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Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:27 pm
after feeling all this power, the man knew that he wouldnt be strong enough to hardly even help. after being pushed aside by the other man, and the knife dogding him he rolled off the ground and wielded his katana. "alright, o meu dragão de demônio mesmo"he spoke softly as he dug the blade into the earth. "Rugido de eternidade!!!" he shouted as flames europted around him and an earth shattering roar echoed everywere.

when the flames calmed the man was revealed in a heavy suite of knightly armor. his sword was know in the form of a long silved great double edged sword. he wore silver knight armor with a golden trim, and a long red tassle porturding from his helm. his eyes glew crimson red and three tail-like whips grew out of his armor. this was his ressurection.
That Mistake. - Page 4 KiRess1

he then rushed forword moving abit slower but then got infront of the girl and the evil girl and held out his sword. "a respiração ardente de Demônio de dragão" he hummed as he lifted up the faceplate of his helm and spewed out blazing hot flames.

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
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Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:37 am

Miku Midknight Zatsune

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~ You can't stop the decay. All will fall apart to make way for my lady's kingdom of death ~


Many things occurring around her at this moment caught the attention of Miku more than killing this simple girl. Things that would potentially prove troublesome for her if she did nothing about it, so as she swung her sword, she brought more force into it's movement and twisted her body around so she now had her back to the girl on the floor and straight after turning with the speed of her swing aiding her rotation, she collided blades with the guy that had supposedly launched himself via the floor at her. The collision caused a large gust of wind to blast up from beneath the two as Miku stood her ground and didn't move an inch. before doing this thought Miku was still holding her glowing symbol and as more reitsu signs started leaping around her, she gathered someone had done something to raise their power and needed them out of her way regardless about this little girl. So as soon as she started to turn, she pulsed her decaying energy once more to push the girl and the fiery guy out of her way so she could block the incoming attack.

"hmm... Curious" However before she could get very far into her analysis on this man, something caused a slight pain in her shoulder holding her sword. As soon as she felt it, Miku shoved her blade forwards as to get the guy off her and Sonido backwards. "Tch... what has this simpleton done to my body?" Looking at her shoulder with a straight face, Miku swung her blade downwards to the ground and started blast reitsu throughout her body like she was pumping it through her veins. this wasn't really possible as all the reitsu was doing was shooting out from her and into the air. However it did have a positive effect for Miku.

her own reitsu was strong and hopefully after feeling it, the ones trying to keep her off will realise just how strong of an opponent she is. many even claimed her to be the cero Espada for her powers and frightening reitsu signs. By using her own reitsu, Miku counteracted whatever trickery she had been placed under in a way a white blood cell would destroy bacteria and viruses: By overwhelming and eating it. Then after doing so, so looked up to the others and moved her shoulder around a bit to make sure it was feeling alright. then she spoke. "You three foolish mortals... if you wish to live past today, I suggest you flee now. Your presence here is ruining my plans and I need you to remove yourselves from my sight." Miku held her blade up and pointed it at 48. "Otherwise You will all go up with this forest... my patience it wearing thin" While she said this, the powerful feel of her reitsu enveloped her body to prove her point that she was not joking. She actually planned on erasing these people from the world if they didn't follow her orders.

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:03 am
Miyuki's heart missed a beat as she was kept alive. Sweat fell from her pale face as she quickly got up to her feet, nearly stumbling back down as she felt Miku's Reiatsu, that alone could knock her out again. But she kept on her feet regardless.

"P-Please...don't destroy that Sakura tree...or my friends..."

Her quiet voice spoke out directly to Miku after a while. She knew that the two that she had met where fighting her right now and she just didn't want this. She didn't want any fighting, she believed the world would be a peaceful place but all this was too much for her. Not just her but others had powers, powers greater than hers, powers she wouldn't even of dreamt off and now they all were fighting. She didn't know what for or why, they were all just fighting.

"Please stop! I'll do anything!"

Tears awoke from her eyes, falling to the ground as they landed on the wet grass from the rain, her drenched hair also dripped water. It was cold, like it was a harsh winter day.

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:49 am
48 was engaged in a clash with the arrancar, he was not that weak compared to her, and would have been sent flying into the skyscraper that hung it's shadow over the Forest of karakura town just on the edge of the city if not for the velocity of his own attack mixed with the amount of strength he was pushed with. When he was sent back; he fell onto the ground 8 feet from the female arrancar. He fell rather hard but no fatal injuries were inflicted; he did however make sure to take advantage of his contact with the female. The noise of her warnings were drown otu by 48's frustration, so after he heard silence he decided to take advantage and speak up himself.

