught to stand behind those in authority. However, it was her Captain’s words that caught her attention.

“Interesting.” Hana said, vitriol edging her tone. She could feel anger rising. She closed her eyes and she continued walking, but still spoke clearly. “Captains are normally so busy, I assumed you all must always have somewhere to be.”

Hana stopped a few feet passed her Captain and looked back over her shoulder, her indifferent expression still holding. “How have things been going with the situation in Africa? Have things settled enough for you to…” Hana stopped, realizing the words that were about to leave her would never be unsaid. She cleared her throat and calmed herself down. “…reconsider helping me, or at least advise my training?”

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Last edited by Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫ on Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Empty Re: Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss)

Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:07 pm
Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Assumptions are the basis for rumors," Elyss responded, focusing her eyes someplace else, like the sky.

For someone who's heading somewhere, Hana seemed to have the time to stop and start a conversation. Elyss figured the woman would probably find something to open her mouth about. Heh, Elyss had expected more snob, but Hana's inquiry did make her smirk just a tad. Is that a bit more gusto? The last time Hana had brought this up, Elyss had dismissed her. The blue haired gal had left with a huff, and Elyss had figured this wouldn't ever come back up. Someone's grown a bit more balls eh?

"But, if you must know, things are going okay, and again, I must let you know, why should I waste the time?"

Of course, like before, Elyss would challenge Hana's question, wondering if the woman'll leave with a huff or actually give the redhead a reason.

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Empty Re: Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss)

Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:42 pm
Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Hana_PostingHeader24
Enter: Hana Aoyama

“What a sad mindset one must have to assume guiding a member of their own Division would automatically be a waste of their time.” Hana sighed. So, the last time they interacted wasn’t a fluke. Captain Kishimoto was just not an approachable person. Hana could have understood the negativity in tense times, but if things were “going okay,” that kind of hateful mindset wasn’t needed.

Hana turned back to face Elyss. “I can understanding, and can even agree with, requiring a reason to train someone, but your method of communicating that is insulting. Is that purposeful, or are you just lacking any positive form of charisma?”

End Post

Last edited by Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫ on Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Empty Re: Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss)

Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:14 pm
Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Zhtk5n8

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"You, yourself, said I should be busy. If true, wouldn't it be wasteful to spare a moment for something as meandering as advice when there's work to be done?"

Folding her arms, she dropped her gaze to Hana, raising a brow. There is definitely something here. Elyss could only wonder what had happened for her subordinate to grow a pair. There's being disappointed, but this is more than that. Hana's straight up disrespecting her, throwing out words that would have had Elyss' fist a part of her diet.

"A few mean words about my personality suppose to move me? There are plenty of able fighters who are itching for a pupil. What makes you think you're worth giving any extra attention than the normal soldier?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Empty Re: Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss)

Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:56 pm
Thinking Out Loud (Hana/Elyss) Hana_PostingHeader24
Enter: Hana Aoyama

“Actually, if you could recall, what I said was that I assumed Captains were always busy, and I came to that assumption the first time we met, when you so rudely called me a waste of time for daring to ask for some assistance.”

Hana knew her words were borderline disrespectful, but technically she had only asked a question, one she did intend to listen to an actual answer for. She did not call her Captain out of her name, nor did she threaten her. No rule, unless the Gotei was returning to more tyrannical means, had been broken. In fact, it may have been that Hana was intentionally walking that line and refusing to cross it.

"Well, firstly, from what I have been able to observe, the rank and file rarely approach someone of your caliber in order to better themselves; they are content with their current skills and seem to be okay with mediocrity. I can guess the increased level of danger that comes with strength and authority also disincentivizes their advancement. As for myself, I merely looked to my Captain for help, not because I felt I deserved it more, but because I wanted to be better. At the time, I was uncertain of... certain things in my life; I was at a loss. I thought someone who had gotten to where you are in life might have had the wisdom to point me in a healthier direction. Back then, that was all I hoped for."

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