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[Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer. Empty [Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer.

Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:50 am

I. Basic Information

[Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer. C0396ae1ce130d06fcba3c54f91faf17
» Name: Akira Tairitsu
» Alias: "Kido Killer" "Pest of the East"
» Age: 435
» Gender: Male.

» Association:
1. Shino'oin Academy. (Former)
2. Kido Corp (Former)
3. Shizukesa to kodoku (Head Librarian)

» Appearance Written: Akira Tairitsu is considered to be at an Olympic level physique, a well-toned body which is littered with small scars which have been permanently placed upon the olive complexion that adorns his flesh, a little lighter than you’d expect which brings on this guise of being ghostly to some but with the right sunlight the complexion displays this isn’t the case. An intimidating frame to the smaller individual indeed, some envy the sight of the upper torso which has a five line marker etched into the right breast, a toned and built upper frame which is only consistent throughout the rest of his body, powerful thighs yet his entire form remains to keep a lithe framing, displaying one which has spent decades if not longer in refining a more dexterous outtake on activities.

Crowning the top of this males head is a tuft of pearl white hair, medium in length as the slightly spiked head of it dangles in front of the eyelids whilst the rest of the locks often dance down to the back of his neck, well kept and seemingly cleaned regularly it’d almost be supernatural how majestic the ball of fluff dances in the light. It’d be foolish or blind to also note the pair of beautiful amber hues which pierce out, each one glimmering ever so gently and mesmerizing if one were to stare into them, accompanied by a gentle tone, an alluring and graceful invitation to converse with him. As Akira often displays around his thick neck a silver pendant, a corrupted cross which instead of having the usual vertical and horizontal lines, alternates at the sides so the vertical lines interlock with the top end of it, allowing for two loops to form.

It’d be noted that Akira is impeccably groomed, an individual who despises any form of stain or dirt apparently as even the clothing which he keeps is often kept smelling delightful, he’s a stickler for order, adorning consistently two attires. Some are more obvious than others, but all keep a rather gorgeous, pearl hue, each item of clothing keeping to this trend and only adding robust colors like blacks or blues, never really diverting this trend at all.

Akira’s first attire is the one most often perceive him in, this attire consists firstly of a large overcoat, undone and kept rather unkempt in the sense of never being done, silvery buttons hardly touching their respective holes, displaying the black cloth underneath in the form of a shirt, a little creased in areas but displays the rest of his toned form. The following is a pair of loose trousers, whilst fitting the creases make them appear to the naked eye of most people, black shoes following to complete the first ensemble. The man often uses this to infiltrate most other societies be it human or Soul Society, it’s rather casual in wear and humble in nature which he prefers and if it were up to him it’d be his only piece of attire.

Alas it isn’t meant to be as his second attire is for more formal encounters, often showing decorum and a little grandeur during major meetings with a rather tight fitting, white suit. The suit itself is made from a fine material which is soft to the touch, adorning a piece of blue cloth to go in the breast pocket and a matching baby blue tie to complete it all, it isn’t often Akira wares such overtly major clothing but it’s clothing which is designed specifically of the purpose of showing up to such formal occasion.

As this is all fascinating it’s to be noted that Akira does frequent the Human world on occasion and has a plethora of basic attires for it, including one for the beach which is a simple opened shirt, sandals and shorts which reveal most of his lower legs. Out on the streets if required though, it’s more basic yet formal clothing, shirts and jeans alongside shoes more than anything else of varying configurations, white still plays as a primary factor in all of this and often or not he’ll simply adorn the basic attire up above but if a situation requires for a more lax or formal proceeding, he isn’t against adapting to the trends to better suit their needs.
Akira’s posture is something of a paradox as his personality doesn’t often match the way he’s often carrying himself, a straightened back and puffed out chest of pride accompanied by a decisive and almost authoritative walk, one might even say it’s odd that a man so humble would walk around with such exertion yet it’s a necessity which has been shifted into as natural as breathing to him.

