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The Cat
The Cat
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Joined : 2014-06-28
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[Spirit Class 7] V Left_bar_bleue24000/10000[Spirit Class 7] V Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

[Spirit Class 7] V Empty [Spirit Class 7] V

Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:39 am

I. Basic Information

» Name: V
» Alias: Bnuuy
» Age: 28
» Gender: Lady Bun

» Appearance Written: V is 6'2 with naturally darker skin, pale white hair, reddish-brown eyes, and a muscular figure. She has spent over a decade working purely on her body both in terms of strength, and looks, which in turn built up confidence in her image and lead her to wearing just about whatever the hell she wants. From very casual outfits like jeans and a tank top, to expensive dresses and about everything in between. V will wear whatever she wants, whenever she wants, so there's no real one outfit for her.

» Appearance Image:
[Spirit Class 7] V SAiMxQh

I. Personality

» Personality: V has mellowed out a little over the years, but the brazen, excitable, egotism is still very prevalent in her everyday attitude. It's just that now V can think. This has led her to becoming somewhat cunning at times when she wants to be. And where she would rush headlong into battle before, she might hold herself back. That being said there's still plenty of battle loving meathead in her left to prove this point wrong. It's simply less consistent now.

Whatever V thinks is fun, which is usually good food, drinks, and fighting, often gets her very excited very quickly, and the boisterous rabbit is more than eager to spread that happiness among friends or even unlucky bystanders from time to time. She just wants others to be happy, too. But for as social and excitable as she can be, the maturity that's come with her age has also calmed that part of her enough to where she's not constantly looking for social contact anymore. It's more like she will indulge when the situation presents itself. Otherwise, V is actually very chill now, a little smarter, but still kind of dumb and hotheaded. Just toned down to a degree that's not totally describably by the term battle-loving meathead.

What V doesn't like is restrictions, especially on one's freedom or livelihood. Everyone deserves the chance to make decisions themselves. Regulations should only exist in moderation as necessary, but over-regulation leads to unnecessary restrictions and those fall under the same level of ridicule and disgust from V personally. Having a situation thrust upon her suddenly is also pretty annoying because it usually interferes with what she was doing. Depending on how severe of an interference it is also determines how upset she gets from it. That being said she's a bit of a hypocrite because she sort of thrusts herself on other people expecting them to simply deal with it, unless she knows she truly shouldn't be doing that, like when it's a really bad time or if that person just doesn't like her. Both valid possiblities in her eyes.

V is actually very secluded from her life as a high profile fashion modeler. Only about 1/3rd of her time is actually spent modeling on normal days, and even then she has entire off-months where she's not doing any model work and she either coops herself up in her house to relax while only going out for fun every so often, or she's out training in the wild which is something she refuses to give up. Her estate is a fairly expensive and expansive modern house that's out on a several thousand acre private property in Japan specifically for this purpose. So she can live peacefully and train where she won't be interrupted.

I. History

» History: V never knew her parents, nor why she has her bunny features, and as far as she can remember the orphanage is just where she was born. She knows she wasn't, but that might as well have been the case. Those are her earliest memories and they extend all the way up to age 14. During her time at the orphanage, V was made fun of for her appearance and her actual name. Her ears didn't fully grow until she was 12, and her tail was just a weird nub on her tailbone, so she just had two weird protrusions sticking out of her head for seemingly no reason. It was clear from where she was growing them as well as the fact she could fucking hear from them that they were her ears, but they still looked like hairless fleshy horns that were the attraction of plenty of bullying in her early years. Couple this with the fact not many kids, if any, were adopted from the orphanage, as well as the fact it was in a crime-rich low income area of the city meant that life in her early years was fairly hellish. She had food, but it wasn't good or nourishing. She had friends, but they would throw her under the bus at a moment's notice to save their own skin. There was a roof over her head, but only sometimes. Other times the kids would lock her outside and the caretakers just wouldn't bother to go and look for her. They hated having to break up the fights she constantly got in. This is where she developed her more aggressive personality.

At the age of 12, her ears had fully grown their fluff and her tail looked more like a tail, and that was when she was fully recognizable as part bunny. Why her and only her remained unclear, but it did explain her unnatural leg strength. It was around this time that a media outlet in the city she grew up in published an article about her orphanage. The next day, lots of couples and adults in general came in to adopt many of the kids. V, by pure chance, was adopted by a very elderly couple that took her home with them to a rather old, but expensive home. Her adoptive father was a martial artists champion and retired mercenary who took down Hollows, while her adoptive mother was a doctor who fell in love with her husband one day while she was diagnosing him to see what she'd need to do to fix his injuries.

