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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 8:12 am
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

A soft grunt was huffed with the sudden squish of friendly contact, her eyes wide and rounded for a moment as she didn't expect the movement; though she'd gotten a lot better with receiving human contact, it still had it's degrees of offness... At least she managed to turn down whatever the hell was about to transpire with her friend's idea of what she needed help with. Regardless, she'd give a small laugh out of her brief state of stun to Natasha's admittance of misunderstanding.

Hmm, 'confident Liltotto' huh? She never really thought about it; she carried herself passively and quietly most of the time. Her only real frame of personal reference for confidence was how she operated in the office when she was younger, and smaller at that. She really wasn't one to naturally smile, so despite the other woman's mentioning of it, she defaulted to a particular face: Similar to her typical flat, neutral expression, but she had a look of slight irritation in her gaze - like she was gonna bite someone's head off if they looked at her wrong.

...Ah, right, a smile. Rigidly, her lips parted somewhat to reveal her sharpened teeth. Now she just looked like she was ready to actually eat someone. Why was consciously smiling so awful?

"Yeah i'm doing a godawful job, aren't I?"''

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 5:08 pm
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 GErtDg6


"No kiddin'..."

Natasha commented with a playful exasperation in her voice. Bless her heart. She knew Liltotto was not at all accustomed to this, but that rigid face she called a smile solidified that in an instant. It wasn't a supremely difficult thing to smile for the average individual, but holding her to average standards was a fool's errand in the first place, wasn't it? Sighing softly, she stroked her chin as she posed a question in return, with no intent of ridiculing her dear friend. If anything, it was a genuine curiosity.

"Is it that difficult for ya to flash an actual smile? Or is it a comfort thing?"

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:03 am
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

"Yeah, I look more like i'm gonna take a bite outta him, tch."

She stopped trying to push it, crossing her arms and letting her face drop back into it's neutral expression, maybe with a pinch of annoyance thrown in. She had a face very few could pick out, just your average-looking blondie going about her day. Was he just a fluke, after all? Her expression soured a little more with the mere thought she had just gotten lucky a man had interest in her in that way. She's never had attention like that in all her centuries of being alive, but she was in a kiddier body for most of that - the type of attention that got were the rare sick freaks in middle management trying to bait her in with money.

"It's kind of hard to do expressions on purpose," She'd shrug, "Either they come to me or they don't. Then again, i've spent a good long time not having the need to really practice it..."

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 5:33 pm
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 GErtDg6


"I s'pose that makes sense. Reflectin' on it now, I imagine ya never needed to worry about flashin' smiles and lookin' in another man's direction when ya' had a more kidlike frame. Now that yer body is more filled out, it's likely a whole different world for you now, right?"

Natasha stroked her chin as she pondered the ways she could flash a natural smile. Currently, there weren't many. After all, in her opinion, a smile was something that came from the bottom of one's heart, an expression they felt in their soul. Based on half of their interactions, there was rarely anything for Liltotto to smile about.

Between the life of immortality and remembering the details she shared of her past, even in small amounts, Natasha could easily see why she struggled to feel happy - even in spirit. Of course, that wasn't to say she hadn't made progress. Truth be told, she would've NEVER expected the woman to approach her about lingerie, to say nothing of potentially dating someone again. In that regard, she considered that progress.

"Sweetheart, you and me need to hang out a helluva lot' more. I'm gon start givin' ya all the reasons in the world to smile, and then we can resume workin' on findin' you a cute man to call your own. For now, let's go on' ahead and get dressed and grab a bite to eat at my place. Sound good, sugar~?"

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Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 9:33 pm
Fashion Friends [Liltotto/Natasha] - Page 2 Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

"Guess so," She'd say with a sense of resignation, rubbing the back of her head. Well, if she couldn't so much as smile on command in a convincing manner, she'd just have to learn how to do that. The thought didn't really occur to her, but with her really thinking about it - yeah, she really did waste her life out of fear. Not so much in actual accomplishment - she had plenty to her name, but rather the loss of social experience. Even as a young girl all that time ago, she didn't feel incredibly anchored to even those she'd consider her own people, regardless of their sins. Even the sympathetic party here or there that didn't reject her, she had no reason to smile at them. Devil child, she was.

She was however drawn from her thoughts by Natasha's casual push for them to hang out more. Things had been so busy, she didn't realize how little time they got to actually spend together, even neglecting the period they didn't talk after that argument. She still had some internal hesitations to inviting her anywhere, with concern the woman still held some hard feelings... But, that didn't seem to be the case.

Her expression went from a mild tint of irritation, to pulling an earnest smile, "Yeah, sounds good to me. Wanted to get some underwear before I go though. But I am starting to really feel the pangs..."

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