"You and I are not so different Arrancar, power wise" he said not making note or mention of her warning. He started pacing back and forth as he allowed his ability to make it's way to the hand she used to hold her blade as she seemed to have noticed the power he implanted into her body. She seemed to have been focusing her attention on it btu 48 spoke as she did so. "My power, may not be the decomposition of matter as yours is but it is similar, I can edit matter to my will in very small places at the moment" He said crossing his arms, his connection with the ice in the females shoulder was cut, meaning she used the same decompostion power to get rid of it, but because the ice was made of her blood that mean she got rid of the blood in her shoulder, at this time his power had finally found it's way from her katana without making itself known to her hand and it did the same thing; but this time it wasn't strong enough to dig deep enough to her blood since there was a slight instant of contact; so instead it edited the properties of her skin cells so that it did what it did with her blood cells; turning it into ice with acidic properties. The acidic properties didn't take effect yet, it was about it, her best chances were to do what she did the first time to counter this. 48 took out his other combat knife; he was prepared to go for the coupe de grace; "You got rid of the ice in your shoulder didn't you? You noticed it as soon as the acidic properties sufaced, well you might feel a bit weakened in that arm; since in doing so you also got rid of the blood in your shoulders." He said Attaching wire to both ends of his knifes. "That block of ice wasn't made from my power, it was made by it. Your blood is the material used to create it." 48 said as he started to swing the wire with the two blades attached to it. "The same thing is happening to your hand" He said pointing at it with his free hand. "I'm not leaving until I rape you, so you can have your choice. Die or be raped. If you try to run I'll just follow you to the white sands of Los Noches and Rape you there." 48 said without any resolve built behind that threat.

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I'm, sitting in my room, with a needle in my hand.
Waiting for the tomb, of some ol' dying man.
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Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:58 pm
The man in the armor slung out a whip and grabed the girl swing out of the pulse. "i am not a mortal" he said a bit resentfully, his energy was tainted with that of a hallow. he then jumped up and swing his sword down while the other man was talking. he cartwheeled with the sword sticking out "Dispare a dança de dragão" the tempature around them rose to a very high level, such as being by the lip of a valcano. His sword became intense with flame as it flung around him, he landed in the air and swung it at the evil girl, leaving no opening or rest in his attack, then slid behind her and spun the sword above his head creating a blazing vortex, he smashed his sword down sending the girl and the vortex shooting toward the other man giving him a clearer shot, the flames died out by the time they hit half way to the other man leaving him damageless if he were to attack her.

" arrancar" he said, but with abit more pride. he then jumped forward closeing the distance between him and this demonic insane girl. the tips of his whips began to spin like a drill, and the hit eachother to spark up a flame around each of them. "chamuscar Ruído de Chicotada!" he shouted as he whiped them out in a fury of strikes moving at blindly speed, as if each of them were using sonido, as the moved cracking the air behind them matching the tone of the thunder.

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
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Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:19 pm

Miku Midknight Zatsune

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~ You can't stop the decay. All will fall apart to make way for my lady's kingdom of death ~


Its a shame that everyone was ganging up on this girl. Well there were only two of them but Miku had clearly misjudged the strength of the one with the rape obsession. Miku looked over at him and listened as he explained pretty much all she needed to know. He was turning her blood into ice and freezing it over so she couldn't move. Well that's plain unfortunate. "You both did not heed my warning..." Miku stood her ground as a flaming and simple bladed attack came shooting towards her. Then before anything got too close, Miku held out her blade.

"I Told you to get away from here. Let misery rain down upon you both... Distort... Caballero!" and with that said, Miku swung her blade to the ground literally slicing the air in front of her. The air she struck started to fall apart similar to how a gargantua opened. It was around now the air started to get quite warm too. Thing's were starting to get interesting. As soon as the air started to distort, it shot to Miku and formed around her. the attacks did not properly land on the girl and she did not move. Instead, the distorted air that surrounded her cut up whatever got close that wasn't fuelled with perfect reitsu.

Then to top it off, a pulse of her decay energy shot from her body and removed the attacks from her sight so they bounced back but with greater force than her old one. Activating a resserecion fully heals the arrancar that uses it and removes ailments such as that annoying ice blood freeze. plus, the blasting reitsu from her changing would have done the trick also. even captains have been shunted from their stand still position with the pulse she just used in this state of power. The pulse removed the distortion around the girl, and her new body was revealed. Miku's hair grew completely white and her clothes changed to a long sleeved shirt and long leggings. her eyes were completely black and her skin was pale white and her actual change was pretty minor. Except for the chain now wrapped around her right arm and her powerful zanpakuto in her left. the blade had a nice silver colour with spiked guard but the blade was longer and jet black. The entire thing was emitting a very evil aura of decay that it was immune to itself. The chain wrapped around her arm was also immune to the decaying arua around it as well as her own body.

The pulse that was used to create her new form of power came with a shocking surprise. After it was cast, the ground rumbled a little before a giant arm made of bones shot up from the floor, about 12ft in length with a handspan of a human. The tips of this bone arm and hand were very sharp like a blade, and now Miku would retaliante in her own way. "You wish to defile me foolish man?" As Miku said this, she looked at the stronger opponent of the two. "If you can bring me to my knee's then maybe ill consider it..." When she finished that sentance, she raised her sword and pointed it at him. The arm lifted itself up and swung violently at him covered in decaying energy that would explode if it collided. With Miku's other arm, she looked to the guy with the fiery business and swung thrusted it towards him. The chain wrapped around her arm shot off and zoomed right up to him within the instant and proceeded to spiral its way around like a constrictor. if he didn't move, the chain would instantly slam inwards and cling onto his flesh causing it to decay as well. plus the range the arm was moving at would hit him out of the air if he didn't move somewhere.