Of course with V being the brat she was meant that getting into fights was still on the table. It was when she finally got her ass kicked that her adopted father decided he would teach her how to defend herself. From these martial arts lessons blossomed her initial love for fighting. It was more complicated than just flailing around spastically, and for some reason V loved that. This of course only led to more problems at school involving V now beating up teachers but after an expulsion or two she finally started to take what little education she was able to get, and she was serious about it. She did barely pass the minimum gradings for a general education certificate, but the important part was that she actually did it.

It was during a spar after graduating that V finally awoke her spiritual powers, and while undefined, they were enough to actually win her a fight for once. Of course seeing this happen meant her father had to teach her a lot more than just 'explode randomly'.

The next few years were a blur that led to her father stepping out of retirement to show V the world of mercenary work, leading all the way up to her first Hollow kill. This was done much to her mother's chagrin, but she allowed it on principle of her trusting her husband of 40 years now. Those 40 years were catching up to them both, however, and it was her mother that passed first of a heartattack in her sleep. This being the only mother figure V had, and one she genuinely liked, left her utterly devastated. She became distant for a while, fell out of training, and it wasn't until she nearly lost her life on a mission that she finally snapped out of it.

At this point she was still 18 and her father was now terribly ill. V was miserable, with only a few friends to keep her sane, but she pushed on. It wouldn't be right for her to just give up, and after the time together with her mother and father that she spent when she wasn't out on missions, she was determined to live her life to its fullest.

Her father died and his final words to V were that he and her mother loved her very much, and that they were glad to have found her at all. And with that, V once again had no family whatsoever. For months, she grieved, but in her father's memory she continued to better her body, mind, and soul. And once she was done, V was back and better than ever.

For a few years she spent time simply doing mercenary work, guard work, anything that brought in money, and thankfully it all paid pretty decently. She was able to hold a small apartment for a long while, and due to her simpler nature she didn't mind it at all. It took a bit of sound proofing thanks to her bunny ears, but she managed to make it pretty nice and homely. There were some attempts at dating as well, but none of those went anywhere. Her life was pretty simple, livable, albeit fairly empty. That's why she likes to celebrate with eating and drinking whenever she can. Anything to spice up her life. Her powers developed nicely during this time, and by developed she means she learned to use what she already had a little bit better. Nothing new showed up.

However, V's luck would change completely when she took note of a modeling audition that she stumbled upon. Fashion was a hobby of hers up to this point but it had never crossed her mind to actually give it a shot. She gave it a shot, and with all her years of posing in front of mirrors combined with her limber body and overly confident personality, she posed exactly however she was told and owned it the first time around. While her muscular body was seen as a non-standard body type, muscular bodies were seen as on the rise by one of the producers. That and, well, her bunny features definitely helped her appeal a lot.

A short modeling gig turned into one of the most popular photo shoots in recent years, skyrocketing V into immediate small flavor of the month celebrity status. This combined with her simple nature, having no idea how to deal with all these producers but just agreeing with things regardless, and the fact half of the US and Japan were thirsting over her just from a few magazine covers led her to keep getting model shoot after model shoot. Her loud but fun-loving personality charmed a sizable chunk of the masses, too. A few years later, more money was flowing into V's pockets than she knew what to do with. A few very confusing economy and business classes that she flunked out of later was all it took for her to start storing her money in all the right places.

It never truly got out that she was a mercenary still or that she was a hollow hunter, but V never actually stopped working. There were days she spent a painfully long amount of time modeling lingerie in front of a green screen or an inoffensive, pale wall, but V made sure to get her hours in multiple times a week. Her body and her training took ultimate priority over her modeling career. She just didn't need mercenary work as a source of income anymore. Now the tables have turned and her income and hobbies swapped. From fashion hobby and merc work as income, to making millions as a modeler and hunting hollows for fun.

All of this has led V to mellowing out as her hot blooded nature simply didn't fit the job she has now. That being said she still gets way ahead of herself in fights and has never not loved the thrill of battle, it's just a lot more tempered than it used to be. In fact, she had to temper it for so long that she's starting to itch for a real fight again. For all the power in the modeling world and all the highly positive media relationships she has, V really does just want to fight at the end of the day, and the fact she's kept mercenary work and hollow hunting as her hobby all the way through all that is indicative of this. Yet despite almost daily workouts, training, and when she's lucky, hunts, she can only grow so much without a real challenge.

Small fry isn't cutting it and V knows that. She's looking for something new and bigger to sink her teeth into to really sate that deep need to kick something into a pulp. One day...