» Appearance Image:
Casual Attire:

I. Personality

» Personality: Upon first meeting Akira it is difficult to not notice a calm, patient demeanor of which engagement is as easy as breathing, capable of holding conversation with little issue and qualm even with the most closed off individuals. It is also evident that going hand in hand with this is a level of high intellect, with a degree of confidence which one may not consider narcissistic at all, odd as most do often see themselves on a higher platform. This confidence does not outshine nor diminish a sense of integrated focus which constantly lulls, offering those around a sense that he’s always listening, that he is. Yet this focus can bleed over from the astute eye that there is an element of anxiety that hovers over.

This anxiety offers a bit of insight into the under layer of Akira, such hyper focus in part due to his own mentality but also a deep seated concern of being used as a pawn once again, puppeteered by anyone and everyone. Such things come across even to this day when meeting those of this day, consciously choosing to be reserved when these engagements are twisted on him, both body language and speech closing off with vagueness and half truths to satiate enough that more isn’t pried into. It has become a bit of an issue as it has rocked internal confidence, which is only enhanced by the monster which festers within his core, an ordeal that even to this day causes him to purposefully weaken himself in combat engagements.

Such a trauma only exceeds into a level of self destruction when engaging inter-personal relationships, distancing oneself and even altering attitude, though from it does offer a semblance of ruthlessness. Akira can compartmentalize emotions in the moment incredibly well, healthily? Not at all but in brief moments of betrayal, disloyalty or revelations, reacting to them in a manner that offers distance without escalating a situation can be useful. It is only brief though, without space to breathe, Akira finds himself feeling the bubble of emotion to break free and lash out in a ruthless frenzy without care.

Akira’s entire demeanor takes a twisted turn though following usage of the mask and during, such emotions and reserved rage comes to the surface in a twisted, condescending manner of which all around are but akin to the very same betrayers that fostered this sickness. They are the infection. The Hollow’s power comes at a cost of forging the worst within his core, to this day he still battles with any idea of if it is Akira’s real self being forced to the surface or a corrupted visage, dragging him down in a deep seclusion shortly after. To say Akira loathes a lack of answers would be an understatement.

» Likes:

1.“There is nothing more satisfying than a thick steak after training.” - (Meaty Food.) Akira’s current predicament has him appreciating meaty foods, these meals which are rich in protein not only taste brilliant but offer a sense of fullness that forces him to relax. The physique it keeps up with isn’t too bad either.

2.“Sharpen both mind and blade, I say.” - (Reading) There is something about reading that Akira not only relishes but obsessively indulges within, genres of all kinds from Sci-Fi, Manga, Romance, it doesn't really matter. What matters is the insight offered and lessons learned, in some cases, it is nice to forget oneself.

3.“Physique only goes so far, I should know better than any.” - (Intellectual stimulation) An attractive trait in both friendship and romance is an individual who can stimulate a sense beyond mere presence, a dialogue of which both come out of it feeling excited and furthering. Those awkward pauses are a thing of the past, small challenges can offer great improvement.

4. “Aroma, texture, symbolism. Hot tea is all these things” - (Tea) The most relaxing thing that does not involve studying Kido, insight into the core of a Zanpaktou or Reiryoku control is that of tea. It does wonders for the sinuses, a calming balm that has one contemplate things beyond themselves or merely enjoying the world.

» Dislikes:

1.“I’ve already got enough issues with my body!” - (Spices.) Akira has a dramatic overreaction to all food spicy, it causes unnecessary stress to the palette and body. The man has a tendency to act as if this will trigger some world ending event, though a bit of melodrama is never bad.

2.“Evil without reason is a symbol of fragility, pitiful.” - (Malice without reason) To a creature like Akira who must live a life of relentless self control, those who act with malice yet without reason aren’t truly powerful. Strength is individual, though to have true power is the ability to acknowledge some malevolence is necessary for certain affairs. They lack intellect, self control and are overall corrupt to their core.

