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The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 4335
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[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner Empty [Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner

Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:23 am
[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner VIolet_AppHeaderNew

I. Basic Information

» Name: Violet
» Alias: None
» Age: 21
» Appears: Her Age
» Birthday: May 21, 2105
» Gender: Female
» Height: 5’4”
» Weight: 120

» Appearance Written: Violet has a very distinct way that she presents herself to the world. She wears revealing, sexy clothing that drives her parents up the wall. Short skirts, shirts, and shorts are her thing. She keeps her hair long and dyed it from its natural blonde to a two-layered dark purple and lavender color. Her style can be compared to a magical girl goth.

» Alignment: Neutral Good
» Association: Natasha Miller is her aunt.
Solomon Richter is her best friend.
» Rank/Position: None
» Specialty: Is learning

» Sexual Orientation: Straight
» Relationship Status: Single…
» Attraction: Confidence and generosity.

Text Color: 385BA5

Synopsis: Violet is an emotionally unstable woman who feels like an insignificant failure that can’t do anything right. Having run away from home, she finds herself in the City of Light, trying her best to start up a decent life, make friends, and finally find a form of happiness. She is still trying to train her Quincy abilities, showing little success, but has been slowly gaining confidence through the help of a couple of friends who have stayed by her even after she seriously messed things up.

I. Personality

» Personality:
Violet has a temper derived from a frustrating upbringing that controlled her entire life. She is quick to snap at people who annoy her, and many people annoy her. She has no respect for parents, or anyone who tries to treat her like a kid just because too many idiots now age to ridiculous years. Eighteen was the year she became an adult and she will be treated like one by more than just the fucking law.

Even with this attitude, she has a difficult time saying no to her parents. Years of unwanted exposure, you know, like parents have a habit of doing, has left a weakness in her that prevents her from telling them to fuck off. It’s not like they’re nice to her either. They’re bossy, selfish, hateful, and keep trying to push Quincy shit on her, even though they’ve often called her a failure and a waste of money.

Violet despises feeling like she has no choice in what happens to her. She craves a sense of control in her life, so she takes hold of little victories she can create. Order her to run errands, she decides when. Order her to train her powers, she decides how. This lack of control often leads her to run away from home, or whoever is watching over her. Even though she’s legally an adult, she’s on a leash.

Though rebelling against their plan for her, Violet doesn’t hate her parents. She’s just tired of feeling like a complete failure in their eyes, so she tries to get away from them. Their Quincy bloodline has caused them to push her hard, but she can’t seem to grasp a hold of any of the concepts. Secretly, she keeps trying to figure things out, as a way of some how making her parents proud of her… for once.

I. History

» History:
Violet came into the world as the first and only child of Rose and Nathaniel Gardner. Violet’s father was the fourth son of a Quincy bloodline, but had no real promise as a Quincy himself. This caused Nathaniel a lot of stress. So, when he found out Rose was a Quincy, he had hopes for Violet. From a young age, around eight, Violet began her training as a Quincy. Her father’s status as a failure in his family gave him an excuse to push Violet hard in her training, but she did not live up to his expectations. Seeing his daughter as a way to prove it “just skipped a generation,” Nathaniel forced military-ish training on Violet for years.

At fourteen, Violet became angry and rebellious. She often participated in record breaking screaming matches with her father, until finally he threw her out of the house. Violet lived on the street for three months, until the police brought her home. Having calmed down, her parents welcomed her back on one condition: she trained. She agreed to the terms, but soon found her training yielded nothing. Violet had no confidence, and no will to become a Quincy. The only skill Violet trained in that she also excelled at was martial training. Anything that came from her Quincy bloodline, Violet was a complete and utter failure.

After her eighteenth birthday, things became much worse. Violet backed out of all training causing more intense fights between her and her Father. Violet never even created her own spirit weapon, so her father officially gave up on her. He made sure she knew he regretted having her, which caused her mother to finally get involved. Unfortunately, while her mother did defend her birth, she did express her disappointment in Violet for never just listening to her father and really focus on her training. Creating a “compromise” between everyone, her mother decided Violet was to spend time away from home and sent her to live with her Aunt Natasha. Unfortunately, Violet never made it and vanished on her family.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Martial Skill:
Violet has been trained to defend herself since a young age. She is very capable in self-defense, showing the same impressive skills of many disciplined experts.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Novice: Violet hasn’t successfully attained any Quincy abilities, yet.

I. Spirit Weapon

» Spirit Weapon Name: [What is the name of your Spirit Weapon? If it has one, remove if not.]

» Spirit Weapon Appearance: [What form does your spirit weapon take?]

» Spirit Weapon Abilities: [If it has any unique abilities or properties, please put them here.]

I. Quincy Release

» Letzt Stil or Vollständig: [Quincy have one of two pathways to choose from. Please specify which pathway your quincy uses here].

» Name: [What is your quincy's release state called, if they have named it. Remove if not.]

» Appearance: [What does your quincy's release state look like?]

» Abilities: [What abilities does your quincy gain upon using their released form? Keeping in mind that Letzt Stil are usually much simpler and basic as a result of it's greater output and short timeframe whereas a Vollständig will have more flexibility and a greater range of abilities for the quincy to utilise.]

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your character has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: D
» Speed: D
» Strength: D
» Soul: D

Will Skills
» Willpower: Beginner
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Beginner

Quincy Skills
» Blut: Untrained
» Gebet: Untrained
» Kreuzen: Untrained
» Steigen: Untrained


Last edited by Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫ on Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:28 pm; edited 6 times in total
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[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner

Mon Jun 12, 2023 10:20 am

Hazard Ranks
Power: F
Influence: D
Resources: F

Comments/Notes: No mention of Seele Schneiders, 4/10.

Spirit Class: 9
Hazard Rating: F
Application Approved

The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 4335
Age : 32
Location : Moved

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Platinum Points:
[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner

Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:27 pm
Violet's Upgrade List

New Stat System: August 19th, 2024
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[Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Violet Gardner

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