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Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:25 am
Ooc You would all have to skip me, My character is en route to the scene (3 hours away)

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I'm, sitting in my room, with a needle in my hand.
Waiting for the tomb, of some ol' dying man.
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Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:59 am
The man just stood their waiting, keeping unflinched by this little girls powers. He was making sure not to start the fight, But kept her gaurd up just incase. His mind was swiming with ways to get out of the situation, but all so far fail. He was also quite pissed that the girl with pink hair hasnt ran yet. he didnt want a huge fight with more causalitys than necessary.

He realy did not want conflict with an arrancar of this caliber. But the cyniacle aura could chill his own vain. He was worried that this would end up in a mass killing. He was still quite a weak arrancar. and it didnt help that he refused to kill those of a good soul, but he had to do something to fend off and save lives. the clouds turned to a grim shade of gray as a single drop fell down on the little girl.

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
Queen Of The Sands
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Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:41 pm

Miku Midknight Zatsune

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~ You can't stop the decay. All will fall apart to make way for my lady's kingdom of death ~


{Empire ~ MachinaeSupermacy}


Miku looked at the guy and then at the girl. She was shoved over to the ground and sat there staring at Miku which didn't exactly excite the arrancar but questioned why she was staring so much. So with that in mind, Miku took a step forwards followed by another and slowly another. Her arms were still held lazily in front of her and pointing to the floor holding no sign of a weapon and her black and purple hair waves around behind her as a gust of wind blew its course over the clearing.

"Girl... why do you look at me so? Those eyes... do you fear me?" Miku had never felt someone elses fear as she was always holed up in las Noches. There was nobody there to actually fear her as everyone was of hollow blood so she was not as intimidating at home. Little did the girl even realise how evil her aura was. Miku soon got close enough to reach out to the pink haired girl and bent down in front of her. Only a few inches away from Miyuki, Miku sat and stared with her lifeless eyes. The guy that was there, she cared little for as he was of hollow blood too. He wouldn't feel the fear a human would. That's what she guessed anyway.

"Shall I show you...?" Miku left that question wide open. She wasn't going to finish the sentance and just looked at iyuki with unknown intent. If anyone was going to try and attack Miku now, they wouldn't be stopped. She was too focuses on this pink girl...

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Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:59 pm
The girl looked up at Miku quietly, hiding the fear in her voice and her facial expression...

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"No." She spoke in return, her voice was soft but quiet. She didn't say much but that was because she really was scared. Only...She didn't show it.

At seeing Miku step forward she crawled back until her back was too the tree.
She had to show she wasn't in fear! Although when she did see that Miku had now bent down, almost a few inches away from Miyuki she was terrified.

"Show me what..." She replied quickly, not wanting to take a while in thinking of what to say. She hated this girl being so close to her and the tree, of course, she didn't think of what she was about to do.

"G-Get away!!" She suddenly said louder, attempting to push the girl backwards with both hands, if it was something Miyuki was terrified of then it was people close to her.

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:49 pm
As the evil little girl stepped forward Ki shuddered abit at the energy. having no known allies he was abit worried, not frightfilled...but worried.he was about to pull away the frightened child untill the aura touched him. he couldnt move, he kept telling his body but he couldnt. the rain slowly came down harder, and the smell of rotten flesh from some of the forest animals was smelt easier.

as soon as he heard the girl yell 'G-Get away!' he snapped out of this trans and bend down between the two. he grabed the pink haired girl and slung her over his shoulder as he started running as fast as he could. he wasnt very skilled in the sonido art, but he ran as fast as he could regardless.

'crap'he thought to himself while running 'i gotta get out of here fast.' he ran dodging the trees along the way for as far a distance as he could. he may not know sonido, but his stanima was inexplicably amazing.

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
Queen Of The Sands
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Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:27 pm

Miku Midknight Zatsune

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~ You can't stop the decay. All will fall apart to make way for my lady's kingdom of death ~


{DevilsNeverCry ~ DMC3OST}


Miku was slightly shocked at what the boy decided to do. He got dangerously close and was lucky he didn't touch Miku as he would have probably started to decay. What Miku wanted to show the girl was what she planned to do next. The two had disappeared from the clearing they were in which made a small smirk appear on Miku's face After that little smile, Miku was suddenly gone as well with the sounds of a sonido.

The clearing she had left however did not simply stay the same either as when miku left, she dropped something onto the floor. A giant circular runic symbol appeared and glowed a painful black and purple. After a few seconds of it being there, it disappeared to reveal a now black piece of land. The only thing that she didn't decay was the tree Miyuki was protecting. Probably out of sheer respect.

The two didn't get very far before Miku noticed where they had gotten to. her speed wasn't the fastest in the world but compared to most, she is stupidly fast. Miku dashed ahead of the two and suppressed her reitsu so she couldn't be detected. Then, she slammed each tree she came across in the direction the two were heading with a purple aura. After a little while, said tree's began to decay. Miku did this until she came to a set of tree's that looked slightly taller. With the runic symbol she used before, miku conjured the tree's into decay as well to create a black clearing.

hopefully the two, would run into this clearing without even realising she was there...

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Satan's Spawn
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Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:53 pm
Being taken away faster than she could blink Miyuki found her self over the shoulders of the man whom stood by the tree. Moving faster than she thought was possible started making her stomach turn as if she was on a roller coaster, she quickly began hitting the back of this man hard, kicking her feet as well.

"L-Let me go!!"