3.“Layer your confidence with delusions, I shall take enjoyment in bringing you to heel.” - (Narcissism) Another firm dislike that Akira has is those who are inherently narcissistic, often finding it an excuse for one reason or another to act in a way unbefitting of others. It is a sad reality of which he presents both pity and resentment.

4.“I’m no stranger to emotional outburst, nothing good comes from it..” (Impulse) - This dislike can also come hand in hand with a fear, impulsion has killed people in the past, broken relationships, friendships. It is the impulse of which Akira believes most needs to learn to chain into oneself as to assure there isn’t any struggle going into the future.

I. History

» History:

“Birth of a Primordial.”

Our story begins during a time of relative peace within the realms, within the 78th Eastern district of the Rukongai, a place rife with criminal elements, corruption and overall violence of which none seem to care to handle. It was during this era of which trueborn Shinigami came to be born, though a babe, was shortly orphaned due to circumstance even to this day he is unaware of. Akira found himself being granted such a name for its translation of ocean or the sea, representing as a child the vast reiatsu he was born with and easily felt. Such an environment though would refine the boy into a man of mortal righteousness, growing up within the confines of a rundown orphanage of which many spoke of their desire to become heroes and get out.

Akira found his upbringing to be a rather terrible one, so far outside the center rings found him unseen by the Gotei, unwanted by all, it was a dog eat dogs world on the outskirts. It was regular he found colleagues within the rack shackled home for other strays beaten half to death by Master or thug, to earn an earnest piece of bread was to enact some form of crime, theft, information gathering, exploitation constantly rife. He couldn’t stand it, the boy often wondered why those of the Gotei could not simply end it for all. It is during this early period that he would not remain idle whilst his adopted family would suffer, Akira decided to focus on this heated feeling within himself and act upon it.

During a cool eve, unable to rest due to the cold chills of barely a blanket, Kaido decided to sneak out and enjoy a bit of fresh air, only to find the ominous figures shrouded in black that barely patrolled this area. They were not of any squad, finding the classified Kido Corps engaging with ease, he was not aware of what the Corp was at this time but seeing such magic in action sparked a hunger. It was a miracle that he was not seen, though Akira from that eve found his talent for Kido, able to harness the reiryoku and only a few days later manages to unleash his first Hadō, mimicking the finger movements!

Akira began to secretly refine the limited Hadō which he was privy to, finding it incredibly easy to learn and act on them. In such a place of destitution, Kido was not easily known nor acquirable though he took on some rather odd jobs, saving what he could, finding books by the dozen which had wrong ideas or minor, basic theory on control. It took sometime before this snowballed into a semi effective way of handling things, yet Akira began to experiment. It was this experimentation of which a curse was created, through the usage of reiryoku control directly wired through his system, Akira believed he could enhance his ocular capacity and focus, to absorb more information and even see more than normal eyes could. Those once beautiful blue eyes became gold, accessing this with great delight, only to find days later the cost of such a self sufficient system, finding that his body struggled to keep up.

It was from then on Akira had to intake more food than he’d like to admit, reiatsu burning muscle mass away and forever crippling his strength. The golden hue granted a name: Sankuchuari no kōkei (Sight of Sanctuary).

It was during his teen years that an incident changed his life, a girl whom he’d grown up with by the name of Maiza didn’t return to their ramshackled, cramped, household, informed that she had ran away yet this instinctive tug told him otherwise. Akira investigated, finding Maiza had been killed on her way home, with the Master of the household receiving funds in exchange for his silence from someone within the inner circles of the Rukongai. It was this which brought him into realizing that his district required a hand whose virtue outweighed their selfish need, in an odd turn of events, Akira turned into a masked avenger who brought to heel local gangs with Kido, such a thing not garnering too much attention until later down the line.

Whilst Akira had a good run of being a vigilante, local authorities finally found who it was with relative ease, especially as trained Shinigami were far beyond that of a self taught individual, though it took some difficulty to restrain him. In a twist of fate, Kido Corps had heard of the teen who had achieved this in the destitute areas, including this odd creation of a sight based on reiatsu, offering him a place among the Shinigami, to train as one of them.