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Legs for Years: V's bunny genetics make it much easier for her to build muscle in her legs, to the point that her muscles have gotten so dense that they've become unimaginably powerful. She can block bullets, swords, can kick with enough force to easily shatter reinforced concrete, can jump up to the height of a skyscraper, and can lift a few dozen tons with just her legs. All because of what's effectively almost 15 years of constant work and training. V's arms are about 1/3rd as effective as her legs are, so take anything her legs can do and cut it by 1/3rd and that's how the rest of her body functions with the exception of her abs which sort of have to also be roughly as tough as her legs with the muscle and core strength to keep up with the rest of her body. Else she'd fuck herself up real bad if she tried to do any of the aforementioned feats of strength with her legs.

Enhanced Senses: V's sense of sight, smell, and hearing are all incredibly enhanced by default. She has to specifically channel spiritual energy into her ears to deafen herself slightly so as to not get her ears destroyed whenever she goes into heavily crowded areas or even fights strong opponents. Without that, she can hear minute details up to a mile away, can see details others might not be able to, and can smell up to a mile away or hardly noticeable smells the human nose might otherwise have trouble picking up. Again, all things she can dampen with spiritual energy which at this point she does by default, but removing those limiters brings her up to this natural level of sensitivity.

Proof of Bunny Mastery: An odd name for what is effectively V's fighting style. It involves fluent but powerful kicks that utilize full strength every time while maintaining utterly perfect balance for elongated periods of time. It's a mix of various kicks she picked up from martial arts mixed with acrobatic flips and spins to either add momentum to her strikes or to reposition/balance herself to position her legs in appropriate ass-kicking position.

Flash-Mach Kick: Without moving from her current spot, V can perform a single flash-mach kick. It is a singular full power kick that moves as fast as an adept shunpo. Cannot be used while moving, V cannot perform this rapidly in a flurry style attack or otherwise, but can perform it multiple times with a brief few seconds recovery.

Bunny Hop Express: Despite how heavy her body can be, V can still perform a shunpo-like technique she calls Stutter Step. It's done by combining the ever-present tenseness in her legs to suddenly propel herself in a direction faster than the eye can see, sometimes taking multiple steps for longer distances, and then stopping suddenly either on her own or with the help of her spiritual energies. It's effectively just human Shunpo. Scaling is based off of V's power augmentation.

I. High-Spec Powers

» Lunar Drive: A state of higher power that V can ascend to similar to a Shikai in strength. V's physical strength doesn't increase, but her body both limbers up even more than it already is, her body lightens by about a hundred pounds (putting her at about 200 lbs), and her reiatsu forms a small aura in a five foot radius around her. This lighter body pushes her speed to its current limits while the aura around her starts to slowly erode at other spiritual energies. It's not an aura of decay, but it slowly dismantles other powers that it comes in contact with, giving V a slight defensive advantage over spiritual abilities while allowing her to break and dismantle other powers that she can physically come in contact with. A spiritual conjuration might start to unravel and turn back into unrefined reiryoku while cero and bala can become slightly dismantled just before contact, thus lessening the impact. Things like that.

This power is somewhat unrefined in terms of raw efficiency and strength at the moment. It works on anything, but things of equal level to her Power Control are slowly broken down on contact with the aura in a spherical radius of one foot over the course of one post. Any power being controlled by a user with power control one tier higher is affected half as much, anything higher than that is just utterly immune. On the contrary, anything less than V's power control decays at double the rate in one post, one additional multiplier adding on per level of power control higher that V has.

» Full Body Augmentation: V's power augmentation affects her body as a whole and has not been refined to be able to affect specific limbs yet. At full capacity with power augmentation in mind, V is capable of throwing kicks with enough raw physical force strong enough to take out small buildings like houses. However, if she augments her body and uses Lunar Drive at the same time, she'll run out of juice in a matter of three posts. She is simply not built to use both at the same time as of right now, no matter how hard she trains. Refinement of her overall powers is not something she's very good at for the time being.

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your character has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: Adept
» Speed: Adept
» Strength: Advanced
» Martial Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Adept

Human Skills
» Power Control: Adept
» Physical Augmentation: Adept
» Spiritual Adaptation: Beginner
» Mediumship: Untrained

Last edited by The Cat on Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Spirit Class 7] V Empty Re: [Spirit Class 7] V

Wed Aug 09, 2023 5:10 am
Stomach Acid and four inches, disgusting

Spirit Class: 7

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Power: D
Influence: D
Resources: D
Overall: D
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