What was peculiar, was that all this time miku made sure her attacks did not reach Miyuki...

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Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:23 pm
[Post Skipped:

Reason: I'm not part of the fight ]

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:51 am
Ki started to truley frustrated. he lashed out his whips to grapple him out of the way. he could realy not think of anything to do at this moment. all of a sudden his battle partner just died, its him-a lower class arrancar- and a small human girl versus this immencly powerfull arrancar. This would be his final front.

".......espírito inflamado do dragão....." all of a sudden an orb of pure flame appear infront of him than engulfed him. flame claws extended from his fingers and toes, a long flame tail and two giant flame wings. this was his strong move.

using the speed of the wings he dashed forward , his sword engulfed in flames, he was using Dispare a dança de dragão without preperation or calling it out. he smashed the sword in a tundra of attacks againts this girl. swipe atfter swipe, then he wielded the blade about head and spun it making a gaint flame twister. while in the twister he gasped a deep breaht and blew out a respiração ardente de Demônio de dragão. also sending the twister all at once out at this demonic girl

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
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Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:13 pm

Miku Midknight Zatsune

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~ You can't stop the decay. All will fall apart to make way for my lady's kingdom of death ~


{CallMe ~ Shinedown}


Miku watched as her gigantic claw smashed her opponent out of the sky with enough decaying energy to crumble a city. there was no way he was going to survive something like that and it appeared his ally had already taken in the fact he was fighting alone. he started channelling his strongest attack and dashed right for miku with fire blazing everywhere. miku only thought of one way to remove this man from her sight without killing him. As much as she despised the other man, this guy gave her no true quarrel. She had grown weary of fighting weak opponents but needed to figure out some way to stop this man from injuring her or from getting himself killed.

the giant bone arm sticking from the ground beside Miku was going to play it's part. The arm brought itself backwards and as he got right to Miku and started swinging, the arm slammed right in front of her to act as a shield against his attacks. If he hit it too much though, the decaying energy would break off onto his blade and potentially onto him. Miku obviously wasn't intending this but he needed to stop so she could talk to him properly. But then a giant flaming twister just spontaneously exploded around her. "This is getting annoying..." Miku lifted her blade and also lifted the arm so she could see where the guy had gotten to. Swinging her blade, miku launched five spheres of her decaying energy that would explode with violent decay if it struck him.

However her main intention was to stop the fire. By swinging her blade, the arm followed suit and slammed violently into the fires. Miku then used her chain to latch onto the hand of the arm and yank herself up to it. With her blade now, Miku stabbed it into the vortex and smashed as much reitsu as she needed into her sword. The combination of her giant arm, her chain and her sword made stopping the fire from turning easier than others would find it. Her chain latched onto the side of the fire as well to spin around with it and after a few seconds, the chain was stretched all the way up the vortex giving her room for the final ending smash.

Jumping back down to the ground, Miku yanked the chain as hard as she could. the arm at this point fell to pieces as it couldn't keep up with the amount of fire it was being pressured to hold and gave way. Then when she hit the floor, Miku pulled violently and yelled as she did so to cause the chain to shrink inwards, and crushing the vortex within its decaying energy. it had swirled all the way up the vortex making a metaphorical hand over the fire of a candle, putting out the flame with her own power.

the fire hadn't truly settled, but it had started to die down giving Miku some time to talk. the guy must have tried to attack her and she needed to clear it up. "STOP! I'M NOT YOUR ENEMY!" the last thing miku could say to keep herself from being hit and also... for the fires to burn Miyuki who was still nearby.

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:38 pm
Witnessing the death of 48 had scarred Miyuki possibly for life, right now, she couldn't move or speak. Pretty much paralyzed before her head began to hurt while she noticed Miku save her from being burnt by the fire.


Those words echoed throughout her mind as she didn't know what side to take or who to believe right now. All she saw was the replay of 48's death, and all she heard were the words that came from Miku's mouth.

If she wasn't her enemy then why would Miku try to kill herself and Kano and why had she just killed 48 like that. Nothing added up for Miyuki herself as her legs shook, falling to her knees petrified of all the little sounds around her, the birds singing, anything nature, it scared her. Which was weird, because, just a hour or even more ago. SHe loved it all, she loved the surroundings, the birds, she loved everything. And right now, darkness had began filling her pure heart.

Tears began running silently from her now pale face, dropping to the ground. It was quiet, her breathing was quiet, depression had began to take over her as Miku had achieved what she was attempting to do at the start, open up Miyuki's eyes. But why this had to happen in one of the worst timings no one knew...

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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