“Rise of the tide, fall of the wave”

During the years that followed, Akira began to grow as an individual, finding the Gotei 13 to be an odd representation of order yet there was an element that always bugged him. Their were those with titles from nobility, as if entitled, believing that it was an odd concept that those without power could dictate those with it on blood and funding alone. Those of note that he’d come into contact with were that of Saera Kirin, who was an enthusiastic individual, seeking to act outside their Divisions notorious reputation for Anti-Kido that he was more than happy to indulge, though one other that came to easily whisper within his ear. Aizen Sosuke.

As time had come to pass, Akira could not help continue to return to his homestead and offer it funds when they were available, realizing that his absence had caused crime to return with little issue, believing that to change the status quo, the young man must become Captain. He doubled his studies, thoroughly enjoying his time whilst venting frustration and concern to the ever so accepting Aizen, there came a breakthrough within Kido that Akira came to find. The man had come across a method to reduce the potency of Kido, due to his sight, he managed to find that by reciting the incantation of such backwards within his mind whilst surging the right amount of reiatsu, it would reduce the potency. This breakthrough granted him an edge over other users, though notably required phenomenal focus to bring out, showing that study paid off, gaining an unofficial alias of “Kido Killer.”

Once more things became uneventful, during his studies of Kido and their close relationship with unorthodox play, an order came from above. An assignment into Japan to investigate an M.I.A squad from the Corp, uncertain about the way things would play out though ever so confident, Akira alongside other close colleagues were sent to handle it. This would turn out to be a tragedy. Akira and his teammates found that it was an intelligent Hollow, Adjucha Class, who had been luring Shinigami into isolated areas after striking at local populations. It was a massacre, a complete fight which triggered the animalistic instinct for survival, Akira being the only survivor after playing dead, once it lunged raising his Zanpaktou as it sunk its teeth into his shoulder, blade pierced chest. The profuse amount of blood seeped into his wounds, creating a mythical occurrence.: Hollow Infection.

This onset wasn’t instantaneous, affecting him over the course of a few days, especially accelerating within the mind due to the Sight. During a routine patrol back into the Rukongai 78th, Eastern. Akira would succumb finally to the first bout of true takeover, a brutal attack that saw a sadistic, surgical, slaughter of his former homestead and locals alike. By the time it had concluded, Akira was left only believing it was a form of set up from the start by Central 46 and the Nobility, those who came had little reason to merely imprison him. To this day justifying he had to kill those that night on patrol.

This struggle, raw horror, not only caused issues with his relationship with the zanpaktou but further enhanced it due to the Sight. If it were not for his prodigal capacity within Kido, utilizing seals to cut off and isolate the monstrosity within his core, he would not have survived.

In the space of twelve hours, Akira’s hard work was sundered, a society which hunted him or believed him dead, a monster within his heart, zanpaktou silent. Isolation. It was the only thing he felt for years to come.

“Blood in the Water”

Isolation is all Akira became aware of, anxiety, paranoia, believing everything to be some sort of deceit and it wasn’t until Aizens first official defeat that began to lull. The trauma caused by such a man scaring him to this day, finding sanctuary within Mintami Harbour and more so, closure with Ulv Auber. This finding granted Akira time to begin some modicum of healing both of mind and spirit, Ulv able to teach him basic fundamentals of being a Vizard. It was terrifying at first, though as days progressed, Akira began to trust once more, finding methods to handle what even now appears to be everlasting trauma.

With the permanency of Aizens defeat, Akira could truly start to feel himself resting yet it would not last, paranoia and anxiety coming to an epoch at the trigger of World War 3. The Demonic incursion threatening to steal everything, seize anything, scraps of this progress being torn asunder by hordes of foul beasts, so Akira went to war. During the outskirts of the conflict, Akira focused on protecting locals who knew nothing of their current situation, eliminating stronger Demons where he could, though a situation followed suit that forced him into embracing the Hollow for a brief moment of six seconds.

That shook him to the core.