She yelled although her yelling wasn't that loud at all, it was more of a soft tone. She looked up from the back of the man, wanting to protect that Sakura tree more than anything as she began hitting harder trying to get him to put her down.

"You have to put me down! I need to protect that tree! P-put me down now! Please!"

She begged although the more she did try the more tireder she got. What was happening...? That question entered and left her mind countless number of times. Everything was dying, it was as soon as that girl entered. She closed her eyes, scared. All she wanted right now was to get home and never come out again. She had always been like that way anyway.

Her long, waist-length pink hair blew in the breeze, everything was so quiet right now and perhaps if the man did keep runnning then more of the beautiful wildlife would be at risk.
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Hon Hon Baguette.
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Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:46 am
48 had put on a front by walking the bull dog, but to his surprise he didn't need much walking at all since he had stumbled across a eerie smell. The area started stinking like sewage. 48 might have mistaken the smell for that of death, but instead he downright thought it was shit. It was perfectly normal for the forest to smell like shit since maintenance was lacking, but for it to be so strong and to have suddenly appeared across 48's smelling sense was ridiculous. He started coughing and turned his head to see that the landscape was turning black, the edges were rounded, 48 came to the conclusion that it was either oval or a circle, and as he looked up to try and find a cause to this, he saw nothing but trees beginning to decay. 48 scratched his head and then tugged on the leash connected to the dogs neck to force him to start walking over the black circle. As soon as he did the dog's skin started dissolving, or rather, started decaying, as if he was aging quickly and rotting even quicker. Within 3 minutes the dog had become a grey sack of excess skin.

48 dragged the dog back out of the circle and placed his hand on the dogs neck to see if he was still breathing, the dog was in fact dead but only because his physical body started to decompose, or rather decay. Avoiding this problem was a simple problem for 48, and far too easy for him to solve; so he stepped onto the circle himself. His shoes started to decay but 48 ran his powers through out his body; and then throughout his clothing; shortly after he altered it so that the process of decaying in it's physical structure would take several hours; other than being super accelerated. 48 looked up and noticed that he was no longer surrounded by trees, but piles of brown dust, 48 knew this was wood dust; This power was quite deadly to anything living and 48 was immediately concerned with who was using it so irresponsibly. 48 started walking towards the source, but he was beaten to the punch by the male teen he converted earlier who approached the girl standing at the center, or what he judged to be the center, of all this decay. That 48 acted contrary to his nature and engaged in conversation with this girl.

"You look very beautiful for a. . . Hollow is it?" He asked trying to read what the girl was. He picked hollow because the powers she displayed were too amazing for a human, and she wasn't wearing one of those black samurai suits shinigami wear. The doppel ganger extended his hand to her already using his ability force his organic tissue to counter decomposition. This was dangerous, it wasn't quite clear to 48 what the females abilities were but because he had too many opportunities to study it, it had become easy for him to try and understand it. "My name is 48, people I am very close to call me The Haitian. Nice to meet you" He said with a grin on his face while his boots started to decay.

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I'm, sitting in my room, with a needle in my hand.
Waiting for the tomb, of some ol' dying man.
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Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:38 am
Ki kept on running, hardly paying attention to the girl on his shoulder. every smashed tree he heard made him flinch as they got closer and closer.and then they stopped. common sense said that she was already ahead of them, and sure enought, from the safe distanse they were at, he saw this evil girl and another man in the clearing. the other man looked to be deadly, but on the opposite side, wich still made things unsafe for him, but safer for the girl. "alright, you can go bak to that tree, or i can take you a safe distance so you can get to home." he said as calming as he could so she wouldnt keep freaking. his voice sounded as soothing as an ice cream shake, it wasnt raspy, it was alittle deep but not so much.

"right now two people of great power are gonna fight, i dont even match up to them, and i dont think you will either, i cant gaurantee that tree or even section is alive..but ill help you get there safely anyway" he sounded abit relaxed, he was trying to. he didnt want to cause anxiety.

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
Queen Of The Sands
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Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:26 pm

Miku Midknight Zatsune

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~ You can't stop the decay. All will fall apart to make way for my lady's kingdom of death ~


Miku stood perfectly still in her own ring off death while sensing a new presence enter her vision. He had a very peculiar reitsu aura which made her wonder if this was even a living person. They felt weird to be near but that didn't speak much as she was weird to be around too. When the man called her beautiful Miku couldn't help but blush slightly. This was one of the only times she showed any sort of emotion to a complete stranger. He spoke so friendly and seemed well informed. Maybe he could prove a useful asset?

"Why do you talk to me?... You have no business with the likes of death today do you?" Miku sounded a little inconspicuous. Her questions gave little meaning all the time yet somehow people answered them. While she asked the man why he was inviting her to kill him just by talking, she stared with a look that could pierce even the toughest of minds. For some reason... she wanted this guy dead...

Tilting her head past the man, Miku spotted the two reitsu signs that she was hunting go a different way. They had obviously spotted her which made her somewhat mad. "Your appearance must have given us away. Please... get away from me fool..." With that, Miku shunted 48 with her shoulder as she moved past him and looked in the direction of where the two were. "I dont know why... but I want to kill that girl... she needs to feel fear or her heart... will not survive when she finds out about it later... when we destroy the world..." Almost foretelling the future, Miku looked back at 48 with her emotionless expression. "Can you stop them? Can you bring them to me? Or shall I erase you?..."

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