It felt akin to a vivid nightmare or was it a dream? Six seconds of unhinged, unshackled movements and mind, suddenly everything not only felt right but perfect, though changes to demeanor had thrust him back into himself. Since then, Akira has refused to access his Hollow, by the end of the war finding Ulv Auber was M.I.A. That stung worst than anything, in a moment of which he required her guidance most, she was gone.

During the conflict, an ally rose in the oddest of forms. An Arrancar by the name of Ato Erinaya, both showing great synchronicity though almost losing their lives during these vicious engagements.

Since then, Akira has been on a large line of stagnancy, acquiring a gigai of which was modified to mask his presence, acting in accordance with a spiritually aware human. He also managed to acquire some cheap land of which currently, Akira works as the head librarian within the outskirts of Japan, enjoying a relatively peaceful existence and attempting to avoid the war

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Masterful Reiryoku Control

Akira’s Reiryoku control is surgically masterful, able to refine such energy as if it was as natural as breathing, such feats include the creation of his Sanchuari no kōkei, capacity to forge and alter Kido, even incorporating such with refining elements into segments of the body outward from the brains nervous system. This has been noted throughout his life by many figures, also evidently a natural talent of which has been the foundation of both career and skillset. It’s to be noted that doesn’t excuse refining of it.

Intense Spiritual Pressure

Born with a vast reservoir of spiritual energy, Akira has, much like most strong Kido users, been able to benefit from this greatly. It is one of the fundamental reasons for being accepted into the Gotei, Kido Corp. At full force, Akira’s presence is noted to be akin to a swirling midnight blue energy, reflecting that of his Elemental type: Oceanic. Many around can not help but feel a little damp themselves, though this darker hue of blue is outlined by translucent essence.

Inherent Kido Capacity.

Akira’s capacity for Kido is perhaps his most dangerous base trait, whilst some have the gift of the gab or refining their blade, Akira breathes the Demon Arts as easily as one would fishing or an olympian acting out their sport. This has not only been something so core to him that designing new abilities regarding it but also a reason to exist in the first place, intrinsically linked with such. He can achieve mastery of Bakudo, Hadō and Kaido spells with relative easy, able to learn their incantations but also surgically inspect the very raw power behind such words, reverse engineer them and act on alot of spiritual theory, that ties into his large intellect when it comes to Kido.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Occular Spellcraft:

Kido Modification::

Righteous Embodiment::

Core Body Training:

Akira had come to realise strength wasn’t going to be a way to combat his enemy, though speed came to be a focal point for the Shinigami, behind it all was a durable core training that focused alot on endurance. The reflection not of mind but of body, part of his regime focuses alot on taking damage, either self inflicted or pushing past the physical limitations of his body during training until the point of exhaustion.


Akira is a firm believer of covering all corners, though as a spiritual man inherently found himself easier to connect to his Zanpaktou. It is beyond this that Akira focused upon the sword within his free time, though it was not necessarily techniques of a traditional sense, through meditation, that he focused on, believing time with ones blade was as necessary as breathing. In this case, it is better to presume that the emotional connection is stronger than your average Shinigami, though swordsmanship on the average end.

Hijutsu no senshi (Arcane Warrior):

Vizard Racials:

Hollowed Out::

Turbulent Soul:

I. Zanpakuto

» Zanpakutō Name: Rivu-aiasan (Leviathan)

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Rivu~aiasan is a mountain of a figure, representing the oceanic elements of vastness, imposing by all accounts by standing at 7ft foot in stature, a constant stance of authority which offers an essence of absoluteness to him. The man is coated in head to toe with a thick barnacle like plating which seems to constantly shift, as if soft waves lapping against a coastline yet the slits of the helm constantly whirl with a violent pool like hue, centrepoint of the iris being pitch black dots. Truly representing the Ocean’s formidable nature on a physical aspect though furthermore, wielding a large as large as himself.

Rivu is a rather primordial entity by all accounts, acting in accordance to an order which he does not believe other creatures can truly understand, nor do they require to. To embody something as necessary as vast bodies of water akin to the Ocean, stoicism is often a large indication of this which comes hand in hand with this calm nature, each word laced with an ancient wisdom that does not discriminate from harsh truths. Yet akin to the Ocean, a calm nature does not necessarily indicate a lack of raw mercilessness to him. This is often his nature when residing within a Shikai essence.

It is odd to be noted that there are rare occasions of which Rivu can boast a level of resentment or rage toward those who not only upset the natural order but disrespect his raw design. Rivu by extension of Akira, refuses to buckle under the emotional distress of Master, forging a loyalty unlike any other though in doing so, means Rivu does not bend nor submit so easily nor offers his power without it being within the order he seeks to maintain.

Rivu-aiasans Appearance:

» Inner World: The inner world of Akira can be described as horrifying as it is peaceful, one accessing it would find an expanse of never ending ocean, constantly on the horizon would be brutal waves that crashed into one another though the centremass being a serene, peaceful surface that almost beckoned one to enter. It is easy to stand shockingly upon this, as if it was not your time to enter or be lulled into the deep, though if one were to look below they’d only be able to see a mere meter or two down into an abyss which replicated a depth that only staring into the night sky of space could replicate.

Within the mid of it all, a swirling whirlpool provides entry or perhaps entrapment, such is unclear though in truth it is both. Rivu is often found here, meditating and hovering within the center with both boots on the shaft of his trident.

Natural State:

» Zanpakutō Type:Rivu-aiasan is a Kido-Water (Oceanic) based Zanpaktou which specializes in Medium to Long range combat. The baseline premise being access to Hydrokinesis, applying effects of the Ocean and amplying/uniquely using his Kido in tandem.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Rivu within its sealed form replicates the baseline for many Shinigami sealed weapons, a 70 CM bladed samurai sword with a single edge that curves ever so slightly. The scabbard though isn’t black, instead adorning a deeper blue hue which matches with the wrapping around the hilt of the weapon, with the core being white, offering a pretty aesthetic of which can be a little distinctive.

Sealed Appearance:

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power:

Rivu’s sealed powers can offer much insight into what is to come, or atleast a vague idea of it for onlookers. Upon unsheathing the blade from the scabbard, there is a thin layer of slick water of which amasses on the point, only to drip softly onto the floor.

The trait of which this offers is when Akira runs his palm or fingers across the water and activates his next Kido, its potency is increased by 15%, though once done, there is a single round cooldown before the effect may be used again. In this instance for Kaido, healing can be more potent whilst Bakudo could achieve a greater speed in activating a seal or barrier for defensive measures.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Bring them peace, Rivu-aiasan

» Shikai Release Action: Akira’s hand brings Rivu-aiasan into a sheathed stance, offering a nano-second of time to pass as droplets manifest instantaneously, evident in a release of both spiritual pressure and the elemental type of the Zanpaktou. They gather around scabbard, hilt alike before covering them in an inky darkness only to be unsheathed shortly after with a swift vertical strike, revealing Rivu-aiasan.

» Shikai Appearance: Rivu-aiasan undertakes a rather drastic shift, though still a curved blade of 70CM’s, the hilt had forged a form of black barnacle like trait which is damp to the touch. It still rests comfortably within his hand though, as if the grip isn’t affected by such, furthermore it takes on a black hue with little cracks around the shaft that display consistent motions of water coursing through and leaking a little into the black hilt, only to be re-absorbed and brought back into the fold. This water breaches into the blade itself, a dull blue hue of which the surface of the weapon is seemingly in constant motion, akin to the surface of the calm sea.

Manifesting behind Akira Is a vast reservoir of water, seemingly moving off instinct and free thought of Akira’s mentality.. It constantly shifst, move and absorb local moisture though never exceeds the 30 gallon mark as a combined total, acting on instinct and mental command rather than verbal indication, evidently an extension of the Zanpaktou itself.

Shikai Appearance:

» Shikai Abilities:

Passive Gain: Surface of the Ocean.

In Shikai, Rivu-aiasan retains the amplification of Kido from its sealed state though gains more methods of incorporating Kido in a variety ways, furthermore Akira’s Hydrokinesis is Oceanic, not only allowing him to incorporate effects from the Sea but shift his water into sea water, granting it a light resistance from freezing temperatures. Effectively representing the primordial devastation of the sea whilst mirroring his Kido expertise, conductive and vast. By gliding his palm against the blade or dipping his hand within any water with his reiatsu in, he is able to cast Hadō, Bakudo or a Kaido with an extra 10% increase in potency once per round with a two round cooldown. (25% Overall)

Akira has complete Hydrokinesis in Shikai, allowing him to manipulate up to four large beach ball sized orbs of water in a 40ft radius which uses his Zanjutsu for relative stat checks. This is limited by his creativity and can’t be extracted from living beings. He can choose to sacrifice 1 orb to enhance a technique or store a Kido within a globe and release it wherever the orb may be, later retaining it for a maximum of two posts before forcefully dissipating. Anytime these orbs are used in this way, they dissipate, as it takes posts for Akira to return an orb. Should either ability be used, there is a one post cooldown and only a maximum of two orbs can be sacrificed back to back (One post after another).

Kaiyō atsuryoku (Oceanic Pressure):

Shikai Weaknesses/Drawbacks:

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: N/A.

» Bankai Release Action: N/A

» Bankai Appearance: N/A

» Bankai Abilities: N/A

I. Vizard Information

» Inner Hollow Name: Zathrusta

» Inner Hollow: Zathrusta is a large semi-humanoid creature which stands around 6’1ft, an entirely crustacean-like plating across his body that descends into thick muscle tendrils which replicate that of an octopus. The entirely white creature has two large hands that are covered in this chitin, yet moves as if natural and one with itself, slithering through and acting akin to a sea monster to terrify many.The head has a thick dress of tendrils going down to the back, no features upon the face bar four eyes that glow a sickly crimson. These black dots within their core being the way he sees.

By all accounts, Zathrusta is a terrifying creature who delights in domination, constantly eager for the next meal, favoring tormenting its prey before consuming it. The entity enjoys indulging with sadistic intent also mental abuse, torture and quite frankly is an overall bad thing, barley talking as an act though instead enjoys assaulting Akira during his rest. There is an air of constant intellect behind Zath though which indicates a level of forethought.

Zath has already had an opportunity to seize control yet instead decided to remain, letting Akira feel in control only to demonstrate how thin that control is again, seemingly enjoying the thrill of the torment more than freedom itself. Zathrusta also is seemingly though not above offering evil, devilish thoughts to Akira during awkward moments, whispering into his earlobe, though above else does value self preservation. If the host dies, so does he and he no longer gets his fun toy.

Zathrusta Appearance:

» Inner Hollow Powers: N/A

Mask Appearance:

» Vizard Powers:

Cero: This is a very powerful and extremely swift blast of energy that can be made by anyone infected by hollows. It has been shown by some Gillian-class hollows to blast even towns apart, their wide array of power being quite scary. As the classes of hollows goes up, the power of their cero is also quite unique and strong. Most cero of basic hollow have shown to be simply red in colour. A cero can also be shot from a variety of locations, each unique to the hollow in question; this can be the tongue, finger tip, fist or even eyeball if one wished.

I. Equipment

» Equipment:

Shizukesa to kodoku (Serenity and Solitude):
Serenity and Solitude is a small bookshop of which offers warm tea to its avid members, a large array of books for those interested in the spiritual and those who are just there to get away from the world and immerse themselves within the confines of a good book. Akira took over this place after their former owner died during World War 4, an aspect he did not involve himself in, alongside Ato Erinya.

Gigai: This specific variation of Gigai allows for a repression of spiritual energy, effectively offering the illusion of a basic human for those with deduction/focus at beginner. Anything higher and one may note the irregularities. This gigai also allows an individual to return to spiritual form with a mere thought, allowing easier access for combat situations.

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
» Durability: C
» Speed: D
» Strength: D
» Soul: B
» Total: 7

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Advanced.
» Focus: Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Beginner
» Kidō: Elite
» Zanjutsu:Adept
» Hakuda:Untrained

Vizard Skills
» Power Augmentation Beginner
» Hollow Control: Beginner

I. Role Play Sample

[b]» Roleplay Sample:Akira could recall when there weren't plumes of smoke rising into a once beautiful blue sky, now marred by the destructive advance of Demonkind that seemed to be a never ending tide of monstrous entities. The gash which cut through white cloth was still fresh, vermillion dripping down across the left side, as the same hue stained the crown of white hair which sat sullied by blood, soot and muck alike.

On each side were large, crumbling buildings though more pressing infront of him was a larger entity of about 9ft, a jackal like maw spewing forth a amber flame that caused rock to melt into itself, only held off by the spiraling umbrella which had been forged from Rivu-aiasan, whose tip dug into the stone below.

“Tch. You beasts are w-worst than Arrancar.”

He uttered with a toned thick with exhaustion, palm holding with what little physical strength remained upon the pommel of the curved, wavy blade.

“Fine, I’ll bring you to heel now.”

The left hand, littered with blood and drenched in sweat from combat, only enhanced further by the roaring inferno being brought down upon him, golden hues focusing on the reiatsu of the Demon, reaching his arm back and bringing Rivu into an impalement stance, before an orb of yellow energy crackled into life. Bakudo #30: Shitotsu Sansen. This unspoken refinement saw a sudden movement, palm inverting a triangle within the air, of which each corner crackled into life with a cone like point.

“Down, dog.”

He snarled with a calm rage, releasing the Bakudo that tore through the water and roaring flame alike, coming to impact a shoulder each, final point embedding itself into the left thigh of the Demon, the building behind acting as the binding as it began to writhe in eagerness. The flame managed to breaking through for a brief moment, clothing, flesh alike currently singed as teeth grinded against one another out of spite.

“W-When you return, I-I’ll be waiting.”

Akira claimed as Rivu was already in a horizontal position, left hand gliding against it as an orb of energy began to infuse with the sea blue blade. It engulfed it within a light glow, before lips parted to state swiftly.“Hadō #32. Ōkasen.”The Demon roared defiantly, letting out a final exhale of incredible heat though met with an empowered beam that sliced through amber and flesh alike, blood spraying as the torso was cut in two, so was the building it was pinned to. The heavy rocks crumbled, falling down whilst Akira slumped against the alleyway of which parts still steamed with heat.


Last edited by Valqy on Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:53 am; edited 9 times in total (Reason for editing : 03/11/2023 - Shikai IMG being replaced due to coding issue. | 19/02/2024: Focus and Willpower to Adept. Kido to Elite. Added Vizard Racials and Kido techniques/24/04/17:09GMT. Clarified Righteous Embodiment due to a miscommunication and forgetfulness. .)
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[Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer. Left_bar_bleue42100/16000[Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer. Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

[Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer. Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer.

Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:47 am
Initial Check:



Last edited by Lillian on Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer. Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer.

Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:01 am
Hey! Cheers for your time on this!


1.Altered the Bio to omit Aizens influence, added Hollow Infection method!
2.Made requested edits and clarifications to the Sight of Sanctuary, Demonic Unbinding and Demonic Unrest. Edited Sight to shift to Deduction. (Thank you for clarification!)
3.Removed Inner World: Bankai.
4.Kept Kido Amplification for Zan.
5.Changed resource system to obvious Orbs. Wanted to clarify if the Kido thing is also what you meant or keep it at a consistent 10% from sealed into Shikai.
6.Removed all Techs bar Oceanic Pressure, hopefully that is far better and more what you are referring to! Apologies, trying to still get my bearings ect.
7.Inner Hollow stuff rectified.
8.Skill Sheet changed! Requesting Advanced in Deduction for the clarification on the Focus, Focus brought back into Beginner. Kido brought to Advanced.
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[Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer. Empty Re: [Spirit Class 6] Akira Tairitsu, the Kido Killer.

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